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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
20 Aug 2010 00:54 |
Hi all,
Mo, I don't think I will be ready for going out to lunch with o.h. and his son and d.i.l., if it happens - he has to call him tonight while he is at work and sort out arrangements. I will be rinsing off my second spray of tan and getting things ready for the next day when we go to the hotel.
I had enough of him losing his licence in 2008 when he lost it for six months, and had to buy a bike for work. He does still cycle most days unless the weather is really bad or his dodgy knee is playing up but he was awful in front of the specialist and said I would have to take him to work, at 5.30am - yeah right! The specialist could see what a pig he was and knew he wasn't likely to stop driving until it was forced on him and that's what happened, as he had to let them know he had been diagnosed with the bleed on the brain and they took away his licence for six months till they were sure he hadn't had a repeat of the problem, he is on soluble aspirin for life now. He expected me to drive him here there and everywhere but I only did it if I felt well enough, I won't drive if I don't feel 100% with it! There is no way I could keep turning out at 10pm for him or driving him in a whatever time he was due on shift. There is a bus that goes almost to the door of his works but not one home again, on the odd occasion he caught it but I had to pick him up but didn't do it more than a few times.
I don't know where he will take them for lunch, there is a nice pub not too far away that does good meals so they could go there, if they are up for it, they might already have arranged other things, that's why he has to call them and see.
My lad is getting ready for the Reading Festival visit over BH weekend, this will be his third time there and he usually has a lot of fun. Hope it's not wet and cold tho as that spoils things for everyone camping there.
He took a day off holiday yesterday and went on a Project Management course, he had to do a presentation at the end and said it went well, he is trying to get as much variety of work and training under his belt, as possible in the hope he can find a more interesting and better paid job. Norfolk is notoriously hard to find well paid jobs tho.
Take care everyone Lizxx
Mo in Kent
19 Aug 2010 18:45 |
Hello girls. Thank you for the p.m Joyce. This bloomin vertigo is a real pain in the backside isn't it. I had it last year, Jean suffers quite frequently with it as well. I hope you feel better soon, and that the pain in your back eases as well.
Sylvia. how on earth is J going to manage to get home with her bad wrist and shoulder. Surely she won't take the extra things she found the other day, it's going to be bad enough coping with MJ, and a suitcase. I hope she has a safe journey home, and that you and your OH can get back to normal soon. And dont overdo the excercise.
Sallie, it sounds to me like you are putting yourself down, where your parchmenting is concerned. If Kate and Gwen think you are doing well, then you must be. You will have to scan some and send it to us, so that we can judge your wonderful work I bet it's lovely.
Huia, I did laugh at your description of the cat and mouse, and then to find you had killed it by mistake. PSML I can't believe poor Phil had another fall. It was proably as you said, he may have been drowsy, and got up to quickly and overbalanced. I hope your training day goes well tommorrow. Are you of out for the evening with your friend tommorrow night.
Liz, don't overdo the spray tan, or we won't recognise you. Are you going to the lunch with OH and NY son on the thursday. Does he have very far to go, and if you are not going will he catch a cab back. Lets hope he doesn't have to much to drink, or it will still be in his bloodstream the next day, and if he gets stopped by the police, and is breathalysed,he will lose his licence. Still it would do you a favour, in as much as you could then use the car whenever you wanted to. But you would probably have to take him to and from work, and thats not good. Swings and roundabouts I suppose.
Marie, it's a good job I have got broad shoulders, they all take the mickey out of moi. I only wish I was as good at art, as I am at painting rooms, I would be worth a fortune. lol Theres no chance of me putting my feet up, and having a rest. We have got our grandaughter coming to stay with us on sunday, for about eleven days. Cooo now that is hard work. All the extra cooking, washing, taxiing around etc, etc ,etc. I hope you got on o.k at the doctors earlier. You have waited a long time for this holiday haven't you, so you just go and enjoy yourself. You will have lots of tales to tell us when you get back. Just beware of those Italian men, but if you find an extra one, can you box him up and send him to us here, and we will share him out between us.
