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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Aug 2010 16:32

Whew!!! thank goodness for that Sylvia, he got good results really. Perhaps now he will relax a bit, and not be so tetchy with everyone.
If he came to our house he would have to eat what was here,or go without.
The shops are not that far away, and if he has money in his pocket, he could buy them himself. LOL

Hi Ann, not long now till your holidays is it. And I wonder who's birthday is
not very far off.


AnninGlos Report 6 Aug 2010 08:32

Congratulations to him. Well done.


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Aug 2010 00:13

heard about an hour ago

s-i-l has got his PhD

....... excellent presentation

...... excellent thesis

...... good contribution to the subject

He has to make a couple of minor changes, whicuh he'll do after he gets home tomorrow (Friday), because he has the necessary resoruces there.




SylviaInCanada Report 5 Aug 2010 22:06


That visit wasn't really like "staying" with friends, as in being in the same house.

J's godfather and his wife own 2 plots of land. They have built a smallish 3 bedroom house on the second lot, call it The Cottage, and put up visitors in there. They provide makings for breakfast (cereal, milk, bread, jam), plus eating and cooking utensils, and expect you to go over to the "big" house for mid-morning coffee and lunch, and then later for dinner (or you can stay the afternoon with them, unless they send you "home"!).

OR you could stay in the cottage and prepare your own lunch or even dinner, or go out for the day.

I gather from what J said, that they actually spent quite a lot of time in the Cottage, and much less time at the "big" house than we, for example, would do.

There are 5 of our long time friends in this one town ....... all J's "honorary" aunts and uncles, and all now at least late 60s (oldest is 84). M&J go to visit them whenever they can

The problem is that none of them really have seen M as we have seen him ............... so they have no understanding of what it can be like.

M&J have never stayed more than 3 days in the same house with any of them at any time, and that longer time is when things start breaking down.

I think it is better when we go to stay with them, though still difficult ......... because we seem to be more willing to adapt to their routines than he is to ours. We don't for example ask them to buy special cereals, that will be left. I have to ask to be sure to have soy milk in, but that is the only requirement.

We now have, for example, 3 boxes of Oatmeal Crisp Triple Berry cereal, unopened, on our store shelves ............... because he will not eat any of the 5 or 6 cereals that we do have in. Including Oatmeal Crisp Raisin and Almond.

He does actually also like the Oatmeal Crisp Almond (a relatively new addition to his diet, it wasn't on the lsit of "things needed to buy" that J sent us 3 weeks before they arrived) ......... so J bought him a box of that one.

He could have had the kind that was in the house, and picked out the raisins, couldn't he????

I'm not shining my halo here ...... but, although I prefer either corn flakes or the Raisin and Almond, I eat whatever is in the cupboard when we're visiting (except bran flakes!!).

well, we're waiting to hear the result

I do hope J will phone at some point ..... but she may not!!



AnninGlos Report 5 Aug 2010 21:43

Sylvia I am sure you will have a lovely time with your daughter and MJ when SiL goes home. In some ways it is probably a good thing that they do live a long way away, although it means not seeing your daughter and MJ so much. I wonder how he got on staying with friends, at least you know a bit about why he is like he is. Sounds like hard work though. Hope his exams went well anyway.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Aug 2010 20:19

Hi Sylvia.
Poor you, having to put up with S.I.L like you have. It must have been very trying, having to hold your tongue.
The trouble is, we can't chose our childrens partners for them.
At least now that his exam is over, he may be able to relax a bit, and not be quite so awkward.
Ahhhh bless little MJ, it is so lovely when they start to try to stand. They look like they have got rubber legs, don't they.
Has he started saying mum or dad yet. I bet if he stays with you much longer, he will have a full vocadbulary by the time your daughter goes home. LOL Just don't teach him any swear words.
I do have the occaional read of the thread you and Viv are on, to keep up with all the gossip.
Take care love, and enjoy the next fortnight, with just your daughter and MJ.
Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Aug 2010 20:04

Hi Mo and everyone

This has not been the easiest week

It started badly at the ferry terminal ............ there were so many walk on passengers being dropped off or picked up that the short term parking lot was absolutely full ...... there may also have been some who had parked there illegally for long term (ie, walked on the ferry themselves). OH had to join one of the slow moving line ups going round and round, all hoping vainly to grab a spot, while I walked to the actual terminal. Daughter did not appreciate having to walk as far as we had to, nor the fact that I didn't actually know where OH was ..... reason was that s-i-l was pulling very heavy cases (they took the kitchen sink away with them!). I didn't respond well .... snapped angrily at both of them in fact! It wasnt as if we had done it deliberately.

