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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Sep 2010 18:00

Hi Sallie.
The baby is due on the 20th of January. Our great grandchild is due in May.
I have not started knitting for the baby due in May yet,as I don't want to tempt fate.
My knee has not been to bad thank you. I am still waiting for the MRI scan date. I have not kept it elevated all the time, only doing it when it starts to ache. I am not the type of person who can sit on my btm for hours on end I'm afraid.
Just going to make the tea. See you later. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 26 Sep 2010 17:46

Mo, just missed you. I hope all will go well for your son's fiance, and that they can clear the kidney infection up quickly.

I know it's very painful, as Jennie had one when she was eight. She was in agony, bless her!

Sorry Mo, I know you've already told us, but I can't remember when the baby is due.

Please give her my get well wishes and wish her all the best.

Love, Sallie. xxx


Sallie Report 26 Sep 2010 17:36

Hello Everyone,

I've been quite busy the last few days, making cards, had Jennie and Michael come for their dinner two days, and Alun and I have been out a fair bit and in between getting some housework done.

Dutch, that was very nice and thoughtful of Jan's mother, it shows how she appreciates the time and cost that you have put into making the cards.
Bless her!

It's a shame that they can't do anything about the cramp pains you are suffering, but if an operation will only make the pain worse, then it just isn't worth it.

Joyce I'm sure your son means well, but he has to realise that you are married to Jan, and that's where you want to be and where you are happiest.

Huia, you have been busy today, and it looks as though you are going to have another busy day tomorrow. It's good to get out and about and meet people.
Hope that Phil was a bit more responsive today, it makes it a lot nicer for you while you are there.

Sylvia, it's got colder here over the last couple of days, so we've had the fire on in the living room, it isn't warm enough to sit without any heat at all.
I have stated wearing a top with long sleeves and a high neck over the last couple of days, too.

I love your idea of going out for a meal when the shopping is done and put away on Friday----that would be a good idea when Alun will eventually retire. One of my pet hates, is having to make a meal after we've done the weekly shop.

Hope all is well with J and her family. Hugs and kisses to MJ. xxxx

Tess, you certainly had a lovely day out yesterday, by the sound of it, it's really done you some good. Do you like watching football generally or only when West Bomwich Albion are playing.

I've never tried Caribbean food and as far as I know I don't think we have a Caribbean Cafe anywhere in the area that we live. Is the food spicy and what kind of ingredients do they use?

My son is like you, he won't get rid of any books. While he was out of work, he couldn'tafford to buy any books, but I'm sure that now he's working again and gets his first months wages, he's bound to buy one.

Jean, I hope that you have recovered from your fall and feeling a lot better. Are you managing to make any cards now?

Mo, how are things with you? I hope that your leg is a bit better than it's been. I hope that you are keeping it elevated, even though it's easier said than done.
Have you started on any knitting for the two new babies due in 2011?

Ann, hope your holiday is still going well and that the weather is still good for you.

Liz and Debbie, hope that you are both okay. It seems a long time since we heard from you both.

Well, I'd better go and make our tea now, but I might look in later on.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Sep 2010 17:12

Good afternoon everyone.
It was good to catch up with all your news.
Next time they have a book sale Huia, they will have to do the advertising in big bold print.
At least now your shop will get all the profits. But as you say, the storage is a problem. I tend to buy and donate my books back to the charity shop.
Roly has a big library of books in his room, it's the only place we can store them. But at least they are on a bookcase all neat and tidy.

Good luck for Tuesday Joyce, I hope you have a good outcome.
I can understand your son being worried about your health, and about his wanting to care for you, but, you have your life with Jan ,and the love for your partner has to come first. As much as we love our children, they end up leading their own lives don't they.
Your son probably feels that you would get better health care treatment here in the U.K.
There are times when I don't see my lot from one week to the next, and I then question myself to see if I have done or said anything to upset them.
But thats just me worrying over nothing,and then they will ring me up out of the blue,and things are back to normal.
We worry about our children when they are youngsters, but the worry does not go away when they become adults does it. Thats us mums for you.

It sounds like you had a great day yesterday Tess. The camaradery (sp)
during a footie game is something else isn't it. Everyone cheering for the same reason.
The Jerk chicken, rice and peas sounds delicious. Is it a really spicey meal. I like curry, but cant eat it unless I make it myself. If there is any onion in it, I suffer for hours afterwards.
IBS has a lot to answer for.