I hope we hear from Jean,Ann and Tess soon. It will be good to know that they are well.
Bye for now my friends, take care, love to you all. Mo xxx
19 Aug 2010 16:32 |
Hello all just pop on to say hello have pm you Mo,i wont be as much as got vertigo back, and in so pain with my spine ,but it could be worse,take care all Dutchxx
19 Aug 2010 14:25 |
Thought I'd just have a quick look in to say hello to everyone.
Liz, it's lovely to see you posting on here again, we've missed you. I hope you're feeling better than you've been, at least once the 28th August is over, things will hopefully be less stressful for you.
Marie, the holiday you are going on sounds lovely, it makes me feel that I'd love to go there too. How long are you going for? Sorry I can't remember what you told us, it must my age.
Huia, I'm really sorry to hear that Phil has had another fall, I hope he hasn't hurt himself too badly. Hope you had a good day at the Hospice shop. How many training sessions do you have to have?
Well I'm off to make a few cards now, so I'll look in later on today. Take care everyone.
Love and best wishes . Sallie. xxx
19 Aug 2010 02:33 |
Hi All ,I have an appointment with the Doc in an hour, will get a few words in to you all.Liz I am pleased you are ok I had the wedding down for 28th Aug so it is Sept.good luck stay well.
Huia ,sorry to hear about Phil so sad for you, we have had so much rain that they have issued a flood warning for the Macqurie River which runs through the centre of Bathurst, but dont worry we live on a hilly area on the outskirts of Bathurst so no flood for us. . Sallie the cardigan is only for wearing to child care.
Sylvia you will miss your little darling when he goes home .Happy Birthday to your OH.
Ann we are going over the Swiss boarder , we are doing the lakes & Venice and all the well known places then we travel South down to the Amalfie Coast where we will spend time in Sorrento.
Barbara and I are going to explore the Amalfie coast on our own we will then meet up with the Coach and return to Rome for our return Journey.On the way home we will spend two & a half days in Bankok if it is quiet there. Your Birthday Ann is on the same day as my Eldest Child Michael, he spent his Birthday having his Gall Baldder out Bad timing.Happy Belated Birthday XXoo
Hello Dear Jean Lovely to hear from you, you are keeping busy with your memory books.
MO my friend are they giving you a bad time, I thing you are very clever doing all that Painting as it is a back breaking Job and I do know as I did it for many years as every hous we bought needed a lot of Painting to get it nice. Put your feet up and have the rest you soooo deserve.
Theresa, Welcome I wrote a long letter to you last night but when I clicked Preview I lost the lot. I might try again Later as you can see we all love to have a chat . Must Go Love & Hugs to you all Marie
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
19 Aug 2010 01:17 |
Hi all
Huia, I am sorry Phil's fallen again, maybe he tried to get up when he wasn't quite fully woken. I hope there is no serious damage, poor man.
When you talk about your Chloecat, it always reminds me of my Chloe cat, the one who adopted me when she was a 6 month old kitten and I was around 6 months pregnant. She has been gone since 1998 sadly and I still miss her and my other pets, but she was pretty good and rarely brought anything in, maybe I fed her too much lol Only on a couple of occasions did any of my cats bring birds in and no meeces that I knew of so I was lucky. Glad the mouse isn't still running around your home.
Are you enjoying the training at the Hospice shop? Hope you get the sleep you need so you can there all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
I had my spraytan yesterday at 5pm and it's developed very well, I look as brown, in fact more so, than when I got back from Corfu last year. Have to see how well it has lasted on Saturday and then I will know if the one I have booked next Weds will be the right timing or I need to change the apptmt to Thursday, which will cause big problems as o.h. wants to take his ny son and wife out for lunch, daft idea as he is working till past 6am and won't get a lot of sleep and will then come back and fall asleep due to drinking alcohol, and won't get things ready for the off on Friday. He is the most impractical person I know but hey ho, let him do it and if he feels ill or crashes the car then it's his tough luck. Just hope my apptmt will be ok on Weds so I can have the use of the car before he does stupid things.