It has continued through the week as s-i-l has got more and more uptight about today's exam by committee. I think I have said before that he shows a number of autistic traits, and boy have they come out this week! It's been very much Me, Me, Me. Daughter is very protective of him ...... I have been led to believe by others in similar situations that this probably makes life easier for her. If she can keep him calm, then she doesn''t have to spend hours bringing him down from whatever agitated level he has reached.

She had two of us to deal with on Monday .......... we were unable to make supper until he had finished what he was doing, and which he had started about 5 minutes before we should have started preparing. I needed to take some medication, which I take after eating, ................. so I blew again after he started dithering around in the kitchen, further blocking attempts to get things going..

We ended up having a throw-together salad, with cold roast beef.

But he doesn't like cold roast beef ....... so his slices had to be heated up in the microwave, along with some left-over gravy.

I have had problems handling him since before they even got engaged .... but you can't say much can you?!

Anyway, they are out at the university now, his exam begins in about 1 hour. It may take 2 or 3 hours to complete. Then hopefully they will be home by 6 pm .... which is when the babysitter is arriving so we can take him out for a celebratory dinner.

He leaves tomorrow morning, while daughter and baby stay for another 2 weeks.

MJ has been great ............. laughs and smiles when he sees me, and I have got him making the right actions when I say "down" (sit down on my knee) and "Up" (pull himself up). J is delighted that he is responding to those "commands".

now you see why I haven't been posting for the last few days!

Hope you are all well


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Aug 2010 18:41

How did the family meeting go Huia. Did you manage to get in to see Phil,
or was your sinus problems still playing you up.

This is a very lonely little thread at the moment.
I hope that everyone is well.
Theres not much been happening here, and I am missing all the news from you all.
Take care my friends. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 3 Aug 2010 21:45

I havent visited Phil for a week now as I have had a bit of a sore throat and some nose and throat congestion in the mornings, so thought it best not to visit in case I had some bug. There is a family meeting there tomorrow afternoon so I will probably visit in the morning, hoping to be past any possible infectious stage.

I must go through all my photo boxes to try to find an old photo and its neg, that a newspaper woman is interested in. They go to the printers in 5 days time so I need to find it today. I thought I had it scanned but I cant find it on my computer, so must get cracking.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Aug 2010 21:04

Hello everybody.
Good to see you Sallie. I was so pleased with the moses basket. In fact
mummy to be, came to visit today, and she is over the moon with it. Apparantly she was worried in case I had bought one that was full of frills.
She's a funny little thing, for someone of only 25, she like plain things, nothing fancy.
I have made seven baby cardigans Sallie. My son reckons that some of them look like the second size up, even though they were all knitted in the same wool, and on the same size needles. My tension must have been out somewhere along the line. But obviously some cardigans had more stitches than others, hence the difference I suppose.
It's a good job Roly is not into his train layout as much as Alun is, as we just have not got the room for it. But I bet he would love to see Aluns layout.
Just think, we could have left them to it, and gone out for a coffee and a look around the shops. LOL
You will be pleased to know, that I have at long last finished the spare bedroom.
I had to stop doing it, when my brother came to stay.
I was a bit concerned that the wallpaper would get bubbles in it, but I must be getting better at it with old age,and got away without getting any.
It is looking pretty good I must say. Who's a clever clogs then, moi.
I am exhausted now though, getting up and down the ladder is a nightmare on the old legs.

I hope everyone is well.[[[[[[[[[Hugs]]]]]]]] to Jean, Ann,Sylvia,Marie, Liz, Huia and all our cyber friends.
Bye for now, love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Aug 2010 19:45

Oh this a very lonely thread, no one's been on here for over 24hours. I know we won't see much of Sylvia, because her family is staying with her and OH, Jean isn't very well and Debbie is on holiday, so I hope everyone else are alright.

Mo, the moses basket you bought on Sunday, sounds as though you've had a bargain. Have you done anymore knitting for the baby, lately?

Yes, Jennie and Michael came for Sunday dinner, as usual. They've gone to the east coast today until next Monday, so I hope they'll get some good weather. Michael's parent's have a mobile home, somewhere between Mablethorpe and Cleethorpes, so his mum asked them if they would like to join them. J and M don't take much persuading, because they both love to go down there.

