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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Jul 2010 22:19

Hello girls.
Just a quick hello to you all,and to let you know that I am thinking of you.
I am out for the day tommorrow, with the family, so I will look in tommorrow night.
Take care of yourselves. Love and best wishes Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 31 Jul 2010 03:53

hi Huia,

I don't think you need a zimmer frame yet, not with the way you go walking and such. Hope the hospice work goes well, you will get a new lease of life working there maybe, lots of new friends to make if the shop is like ours here, people pop in to charity shops for company as much as the bargains at times.

Sallie, will be able to raise a glass on your anniversary then lol there should be some booze flowing and with not having to drive anywhere or do more than stagger to the room afterwards I can at last have a few drinks lol I think the reception is due to wind down early evening, it starts at 3pm and is only a buffet and the son said at the end they are going to order bacon rolls for anyone still around, how elegant lol I can just imagine o.h. by then, he will either be asleep in a corner snoring his head off or falling about acting stupid, either way I shall disown him, won't be babysitting him, that's for sure. He can get on with it and someone else can look after him, maybe the scrounger son. O.h's ex and her partner are staying at the hotel I think, but his dad and stepmum, and sisters and one partner will be driving back to Norwich. Not sure what bride's family will do as they live nearer the venue.

Have to answer some emails so will love you and leave you,
take care all


Huia Report 31 Jul 2010 03:24

Sallie, if you are nervous about your next outings, just remind yourself that you survived the last 2 without the world coming to an end, so why should it happen now.

I was 23 when I married, but that was 51 yrs ago. No wonder I have trouble getting up off the floor. Fetch me a Zimmer frame.



AnninGlos Report 30 Jul 2010 22:31

Sallie yes I was twenty + two weeks more or less when we got married.


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Jul 2010 22:04

we were oldsters when we got married lol!

I was 27, and OH turned 29 on Aug 18

we had known each other for 8 years, since 1959, as in the same department at Liverpool

had 7 "dates" over 2½ years, ie dinner or pub as friends when we were in the same area of the country.

Got serious and engaged (on the same date!!) just before Christmas 1966

He left for Texas end of February '67 ...... almost 6 weeks later than planned 'cos of bureaucratic hold-ups. Needless, to say money was short as he quit work as of December 31



Sallie Report 30 Jul 2010 21:48

Sylvia, my maternal grandmother's birthday was on the 12th August, and like your OH, she would tell people that it was the opening of the grouse season. I always wondered what that had to do with us, seeing that no one in our family ever shot any grouse. Still it's a bit of information, that has always stayed with me.
I thought that you and OH had got married in August, 1967, but couldn't remember the date. I agree, 1967 was a good year!

Ann, just thinking that both you and I were married when we were twenty. I was 20 in July and got married about six weeks later, in August. Alun, was twenty one in the January before.

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 30 Jul 2010 21:22

Mo so pleased that your grandson has enjoyed his holiday. Goodness I didn't know they had flights from there at that time of the morning, they are about 30 minutes from the airport, maybe a bit less, they may not need to be there two hours before at that time of morning, I wouldn't thinkt here were many flights then.

Sylvia, your anniversary is the day before my birthday and Sallie your anniversary is the day after ours. (and would have been the day before my Mum and Dad's.


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Jul 2010 20:48

Hi everyone

Sallie ... we'll celebrate 43 years on the 12th August .

.... opening of the grouse season as OH always likes to tell people!

1967 was a very good year!

Still another evening of peace .......... the family returns tomorrow afternoon (Saturday). Weather forecast is good through at least the early part of the week.

Monday is a Statutory Holiday for us ..... equivalent of your Bank Holdiay. Known as BC Day in this province, other names in other provinces.