Jean hope you are feeling ok, and the memory book will turn out well for your godson, what a lovely idea for him and his Mum.
Marie, I am ok, just really stressed and will be glad when Sept is here so the wedding is over, I have looked at the long term forecast and the temp looks as tho it might be about 19degrees so will probably need my lilac jacket. Just as long as it doesn't rain altho I did pick up a lilac brolly in the £shop just in case.
Must get a drink and watch some of the stuff I have recorded before going to bed.
take care all
18 Aug 2010 23:33 |
I was interrupted, while reading that latest additions to this thread, by the loud cries of Chloe the cat. I wondered what was wrong with her, then I saw she had brought a live mouse in. It went under the door to the entrance foyer so I let her through but it hid under the door. I closed the door and got a poker in the hopes of chasing it through to her side, but when I looked she still didnt have it. In the long run I opened the door and found all my poking (or shutting the door) had killed it.
I visited Phil yesterday. He was a bit sleepy but then they brought him a drink which helped wake him. He had two cups of cordial and a bite of cheese. After staying with him for an hour I came home. Last night I got a phone call. It always sounds like an Indian who phones and it is hard for me to decipher what she is saying. I did ask her to speak more slowly but she didnt really slow down. He had apparently had a fall when he tried to get up to walk, and there was something about another woman and the wooden arm of a chair but I dont really know much. I am not going to worry about it. There are plenty of people there to look after him and they will get the doctor if it is serious, or take him to the public hospital.
I have another training session at the Hospice shop tomorrow (Friday) so will need a decent sleep tonight so I can get up early. This morning I didnt get up until after 9 a.m. I am only on training one morning a week. Next week it is on Monday again.
18 Aug 2010 22:51 |
Hi Ladies,
My, it's busy on hear today! Lovely to hear from you all, and to know that you are all okay. I've been to the craft place in Derby today, been learning how to do some more Parchment. I love doing it, but I need to keep practicing. Although both Gwen and Kate told me that I had made a nice job of it, I felt that it could have been better. Today I picked up a couple of tips, so maybe it will look better next time I do it.
Ann, it will be nice for T to see his memory book before the rest of the family. I'm sure he'll love and appreciate looking back at your married life together and how much work and love you've put into it doing it.
Sylvia, hope you all enjoy your meal out tonight, for OH’s birthday. I hope he’s had a lovely day. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone since your daughter and her family came to visit you. You’ll really miss her and MJ when they’ve gone home on Friday. The house always seems so quiet after they’ve all gone home, especially the children. I hope that J’s wrist and shoulder will get better soon, now that she’s been shown the best way to pick MJ up. Sending hugs and kisses to MJ!xxxxx
Jean, lovely to see you back on here, we all really missed you while couldn’t post on here. You seem to have a few orders for Memory Books. Do you have to get them done for certain dates or can you do them in your own time? It’s a shame about losing all your photos of your Golden Wedding, still you can do as Ann has done, and cover quite a few of the years that you’ve been married.
Mo, I’m sure it made your day having your granddaughter stay for most of the day. I hope she’ll like her new job and do well in it. As you say Mo, so many places want experience these days, but how on earth can people get it, without given a chance to begin with.
Marie, glad that you managed to get some new shoes. You certainly need some comfortable ones, if you’ll be doing a lot of walking on your holiday. Is the cardigan you’ve knitted for Abigail for anything special?
Hello to Liz, Huia and Debbie. Hope all is well with everyone.
Alun has just brought me a cuppa, so I’ll speak to you all tomorrow. Take care!
Love and best wishes.
18 Aug 2010 19:19 |
Hi everyone
much cooler and cloudy today .......... weather change on its way!
