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30 Sep 2010 07:39 |
Good Morning everyone, hope you are all rarin to go....the weather is still not too clever, and tomorrow s forecast is heavy rain and gales,,, which is a great pity, as we go to see D get her BSC at Manchester, so bang goes the hair do....I have trouble with it at the best of, some of your indian summer would go down well here. hope you are well and the little one too....
Sallie, your cards look great , in fact excellent, you certainly have a knack for crafts... btw have you used the new machine yet, there are so many things one must have now, every day something new arrives, I must curtail my buying, I get very addicted to it...years ago I sold my work, and the proceeds helped towards the buying, but now I just do them mainly for fun, but keeps me alert and I do love it all....
Mo, did you like my card pics I sent you, after the big moan from you, you are such a babe...but I love you..... how are the family? is Rolys eyes doing o.k. I go to the clinic just before we go away end of the month... J goes to see the Dermatoligist next week, so its all go...then a bit of a lull for a while we hope!!
Huia, can you bottle some of your energy and send it over please, you are doing so well, and its great to read your " diary" I love hearing all your news, Phil seems to be settled now which must be a great relief for you,take care love and tell us
Debbie quite a while get in touch since we had your report, but we know how busy you are, dont forget us... love to you all... Marie should have lots to tell us when she returns from Italy. so thats something to look forward to, and there is our Ann, back soon, we have missed you, so look forward to your adventures too..
Dutch hope you feel more easy now someone is listening to you, Wonderful news about Caz isnt it... hope Jan is o.k. at least you have your new hobby to take your mind of things for a onwards and keep the cards coming . take
Liz , you are always in our thoughts, and hope you are moving on, and feeling much better, I will get in touch with very you soon... but we are always here and ready to listen so do keep in touch,
waves to Tess hope everything is o.k. with you too, and our absent friends too.....
see you all later have a good day...
love Jean xx
30 Sep 2010 07:10 |
GoodMorning Ladys Monday night did,nt sleep at all text Liz to say going to bed now that was 10.45 and 5.30 i was still awake tuesday went to see this docter and have to see her again on tuesday,anyway went to take my tablets on tuesday night and i no why i did,nt sleep i had taken wrong tablets but now got them right again i had missed putting my sleeping tablets in but i wake up three or four times with cramp in my feet Mo they cant opertate on my spine or foot as it will be worse than it is now ,so specialist in the hospital had alook at my MRI scan and xray of my foot and just said no opertion is out of the question on both accounts,but hey it could be worse,is your birthday in october Mo my eldest son is 52 on the 5th oct What arelief about Caz was so worried about here glad everythink was fine Jean the cards were realy good Sallie looking forward to seeing yours got some more card stuff yesterday,as got alot of birthdays and anniversarys coming up and with xmas only just round corner,yesterday i was sick again had to have lie down but it pass over thank goodness Anyone heard of this across front of your neck you have bone well one side i have lump as the docter to have alook ,and he said its with me useing walking stick it makes the musle stand out its only on the side were i use my stick,so when i go to England im going to ask docter to have alook just to put my mind at ease Thinking of all the other ladies who i have,nt mention stay safe and keep well Liz my friend hope your ok talk to you soon Dutchxx and now going back to bed to see if i can sleep for hour
29 Sep 2010 21:34 |
Hi all
we're having a lovely Indian Summer at the moment .... blue skies, sun, temperature's up to around 20C
Sorry Huia!
Mo ... sorry, got the kitchen measurement slightly wrong
It's 9' x 15' ....... I was looking at the estimate, and the fllooring comes in 12' widths so that's what's been ordered.
We'll end up with a strip left over that's 3' wide by 15' long
House kitchens over here are much larger than in the UK.
Sallie ...... the workmen start on Monday, Oct 4, with the plumbers arriving
OH is doing the grunt work of ripping everything out.