Sallie Report 30 Jul 2010 20:43

Hello Ladies,

Mo, I decided to go to Derby again today, as I wanted to buy a joint from one of the butchers in the market hall, and of course, I have to have a few more outings on my own, before seeing the Counsellor next time. It went okay, but I wasn't as confident as I was last week. With the schools being on holiday, it was a lot more crowded there today, so I wasn't there very long at all, I just couldn't wait to get home. I just hope that I'll be alright next week, because I have planned on having a couple of outings.
Glad to know that your grandson have enjoyed his holiday, and hope they don't get any delays on the journey home.

Huia, good luck for Monday, in your job at the Hospice Shop, I hope it all goes well and that you'll enjoy the company. The company will deffinitely do you the world of good.

Liz, I didn't realise that OH's son was getting married on the 28th August.
Alun and I will have been married 43 years on that day. If you can remember the August Bank Holiday was always the first Monday in August, until 1967 when they changed it to the last Monday. We had to get married on the Monday, because Alun's parents owned a shop, and wouldn't close the shop on the Saturday, so that they wouldn't lose any business. So it happened that we got married on the first Bank Holiday Monday, that fell at the end of the month.

Hope Debbie and her family have arrived safely, to wherever they decided to go for their holiday.

I hope all is well with Marie and her family, and that she's feeling a bit better than she' been, lately.

Thinking about Jean, and hoping she has had a better day today.

Sylvia, are you all ready, once again, for your family. Just hope that the weather will be nice while they are there. Take care!

Ann, hope you and T will have a great day at the Newport meet tomorrow.
I was pleased when I read Daff's post on her thread earlier on, after she'd been to the hospital.

I'm going for a shower now, so will speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jul 2010 19:38

Good luck at the hospice shop on Monday Huia. I am sure you will enjoy it.
The company will do you the world of good.
I was laughing at your description of you cleaning out your freezer. I would have loved to have been fly on your wall watching you.

Oh my god Liz, I bet Mr Cheerful was in a wonderful mood having his sleep disturbed.
It really cheeses you of doesn't it, to have inconsiderate workmen around.
Makes you feel like finding out where they live, and knocking at their doors early on a Sunday morning,and waking them up.
So the wedding of the year is on the bank holiday weekend then. At least if Im Indoors gets to hung over, he has at least got an extra day to get over it.
The way things are going, you should be able to get your wedding shoes in the end of summer sales.

Ann, I heard from my grandson this afternoon. They have had a brilliant time. Their flight home is at 4.00a.m in the morning, they are going to be absolutely shattered.
I should imagine they will have to leave the hotel by midnight tonight, to get to the airport in time for their flight home.

I wonder where our Sallie is tonight. Coooee love, I hope you are o.k.
Poor Sylvia's peace will now be shattered, as the family should be home now.

A special (((((((((((HUG))))))))) for our Jean.

Big ~~~~~~~~~wave for Marie, across the sea.

I hope Debbie and the family have arrived safetly at their destination.

Bye for now girls. Love to all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 30 Jul 2010 02:36

Sylvia, we bought our chest freezer about 1970, I think. It has been very useful, living a long way from shops. But as you say, difficult to reach the bottom, and I am only 5ft 4 tall, and dont bend too easily (almost 5ft round my tum! - no just kidding, but you get the picture). I dont have much in that freezer now. I used to have lost of containers of chunks of grapefruit etc for making marmalade for Phil, but now he isnt here and I dont eat marmalade I took the frozen fruit to the Salvation Army shop as I was told they have a freezer and somebody who makes marmalade. I still have some unknowns in the bottom of that freezer. Maybe I will get around to hauling them out sometime. Perhaps I will wait till my son visits as he is taller than me and has longer arms!

At least the freezer part of the fridge is now clean and tidy. It was hard work doing it though. I had to sit on the floor to chip the ice out and put it into containers for disposal. Every time I wanted to stand up I had to roll over onto my knees and crawl to the sink so I could haul myself up. I must have been a sight. It was hard work. I never had that problem when I was younger.

I went for a walk of almost 2 hours this morning after hanging the washing on the line. I still have to make my bed with clean sheets.