OH's birthday today ............... daughter has taken him downtown and they are going to go to an art gallery or museum ............. decision to be made when they get there! MJ is with them (of course!)
Tonight, I take him out for dinner, and J as well of course! Babysitter looks after MJ.
Tomorrow, J will be packing
she leaves on Friday am .... will have to get her to the airport for about 9:15 am
Yesterday, we both had physio appointments ............. mine at 12:40 and J at 1:00 ....... followed by a sushi lunch
J has to change the way she picks up and handles MJ if she wants her wrist to stop hurting and her shoulder to improve.
Me? I have to continue with my exercises, and watch how I walk ............... no more falling over!
off to copy some of J's baby pictures on to my 'puter ........ she wants the prints!
take care everyone
s xxx
Mo in Kent
18 Aug 2010 19:10 |
Hello everyone. Sorry to be late in posting, but I had a phone call at 8.30 this morning from my grandaughter, " Nannn I'm bored, I have been up since 5.00, are you going out, if not, can I come down." So she has been with us all day, bless her. She's a lovely girl, and has just got herself a job in a childrens nursery,but cannot start it till next month. She want to be a teaching assistant, but you need experience to do the job. Now, how are they supposed to get experience, if no one is prepared to give them a chance. At least by doing work in the nursery, she will have working with children under her belt, and may stand a better chance in the future, to follow her career choice.
I hope you are all well. See you all later, love and best wishes Mo xxx
18 Aug 2010 12:01 |
Hi, Ann, the memory albums are 12x12 although I will do a 8x8 one for my friends son who really doesnt want one so I am calling it "Mums Boast Book," so she has a record of his life, he is in his 40s and my godson so between us we have some lovely memories...I did one for S my grandson called "Nans boast book." he wasnt interested until he had a look, he loved I would love to be a fly on your wall when T sees the album, he will love it I am sure... we lost all our Golden wedding photos when the computer crashed, so I may borrow your idea and do a album depicting our golden years together if you dont mind. have a lovely time celebrating, and I hope to see some holiday snaps please know me and
love Jean xx
18 Aug 2010 11:29 |
Good morning, just having a break from packing. Jean, you are getting popular for your memory books, are they all 8x8? Daff gave me a pretty one for my birthday which I am looking forward to using. Not sure what for as yet. Just finished a 12x12 of our 50 years together Not shown T yet but might show him later today as I want him to see it before the rest of the family get to see it at the family party at the weekend.
Marie, I too loved Italy and would like to go again. My favourite was Florence but then I haven't been to Venice, Rome, Naples or any of the Lakes. Loved the hill towns, wasn't struck by Sienna or Pisa.
Sallie, goodness you are busy with your cards aren't you, but as long as you are enjoying it! Your card to me was really lovely, you are very talented.
18 Aug 2010 11:12 |
Hi, Marie, so good to hear from you, We love Italy were are you going to?.. Lake Garda was a firm favourite with us. Tuscany to hilly for me, but still lovely Venice we loved too. hope you have a great time, and the pinched nerve is sorted, I am getting better by the day thanks for asking...busy doing a memory album for my friend...and dear marie thank you for your prayer for all of us....
Sallie, Joyce sent me a pic of the two cards you made her, very well done , you are so good album is coming along nicely and I love doing them, I have another order fo a January one so plenty of time to get some christmas cards made...hope all is well with Jennie and also Christie....
Sylvia, our summer looks like its over , but I am hoping for an indian summer later to your family and of course you too...