The man who's making the cabinets is coming round late this afternoon to check some details with me / us
We go to Vancouver Island on October 9, and return on October 11 ....... so only 2 days away. We're going for our friends 80th birthday, on October 10 ...... she's having about 30 or so people round to their house during the afternoon, but then expects the "oldster" frineds to stick around well into the evening. We usually stay with them, but her brother is up from Arizona, so we're staying in a nearby hotel.
Monday October 11 is Thanksgiving Day up here in Canada ........... we celebrate Thanksgiving 5 or 6 weeks earlier than the US.
We celebrate on the second Monday in October, and they celebrate on the 4th Thursday in November
That usually means a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings on either the day, or some families have it on the Sunday.
OH still looks like a lopsided hamster ........... he does tend to ignore instructions though!
Was supposed to ice his cheek for 2 hours after the dental work, and not do anything strenuous for 2 days
Iced it for 2 minutes every hour, for 2 hours
Ripped out a cupboard that evening. Ripped out 2 more cupboards yesterday afternoon.
what can one say??!!
sylvia xxx
29 Sep 2010 21:32 |
Sallie we have two days left. Where did the time go? We fly home on Saturday.
Mo in Kent
29 Sep 2010 21:31 |
Hi Huia, mind you don't get blown away out there. If you don't feel like doing the windows when you get back, there is always tommorrow mate. Did you take the tubers into the hospice shop yet.? I am getting fed up with all the rain we are getting at the moment. It won't be long now before we have to put the heating on as well. I have been putting a throw over my legs during the evening,as it starts to get quite chilly then. Roly refuses to have the heating on till October, he says it costs to much. He's a skinflint LOL Love Mo xxx
29 Sep 2010 21:04 |
Our weather is deteriorating again. Strong NE winds blowing. I think I had better go for a walk before the rain sets in again. After that I hope I will feel enthusiastic about washing the windows, at least on the inside. I cant remember when I last did them.
28 Sep 2010 20:44 |
Mo, just missed you again. I'm glad that Richard hasn't got to travel to Harlow this week, with the rain they've forecast over next couple of days.
Although for the next few days he and the others will have to work a 12 hour day, to get the store ready to open on Friday. But at least, it's nearby so there's no travelling.
I'm going to have a cuppa now, my throat is really dry.
Love, Sallie. xxx
28 Sep 2010 20:28 |
Where is everyone gone? You must all be in hiding! lolol!!!
Huia, pleased that you have had some good weather, and that you have been able to go for a walk and also done some gardening.
When I first read your post, I thought you had said that you had gone on a 40 mile walk, but after reading it again it sunk in to my head that it was a 40 min walk.lolol!!
It's a good idea to take some of the dahlia tubers into the Hospice Shop, I'm sure they'll sell them.
When I was a teenager (many moons ago lol!) the garden of the house we lived in had very poor soil, but my father always managed to grow beautiful dahlias. My auntie was quite envious, because dahlias would never grow as well in their garden.
Dutch, I'm wondering how you got on today, I hope it all went well for you. I'm going to get Alun to take some photos of my cards later on, when he's finished playing with train layout, for the night. So I'll send the pics to you all, including, 'our Mo', I don't want to leave her out.lolol!!
Mo, as we were talking about old photos yesterday, I thought I 'd tell you about what our local council have done. At the bottom of the main shopping street quite a few shops have closed, so the council have covered the fronts of the shops with large boards with old photos on, showing how each shop and the street, use to look likein the late 1890's to the 1930's.
I love looking at the photos when I go up town, and I think it's a great idea as it's so much better than seeing horrible dirty boards, which makes the place look derelict.
Ann, hope you and T are still enjoying your holiday. It can't be too long now before you are due home, if my reckoning is right, I think you've only got about a week left.
Sylvia, hope OH's face isn't as painful today, and that it will soon be better.
When do you go to Vancouver Island, I know that you've booked the tickets for the ferry already. I hope the weather will be alright and it won't be too cold there for you.
Sending hugs and kisses to MJ. xxxxx
Jean, as I've told Dutch, I'm going to get Alun to take photos of some of the cards later on tonight, so with a bit of luck I can send them to you within the next day or two. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will go alright.