Mo, is Roly interested in model trains? If he is, it's a shame we don't live near each other, he could then come and play on the layout that Alun has in the utility room. lolol!!

Liz, I hope you got on alright with the consellor yesterday. Did you go back into Norwich for the shoes? If you did, I hope they were okay for you, and that you managed to get a bag to go with them.

My uncle had diabetes, but he was very good watching what and when he ate. Your OH, should be doing the same, he's old enough and big enough, to know what he should and shouldn't eat, and when.

Well I hope he can get a suit soon---I know a couple of men that have had a suit from Asda's, and they look fine.

Joyce, I'm really sorry about your neighbour, it's such a pity and with her being only 61. I just hope that she'll go peacefully.

We pay our phone bill monthly too, I think in some ways it's better, because at least we can't run up a big bill, than when we use to pay quarterly. Alun always moaned about the phone bills, so we decided to pay monthly, but we still watch the calls we make, it's so easy to run up a high bill.

Lovely to hear that your son phoned you, I bet you were really happy and chuffed to bits, to hear from him. Talking of your sons. Have you heard anymore from your son that lives in Holland? I hope you haven't received more tickets for him.

Are you and Jan going anywhere nice while he's on holiday from work?
Good luck with the card making! I'm still plodding on with the cards for the church. lolol!! I must admit, that I really enjoy making them.

Huia, glad to know that you enjoyed your first day at the Hospice Shop, even though you were tired and suffered from aching feet. I'm sure that you enjoyed the company, too. How was Phil when you last visited him?
I hope he responded to you this visit, it makes it so much easier for you and it must make you feel better when you leave, to go home.

Well, I'm going to make a nice cuppa now, so I'll speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Aug 2010 16:11

Oh Liz, you do so make me giggle. Your explanation of your house being like a farce, made me think of Laurel and Hardy. That must be your OH rolled into one.
It's not your fault is the stupid git does not eat, you are his partner, not his mother, and you should not have to chase around after him all the time.
Perhaps you should buy him a big alarm clock that he could strap to his waist, and set the alarm for feeding times. That sounds as bad as feeding time at the zoo though doesn't it. Still if the cap fits him, let him wear it.

Hi ya Dutch love. Good to hear from you.
I am sorry they have still not sorted out the correct medication to help ease your pain. It can be a real pain the backside waiting for these things to get sorted.
By getting your shoes. hopefully it will ease things a little for you.
I know what you mean about the phone bills though. We pay ours monthly as well. Our internet connection is added to the bill, and when it arrives,Roly goes through it with a fine tooth comb. He will ask me who I have phoned on a mobile number, saying it cost such and such a price. When I go through my phone, it is nearly always a number that I dont know, but guess who does, yep it's him. And he moans at ME, I don't use the home phone very much, coz I don't want to get the blame for running up the bill.
Mind you he moans coz it costs us on average about £30.00 a month,and most of the calls are what he makes.
I was sorry to read about your neighbour. I know how quickly Cancer can progress. My friends husband was diagnosed, two weeks ago, and she lost him on Saturday. They had no time to adjust to the fact they were going to lose him, and for him to go that quickly, was a big shock to them all. But he is in pain no more, and that is a blessing for him. But it is always the ones left behind, who go through so much pain afterwards isn't it.

Well done Huia, on your first day back at work. Even though you may not class it as work.
It can be very tiring being on your feet for that long I know, and it was a good idea of yours to wear flat comfy shoes.
Don't people donate some lovely things though. And it is all for good causes.

Well girls it almost our dinner time, so I will have to go and start the preparation.
Speak to you soon. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 2 Aug 2010 10:23

Twelve hours ago (9.15 a.m.) I had just arrived at the Hospice shop. I helped tidy up the clothes racks. Then as one woman sorted and priced newly arrived things I put them on the racks or shelves. I had plenty of exercise walking back and forth. My shift ended at 12.45. I am glad I wore comfy shoes, even so my feet were tired.

An Indian family had given a big bag of clothes. There were some beautiful (if you like some of the gaudy colours!) large square scarves or shawls.

My next session is in 8 days time when there will be a different bunch of women on.