Mo, my very talented lady, how are you and Roly, what a varied life you have led, and there was I thinking you were a little mousey is the order book full for your painting and decorating business? we will have to think of a name for it. offers gratefully recieved you babe xxx
well done Joyce for joing the crafters club, we expect to see pics of your cards as well...
big waves to Huia , Debbie, and all the other lovely guys and gals on here by guys I mean your O.H s
love Jean xx
18 Aug 2010 10:39 |
Hello all you busy crafty Ladies,it's that woman from Oz, I noticed when I clicked on that we are now have over 3,000 replys on this thread, crack out the champers, I would if I had a bottle OH well ! it will just have to be a cuppa instead. Only 4weeks & 2 days and I will be flying out to ITALY**YEH*** I see you are off again AnnI hope you have a nice time .Hello Lovely Jean good to see you are better. Well done Sallie keep well Both of you.I do hope Christies results are not as bad as you think Sallie,I will have my fingers crossed.
Sylvia please send us some of your warm weather,July August & September are our coldest months. it is raining again we had 2 nice days of Sunshine,I managed to get the roses pruned and some of the wet leaves swept up.
I have been busy Knitting for Abigail.I want to have it finished in the next few days. How are you Mo my friend are you still Painting I have been doing a lot of sorting of clothes for the trip. Yesterday I decided to clean out the drawers in the bathroom cabinet, BOYdid I have a lot of rubbish Pots of creams that I hadn't used and were out of date ,It all went into the bin I couldn't believe the amount I had kept DUR Just in case I should need it later.I now have 1 spare Drawer.
Has Marilyn popped in lately Cooee Marilyn we miss you come back Please.
Dutch I hope you and Jan are well.
There are only 9 days to the big wedding and I see that LIZ is unwell I guessed this would happen that oh of hers cant handel the pressure & is giving Liz a bad time am I correct?? Huia I hope all is well with you and that Phil is as well as can be expected. I have been unable to go to exercise classes for the past week I have been having pain in my lower back and a nerve pinching in my right leg , it is very annoying as I am having trouble sleeping but other than that I am well and almost ready to take off for Italy I have been visiting the shoe shops for weeks looking for comfortable shoes also a pair of Sandals ---- well I found them to-day but they were very dear it will take me the next four weeks to pay them off,I will have to dip into my savings as I would like to wear them a few times before I go, I usually dont have any trouble with them as I have been wearing the RIKER brand for years now. Well my dear friends I will LOVE and leave you,if I havent mentioned you all by name please forgive as I have a lot on my mind.
I just remembered Kathleen is slowly improving, some days great other days very miserable, they have upped her medication once more. God bless you all May God hold you in the Palm of His Hand.---Marie xxxxxx
18 Aug 2010 00:37 |
Hi All,
Sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of days, I've been busy making cards, also had some trouble with the internet. I don't know why, but it doesn't have to be on very long before I lose it.
Sylvia, hope the weather has cooled down a bit for you. I'm sure MJ must be restless, bless him. I'm so pleased that J enjoyed the visit to the family. It's lovely to have a get together with the family, especially when they don't see each other very often.
Ann, I hope you'll be able to meet Debbie. Oh, that sounds great, having a ' mini ' meet in Jersey. I can't remember the date she get's home, although she did tell us. Hope they're all having a good holiday.
Joyce, of course it's alright for the lady in the craft shop to copy the card I made, I can't remember what it was like, though. Thank you for your card ( well I'm guessing it's a card ) ?hich arrived yesterday.If you don't mind I'll open it on the 28th, otherwise it spoils the day to open them before . How are you getting on with your card making?
Jean, hope you are feeling better. Are you managing to get on with the scrapbook you are making?
Mo, hope everything is okay with you and Roly. Have you heard anymore about your nephew, lately?
Christie went for a scan today, because of the pain she's been having in her left hand side. The scan didn't pick anything up, so they used a camera, and found something, but don't know what. So she has to go and see someone at the hospital, when she receives a letter, probably in a week or two. So I hope that it's nothing nasty.
Huia, I hope you are alright. Have you been working at the Hospice shop this week?
Liz, I hope you are feeling a bit better. Not too long now before the wedding.
Marie, hope you and your family are alright. Is your weather getting warmer now? It will soon be your summer there, won't it?
Tess, nice to see you on here again. I'm the only one interested in doing family research in our family.Although sevaral members of the family like to hear about what I've found.
