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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2010 22:33

Hi Ann it's good to see you back.
Mind you, the bills still keep coming, if you are home or away don't they.
What was your garden like when you got back, I bet the grass had grown in leaps and bounds. And the weeds take on a life of their own dont they.
Good luck at the dentist's tommorrow.
And don't forget to put your mask on, when doing the dusting,or the dust will be flying every where.
Are your holidays for the year over and done with now, till after christmas.
Night Night I am away, to my bed now, speak to you tommorrow.
Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 4 Oct 2010 21:58

Hi everyone, just about caught up with all the paperwork that was waiting when we got home. Renewed car insurance and tax, filled in register of electors (had a reminder for the insurance and the register. Don't these people ever go on holiday? Sent off actual readings to NPower who are estimating that we are running Blackpool illuminations and cooking for an hotel. balanced the accounts, paid off the credit card. Ready for another holiday now.

Also done a load of washing and the weekly grocery shop.

Tomorrow I have the dentist (ugh!) and I ought to dust around a bit, or at least stir it up so it moves!

Hope all are well, I have skimmed through the latest posts but wont answer them just now.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2010 18:58

Good evening everyone.
I do hope you are all well.
I have been watching the Commonwealth games,on the t.v, and I can't believe how many empty seats there are.
What a shame. They have priced the local people out of the games,as they cannot afford to go.
It seems so unfair to the athletes,who have now not got the support they need.
So far England and Wales have done pretty well in the swimming.
I will say cheers for now, take care. Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Oct 2010 17:06

Hello everybody.
Huia, you must go for the meal with your sister, you could always have a diet friendly meal.
Well done on losing the weight.
For those of us who have never seen the photo's of Hunua Falls, it is a really beautiful peaceful place. And Huia expertise at photographing it something to see.
What a shame that Phil was not very responsive today Huia. But god willing next time he will be.
I can visualise you willing that wood pigeon to stay still. I bet you were holding your breath, not daring to breathe in case you scared it away. It would have been a lovely pic, had it stayed still.
I tell you ladies, Huia is very good with her camera.

Sylvia, we have to have a slimline dishwasher,as the space in our kitchen is very limited. Our's is a BOSCH, and we have had it a few years now. We have taken out the insurance, in case it breaks down.
I would be lost without ours now. I know people think it's lazy to have one, but it far more hygenic than using tea towels to dry the crockery.
I have to admit,that I have never heard of a portable dishwasher.

Liz, it's good to hear from you again. Just saddening to hear that you are still feeling down though.
I am surprised that your OH has not heard from the son that got married.
Not surprised the NY son has not been in contact though,especially as your OH offened the wife.
Perhaps now that he has got the time off, he will get round to doing some of the jobs around the house.
Keep your chin up mate,we are here for you should you want to let of steam.

It's nice to know that our overseas friends,are enjoying pleasant weather.
It is another awful day here in Kent, it's rained on and off all day. Oh well tommorrow is another day.
Cheerio for now my friends, take care one and all. Love Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Oct 2010 05:16

Hi friends,

sorry I am not very friendly at the mo, just feeling down and with o.h. now starting his two weeks holiday, not going anywhere so stuck at home with him, am feeling very peed off lol he has been doing 12 hr shifts again so I have been cooking dinners for weeks now, so boring and can't always have what I want or be out when it's dinner time with my son or whatever, and then come home and have something quick and easy. I think if all goes well I should have a few afternoons and evenings to myself at the end of the month.

O.h. still hasn't heard from either son and he won't call them so it's sort of stalemate, I suppose we will hear when the baby comes in November. I was a bit nosey and looked at some paperwork he left lying about and seems he gave both sons a bigger amount than he led me to believe, hence him not wanting to spend money on a holiday for us now, what with paying the hotel and meals out for the sons etc over the wedding weekend. I am going to try and persuade him to take me out for dinner a couple of times at least while he is off work as I am sick of slaving over a hot stove lol Wish me luck!