It's a really horrid day here again, we have had rain all day, and it's so dark
that I have had to put the table lamp on.
I went with Roly to the club today, for a game of darts. I must get some practise,as our darts season starts on the 4th of October,and if I play like I did today, I will be dropped from the team for a week,and I don't want that to happen.
My sons fiance had to spend the night in hospital last night. She's had a kidney infection for a week now. And yesterday she had bad pains.
When they examined her, they said that the baby's heart rate had slowed down, because she has also got the kidney infection.
S has got to finish her anti-biotics,and if she feels no better, she must go and see her doctor again.
When I saw baby on the scan just a week ago, she was fine, so now I have got everything crossed that all will be fine.

Well I hope everyone is well. I hope to hear from you again soon.
Love and best wishes everyone. Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 26 Sep 2010 12:39

Hi everyone, had a good day yesterday. Had a look round the Jewellary Museum in Birmingham, with a guided tour (all free). Then went to a local Caribbean Cafe for Jerk Chicken with rice and peas - yummy. To cap it all son then took me to The Hawthorns (home ground of my football team, West Bromwich Albion) They were playing away, but sop was open so had a little look. There are a few big t.v. screens in the shop which were showing the match reports. While we were there Albion scored two goals! It increased my euphoria to watch customers and staff, leaping up and down, cheering.

Now that my computer is working again I need to go back to working on my tree and sorting out my paperwork. (a never ending job I fear)

Joyce, have you been referredanywhere for pain management? I don't know much about it, but do know that there is help out there.

Huia, just as well that your friend has room to store all those books. I tend to be a bit of a hoarder, and books are one of the rhings that I find it difficult to disguard,
In fact, if I was able, I'm sure that I could quite easily keep a barnful of books, just for my own pleasure!

Sylvia, I can never understand just why the clocks have to change. There are still the same amount of daylight hours, no matter what. If you want to get up an hour later or earlier, that should be your own choice. (Moan over)


dutch Report 26 Sep 2010 08:52

GoodMorning All,have just pop on to tell you i have updated thread for Caz told her i would do it tuesday ,but with having appointments myself i dont want to forget so thought i would let you no
Mo theres nothing they can do for me its the nerves pressing on my spine which is causing me pain and cramps in my feet ,i have seen specilist in the hospital and he had alook at the MRI scan and xray of my feet .but he said opertion was out for both as i would be in more pain than i am now so thats it,but have appointment to see docter on another matter which my close friends no about mybe she can help me
Mo i had my cartledge out but later one had new knee done about 5yrs ago i think
Jean nice to see you back and your bruises are going
Sallie how are you im still doing cards not quite as good as you and Jean but getting there,done do yesterday for my M.I.L and she want to pay me for them i told her no but she would,nt have it she put money in moneybox we have ,mind you its realy nice of her
Abit of good news so far so good going to be great grandmother for the 5th time Danni my g,daughter is due in April
Liz my friend will ring you tuesday night to let you no how i got on ,that is if K is on late shifts just text me to let me no
My son who i have just got in contact with after 10 long years he keeps ringing me up asking me am i ok ,and that he loves and misses me ,i told him its ok we know were each of us are now,he wants me to come and live with him so he can look after me ,i tried to explain i could,nt but he said im your son, but i hope to see him soon as he,s not well
anyway love to everyone ,Ann,Sylvia,Tess,Maria,Huia and anyone i may have forgot .stay safe and better days ahead
Love Dutchxx


Huia Report 26 Sep 2010 08:40

Good morning all.

I had a busy day today. I visited Phil before lunch, then returned to Papakura for my lunch. At 2pm our genealogy group went to a shop where the Lions Club had had a big book sale. Unfortunately they hadnt advertised it well enough so there were heaps of books left over. They donated them to our group for our next book sale, as they didnt have storage for them. There must have been about 100 banana boxes full of books. We had several vehicles to carry them to Drury where one of our members has a huge barn which is not very full at present. Drury is a small town just a few km south of Papakura.

Tomorrow I hope to go to Pukekohe where the Franklin Hist. Soc. has a display of old photos and stuff. I am not sure if they have any of my dads photos. I have put them onto a CD.



SylviaInCanada Report 25 Sep 2010 05:37

Hi Huia

we're entering our cool or cold weather phase!!

I've worn a high necked (turtle neck) and long sleeved swaeter the last couple of days!

I do hope that it warms up for you soon, and that the sun begins to shine.

I realised as I was talking to OH about daylight savings time earlier this evening that we actually have 8 months on DST, and only 4 months off!



Huia Report 25 Sep 2010 04:20

Hello Sylvia (and the others when they wake up).

