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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 9 Aug 2010 22:10

Yes we all feel sad Mo..... But Daff says we aren't allowed to be sad soooo we have rallied her boozy army, we will stick together, pooling our positive thoughts and sending the barstewards on their way!!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Aug 2010 21:17

Ann I am feeling so sad, I have just read Daff's thread. That poor woman (I know she would not like me calling her that) She has gone through so much,and the bug**rs back again. Life can be so unfair at times, especially when there are some rotten swines out there who get away without suffering any problems.
She will be in my prayers again from now on, along with Dutch and Jean.


AnninGlos Report 9 Aug 2010 21:09

Hi all, just feeling a bit battered and bruised and achey today. A couple more bruises have come out, some are prettier than others. Strangley enough I don't usually 'do' falling over, I have not fallen since Iw as a child, usually I trip and recover myself, my balance is quite good but I went off balance as I twisted down the step I had forgotten. I did wonder if my varifocals were not in the right position, since I last had my hearing aid adjusted I have been wearing my second pair of glasses because they have wire ear pieces. My new glasses have thicker arms which knocks the over ear bit of the aid off. (complicated life I lead don't I?) This second pair are the same prescription but they slide down a bit so the focus area is different.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Aug 2010 20:59

Hi Sallie, I am still here, just a bit late coming on here.
Oh please don't tell me Daff has got the same problems again. That poor woman has been through enough as it is.
And yet despite all her own problems, she can still think of others.
Liz is still around, she has been on the friendlies thread. Things are still very complicated for her, bless her. Nothing ever seems to go right for her.
So you are of to Derby tommorrow. You get out there my love and kick a**.
Are you going on your own. If you are, just imagine we are with you, trotting round the shops, having a good giggle. People watching, and having a coffee and a cake. (Fresh Cream for me please) I will definately be with you in spirit.

Sylvia, how painful that must have been for your niece. And one dose of physio, eased the situation, how lucky was that.
But as you say, she must rest, and not try to run before she can walk.

Ann I hope you are o.k today, and not suffering from any more bruising and pain.
It sounds like you are another one we are going to have to pad up a bit, when you go out. I thought Sylvia was bad enough, with all her falls.
Next time, take a bit more water with it, or get T to water the bollinger down a bit.

Hi Dutch. It's so sad to hear about the loss of your neighbour, but the pain has now left her, and she can rest in peace, bless her.
And as you say, she was no age. But unfortunately, the big C, is not an age related illness, even young babies are apt to suffer as well.
You must stop worrying, I know it's an easy thing to say, but you are only making yourself unwell in doing so.
You have got such a big heart, where others are concerned, and we all worry about you and your own health.
Please look after yourself and Jan for us love.

Huia, how are you going along. I hope you are feeling a little better now.
Have you seen your son lately. And how is Phil doing.

A big big (((((((HUG)))))))) for our Jean. I hope you are feeling a little better my love. We miss your happy smiling face on here. Come back soon.

I wonder if Debbie and the family are having a nice time. I bet they are.

Well girls I must close now. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx

Edit.....Huia you posted as I was writing, have a good time at the hospice today, and enjoy your night out. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 9 Aug 2010 20:38

I have been looking in at the boards, Sallie, but havent posted as I havent had much to say.

Today I have my 2nd session at the Hospice shop so wont be on here long. I will have to hurry home for a late lunch and then a snooze on the settee as I am taking a neighbour to a dinner concert tonight. I hope I am not too tired.



Sallie Report 9 Aug 2010 19:04

Hi Everyone,

Well it's very quiet on here today. I wonder where our Mo is today. I hope both you and Roly are okay.

Ann, how are you feeling today, after your fall on Saturday? I hope you haven't got too many bruises.
Yes you're right, the dance floors can be quite lethal, but at the time I slipped, I felt so embarrassed, all heads turned towards me, I couldn't get up quick enough. The manager, was of course very concerned and Alun, my brother and sister-in-law were fussing around me, when that's all I wanted was for them to leave me alone. lolol!!