Tess, hope that you have been alright over the last couple of days and that you have been able to get out and about.
Thinking of all our absent friends.
I'll speak to you all tomorrow.
Love and best wishes.
Mo in Kent
28 Sep 2010 19:54 |
Hello girls. Sylvia, I hope your OH is not suffering to much after his dental treatment. Cysts in the mouth are so painful,they seem to appear from nowhere,and the next thing you know you are in agony. I hope your check up went o.k, you don't need both of you suffering at the same time. I can't believe the size of your kitchen, it's enormous. And the price that you have been quoted,for the moving and replacing of two appliances, seems pretty good. When are they starting your kitchen, you have probably told us, but I have forgotten.
Sallie the M11, is a night mare every day. Roly used to have to go there to do the maintenance on one of his sites. He dreaded going because he knew there would be hold ups every time. I am pleased that Richard is still enjoying his job.
Joyce I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight. You were probably worrying yourself about what was going to happen today. Whatever it was, I hope it went well.
My word Huia, you have been a busy little bee. It's surprising how a little bit of sun,can lift our spirits,and spur us on to do things. I bet they will be thrilled with the tubers,at the hospice shop. I can visualise you, up to your armpits washing the tubers. LOL
I haven't been up to much today. Just been to the hairdressers and had all my hair cut short again. Cor it was chilly when I came out of there, my ears felt like they were going to drop of.
I hope Jean, Ann, Tess, Liz,Marie and Debbie are all well. Love to one and all. Mo xxx
28 Sep 2010 09:17 |
Good morning all. The weather today has been brilliant. In fact it was good yesterday too, and last night I made a list of things I want to / should do. After hanging out the washing which I did a few days ago (it has been draped inside) I started to make one of my large double sheets, of which I have many, into a large single but then realised it was a pity to waste such a nice sunny day when I have been longing for one, so I went for a 40 min walk. After lunch I cleared the heaps of dead leaves out of the ditch that runs down beside our drive (one off the list) then I decided to do a bit of gardening (not on the list). I dug out some sow thistles (puha), plus a bird-sown karamu (we have lots of them around), then dug up a couple of dahlia plants. They are not my favourite one, in fact when I first bought it it was supposed to be a cactus dahlia but it turned out to be a large pink waterlily type. It has been very hardy and has multiplied a lot, so I might take some of the tubers to the hospice shop. I washed the mud off them and left them in a semi shady place to dry.
It is the busiest I have been for ages. It is amazing how the sun can perk me up. The only problem is that it became quite hot so I didnt do any more. But at least I have made a start.
28 Sep 2010 01:20 |
Hi Liz if your looking in remember i text you saying going to bed now well dont no why i bothered it was 10.45 our time and i still have,nt been asleep so came down made acup of tea ,added to Caz thread and put one up for friend of mine,so going to finish my cuppa and try again to get some sleep Goodnight all or should i say goodmorning Dutchxx
27 Sep 2010 22:20 |
Hi again everyone,
Jean, I've just seen the pics of your cards, they are absolutely beautiful, I love them. You are a very clever lady! I hope that one day I will get as good at making cards as you are .
Joyce, you were right, I was in for a treat looking at Jean's cards, they are gorgeous. Let's hope that you and I will get as good as Jean, one day.
Jennie's birthday is on May the 29th, both her and my friend Janet are on the same day.
Mo, sorry to hear that your son's fiance is still in pain. Of course, these babies, most of the time, will only lie the way they are comfortable. Never mind about the pain and discomfort that poor mum has to put up with.lolol!!
Talking about birthdays Mo, it's your birthday soon isn't it?
Richard, is enjoying his new job so far, the only problem was, that on Friday it took almost an hour to get out of Harlow and on to the M11, him and the ones he gave a lift to, were all fed up. This week they are in the new store which opens on Friday, so that will make it easier. What training they have now will be done in this store, someone will go in on certain days especially to train them all.