I did the washing this morning and hung it up indoors. Then after lunch I was feeling cold. Since the winds dont seem so blustery now I decided to light the fire. I havent had it going while we have had the very bad winds. (burp, burp). I just wish we could have some sunny days as I am not getting enough exercise. I get a bit bored hopping on the exercycle. It is much better if I can get outside in the sunshine and go for a walk.

Huia getting stir crazy.


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Sep 2010 21:27

Hi all

we have the central heating on again, it's that chilly!

Huia .. it sounds as though NZ is following along with the US and Canada

George Bush was persuaded some years ago that extending the daylight savings period would save money and energy.

So he got it passed in Washington, and persuaded most of the individual states to also vote for it ...... then Canada also had to vote for it because so many things here are closely tied to the US.

Like the US, we are really a federation of states / provinces, and those states have lots of rights and control over things. So the Federal government in Ottawa voted for it, then the provinces had to also vote for the change, and some didn't!

So the new laws came in ................... daylight saving would last 6 months.

This year it started on March 14 and ends November 7

Problem is .............. a report issued last year after 5 years of this has shown that costs have INCREASED, and so has the use of energy.

Not surprising, as March 14 is still winter in large parts of the US and Canada, and is not even warm enough to turn off the heating here in Vancouver. Plus dark mornings mean more lights are needed. Same in November

Guess which lobbyists persuaded Bush?

Yep, energy providers!

It really makes it difficult working out what time it is in other parts of the continent, but especially overseas!

Grocery shopping later this afternoon for us.

We've always done it on a Friday, but we used to go out for an inexpensive meal then do it. After OH retired, we changed to him meeting me for afternoon coffee about 3 pm on a Friday afternoon, I'd have the shopping list, would have been to the bank, etc, and we would then go to do the grocery shopping.

Both times are relatively quiet ...... sometimes VERY quiet!!

We now still usually go out for an inexpensive meal but AFTER everything has been put away in the cupboards etc. It's a good way to end the week. :))


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2010 21:03

Thanks for that Huia. Like you it's a darn nuisance having to change all the clocks in this house. We have six clocks, plus watches to change. Fortunately the central heating adjusts itself. I don't know how it does that, but it's darn clever.
It's my oven clock that is the biggest problem for me, thank god Roly knows how to change it,as when I do it, I somehow manage to put it onto the automatic cook setting,and then I don't know how to alter it. If it was down to me I would leave it flashing,and not touch it at all. LOL
Hows your weather over there now. Has it settled down now, or have you still got the rain and winds.
Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 24 Sep 2010 20:27

Hi there Mo.

Tonight we put our clocks forward an hour. It used to be late October that we did it, so now I will be getting up in the dark for a while. I think the clocks go back again in April. I have 5 or 6 clocks to alter each time, not to mention my watch. I think the tv and the computer do it by themselves.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2010 18:13

Oh thank goodness, I thought everyone had forgotten this little thread.
Hi Tess, it's so good to hear from you.
So you are looking all glamorous are you, with your nice hair do.
I am pleased you are feeling a little better. Hopefully the vit B12 tablets will continue to make your health improve.
Lucky girl having your son there to sort out all the computer problems.
Like you, our weather has been abysmal today. I did all the bedding this morning,and by the time I had finished the wash, the heavens had opened,and it's been like it all day.
I have got two clothes horses full up. I just hope that it clears up tommorrow,as this load of washing is never going to dry indoors.

Huia, I am going to sound very thick here, but how does your daylight saving work over there.
As you know our clocks go back in October,and forward in hmm cant remember in what month. But it is only by one hour.
Have you got anything planned for the weekend love.

I hope that everyone is well. Take care my friends. Love Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 24 Sep 2010 15:07

Hi all, i am still here and I am fine. Been off-line since Monday. My son has been tryimg to sort out my new (wireless) computer for me. He has had to get a new router (x2) plus a new modem. Then he had to speak to all sorts of people before he finally got it sorted (about an hour ago)
I have been taking Vitamin B12 tablets, not having injections, but have had a pretty good week so far (for me) Even managed to do a little ironing earlier today, and I have put it away!

Yestaeday, went to a college in town to have my hair done. Then trotted to (the nearby ) Central Library.
Changed my books and even managed to spend some time in the referance section.

While on the bus on the way home, we had a "tropical downpour" Luckily it had stopped by the time I got off the bus.

Hope that everyone is okay


Huia Report 22 Sep 2010 21:59

I did visit Phil yesterday afternoon, after all. I was fed up with staying at home twiddling my thumbs.

I havent done any washing for ages so might do some today. I wont hang it on the line as I would probably lose it all with these gales. My son had tidied up in the basement when he was up so I might put the clothes rack down there to drape some of the stuff on.