I start at the Hospice shop on Monday morning, that is in 3 days time.

Better finish my rather late lunch now.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Jul 2010 00:05

Hi all (just put this on Friendly thread as well so easier to copy and paste than try and write separate response I will just say have a good holiday Debbie, it sounds really fun to take a last minute decision, I could see me doing that if I went off on my own lol but o.h. likes everything organised and sorted beforehand, no spontaneity with him.)

thanks for email, I have seen it before but it always makes me laugh.

Am a bit low after this week of o.h. being on nights, it's thrown me with the different times and not having the car or being able to get out easily with him about.
Yesterday Thursday, was awful, he got home around 6.30am and came up to bed and then there was all this noise, it turned out neighbour over the road, was having his drive brick weaved so a digger on a lorry and another lorry and a van turned up, all parked almost under our bedroom window which was open for air. There are no front gardens in this close, just about a couple of metres at most of grass verge in front of each house expect that neighbour doing the drive and the one on the other corner, so the vehicles just parked where they could, never mind anyone else, people couldn't get in and out of cul de sac, milkman had to walk down from the end and the noise, it was awful. The workmen were shouting conversations, and in the end I got up and slammed the window shut but the d/glazing is old so not very effective. I went and found some earplugs for o.h. as he had to be back at work at 6pm and I stayed down and had a cuppa and a headache pill then went back to bed, but I kept being woken up by the various sounds of the digger etc
O.h. went out when he got up and asked how long the men would be and said he was on nights, and they said they will be there as long as it takes on Friday but would try not to make too much noise. The first machine is a whacker which compresses the soil before they start laying the bricks, lovely!
I just can't seem to concentrate on much at the mo with the tiredness. Next week he is on a fortnight of 6am to 6pm so still not good and he gets so tired and tetchy too I will try to go out most afternoons so he can get ready on his own, then I don't get the blame for making him forget something.

The wedding is on 28th August and I have yet to go out and get shoes and a bag and his shirt, he hasn't tried on his suit so might have to have a new one, and needs a white shirt by order of his son. Personally I think a pale lilac one would look better on him especially if he wears his dark suit, but the son thinks he should get a pale grey one to match his and the bestman and the father of the bride, I don't think it matters about father of the groom matching, it's such a casual wedding so not as if it's posh stuff.
Oh well, will see what happens when he tries the other suit.

Whatever he wears, he will spill something down the front soon as look at him lol He's messy like that!

Will catch up with folk soon, just need to get a bit more sleep first, so apologies if I have not yet thanked you for cards etc I will get round to it.

take care all, I hope everyone copes with all being thrown at them and apologies for not responding to everyone's posts at the mo.



SylviaInCanada Report 29 Jul 2010 22:38

Hi everyone

Debbie ..... just in case you pop in again ..... have a great holdiay. Travel safely

We have an upright freezer in the basement, it has shelves in it, and 2 drawers at the bottom (each half width), they're slanted and don't actually hold too much!

We used to have a large chest freezer, which was yonkers old, we bought it from a friend about 1989 so you can tell! We decided to let it go about 2 years ago .................... I used to have to hang over the edge with head down to see what was in there! Even at 5'8" my feet were almost off the floor when I did that!

Gawd, I'd find all kinds of things at the bottom though!

We also have a bottom freezer to our fridge in the kitchen with a shelf and a basket, and that holds quite a lot ..... I try to have ready meals in there (all home made), at least one meal amounts of raw ground meat (minced beef), stew meat, stir fry meat, as well as bacon, butter, ground coffee and coffee beans. We put larger items like roasts, frozen smoked mackerel, and all the frozen juice we keep buying on special in the one downstairs. Idea being I have access to everything to make whatever meal is needed, while OH can go downstairs to get other stuff.

J phoned this morning ....... mainly to touch base, and tell us which ferry they are catching home on Saturday. They are having a good time. They made lunch yesterday for her godfather, his wife, and J's godmother, who also lives on the Island. Everyone knows everyone of course as we were all friends way back from the 60s, so they had a good 3 hours or so.