Sylvia, hope you got on alright at the dentist. How is OH's face now? It must be very painful---hope that the dentist gave him something for the pain.
I wonder why years ago, they wore such formal clothing to sit on the beach. I've seen photos of men sitting in a deck chair, wearing a three piece suit, collar and tie and a hat. lolol!!!
Tess, Huia, Ann, Liz, Marie and Debbie thinking about you all.
I'll say goodnight now, take care everyone.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
27 Sep 2010 20:34 |
Hi all
spent time this weekend trying to sort out photos on my computer .. including giving them titles!
I am really lucky in that Mum and Dad used to go on holidays (Wakes week!) to Scarborough every year in the late 20s and 30s ........ with Mum's parents and her brothers.
So I have some lovely snapshots from those holidays ... did you know people used to sit in deckchairs on the sands wearing a costume (2 piece suit), and hat????? And I do NOT mean a swimming costume!
Not many "formal" pictures though.
Then OH"s mother sent a little suitcase over here over 20 years ago ... we only looked at what was in it about 2 years ago
............... 40 or 50 photos, most studio type, no more than 3" by about 6" but mainly smaller, mainly of father-i-l's family. But all from about 1850 or 60 to about 1920.
The upsetting thing is that we can't identify about half of them .... and obviously neither could the in-laws because the others have names and relationships written on them!
I did spot one funny thing ............ 2 studio type photos of 2 sisters, identified and one a direct ancestor of OH, ca 1880...... and they are wearing the same dress, but one neglected to button the bottom button on the over jacket!
Grey and dull here today, and even rain!
Both of us have dental appointments today, mine is in about half-an-hour, 6 monthly check-up
OH's was more drastic and his face now looks like a one-sided hamster!
One root canal, and a tooth where a cyst was removed from one of the roots
Got the estimate for the floor covering, have to go to the store to talk it over with an estimator (company policy), and sign .......... seemed pretty good to me:-
12' x 15' kitchen ............... new vinyl covering, approved underlay, labour (including moving & replacing 2 appliances, and cover plates at the 2 doorways), and all taxes ..... just under $1500 (or ca. £800)
have to go to get ready
see you all later
s xx
Mo in Kent
27 Sep 2010 19:43 |
Hello all. Joyce, my son was on Oramorph(sp), oral morphine, when he had his discs in his back operated on. He was on it for ages,and had to be weaned of off it gradually. The trouble with that is, it rots the teeth, and he has had any amount of problems with his teeth and gums. It seems like May has been a very good month for you in the past. My great grandchild is due that month as well. Well thats what my grandaughter believes, but I think she is a bit further on than that, so baby may be born in April. Still it will arrive when it's ready,and not before. I am glad your grandaughter is o.k though. It's such a worry isn't it. Good luck at the doctors tommorrow.
Sallie you are so lucky, the same as Huia, to have photo's of your ancestors, plus where they lived. I think my family must have been camera shy, or they couldn't afford one. As I have very few photo's of my grandparents. I have one of each of my dads parents, and one of my grandfather on mums side, and two of my grandmother on mums side. The whole family do appear in mum and dads wedding photo's though, so at least I do have that as a memento. I believe I told you, I tried to find the road where all my family lived, only to find it had been demolished,and been rebuilt on. So nothing was as I remembered it. How's Richards job going Sallie. Is he still enjoying it. Will he be working any closer to home when he has finished his qualifying period.
I say, I say, how come I don't get to see the cards everyone is making. I did see the lovely one that Joyce did on our behalf, for Jean. And I have received a card from Jean in the past. BUT, I feel left out now boo hoo. Both Tess and I don't get the privilege to get to see them, sulk sulk.
Ann if you are looking in, I hope you are both well,and still enjoying the lovely sunshine. ( says she full of envy ) Just to let you know, the weather here is bl**dy awful. Winter has started really early this year.
I wonder if Marie has found herself a toyboy yet.
And where is our Sylvia. I wonder if she has gone into hybernation. Cooeee Sylvia, how are you both. Hows MJ keeping,any more progress news on him.