Huia, you have done very well to lose the weight, I wouldn't worry about the dinner for the anniversary, just go and enjoy yourself and worry if your scales scream help afterwards lol

Sylvia, you did well with the dishwasher, hope it all comes together well for you. O.h. is such a ditherer when it comes to choosing anything for the household or a car, whatever, he will ponder and dither for weeks till I am sick of hearing him talk about it. That's not to say I don't agree with looking into things but he takes it to the extreme. My son when I first met o.h. said Oh Mum, he is like Nanny, meaning he is an 'old woman' and boy, was my lad right lol

I have been thinking about you all, just not feeling much like communicating if that makes sense. I will try to do better soon.
Have just pm'd Jean and some others who I owe messages to and will try and get on here more in future when he is sleeping.

love and hugs


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Oct 2010 04:35

Hi everyone

very late coming on here today!

It was another beautiful day, started off very cloudy and "iffy" looking, but then the sun burnt off the cloud.

We decided last night that we would get a new dishwasher for the reno kitchen. We currently have a portable one, it's on wheels and you move it back and forwards across the kitchen as needed. They can allegedly be built-in by taking off the wood top and the wheels ..... but people have had problems.

Soooooooo ....... this morning, with no further ado, we went for coffee and then down to our favourite appliance store. Didn't do any pre-reading, onine study or anythng. Just knew that I wanted white (hate stainless steel!), wanted the cutlery "basket" to be in the door not taking up space in a rack, liked the one we had (Whirlpool) but the other appliances are Maytag and have been good .... so wasn't particular as to make.

Got down to the store .......... took about 5 minutes walking through the store to find the dishwashers, right near the entrance OF COURSE!. About 3 minutes to decide that one seemed to fit our needs ......... manufacturer Amana.

Anotehr 4 or 5 minutes to find a salesman ............ and then we signed, paid, and walked out the door!

It will be delivered on Wednesday ....... and will sit in the living room until the cabinets are installed, and the plumbers can come back to install it!

This afternoon, I checked it out on the internet ................. and it seems that we picked a Best Buy!!

It also seems that Whirlpool owns Maytag and Amana ................. so they're all part of the same corporate entity!

J and M will go hairless when they hear ........ they are already looking for the things they want for the addition plus renovated kitchen they plan to do .......... in 5 years time!! They research everything, check all the best buys, Consumer Reports, double and triple check all the ins and outs, go round all the stores, etc etc etc!

J actually just shakes her head, but M just cannot understand us!

Take care everyone


Huia Report 3 Oct 2010 03:22

I am home again. Phil didnt want to wake up so I stayed only about 30 mins.

I went for the walk at the Falls and took some photos, then I drove up to Cosseys Dam (water supply for Auckland) and had a walk there and tried to photograph a native wood pigeon in a Kowhai tree, but the blessed bird didnt want to look at me.

I have scanned a lot of negs that Phil took 55+ yrs ago of the dam being built. Those negs were about 2.5 inches square. I now have to do his 35 mm negs.



Huia Report 2 Oct 2010 21:04

Good morning from me. The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky. I have finally got my weight down to 90kg, now I have to stop it from going up again and try to get down to 85, then even lower. I will visit Phil today and on the way home will go to the Hunua Falls and take a walk. There is a nice one which goes up to a lookout. For those who have my calendar, the February picture was taken from it.

I have been invited by my sister to lunch with them at a restaurant on the 15th. Just hope it doesnt put my weight up. It will be their 55th wedding anniversary. It would also have been our parents 86th, but then if they were still alive dad would have been 111 and mum 110 years old.

Must get on and wash dishes and get ready to go out.



Sallie Report 1 Oct 2010 22:40

Hi Girls,

Horrible weather here, it hasn't stopped raining here all day. Although according to the television it looks as though it's the same over most of Britain.

Sylvia, hope that OH's face is feeling a bit better today. Does he have to go back to the dentist for a check up?

I liked your account of the way he followed his version of the dentist's made me chuckle. It's just typical of most men, including my OH.