Well I'm off to bed now, speak to you all soon.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
17 Aug 2010 21:19 |
good heavens where is everyone today?
Anyone know when Debbie is back. If she doesn't come back before I go on Friday could you let her know I am at the hotel from Sunday in case she want to call by.
17 Aug 2010 01:54 |
Hi Mo Jan dos,t like decorating he took me to the card shop to buy me some more stuff ,plus it was 15 percent off xmas stuff only just started to make cards,wondering why im up at this time pain in my spine and legs so thought i would pop to say hello .but goin now to see if i can get some sleep Sallie the lady in the card shop as if she could copy the card you made for our Anniversary they thought it was cleverly done ,also took Jeans and Y/Caz Caz hope your feeling abit better,Jean always in our thoughts Sylvia Huia and Ann,Tess,Marie and Deb and anyone who i may have miss out take care Dutchxx Liz my pal hope your well will ring you tonight Well good night all or should i say morning
16 Aug 2010 18:01 |
Hi Mo
and everyone
another hot sunny day .................25.5C in the shade in the backyard at 9:50am. Over 30C forecast again for the afternoon
Daughter wants to go to Ikea. Leaving in a few minutes
Back home for lunch, then find somewhere cool for the afternoon and evening
Guess where?
Woke up about 5:00 am this morning, saw OH had pulled a BLANKET up over him.
Realised I didn't feel too well.
Realised fan had been turned down to setting one.
Turned fan up to 2.
Drank 8 oz water.
Felt much better.
I was dehydrated!
He said "I felt cold in the middle of the night so I turned the fan down and got the blanket".
I swore silently!!!!
Sallie .............. sorry for not replying to you!
J really enjoyed her trip up north to visit the family, and they really enjoyed seeing her. Thye were all glad that I had maanged to get the plane ticket for her.
I think it was really chaotic though ................ there was the new born, her 25 month old sister, their 20 month old cousin, and then 5 month old MJ!
Plus a 7 month old Nova Scotia Duck Troller puppy dog ( "medium" sized dog).
sylvia xxx
16 Aug 2010 13:00 |
Mo. We go to Hampshire on friday, family celebrations on Saturday, then to Jersey on Sunday for a week.
If you sell on e bay you add the cost of the post/carriage to the selling price. The buyer pays for the cost. So, after the item reaches a sale price you then add on whatever you have quoted as delivery costs.
Mo in Kent
16 Aug 2010 12:49 |
Hello girls. Well it's a horrid day here, blowing a gale, and very cold, brrrr it feels like winter already.
Sylvia, my daughter is a great fan of E.Bay. She buys and sells lots of things on there. I personally, would rather do a boot fair. I don't like the idea of having strangers coming to my home. I know you can either post, or send by carrier to the buyer, but it could work out rather an expensive way of getting rid of clutter. Do you have boot fairs out there.?
You could do likewise Sallie. It would give Richard and Christie, a bit of spare cash, to splash out on something they really would like. My daughter and I used to do boot fairs, and it's so surprising, that what you think is rubbish, others find a use for. We never charged a fortune for our odds and ends, and nearly always came home with a decent bit of money. We used to put that money away for our holiday away together.
Dutch make sure you keep well away from Jan, while he is building his lift for the bike. We don't want to learn it has fallen down and injured you. Is he enjoying his holiday still, or have you had him busy doing decorating for you. lol How come it's clammy over there, can you please send a little bit of your warmth over the channel, here to Kent. I am flipping freezin, I just hope I am not sickening for anything.
Ann, when is it you go on your holiday, I am trying to remember if it's this weekend or next. Both my son and daughter and their families, are off on holiday soon. One to Egypt, and the other to Turkey. I just hope, like you proably are, that they don't get held up by any of the strikes that are going to be starting very soon.
I must go and do some lunch now girls, as I am starving. Love to you all. Mo xxx