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13 Sep 2010 05:20 |
Hi everyone
Mo .... glad to hear you "only" have a cyst! Congratulations on the great grand baby
Got back yesterday (Saturday) afternoon ................. it started to rain a couple of hours after we got in. Fortunately OH managed to unpack the trailer and the car before that happened!
It's raining hard today, and it is soooooo cold ...... we turned the central heating on first thing this morning.
The week went well ...... the weather wasn't too good, we lit the wood stove every day and kept it going all day, it rained most days, and it got cold at night! The fire kept the cabin lovely and cozy! But it was lovely and peaceful.
OH did have to do quite a few repair jobs to do that we hadn't expected, which means that he didn't manage to get done all that he had planned to do.
A pack rat (officially called a bushy tailed wood rat) had managed to find a spot where he could chew a hole in a wall, and had got into the store room where we keep tools and such like ...... made one heck of a mess as he chewed the lino on the floor, chewed all down the sides of a ball of string (means lots of little bits of string instead of one long long piece!), etc .................. and then left his bloody (literally) pee which resulted from him having gorged on the poison we had put down in there.
No sign of the body though.
That meant repairing the hole in the wall, cleaning up the mess, pulling everything off all the shelves and checking it all, washing everything down with disinfectant, re-laying some lino, etc etc. One good thing was that we did some sorting of the stuff ........ into the garbage, re-cycle (at the Share Shed in the village), take home again, etc.
The neighbourhood bear had decided to try to get into the screened-in sun porch (no glass windows, just mosquito netting over 4 large window openings). He'd taken a swipe at one corner of the netting in one window, ripped it down so there was a large squarish hole down at one corner (about 12 x 12"). Plus, one of his claws had torn down into one of the struts of wood underneath the window. Wonder what state his claw was in??????????
Then he'd turned his attention to the screen door and tried to break out one of the windows in that.
That meant taking out the whole damaged netting and replacing it with new screening, and forcing the metal frame back into place in the door. The screening in that was also damaged, but we just patched it with duct tape.
Finally, OH went to retrieve the large wheeled garbage can that we use to collect rainwater from the roof and which had been blown to the bottom of the grassy slope ............ or so we thought!
Nope ............... bear had used it as a plaything. You wouldn't believe the number of holes in that can from his claws!!
I did a lot of knitting, and we both also read a lot in the evenings.
Berry season was either late or sparse (according to all the locals), so we didn't collect any of the wild stuff.
We had a good drive back home ........... the sockeye salmon (my favourite salmon) run was huge this year, some reports say it could be the best in almost 100 years. The First Nations are allowed to catch all the salmon they need for their own food and ceremonies, and are also allowed to sell some of what they catch. So yesterday we stopped by one of the reserves where they had set up a Fish Shop, and bought ourselves a lovely 4 lb sockeye salmon caught on Friday. It was already dressed (head and tail off, and guts removed) ............... and cost $15 (or about £7).
OH cut some steaks off it, left a large piece whole, and it's all now in the freezer
We realised on our way home that this will be the first time that we have had river-caught salmon ...... we usually buy our wild salmon from the docks down here on the coast, salmon that has been caught out to sea or in the estuary. It'll be interesting to see whether there is any difference in taste.
Talked to daughter earlier today (Sunday) ago, and finally got to hear about their "hurricane" last weekend.
It was actually downgraded to a Tropical Storm by the time it hit Halifax and Dartmouth. J said they got a lot of high winds, but little rain. They had little damage to their house, although she said they hadn't yet really checked their roof. The power was out for about 22 hours, but they didn't lose any food. The freezers stayed cold. She did throw out a couple of items from the fridge part which were close to their time limit anyway (eg, yoghurt that was a day over time).
There were a lot of limbs broken off trees in the city limits, and a few trees blown over. She said one neighbour up the street was really lucky. They had a big old tree in their front yard, it was blown over but fell very neatly sideways ..... across their lawn and the neighbour's, and missed both houses!
ran out of space!!
12 Sep 2010 19:56 |
Hello again,
Mo it's lovely to hear from you. It looks as though you have been busy entertaining over the last couple of days. Still, it's nice to have the family visit now and then. Do your granddaughter like her new job? As you say, it takes a while to get into a work routine, so she'll feel a bit tired for a while.
Yes, Jennie and Michael have been for their Sunday dinner as usual. I don't mind though, it's lovely to see them.
Christie still hasn't heard anything, but she does seem to be better, so I'm not sure what's happening. Richard had a job interview on Friday, they told him that they would let him know something tomorrow, so it's fingers and toes crossed.
Hope Roly is okay, and that your leg is better.
I'll be in touch tomorrow.
Love and best wishes.