I was really sad to read Daff's news, like everyone else, I thought and hoped that it would be an infection or a virus that was causing the problem, especially since she said she was feeling better. I wish her all the very best and hope that she'll beat ' the demon ' once again.

Sylvia, hope that your niece is a bit better, and that she's resting as the doctor as told her. Do they know how long it will take to get right? It's very difficult with a new baby and a little one to rest. I know you said that her husband is having to look after them, but what will happen when he goes to work.

I know how difficult it can be, because when Richard was six and Jennie was three, I had pneumonia, so couldn't do anything at all for six weeks, and then it was at least another six, only doing minor jobs. Luckily some of the other mums, that are now my friends, took Jennie to nursery and Richard to school each day, and then brought them home---that was a very big help, and much appreciated.

Hope you're enjoying the time spent with your daughter and MJ. Have they gone to visit your niece yet?

As I was growing up I always went to stay with one of my auntie's who lived in Bristol. I've still got cousins there, although I don't go very often now, but still love to go there, now and again.

Sending hugs and kisses to MJ. xxxxx

We still haven't heard from Liz, I hope she's alright, because I haven't seen her on the boards at all for a good few days.

I wonder where Huia is too, because we haven't heard from her either.
If you're looking in Huia, I hope all is okay with you and your family.

Jean, hope you're feeling a little bit better, thinking about you, and wishing you well.

I'm off to Derby tomorrow, on one of ' my therapy trips ', no doubt I'll end up in the craft shops there. One of the shops, is beginning to feel like my second home. lolol!!

Where are you Mo? We really miss you, so please come back.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 9 Aug 2010 17:24

sorry to hear about your neighbour but, as you say, she is out of pain now. My thoughts are sent to her family in this sad time.


dutch Report 8 Aug 2010 22:16

Hello All just thought i would pop on before i go to bed ,not sure if i put it on here but one off our niebours she went into hospice last week to die and the lady next door told us she pass away today,she was in so much pain its better for her but not for her family and Roos the lady next door ask if we would like to give towards flowers ,but of course we would i remember years ago when i was very young thats what they always did.but times have change,we went to BBQ at Jans mums when she got phone call her S.I.L who has termail cancer had taken ill so she went round as its only afew doors away,we wondered what the sirens were going for it was the amberlance for her S.I.L,she only has one daughter who went with her so now we have to wait for news how she is ,but shes also in alot of pain life is,nt fair at all,Jan and I are going to the chapel to pay our respects to lady she was only 61yrs not old at all,well folks im off to bed
Sallie nice chatting to you ,Liz were are u ,Caz talk to you weds,Mo Ann,Deanna and everyone i wish you all better days ahead


AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2010 21:35

Sallie, dance floors can be lethal and isn't it sooo embarrassing when youa re sprawled on the floor with everyone looking, I really hate being the centre of attention.
Marie, I hope your Grandson grows out of the convulsions, I think they usually do. His parents have to be aware that he is prone to them now if he runs a temperature and try to bring it down quickly.

Sylvia, bristol is an interesting city and they have regenerated the harbour area encouraging cafe culture. Unfortunately Bristol also has a high percentage of young people, especially students in term time and they do congregate round the harbour so i can be very noisy.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Aug 2010 20:28

Hi everyone

Gosh Ann! That's the kind of thing that I would do! lol! Glad that you didn't suffer anything worse than bruises

OH spent a month in Bristol about 1991 ............... he was doing some research with someone at the university, and rented a room in the garret of an old Victorian house.

He loved the city ........ and walked miles and miles in his off time. He took his hosts for dinner at the Harveys restaurant (the Bristol Cream Harveys) ....... and said it was a fantastic meal.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go with him.

It rained here yesterday, lots of rain ...... and the temperature cooled down a lot. It was very pleasant after such high temperatures and no rain since before the end of June!