Are you doing anything special for Thankgiving Day? I must say, the thoughts of a nice turkey dinner as made me feel hungry...but I'll have to wait until Christmas for that.

Jean, I received the second lot of pics of your cards, thank you, they're beautiful

I need more storage for some of my stash, but I can't make up my mind which storge things would be the most suitable.
I love making cards, but I didn't think that I would become addicted to it.
Wherever we go I always look out for craft shops. Not that I need one, I spend enough in the ones in Derby, Hobbycraft and the Range.lolol!!

Tess, pleased that you've had your blood at last. It looks as though you didn't have to wait very long at the Health Centre.

Although our doctors have not long moved into a brand new surgery, which is huge place, where doctors come from the Nottingham and Derby Hospitals, to do minor day surgery, we still can't have a blood test there, we have to book an appointment at our local hospital for one.

Mo, like both you and Tess, we use to skip to jelly on a plate. Also had a hoola hoop, and we played two balls against the wall, and do handstsnds with our dresses tucked up into the legs of our knickers. Oh they were lovely days....talking about them has brought back some happy memories.

Huia, I think the belly dance would really suit me and I'm certainly the right shape for it.lolol!!

We started going through old photos, writing on the back of them, who the photo's were of and when they were taken.
The trouble is, we stiil have a lot more to you say, it takes so long writing on them.

Dutch hope that both you and Jan are okay.

It looks as though you are going to be very busy with your card making. Will you make cards for everyone or just make them for the special ones?

How is your neighbour that had a stroke earlier in the week? I hope there is some improvement in his condition.

Ann, it will be nice to see you back tomorrow, although it looks as though you are coming home to a lot of rain.

Thinking about all of our absent friends, and hoping that you are all okay.

I'll say goodnight now, speak to you tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Oct 2010 20:20

Hi all

another lovely day!

I needed to go to the clinic to have blood drawn for tests before I go for my annual checkup in about 2 weeks.

OH dropped me off there just after 8 am. I was in the second batch of 6 to be "signed in", had 2 vials of blood removed (usually have 3 or 4 at least!), and was walking out of the clinic by 8:30. I caught the bus part way home, then walked the rest of the way.

It was lovely ................ blue sky, sun, cool enough to need a jacket, but soooo pleasant! It had warmed up enough by 11 am that a jacket (or even a cardie) was unnecessary!

Walked into the house just before 9 am .............. and promptly made my breakfast (one of the tests needed fasting 10 hours).

It's the plumbers who come on Monday, and do the "rough" work.

Then we have to arrange for the flooring to be laid. Then arrange for the cabinets to be installed, and the counter tops put in place.

OH has just talked to the plumbers ................ and they will not return to install the sink until everything else is in place. They will bring the sink with them on Monday, and leave it here ............. and they will also bring a template that we can take in to where we order the countertop so that the "sink hole" can be cut correctly.

we might be washing up in the bathroom sink for weeks!

Good job we have 2 bathrooms .... and our in-suite bathroom is a full one, so we can "dedicate" the other to "kitchen duties"

lots of fun to come!! :)))

The hamster is slowly recovering ... his cheek is still a little swollen. He's desparate to be able to really clean his teeth ....... at the moment, he has to keep the brush well away from where the work was done. The stitches are supposed to come out by themselves in between 6 - 10 days after surgery.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Oct 2010 18:17

Oh my word Tess, how did you know I skipped to the jelly on the plate ditty.
Skipping is something that will never go out of fashion with little girls, thank goodness.
I used to like to do my hool hoop as well. And play two balls against the wall.
And the thing you never did when the boys were around, handstands against the wall. We always tucked our skirts into our knickers. lol
There are so many games that children these days would frown upon, that we all thoroughly enjoyed.
Love Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 1 Oct 2010 17:19

Jean I hope it wasn't as wet in Manchester as it is in the West Midlands. It has rained almost none stop.

As for belly dancing, I think that I am now the right shape to do it. i.e. I have a huge belly! No point belly dancing if you haven't got the belly for it.