Tess, I hope you are still feeling o.k. Have you been out and about today.
Huia did you manage to get photo's sorted out.
Well girls, nothing exciting happening here. Sons fiance S, came to visit us today. She is still getting the kidney pains, but they have told her that baby is laying on a nerve in her pelvis,and that is not helping her with the pain.
Speak to you all later. Love to one and all. Mo xxx
27 Sep 2010 16:23 |
Sallie your in for treat Jeans cards are loverly never get tired of seeing them even Jan said there good , Love Dutchxx
27 Sep 2010 15:55 |
Sallie, on their way ....
27 Sep 2010 15:08 |
Hello Ladies,
Not a very nice day here, it's damp and miserable, so I'm glad that I haven't got to go out today, and that I did the washing over the weekend.
Huia, sorry that you had a disappointing day yesterday, it's such a shame that there wasn't more old photos of your home town.
Like you, I love old photos, I have several books with photos and information of my home town, although I've looked at the photos many, many times, there are still times that I still love to look at them. In two of the photos, it shows two of the houses that my gggrandparents lived in. As they were demolished when I was about three or four, I couldn't ardsremember them, so it's great that there are photos of them in the books.
I've also been able to send some copies of them to my cousin and his wife living in Ohio.
Dutch, I hope that your granddaughter is okay now, it's really worrying when that happens. I sure both her and her boyfriend were upset, at least they did the right thing by going to the hospital. Let's hope that she doesn't have anymore trouble, fingers crossed.
I'm not that good at making cards Joyce, I've only been making them since March, so still have a lot to learn. Still got a long way to go to get as good as Jean.
Good luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you.
Jean, I would love to see more of your cards, please. I really hope that I can do the same back when Alun finally decides to get them on to the computer for me.
Mo, I hope that son's fiance is alright now, I'll keep my fingers crossed that she won't get anymore problems.
Well it's back to making cards now, so I'll speak to you all later on.
Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx
27 Sep 2010 10:24 |
Morning Ladys ,Tess docter said he could send me to pain clinc but he would,nt because i am already on morphine patches for the pain and they would just up the morphine ,and being diabete if i cut myself or something then i would,nt feel it because of the morphine takening over my body ,and then i would be in trouble so just have to live with it Mo hope your son girlfriend feels abit better my grandaughter had to go the hospital on sat as she saw alittle bit of blood and was worried so her partner took her to the hospital and they said the babys ok ,shes only three months and due in April ,i had g,daughter on the 7th may and her brother my g,son was born on 4th of may,but i have to say on the 7th of may i won 50 thousand pound on one pound scratch card in 1995 Jean its pleasure to see your cards hope i can get as good as you and Sallie well this is only short one as got to do some houswork even though the docter said i cant but hey who will do it if i dont best wishes to everyone who i have,nt mention take care and stay safe Love Dutchxx
27 Sep 2010 09:10 |
I was not very impressed with the Heritage displays in my home town today. The one on the councils had very little in it, and the old photos at the library were still being put up when I arrived, and still had not all been put up (as far as I could see) 2 or 3 hours later. Very few shops in the main street had bothered, either. I will be going to an aging expo in the town on Friday. I went last year, so I hope it will be just as good this year.
This evening I scanned some of my dads old negs, and a glass plate (3inches x 4) which mums grandparents had. It dates to about 1914, judging from the fact that mum is in it in her High School straw hat. I love old photos.
26 Sep 2010 19:04 |
Hi, everyone, it is lovely reading all your news good or bad at least we are able to be here for each other, my bruises are fading now but the fingers are still sore, Sallie I have managed some cards Just sent the pics to caz and Joyce, wondered if you would like to see them too. I dont want to clog up your mail box... Mo, glad to hear the bad leg isnt holding you back, does it hurt when you stand to throw the darts? still praying for you and your family... aslo alll our ladies over the waters, got to stop now.... ouch..... sore fingers take care all loveJean xxx