Off to bed soon.



dutch Report 2 Aug 2010 07:04

Morning Ladys well not much happening here ,my niebour God bless her went into hospice to die ,the amberlance who came for her ask should they come in the morning or afternoon she said afternoon just want to spend alittle more time in my house,what shame and shes only 61yrs old ,Im not having much luck either with the pain but cant moan it could be worse
Sallie thank you so much for the loverly cards and present ,im starting to try and make my own ,and i hope your well for what i can see your doing ok keep at my friend you,ll get there
Jan starts his holidays next week he is off for three weeks
Mal my son who i met after 10 long years rang me up and said i just wanted to tell you i miss you mum and i love you ,i told him its ok now we have found one another
Liz you make me laugh sometimes but we have to langh or lose our marblesLOL
Caz hope your well and you can see im not ringing like i use to phone bills are to high ,as we pay ours monthly last month 133 euros and then another one 149 euros,so im expecting telling of from Jan,well go to get my shoes next week and will find out how much of the 1,500 we have to pay as health insurance pay most of it ,if i could walk in normal shoes i would but thats not the case ,Jean i hope your feeling abit better always in my thoughts
Mo how are u keeping ,and for anyone i have forgot i wish you all better days
Going to try and get some sleep been up most of the night take care all
Love Dutchxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 2 Aug 2010 03:43

Sallie, Mo, glad I made you smile lol It's like a farce here half the time lol

Sunday he went to Asda and looked at suits, came home and didn't eat lunch so by the time I did dinner, he was saying he felt funny, not well, tough cookies I said, and shoved his dinner in front of him, he ate some and snoozed and then ate the rest later. If he can't be bothered to prepare some snack for lunch then he deserves to feel ill, I have no sympathy.

Have added on Friendly thread, update re suit - he isn't required to wear matching pale grey one, just as well, he would look like a whale lol Now we have more colour choice all should work out ok but this week I am going to find my accessories and sod him, he can sort his own suit out lol

Keeping an eye on Uzzi on chat so must fly


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Aug 2010 22:41

Hi girls I am back.
Well what a dissapointing day. It ended up as just five of us going out in the end. But between us we had a brilliant day. We didn't go to Hastings after all, we only went down to Leysdown, on the Isle of Sheppy, about twenty minutes away from us.
The weather was good to us. We started of going to a boot fair, where I managed to get a lovely second hand Moses Basket for the new baby.
I will buy a new mattress for it, and a new broidery englaise cover, only the cover at the moment is pink, and as we are not certain of the babies sex yet. Not bad for £10.00 though,as the basket itself wold have cost more than that on it's own.

Oh Liz, I was really P**sing myself laughing at your post.
I am surprised Mr Cheerful didn't get indigestion eating fish and chips that late. It would have served him right if he suffered, greedy swine having to have the biggest bit of fish he could find.
Sometimes we worry more about their diabetes than they do themselves.
I now tend to turn a blind eye to it, and feed him healthily when I do the cooking, but if he wants to stuff his face when I am not around, then it's his own fault,I have no sympathy with him if he doesn't want to listen.

Sallie have the family been for sunday dinner today, only I know they normally do.
Just how many cards have you got to make by September. Is your brother o.k now.
Is Jennie and Richard well.
Has Alun been to his train club this week.
I couldn't believe it,Roly has been given quite a few trains by a friend of his.
I have absolutely no idea where he is going to store them. Boys and their toys ahhh. He thinks they will be worth some money in the future, yeh in about 2050.
I must go to bed girls,I cant keep my eys open any longer.
Love and best wisshes to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 1 Aug 2010 21:15

Hi Liz, I know you didn't have a very good afternoon in Norwich, yesterday, but I've had a good laugh, reading your post. I really hope that those shoes will suit you--- I have problems getting shoes, as I only take size 3, and most of the shoe sizes these days, start at size 4. The shoes that I bought for Jennie's wedding cost an ' arm and a leg ', I haven't worn them since or used the bag to go with them. If the shoes are okay, I hope you'll be able to get a bag there too, so it will save traipsing about.

Mo, I hope you've had a good day out with your family, today. Wherever you went, I hope you had some good weather.

Sylvia, hope your family arrived safely, yesterday. Did they enjoy themselves with J's godparents? Hugs and kisses to MJ! xxxxxx

Ann, hope you and your OH enjoyed yourselves at the Newport meet, yesterday. It's lovely to meet other members, that you haven't met before.

Huia, hope all is well with you. Good, luck for your first day at the Hospice Shop. Hope it all goes well for you.

Jean, I hope you've been feeling a little bit better, over the last couple of days. Thinking about you, and hoping that you'll really well again soon.

Marie, how are things with you and your family? I hope that all is well with everyone.