Mo did you used to skip while singing "jelly on a plate, wibble wobble" etc
Although quite a por physical speciman I used to love skipping.
Could do it alone, or with a group of friends.

Huia, I agree that the phone sounds a really good idea. Will help you to keep in touch with friends and make communication much easier.

Sylvia, I hope that Hammy Hamster is now back to normal and that fitting the new floor covering in the kitchen goes well on Monday.

Off now to scowl at the weather through the window.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Oct 2010 15:38

Good afternoon ladies.
Joyce, most of my ancestors were in the Royal Engineers,stationed here at Brompton Barracks.
It is still an army camp,and has not changed much over the years. The old Chatham dock yard is now no longer used by the navy,but some of the older units are still used ie the old ropery. But they have built a shopping center,and housing estate there.
Those were the days when the army and navy were both stationed here.
Of course, I was to young to understand way back then, I was a sweet little thing.
Jean and Sallie know what date my birthday is, but they don't know how young I am,coz I tell fibs. LOL

Huia that phone sounds a brilliant idea. Just make sure you keep your specs close when it does ring, so that you can read whats being said to you.
I don't know about belly dancing. I am a bit afraid that once one of my bellies start to wobble, the rest will follow. lol It's a bit like jelly on a plate, wibble wobble, can't stop the motion once it starts.


Huia Report 1 Oct 2010 09:09

Jean, I cant spare any of my 'energy', I dont have all that much, although a little more than I have had for ages. I have even scrubbed the remains of the brown slimy stuff off our verandah. I had started back in summer. Now all I have to do is spray it with the mixture that deters it from growing back. Maybe I will get it done after Christmas, if I am lucky.

Today I went to the Positive Ageing Expo at Pukekohe. There were all sorts of info stalls. I am thinking of applying for a phone system whereby if I cant hear what the caller is saying somebody types their replies to me and I can read it on a screen. It is so frustrating when I have to keep asking people to speak more slowly and clearly. I also told the historic society that their c1945 date for a photo of snow on Pukekohe Hill was wrong as it was 1939. They will check it out sometime but I had previously given them something which will prove I am right.

There was a display of belly dancing. Now that does not look too difficult and would be a fun way to exercise. I am not as slender as the ones doing it, but I understand that the culture of the countries where it originated prefers voluptuous women! I would certainly qualify for voluptuous and then some (must look up voluptuous in the dictionary, see if it means exactly what I think).

I have spent a couple of hours this evening scanning lots of Phil's b&w negs. Well, about 40 which isnt exactly lots but it takes ages. Still a long way to go before I am finished those ones from the 2 or 3 years before we married. Admittedly it wouldnt take so long if I didnt note down on the sleeves in which the negs are kept what the negs are (if I know) and the image nos.

Time to think about winding down for bed now.



dutch Report 30 Sep 2010 19:44

Mo just quick message my g,g grandfather was in Brompton Barracks some of his children were born there as well as Ireland,he was in the army but all the family on my Dads side were all in the army ,you did,nt say what date in october?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Sep 2010 19:37

It's amazing Tess, how many men actually did their 22 years service back then.
My dads last posting,was to Brompton Barracks, hence our settling here.
But he was actually born in the Medway Towns, so it seemed natural for him to want to stay here,as it's where his roots were.
I also have Irish ancestors,but cannot trace their roots.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 30 Sep 2010 19:30

I am in the West Midlands Mo. We came here in 1961 when my dad left the army (Having done his "22)
He thought that it was a good place to live, as he had four children, there would always be plenty of work available.
Also as we are near the centre of England and there was at that time a good rail network, we could easily get to anywhere in the country.

If I remember correctly Dad's last posting was to Richmond in Yorkshire. He only had a few months to do when we returned to U.K from Malaya.
So Mum and we four children spent some time in Ireland (Mum's home country), visiting and staying with various cousins and uncles and aunts.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Sep 2010 16:42

Hello girls.
Lucky you having an Indian Summer Sylvia,and temps of 20C, thats nearly a heat wave here. lol
I don't envy you all the upheaval on the 4th Sylvia, but it will be so worth it.
Oh poor hammy the hamster, is he any better today bless him. But he is a typical male,and only do half a job in the ice usage department.