I think I said one of our nieces had her 2nd child on the 31 July. The mother is now having a problem with her back ............... her back "went out" on Tuesday, by the next day she could not walk. Her husband had to literally carry her everywhere. She is almost 6' tall, and nicely built!

I don't know whether you know that all your ligaments etc in the pelvic area get "softened" so the pelvis can stretch open to let the baby out. Then they tighten up again after the birth. It seems that something must have gone a bit wrong during the birth at her sacro-iliac joint (the one right in the middle of your bum), and more went wrong as the ligaments tightened up.

She had 2 hours of physio on Thursday, and was able to walk out the door after it (husband had carried her in). She is under strict orders not to lift ANYTHING, including the baby. Husband has to do everything (including nappy changes), 24 hours a day, giving her the baby only to hold and feed ................ she also has a very active 2 year old. She lives in Smithers, close to her mum (OH's sister), so has family help, and the elder daughter has been staying at least some nights with my sis-i-l. Her brother and sister are already there or due there today. J goes up tomorrow evening for a quick 2 night visit.

We're just hoping things get better soon.

Marie .............. I hope your little grandson gets better soon

Take care everyone



Sallie Report 8 Aug 2010 19:46

Hi All,

Ann, thank goodness you didn't hurt yourself badly. As long as you're feeling alright now, that's the main thing.

I remember a number of years ago, going to a police dinner dance with my brother and sister-in-law, ( John was in the Gwent police, before retiring) the evening was going well, until about half way through the dancing, they decided to play a game in between each dance, where the person on the platform, would ask if someone had a certain thing. One of the things he asked for was an old penny, so of course I had one in my purse, got it out and as I ran to give it, I slipped and fell against a chair, although I didn't really hurt myself, I felt so stupid and embarrassed.
It wasn't until the next day that I realised I had a huge bruise on the one side of my back.
I'm pleased, that other than that, you've both had a lovely weekend.

Mo, glad you had a good time at your daughter's, although it's a shame about the heavy rain. It's a good thing that your son-in-law thought about closing the BBQ, so at least the food wasn't ruined.
Jennie has a Wii, but she can't get me to give it a try, I'm not into those kind of things, I'm sorry to say. lolol!!

Marie, I really hope that your grandson is much better now, bless him. It's
such a worry when they suffer from convulsions.
My niece, my brother's daughter, suffered from convulsions every time she had a temperature, this went on until she was nearly seven. So I know how worried you all must be. Let's hope that he doesn't have anymore, from now on.
I also hope that the girls will soon feel a lot better. As Mo has already said, it might be the weather that you're having at the moment, that's causing the problems.

Well, I'm going to make another card now, getting on okay with them at the moment.

Take care all of you!

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2010 17:17

I will, Love them they were all very concerned and couldn't do enough for us, theyw ere all young and polite too, two were Spanish but spoke excellent English, the Manager was very concerned but i really don't think it occurred to him that I could sue. Not that I believe in the compensation culture so probably wouldn't. Although a new pair of trousers wouldn't come amiss.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Aug 2010 17:12

OH MY GOODNESS Ann. You are a right Calamity Jane, but very very lucky not to have done yourself more damage than you did.
I dare say that the proprietor was quite worried in case you took them to court, after all health and safety would have been on them as quick as anything, with them not having any notification that there was an uneven surface in the vicinity.
They should definately have had some signposting around the area.
If you get any delayed reaction, please make sure you get yourself checked out. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2010 17:00