12 Sep 2010 19:56 |
Hello again,
Mo it's lovely to hear from you. It looks as though you have been busy entertaining over the last couple of days. Still, it's nice to have the family visit now and then. Do your granddaughter like her new job? As you say, it takes a while to get into a work routine, so she'll feel a bit tired for a while.
Yes, Jennie and Michael have been for their Sunday dinner as usual. I don't mind though, it's lovely to see them.
Christie still hasn't heard anything, but she does seem to be better, so I'm not sure what's happening. Richard had a job interview on Friday, they told him that they would let him know something tomorrow, so it's fingers and toes crossed.
Hope Roly is okay, and that your leg is better.
I'll be in touch tomorrow
12 Sep 2010 19:56 |
Hello again,
Mo it's lovely to hear from you. It looks as though you have been busy entertaining over the last couple of days. Still, it's nice to have the family visit now and then. Do your granddaughter like her new job? As you say, it takes a while to get into a work routine, so she'll feel a bit tired for a while.
Yes, Jennie and Michael have been for their Sunday dinner as usual. I don't mind though, it's lovely to see them.
Christie still hasn't heard anything, but she does seem to be better, so I'm not sure what's happening. Richard had a job interview on Friday, they told him that they would let him know something tomorrow, so it's fingers and toes crossed.
Hope Roly is okay, and that your leg is better.
I'll be in touch tomorrow
Mo in Kent
12 Sep 2010 18:49 |
Good evening everyone. Hello Huia. It's good to hear from you. Oooh yuk, fancy finding the dead mice. Especially the liquidised one. Thank goodness your son went out to clear the shed for you, as if it was you who discovered the mouse, if you are anything like me, I would have screamed and ran out of the shed and left it there for another day. What a shame that Phil was still a bit unreceptive, after going all the way there to see him. But at least it puts your own mind to rest, knowing that he is o.k. Are you doing your calendars again this year. They were so good last year, you are such a clever person, and raised money for such a good cause.
Hi Sallie. It sounds like you are still very busy with your cards. Have you had Richard and Christie round for their dinner today. How is Christie now by the way. Have you seen your brother lately. I know you are doing some of the cards for his church. My brother actually came to visit me yesterday. That is the first time I have seen him since he had some family problems, and stayed with us for a while. We also had a visit today from our daughter, and grandaughter. This is the grandaughter who started work at the childrens nursery last week. She has felt quite tired this week, but it will take her a while to get into the rhythm of a working life, bless her. All she can think about, is her first wage packet. But then I can relate to that, it was so exciting having my own money. Even though at that time I had to give my mum house keeping money, I still felt like a millionaire.
I hope that Liz is feeling more like her old self. Hurry back and see us Liz, we miss you.
HUGS((((((((((((((((MWAH))))))))))))))))) for our Jean. I hope you are all fine Jean.
One week left before yor holiday Marie. Enjoy yourself my love. Watch out for those Italian men though, especially if they pinch your btm. If they do, give them a swift smack round the ear, but don't get arrested for assault. lol.
I hope Debbie and the family are all well. (((((((Hugs)))))))for them all.
Lets hope that Ann and Sylvia are still enjoying their holiday breaks.
Best wishes to you all. Love Mo xxx
12 Sep 2010 15:29 |
Huia, lovely to hear from you. I'm sure that you enjoyed having your son's company over the weekend. He seemed to have been very busy----it's nice that he has done some of the jobs for you, that you can no longer do.
Glad to hear that Phil was alright, and to know that you spent an hour with him although he wasn't as alert as he was on your last visit.
Alun is on holiday from work this week, so we're hoping to have a couple of days out. We also have a few jobs around the house that need doing, so we'll see how things go.
I hope that Ann and Sylvia are enjoying their holidays, and that they are both having good weather in their different parts of the world.
It's so quiet on here, I'm wondering if things are okay with you all.
Well I'm going to make a few cards now, so I might look in again, later today.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
12 Sep 2010 08:39 |
Good morning to all my English friends (Sunday evening here).
Son came up from Rotorua yesterday morning. He spent the day cleaning up some of the mess in one of our sheds, then cleaned up a pile of stuff that was outside, dismantling a trolley thing that we used to use to haul firewood up from the bottom of our property (using an electric winch Phil designed and built). He also rearranged stuff in Phil's workshop so we can now see things and move around more easily. I had tried to help Phil to tidy it last year but he kept forgetting what we were doing and wandering around doing other things so I gave up. Son found one dead mouse and one extremely dead (liquified) mouse! I presume they were fatally injured when they set off the trap, but managed to fall out of it.
When son left this morning I had an early lunch and a snooze then went and visited Phil. He was dozing, but woke up, although not quite as alert as last time. I stayed an hour then did some shopping on the way home.
10 Sep 2010 19:56 |
Liz, your OH sounds just like mine, he must be feeling really poorly if he takes time off work. I hope that he'll start feeling better soon, it takes a couple of days for the antibiotic to start to work.