Oh Joyce what are we to do with you, getting the tablets all mixed up. You are a silly billy arn't you. lol
Yes Joyce it is my birthday next month, another year older, but no wiser.
It was brilliant news about Caz, onwards and upwards for her now, thank god.
It does sound like the doctor could be right about the muscle on one side of your neck, being enlarged. You have got muscles like Popeye, and didn't realise it.
You are obviously using the muscle more than you realise,when you are using your stick. You must stop bashing Jan over the head with it. LOL
I hope you managed to get a few more hours sleep, when you went back to bed.

Well my little friend Jean, I LOVED YOUR CARDS. I have already told you which one I want for christmas. The poinsetta one, it was lovely.
Oh I do hope the rain holds of for D's ceremony tommorrow. Is it being held inside or outside. My daughters was held in Rochester Cathedral, thank goodness, as it was a horrid day outside.
I hope you will let us know how it goes. Have you bought a new hat to wear.
Roly's cataract is not quite ready for the op just yet. But he has been getting some rotten headaches again, so we are going to make an appointment, for the opticians for him, just to be on the safe side.
We can't be to careful after his brain bleed.
Anyway darlink, enjoy yourselves tommorrow, and please give D must congratulations.

Tess I am pleased you didn't have to hang around for your blood test.
It was me that asked you about the Jerk chicken. It sounds lovely, and I would like to try it sometime. I don't think I am confident enough to try and do the recipe myself. Besides, it's nice to go out and eat at times, and be waited on by others.
What part of the counrty do you come from love. There are not many southerners like me, on our thread,I keep hoping to find someone who lives close to me.
But I blame my dad for that, as his last posting was to here in Kent, and thats where we have stayed.

Well my friends I must go and start some dinner, as I am starving,and my belly is grumbling.
Yep I know Jean, just like me. LOL
Love to all. Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 30 Sep 2010 16:01

My bro has been here and used my computer .. He bought a stack of paperbacks with him. Tried to persuade him to take some of my old ones back with him, but he would only take one.

have had my blood test done (yipee) was there and back within half an hour, all done and dusted.

Someone asked about the fish soup I had from the Caribbean takeaway, and I didn't reply.(sorry)
I don't know what sort of fish it was, some sort of white fish but there were still some bones in it.
There were some veg in it including potatoes, carrots yam and other things I can't identify. It was slightly spicey
but not curry flavoured.

The jerk chicken I had at the Caribbean Cafe (a different place form the takeaway) was hot and spicey really lovely. I hadn't had it before. I have bought jerk sauce from a local supermarket, but it is no where near as good as the food from the cafe.

Living in a multicultural area has an awful lot of benefits, as does living in an inner city area, where (almost) everything is on the doorstep.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 30 Sep 2010 10:14

Hi everyone, I am fine a little tired on Monday and rather busy yesterday, but generally ok.
I have been concentrating on my family tree, trying to sort out my piles of paperwork and transfer information to tree on genes. i.e. trying to tie up all loose ends. Seem to be suceeding in tying myself up in knots!

Blue skies here today, helping to lift the mood. My bro will be coming round later to use my computer as his has died.
I will be trotting up the road (actually getting a bus for a couple of stops) to have a blood-test.
This will be the third time I have tried to have it done.
First time the Health Centre was closed for staff training .. was rather annoyed to see the sign but couldn't swear, as a young man was reading the sign too, having got off the same bus as me.
Tried again the next day, was told that they now only did it on a Thursday (this was last wednesday) I had previously been given a leaflet by my GP that this Health Centre had a drop in any day for a blood test.
Couldn't go last Thursday as had other things booked.
So will go out again after my bro. has arrived.

This is only a little grumble, it is a wonderful scheme really, and it is free!

Hope that everyone is well, I enjoy reading about what you are all up to.