I've been busy making cards over the weekend, hoping to get enough made by September.

Speak to you all tomorrow!

Love and best wishes, to you all. Sallie. xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 1 Aug 2010 02:32

Hi Sylvia,

Congratulations on another little twig for your tree, nice name and a better weight for Mum's comfort than her big sis eh? Hope she has a wonderful life.

Enjoy having your family back again, hope the little fella settles ok and starts to enjoy lying quietly at times so you get some peaceful nights and days.

O.h. and I went out on Saturday afternoon as he wasn't working, omg what a nightmare! He woke me up around 1.30pm but only just switched on the water heater (he has no central heating so no boiler and no hot water if the immersion heater isn't switched on). I told him Fri evening wake me at 1.30pm but put the heater on beforehand, of course he got it a**e about face and I had to wait for the water to heat up before I could bathe and wash my hair, my hair never looks right if I don't wash it and blow it dry to style it. What time will you be ready he asks, he so would know if he needed to look for another, he tried on a shirt so he knew what size collar would fit and then he faffed about and of course I sat there ready and he was still fiddling about till almost 4pm.
Now around Norwich at the mo there are lots of roadworks so it's hard to find a quick route into the city, I tied directing him but he doesn't grasp instructions well and so he ended up going the wrong way, had to turn round and try somewhere else, then he cut up two cars and bumped another car's bumper. Luckily only as he moved forward and very slowly and it was a big hefty car and we have a fiesta so the chap didn't notice and it was one corner as he was trying to edge in in front of a larger vehicle which was sitting there as if saying I am not having this, but o.h. didn't care, he was going whether or not my side hit the other bigger vehicle. We got let through in the end and then later the bloke overtook us and drove into the carpark we were aiming for, I fully expected him to get out and punch o.h. One day someone will do it, he shouts out at people, he cuts them up and all sorts, he is terrifying to drive with but thinks he is the world's best driver. We tried a few shops as I wanted to get some shoes, having a major problem finding what I want as all the sales on so little choice and most of them those ugly gladiator shoes or shoes with high heels, not me at all. I hate shoes with ankle straps, they are so unflattering as are the gladiator type and I haven't walked in kitten heels for years either, with my weight of over 13 stones I don't think they would be very practical and I would probably wring over on them and break my ankle also if the weather is good we will be out on the grass area of the hotel for the wedding so I will just be aerating the lawns for them. The best choice I could find was a pair of silver and white mules with a wedge heel but by then he had wandered off somewhere, the shop was just closing and I didn't have enough in my account to pay for them, he was supposed to be coughing up. So now they are being held for me at the shop till I can go in and have a second look and he can give me the money to get them, then I will need to find a bag as well - oh this blasted wedding. We couldn't find a suit in his size anywhere we tried, that didn't cost way over £100 and as he will never wear it again, he doesn't want to pay up but did get a white Primark shirt for £3 so that was good, he has to try it and check it fits and we can tick that one off.
One the way home we decided to get fish and chips, now he has high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure and is a pig! I asked what size fish he wanted, standard, medium or large bearing in mind the large was nearly a fiver a piece, Oh large he says, I mentioned diabetes and cholesterol and out of the shop he stormed and back to the car, I only just got in before he screeched off after shouting at someone in front waiting to turn right, he decided not to wait so drove left over the pavement and of course ended up in the roadworks so had to turn round and go a roundabout way to the next chippie where he got his large fish but at £1 less per portion.
After stuffing it down his throat, he fell asleep just before 10pm and then got up at 11.30pm and went to bed. Oh what a wonderful companion he is, Not! Can't wait to get a fistful of money from him and go out and do my own shopping lol
Also he ambles round, and I was trying to walk as quickly as I could to get in enough shops in the small amount of time we had, and so I often left him behind (wish I could lol) Often he will decide he needs the loo so I will say Well meet me back at so and so and he will get muddled and wait in the wrong place so wasting yet more time while I search for him!
There really is no pleasure in shopping with him.

Happy days lol



SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2010 22:59

Hi all

we'll be picking up J and co in a couple of hours.

so expect me when you see me for the next 2 or 3 weeks.

We have a new great niece ................. she arrived earlier today, 7 lbs 11 oz, Brynn Mallory. At least she was a little lighter than her big sister who was over 10 lbs when she arrived 2 years ago!

Take care everyone ........ don't do anything I wouldn't do!



AnninGlos Report 31 Jul 2010 22:21

Have a good day tomorrow Mo