Next door was another pub restaurant called the Pitcher and Piano. No I don’t know why either. We opted to go in there, we were going to sit outside but it was a bit cool, then the first table we looked at was next to a very inebriated noisy group. And this is where the consequences of choices comes into play. We decided against a large circular table on a platform which was a bit isolated in the centre of the room and opted for a small table with two arm chair like seats on a platform that ran down the centre of the room. We ordered and got a bottle of wine, choking a bit on the fact it was double the price of a similar one in Wetherspoons, although half the price of one in the hotel. Then we ordered a sharing platter of chicken wings, potato skins, calamari etc plus a portion of chips.
So far, so good, we enjoyed a glass of wine while we waited for our food. When it came we realised that the table was, in fact, too small to take the long trays the sharer was presented on so we decided to move to an adjacent larger table. Now picture this next bit and wince for me please! The waitress took the platters and Tony took his plate and glass of wine. I left my white coat, luckily, on the chair and picked up the bottle of wine and my glass. Are you with me so far? I turned to go to the new table but as I turned I momentarily forgot I was on a platform, the edge of the armchair was very close to the edge of the platform so the illusion was of a flat floor and I turned my foot and wend down almost backwards but on my right side, hitting a chair out of the way as I fell which made an enormous noise and the room went silent as I sprawled covered head to toe in my glass of red wine. I didn’t feel as if I had hurt myself and was more concerned with telling Tony, waitress and a rather dishy waiter who had come running that I was Ok, if a little damp. Everyone started talking again and the wine all over the floor and table was hastily mopped up. We continued with our meal, there was nothing I could do about my clothes they were soaked in wine and damp but not uncomfortable. The wine had not really spilled much out of the bottle but they brought us a fresh bottle and were really excellent at asking if I was OK, could they do anything else for me etc. After the meal the manager came and filled in the accident book and agreed that there should be a florescent strip along the edge of the platform. We went back to the hotel and I stripped off my wine soaked clothes, even my knickers were wine soaked, then changed for the evening after a lovely hot bath....... which brought out the bruises I didn’t realise I had. One on the edge of my foot, one on my waist which must have been caused by the chair I knocked into and, a small one on my elbow and one on my thigh . Nothing on my back or my hip and I didn’t hit my head.
After that performance we really enjoyed the performance of Les Miserables. Gareth Gates was excellent as Marius and the evening flew past. We walked, or in my case limped, back to the hotel and finished the evening with an Amaretto before retiring to bed at about eleven thirty. So, as I said, it was mostly a lovely weekend.


AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2010 16:58

Here we go then, Our weekend:

A short weekend in Bristol
We had looked forward to our weekend away for a while, it was partly to ‘celebrate’ my seventieth birthday and partly because we wanted to see the new production of Les Miserables. The weekend was, as we expected, nearly all good, and thereby hangs a tale as they say.
It only takes about forty five minutes to reach Cribbs causeway from here, therefore it makes a good break point when we have a weekend in Bristol as we do occasionally. Hotels don’t like you to check in before about 2.30 usually, and in the case of the hotel we were staying in, The Bristol Hotel, we have to use the NCP car park which is free to hotel guests after about 4pm and all weekend.
On Friday 6th August we drove down a very congested M5 to junction 17 and Cribbs Causeway. We had no trouble parking and managed to while away an hour in Marks and Spencer’s having coffee and then spending money. It is noticeable that the M&S there has a lot of different clothes to shops in other places. Take it from one who visits the store in whatever town she is in. And I really must comment on how well the shop was lade out. Everything looked so attractive and the clothes just shouted out “buy me!” Being the school holidays it was quite frantic around lunch time and we were surprised to note that they have changed the central food hall making it into all individual little restaurants which seemed to reduce the number of tables. Anyway we eventually found a coffee shop that sold very nice sandwiches and baguettes and had a much needed sit down.
We arrived at the hotel at 4pm and were quickly booked in. We had been very fortunate and managed to pick up a special offer which included an upgrade to a superior room and a bottle of Champagne and strawberries on arrival. And it worked! The room was great, big and very smart all in black and white with a few touches of raspberry red. We looked out to the cathedral and the downs and the sun was shining. We unpacked and went for a walk, the hotel is right on the harbour side and along the opposite side are all the cafe bars and restaurants, including Wetherspoon. Naturally this was to be our destination and we found a table outside overlooking the harbour where we enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay and shared some Nachos as our meal was not booked until seven thirty.
Back to our room to enjoy the Champagne (and it was champagne and not Cava) and strawberries both of which was delicious and much appreciated. Then, after a bath we dressed for dinner which was inclusive for our first night. The restaurant is very nice and we had a window seat looking out over the harbour. First the waiter brought us some home-made bread and oil and balsamic vinegar to dip it into. Then Tony had leek and potato soup and I had a salad with olives and brie in a tasty dressing. For our second course we both had lamb rump sliced on a sort of mashed potato cake with a lovely sauce and asparagus and for sweet I had ‘parfait’ (ice cream to you and me) and Tony had poached pear with mixed berries which he said was nice but sharp. As we had already had quite a lot of alcohol with the wine and Champagne, we just had a tomato juice each. The food was beautifully cooked, small amounts as the fashion is in those sort of places so not for the starving, and we were glad it was inclusive because looking at the menu it was not cheap. After the meal we rounded it off with an Amaretto in the bar listening to the piano being played in the background.
Saturday dawned and it was pouring with rain. Ugh! Not part of our plan as we had a ten minute walk to the shops. However we had a long, leisurely, large breakfast from the buffet buy which time it had stopped raining. We walked up to the shops via the many craft stalls by the Corn Exchange, stopping to look at a registry office wedding where some of the guests were wearing way our clothes! We visited The Mall, then Cabots Circus, the latter is usually just for looking as it is full of really expensive shops like Harvey Nicholls, where we stopped to enjoy the wonderful windows so cleverly dressed. As it happened I did buy something there as I spotted a top I liked in Wallis which was reduced by more than fifty percent. After such a large breakfast we really couldn’t face lunch so we just had a coffee which was just as well as even that was difficult with so many people in town. We were tired by now so made our way back to the hotel where I read a magazine I had bought and Tony watched Sky Sport. So far, so good.
We needed to eat fairly early as we had to be in the theatre for seven thirty so at about four o’clock we set off out of the hotel to find something to eat. Fortunately I decided that we’d eat first then go back to the hotel and change. We looked at Wetherspoons but it was really crowded with lots of youngsters sitting and standing outside drinking pints and shouting around. Next door was another pub restaurant called the Pitcher and Piano.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Aug 2010 16:42

Oh Marie I am so sorry to hear that your grandson had the convulsions, and that the rest of the family are suffering from the cold symptoms.
Your cold weather could have something to do with all the ailments going around.
It's amazing how cut of we feel, when we lose our internet connection.
I hope things improve for your family, and that you dont lose connection again in a hurry.

Well we had a lovely time at the BBQ, well that is, until we had a cloud burst. My poor son in law was like a drowned rat by the time we had found him an umbrella. Fortunately he had the forethought to close the lid on the BBQ, so that the food did not suffer.
After we had left, the grandchildren decided to get the wii dance out. Thank goodness we left when we did, or good old nan would have got dragged into it.
It was bad enough that we had to meet two of our grandaughters boyfriends for the first time, without my making a fool of myself dancing round the room. Oh how embarrasing that would have been. I wouldn't mind, if they had known me longer, but on introduction, it's a bit much dont you think.
You all know I am a nutter, so it doesn't matter, but for someone who has never met me before, it could have scared the pants of them.

Well I must go, I have got to do the dinner.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Zack Report 8 Aug 2010 06:04

Dear Friends, sorry I havent posted lately, I havent had the internet for about a week, seems to be back to-day thank goodness.
The girls have been sick with colds and Abby has had conjunktivitis??in her eyes.
Our darling little grandson has been ill with a virus and teething he has had very high temps and has had convulsions and he stopped breathing,they have had the ambulance to him and he has been at the emergency departent twice, it has been been dreadful for Tracie and Ryan.
I am going to see him shortly I rang this morning and Tracie tells me he is a little better to-day.This has to be short as I must go. I will post again later . All my love to you all Marie

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Aug 2010 13:52

Hello ladies, I am just popping in to let you know all is well at this end of the country.
We are of to a BBQ at our daughters in a minute, so I will see you tommorrow.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Aug 2010 18:47

Hi Mo and everyone

Thank you

We had a lovely evening out yesterday, with a lovely meal, as we always do at the restaurant we went to. We'll be there again next week on our anniversary, with J as our guest.