In fact, I met J's godmother R when I started my first real job teaching at the Girls Grammar School in Northwich back in January 1965! She then came to Vancouver to visit a relation, met a Canadian, married him in 1966, and came to live in Vancouver. Never dreamt that I would end up in the same city only 2 years later! R is much the youngest of that crew though!

J's godfather is 78, his wife will be 80 later this year, and R is about 64 or 65! J etc are staying in the "cottage" (really a small 3 bedroom house) that her godfather and wife built on the property next to the one where they live ......... it means that visitors can have privacy, and they can have peace until they actually want to see the visitors. You're usually told that coffee will be served at 10 am, and then after lunch you're told if they want you to go "home" for a while!!

In return ................. you clean the cottage, vacuum, wash the sheets and towels, etc before leaving.

Which is why J and co are coming home on the 3:15 pm ferry! It will arrive about 5:15 pm at the terminal that is about a 20 minute drive south of where we live ............ so a late dinner on Saturday!!

Meant to say ................. my brother and his wife separated about 1985. We were over here, and his eldest daughter also lived in Vancouver. He told his 2 remaining daughters that neither of us was to be told .......... of course, one of them disobeyed!

He was so mad when I phoned and asked what was going on "I didn't want you two to know" "I didn't want you to be worried" etc etc etc

For the next 5 years, until he quite literally dropped dead, he and his wife lived apart, but would go away together at least 2 weekends a month. He would take her shopping one night a week (she was by that time living as Carer with her mother), and they would go out for dinner at least one night a week.

Couldn't live together, couldn't live apart!

They'd got married at the age of 21 and 22 in 1952

take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 29 Jul 2010 22:28

Mo how thoughtless of your brother. Next time maybe you should tell him to find somewhere else to stay.

Sallie, I have never tried to do 5X7 embossing. In fact I am a bit lazy about using the Cuttlebug. Why don't you want to buy on line? Although I know the postage is a nuisance. Have you got any independent craft shops near you that may sell them?


Sallie Report 29 Jul 2010 22:16

Ann, I can't get the bigger embossing folders at Hobbycraft, they only have the smaller ones. I didn't realise that there are two sizes until I wanted to emboss a 5x7 card. I know they sell them on some sites on the internet, they cost around £6.99 each and the smaller ones around £3.95.

I know you do a lot of embossing so thought you might know where I can get the larger folders from, without getting them off the internet.
Most of the shops in this area, stock the Sizzix folders. I know I can use those, but thought I'd try and get the Cuttlebug folders first.

Mo, your brother should have let you know that he was staying in his own home, last night. I think it wasn't just a matter of the fact that not only were you worried about him, but he should have had the good manners and decency to let you know, that he was okay. After all, it was to you he came to, when he needed a place to stay. I hope that both you and Roly will get an apology off him.
I can understand why he didn't want, at least his daughter to know, but it does put you and Roly in an awkward situation. As you say Mo, families!
I hope you're starting to feel better after the loss of your cat.

Well, I'll say goodnight to you all. Speak to you tomorrow.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Jul 2010 21:33

Ann our freezer is also an upright,but it only has four drawers, hence my thinking it's not big enough.
I read your thread about the washing machine. You certainly came out the better for shopping around didn't you. Well done to you both.