Did you manage to go out somewhere on your own today? I hope you did, as I'm sure it would have done you the world of good.
Well, I hope everyone else is okay, and that you'll all enjoy your weekend.
Speak to you all soon.
Love and best wishes.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
10 Sep 2010 06:46 |
Hi all, feeling a bit low and then o.h. got poorly on Weds and I had to pick him up from work and take him to a walk in centre, he has a u.t.i. and is very miserable, he must feel rough as he won't normally take time off work. He says the antib's make him feel worse and aren't working but he has only had time to take 5 so will see how he is when he gets up and maybe get him to see his doc. He has to go in a week anyway to make sure the infection has gone and then have a check up on his prostate - I have been telling him for ages to get the check up as his dad has problems and it's better to be checked out, but of course, he's a man so doesn't do precautionary check ups, particularly not certain embarrassing ones lol I can't stand him being home all the time but won't get respite till Monday pm if then! Am hoping to get out by myself later today but that will be difficult if I have to take him to the doc, don't think he is up to driving. He had to leave his bike at work so if he goes in next week will have to get the bus so he can ride home. Consequently we haven't sorted out a holiday at all, if we go anywhere it will be local, so boring and miserable weather probably, early October could give us a late indian summer but the evenings would still be dark by 7ish! Oh happy days lol
love to all, apologies for not being more communicative
9 Sep 2010 22:21 |
Hi Mo,
Wonderful news! I'm thrilled for you, lovely to think that you are going to be a great-nan for the first time. Will it be your daughter's first grandchild? I'm sure like you, she's over the moon.
I'm glad Marie has been in touch with you, and to know that all is well with her and her family.
I'll speak to you tomorrow.
Mo in Kent
9 Sep 2010 21:06 |
Hello again girls. I have just received some good news. I am going to be a great grandma next May. This the grandaughter who had the cervical cancer. I am over the moon, I can tell you. That means I will be a nan in January, and a great nan in May. Only four months between them.
Mo in Kent
9 Sep 2010 19:37 |
Hello my darlinks. I am feeling a lot better now thank you Sallie. I phoned the doctors this morning, for an appointment, only to be told she was not in today, and that if I need to see her, to ring after 12 tommorrow. It will give time for my results to get back to her I suppose. But these days, they send the results via the internet. It saves them getting lost in the post. LOL At the moment, I don't feel like I need the painkillers, but who knows how I will feel when I get up tommorrow. I wonder to myself, if the man doing the scan burst the cysts, when he was doing the scan,as he was pressing so hard on my leg. But that would not be my luck.
Ann, you lucky thing having lovely weather. But I don't envy you the midgies biting you. Perhaps you should have a mosquito net over your bed to protect you of a night time. Theres nothing worse than having to listen to someone singing, if they sound out of key. Even though I can't sing, I certainly know when a person is out of tune. Enjoy yourselves, and have a tequila for us.
It looks like a quiet night for both of us tonight Sallie. With Alun being at his train club, and Roly at darts. Some me time is lovely, to be able to watch whatever I want on the box, is luxury. And to be able to be on the net, and not get moaned at. lol
I had a e.mail from Marie today, and she sends everyone her regards. Only one week two days before her holiday, and she is really looking forwards to it.
A big HELLO to Jean, Joyce,Huia, Debbie, Liz and all our friends. Love and best wishes Mo xxx
9 Sep 2010 18:54 |
Oh what a lonely little thread this is. Where's everyone gone to? I know that Sylvia and Ann are away on holiday---though Ann is still in touch with us.
Mo, how are you today? I hope that you're okay and not having too much trouble with your leg.
Alun is off to the train club in about half an hour, so I'm going to try and make a couple of cards while he's there, but first I have to make a phone call to my mother's cousin.
Hope everything is alright with you all and your families.
Take care!
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
8 Sep 2010 22:03 |
Hi It is really hot here this week, and most of the time it is also sunny. Just back from our meal out, had omelette and chips tonight in a small Spanish bar with the most atrocious singer you have heard. But actually he was singing in the Canarian style which to our ears is really tuneless. One thing about the heat is that it brings the midges out and I have been well bitten, not sure when but probably at night as we had our window open because of the heat, Boy do I itch!!!!
8 Sep 2010 21:26 |
Hi Everyone,
Mo, glad to hear that it isn't a deep vein thrombosis. I'm sure you feel much better for hearing that it isn't.
I know my mother had a bakers cyst when both my brother and I were small, and also a friend of ours living in Wales had one quite a few years ago. I can't remember what treatment my friend had, if any, because we had already moved here when she had it. The only thing I know, it's nothing to worry about.
We've been and done the shopping, a good job done for another week. I wasn't sure what to buy, because Alun is on holiday next week, and are hoping to have a few days out', so I didn't want to buy too much fresh stuff, if we're not going to be here some of the time.