Apparently our daylight saving comes in this weekend. It is much earlier than it has been in the past. At least I can please myself when I get up and go to bed, not have to get up in the dark if I dont want to.



Sallie Report 22 Sep 2010 21:58

Hi Everyone,

Well that's a good job over and done with for another week----the older I get, the more I dislike shopping.
Mo, we always did our shopping on a Friday, but it got so busy and chaotic, that we changed our day to a Wednesday and because it was much quieter, we've stuck to a Wednesday ever since.

Thank you for asking about my brother! I spoke to my sister-in-law last night and she said that the operation had gone well, that he was alright and that he was in theatre for two hours.

I spoke to John myself at lunch time, he sounded fine and said he wasn't in any pain as whatever medication they gave him for the operation, was still working. But he did say that about nine tonight the medication would have worn off.

Yes Mo, he is a vicar and he's my only sibling. He doesn't like sitting down for long, so he's not too happy about keeping his leg elevated for two weeks---but he enjoys reading and he'll be able to watch sport on the television, and of course he's got his laptop, so hopefully he'll have enough to keep him occupied.

The weather's been lovely here today, but it looks as though we're going to have rain tomorrow and Friday---the trouble is, that once the rain starts, it doesn't know when to stop.

Well I'll say goodnight to you all and I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to you all. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Sep 2010 18:42

Hi all.
I bet you were on the phone to Liz, Dutch. She is a proper night owl isn't she.
Good luck for the doctors tommorrow. We will look forward to speaking to you, when you are up to it love.

Huia I hope your weather clears up very soon, theres nothing worse than being housebound, when you feel you would like to go out,and can't.
How's your mouse situation now, have they all gone. They probably came
in out of the cold and rain.
But they did not ask if they could move in did they, and if they did, they should have been paying rent. LOL

Sallie, have you heard how your brother is feeling today. He will get bored just sitting around,especially if he is normally an active man. Is this the brother who is a priest.
Does he have a computer to keep him occupied. Or perhaps he likes to do cross words,or word searches. I like to sit and read a lot, I am a proper book worm.

Oh Sylvia, what a nuisance being unable to pay for your booking straight away. It does make you wonder what the heck is going on at times doesn't it.
How long are you going to be in Vancouver Island for. It sounds lovely, I am very envious, in fact to be honest, I am green with envy.

Sallie have you finished buying the shop up yet. lol
My big shop day, should be Friday, but we will wait and see. If we get the rain thats forecast, it may be done on Saturday or Sunday. I refuse to get soaked, we will have to manage with whats in the freezer.

I hope everyone is well. Love to all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 22 Sep 2010 14:35

Sylvia, sorry to hear that you had troubleaccessing your account. It is so maddening when you can't access an account that you know you have. We have had the same problems in the past, so I know how you feel.
I must say that you made me laugh when you said that in the end you didn't know whether you had booked for three trips the same way. I know the feeling.lolol!!

Dutch, I hope that all will go well for you tomorrow, whatever the problem is, you must get it sorted out. If you don't, it will only make you worry and you'll start thinking all sorts of things.

Hope Jan is feeling better.

Good luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you. Take care!

Huia, sorry that you are having such awful weather,. I hope that it soon clear up so that you can get out and about.

I have to get ready to go and do the shopping now, so will speak to you all later on.

Love, Sallie. xxx


dutch Report 22 Sep 2010 07:18

Good Morning all ,yes Mo docter does no about my cramps was up last night s again so rang my friend at 2, oclock as she dos,nt go to bed till late
I wont be on here for while as i have other problems which only my close friends no about ,Im going to get help but its going to take while so dont worry if you dont see me ,love to everyone stay safe and take care
Love Dutchxx


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Sep 2010 04:27

Hi all

it was a lovely sunny day today .... tomorrow it officially becomes fall, and it is forecast to be sunny

BUT the rain returns by the weekend ...... and this may well become the wettest September on record. We've already had almost 3 times the average.


just spent an hour on the web trying to make reservations on the ferry for our trip to Vancouver Island in a couple of weeks time.

Everything went well, until it was time to access my account, which I have had for years

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no I don't have an account it seems

password not accepted, asked for reminder, email address not on file


I then went round 3 times trying to register anew

Before we'd finished, OH was standing beside me counting each stroke for my password, and other secret symbols

finally managed to get accepted, and to get reservations for the two trips .............. although I really wasn't sure whether I was booking 3 trips in one direction by the time I'd finished!

I now need a rest!!!

Take care everyone