Hi ya Sallie good to hear from you love.
It is good to read that the therapist is at last showing you how well you have advanced, from when you first started to see her.
You have done so well, and I am sure we are all proud of how well you have progressed.
My brother had a meeting with his OH last night. He was due to meet her at 9.15 last night. I txted him at 11.30 to tell him I was going to bed.
When I got up this morning, he had not been home. I tried to phone him,on his mobile, but got no answer. So I worried all day,as he had not taken his medication with him. At six o-clock tonight I rang him again, and guess what, he was at his house having dinner with his family.
I was actually ringing him at this time, to find out how long he would be,before getting back to us,so that I could put his dinner on.
To say I was annoyed,was putting it lightly. Why couldn't he have rung me
to let me know he was o.k,and to let me know what was going on.
Anyway, suffice to say, they are back together again. For the time being anyway. But believe me, if they have any another arguments, they can sort it out in their own home.
My ten year old nephew, has got more sense than both his parents put together.
I don't agree with them arguing in front of the children, but there has to be another way of sorting all this out.
Oh and by the way Sallie, he has no intention of telling his eldest children what has been going on.
I can understand that, as my niece would have gone round and sorted his wife out, making it worse for him in the end.
Well enough of my moans. Huh Families can be a real problem at times
cant they. LOL
Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 29 Jul 2010 21:20

Sallie, don't they stock them in Hobbycraft then? Have you tried putting the name of the embossing folders and local sockists to ????? into google search?


Sallie Report 29 Jul 2010 21:03

Hi Ladies,

Debbie, I hope you see this before you go away. Have a lovely holiday all of you, and take care travelling about in either Holland or France. Wherever you decide to go, I hope you'll get good weather. Enjoy yourselves.

Mo, I've been to see the Cousellor today, she was very pleased that I had been to Derby on my own. My last session with her is in two weeks time, so she wants me to go for a few outings on my own, before then.
Apparently, I was only to have six sessions with her, but she decided when I went for the two assessment sessions,that I would need twelve.
I must say, that I feel a whole lot better, than when I first went to see her. It's amazing that just by talking to her, I came to realise that issues that I had over the years, were all linked and causing me problems. I thought that they were all separate issues, until she made me see things in a different way.
Is your brother still with you and Roly? If so, I hope he's let his two oldest children know about what's happening.

Sylvia, I hope your knee is feeling a lot better now. It's nice to know that there is someone like me, that doesn't like water and doesn't swim either. As a child I hated going swimming, all my friends loved going, so I always felt the odd one out.
When do your family get back? Sending lots of hugs and kisses to MJ.xxxx
I hope that you'll find a suitable baby sitter for next Thursday. It's a pity that you don't know of anyone that you can trust and that is a responsible and
reliable person.

Huia, glad that everything was okay for you at the clinic. It's a shame that Phil was asleep most of the time you were there, and when he was awake, he wasn't as responsive as he's been. Let's hope that on your next visit to him, he'll be like he's been lately. It certainly makes you feel better.
I hope that you are managing to sleep a lot better now. It's so annoying just lying there, feeling really tired, and not being able to get to sleep.

Ann, you made me smile when you told us about the lunch date. Never mind, at least you'll have another lunch out, so that's got to be good.
It would be nice if you can meet up with Debbie for a drink, when you go to Jersey. A mini meet, oh lovely, .I wish I could be there too!
Apart from the internet, do you know where I can buy the 5x7 embossing folders for the Cuttlebug, please? I've tried all the usual places, like Hobbycraft, etc., with no luck.

Thinking about Jean, and hoping that she'll start to feel better very soon.

Liz, I hope you are feeling much better, too. How long is it to the wedding?
Sorry, I can't remember the date you told us. Put it down to my age, lolol!!

Marie, hope you and your family are all alright. Are you still going to the gym with your friends? Take care and look after yourself.

Speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 29 Jul 2010 16:23

Ours is an upright freezer with 5 drawers and a space at the bottom for ice cream. But it is very iced up at the moment and a struggle to get the drawers open. And, even with this one where I can see most things I 'find' items I have forgotten buried. OH usually insists on eating them as he says they will just have lost quality not have gone off!!!!! I let him get on with it!

We have just been out to buy a new washing machine (see my seperate thread.)


AnninGlos Report 29 Jul 2010 16:19

Debbie, we arrive on 22 August - 29th. Maybe we could meet for a drink some time when we are there?

Have a great holiday.