It isn't cheap by any means ................. but is superb for a celebration!

Now he is at the airport, will be boarding his plane in less than 30 minutes for his flight home.

He was great last night, although he had a stress headache hanging around (if you know what I mean), and was very nice this morning as well.

so things are back to as close to normal as they ever are between the two of us.

Now I have to go and baby proof the house ............. my niece is on the way to visit her mother with her 20 month old son ............... only she can't fly direct from where she lives to where her mum lives. She has to come through Vancouver, and has a 7+ hour layover today. We're less than 10 minutes from the airport, so we see her a couple of times a year!

I've not had to baby proof for many many years though!!

take care everyone



Sallie Report 6 Aug 2010 17:01

Hi Ladies,

Right, I hope this is third time lucky. I got about half way through the first and second messages, and for no reason that I can tell, they both got whooooosed! It's driving me mad!

Sylvia, you've certainly had a very trying week, by the sound of it. Surely your daughter must have realised that you and OH had no choice but to park a long way from the terminal. We all know it isn't ideal, but at times it happens that way. I'm know that it would have been better and a lot easier for you too, as you have trouble with your leg. Did your daughter think about that?

Congratulations to your son-in-law, on getting his PhD, he's done well.
Did you and OH enjoy your evening out, with them? I hope that it all went well, and that you had a lovely meal to celebrate his achievement.

Once your son-inlaw goes home I'm sure that you'll have a lovely two weeks with your daughter and MJ. She'll be far more relaxed with him not being there, as she won't have to try and keep him on an 'even keel ' , if you know what I mean. It must be difficult for her at times, trying to keep him calm, also not wanting to see you upset. I know how you feel Sylvia, having been in a similar situation a couple of times. I'm afraid, that sometimes I don't find it easy to keep my mouth zipped. Just wish at times, that I was like Alun, he seems to be able to let things ride and say nothing.

Hope you and OH will enjoy the next two weeks with your daughter and MJ.
It's great that he knows you and has always got a big smile when he sees you. Lots of hugs and kisses to MJ. xxxxx

Mo, it seems to be quiet on all the boards, probably a lot of members are on hoiday or maybe, like Sylvia, have family visiting.

I hope that all is well with both you and Roly. I know you went away a couple of weeks ago, but just wondering if you have another holiday lined up.
Alun and I are not going anywhere, because I still don't want to come home each day. I know that one day, I'll have to try and stay somewhere, but for now I don't feel ready. I mentioned to Alun, that I would love to go to New York again. He came out with the comment, " you do know that you can't go there for the day, don't you ", to which I said, " I DO know that". lolol!! Of course, I meant one day when I feel better.

I've made quite a few cards over the last few days. I'm finding that I can now get myself much more organised, with jobs around the house and card making, so I'm pleased about that. At times over the last eight or nine months, I thought that, that time would never come again, but it has, thank goodness!

Huia, I hope that you are feeling a lot better now, and that you've been able to visit Phil. If you've been to see Phil over the last day or two, I hope he responded to you more than he did on your last visit. Has your son been up to see you lately?

Ann, sorry you've probably already told us, I was just wondering when do you go to Bristol for a cuple of days? Put my memory down to old age!

I wonder if everything is okay with Marie, she hasn't been on here for a while, so I hope that things are alright with her and her family.

Liz, how are things with you? Hope you got on okay with the Counsellor on Monday. Also, hope that you are all now organised ready for the wedding.

Jean, still thinking about you, and hoping that you are feeling at least, a little bit better. Take care!

Well, I've got a couple of PM's to send, make our dinner and then it's back to the card making. So I'll speak to you all very soon.

Love and best wishes to you all.