Jean, when I can get Alun to scan the cards for me, I'll send the pictures to you. I also promised to send them to Ann. I think I need to give him a kick up the ' you know where ' to get him to do it.lolol!!!
I didn't realise that they don't wear a cap for their Graduation Ceremony anymore---but it's about five years since I've known anyone who has graduated. I'm very behind the!
Glad to see that you have started your Christmas cards. I'm still plodding on with the cards for my brother's church. Since they told me that the next fair is in November, I thought that it would be a good idea to make some more for them.
Liz, I hope that you're feeling a bit better since the wedding is over. When do you and OH go away? If we don't hear from you before you go, I hope that you'll have a nice holiday.
Debbie, hope that everyone is alright with you and your family. Also hope that your dad is better than he's been lately.
Ann, I hope that you're having good weather in Tenerife and that both you and T are okay.
Marie, I know it won't be long now before your holiday. I hope that everything is okay with you and your family.
Joyce, I hope that the doctor will be able to sort your problem out and that you'll soon be much better. Glad that you had the package off me, it's awful that it took two weeks to get to you.
Thinking about both Huia and Sylvia. Take care!
Well Mo, I'm now going to have a nice!
Take care everyone.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
Mo in Kent
8 Sep 2010 18:53 |
Good news girls, it's not a DVT. Apparantly I have got a bakers cyst. When they did the scan, they said there are two cysts, behind my knee, and they are rubbing against each other. I have got to make an appointment with my doctor, to get some pain killers, and then physio therapy. I have googled what it is, as I thought they were kidding me when they said the name. But it is real lol. I have not been home very long, so I am going to get something to eat now. Love to you all. Mo xxx
8 Sep 2010 14:58 |
Huia, pleased to know that Phil was far more alert than he's been lately. Even though you couldn't understand all that he was saying, it must have been lovely to hear him speak.
I don't normally watch This Morning now, I got a bit fed up of it a while back. Although if I'd known about you relly, I would have had a look at it.
Mo, I hope all is going okay for you today, and that the doctors are able to sort you out. I'm off shopping in an hours time, so I'll look in to see if there is any news, when I get home.
I'll speak to you all later. Take care everyone !
Love and best wishes.
8 Sep 2010 08:17 |
Hello everybody.
I visited Phil this afternoon (for a change). He was much more alert. He was standing (sort of) with his hands still on the arms of the chair. I suggested we go for a walk, so I walked him to the opposite end of the room where there is an enclosed porch. He promptly sat down on the bench seat. I did suggest we could go for a walk in the garden but he seemed to think we would wreck it, must have taken 'in the garden' literally. I sat on the bench seat opposite so he could see me better as his distant vision is miles better than his close up vision. He was talking to me quite a bit, although I could not understand much of it. He also kept doing push ups, sitting and putting his hands each side of him and then half standing. I dont know if his situpon is sore from too much sittingupon or if he just likes to exercise his arms and possibly his legs.
I had an email yesterday from my 3rd cousin in England, giving some websites with newspaper articles about her 79 y.o. aunt who visited NZ last year. The articles were talking about her doing tandem skydives and abseiling down a building in Birmingham and she is going to do (or has done) another abseil in London and she will be on ITVs This Morning show. So if you hear the name Brenda Backhouse, that is my relly! She does these things to raise funds for Help for Heroes charity.
7 Sep 2010 20:03 |
Hi Everyone,
Mo, sorry that you have had a bad day, but really hope that it will all be sorted out for you tomorrow. Good luck!
I read Daff's thread earlier on, she has to go into hospital tonight, instead of tomorrow morning. I hope that everything will go well for her, and that she'll be back on the threads soon.
I'm going to watch Holby City now, so will speak to you all tomorrow.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
7 Sep 2010 20:00 |
Mo, so sorry to hear about your problem, at least they saw to you right away, unlike poor Joyce, she has always had trouble to get proper treatment, we wouldnt stand for it , she really does need some help and soon.... J and I will be praying all will be well for you and of course Joyce too... but your Roly will look after you I know...
Sallie, D wont have a cap it seems they dont do it least O/U dont.. I have started the christmas cards, and managed about six so far, but I need a lot more..... I have been having a go at some unusual designs for a change,,I will take some pics and send them when I have a few more... we go away at he end of Oct to our usual place in Llandudno, so I can have a look at the craft praying for an indian summer....
Marie have a great holiday , it seems a very long journey from were you are, how long will it take to get to Italy?
Ann , I am sure the holiday you are having is all sunshine and balmy nights. enjoy yourselves...
Liz my love are you alright? we miss you, hope you have rested after the hectic wedding...
~~~~~~~~~~ to Debbie, Huia, and everyone else~~~~~~~~~~
love Jean xx