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AnninGlos Report 15 Oct 2010 22:44

I never carry a handbag in town Mo, always wear a 'bumbag' under my coat. we wont go on the London Eye as T doesn't 'do' heights. Got plenty of other suggestions for places to see though, and, yes a show on the Saturday. (Love Never Dies). That is next week though. This weekend we are down in Hampshire, staying with daughter but going to a birthday lunch. Wont have the laptop with me. So speak when we get back Sunday.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Oct 2010 18:57

Oh my goodness Huia, it sounds like your diet went out of the window yesterday, with all that sweet stuff and cream, (she says jealously)Good on you mate, it's nice to hear you enjoyed it.
How brilliant that you managed to get a photo of Phil as well. I bet under normal circumstances,you would not have got a natural pose from him.
What a bummer getting stuck in traffic though, but at least you got home during daylight hours

Ann, I hope you and T have a lovely time in London next week Will you go up on the london eye. If you do, just make sure you take your sea sickness pills with you. My goodness that looks so high up. But then I have not got a head for heights,and do envy the people who can go up there. The views must be wonderful from up there.
I know you mentioned that you were going to a show as well, so enjoy yourselves. Just be aware of pick pockets,and bag snatchers wont you.
My friend nearly got her handbag stolen, on Victoria train station. She was
phoning home, when for some unkown reason,she felt someone up close to her, and when she looked,a woman had her hand in her handbag. She screamed and the woman ran of. She was to shocked to give chase,but fortunately she prevented the theft.

Tess I hope you have managed to get the heating sorted out now. And that you are not sitting there sweating buckets.
We did not see much of the games, only the highlites that they showed on the news.

Sylvia, hows the kitchen coming along. I hope that you both have not pulled all your hair out yet.
How is little MJ, big hugs for him. It wont be long now till you see him again. But you will certainly notice the difference in him.

Now it's time to send (((((((((((((BIG HUGS TO JEAN, JOYCE,and our SALLIE)))))))))))

Marie should be home soon as well.

Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 15 Oct 2010 07:02

We had a beautiful meal today. It was a buffet, lots of lovely food. Some of us went back for seconds. Choice of deserts too, pavlova, (I piled heaps of cream on), cheesecake, brandysnaps (more cream), other things which I decided to give a miss, although the choc mousse would have been nice.

Afterwards we went back to their house for a while, then I decided to make tracks before the traffic built up too much. I decided to call in briefly on Phil on the way home. By the time I was on our side of the harbour bridge the traffic had thickened up a bit and when I left the motorway to go to Mangere the traffic was very thick. It was even worse coming back to Papakura, but after that I was fine.

Phil was walking around and he looked at me. I took some photos of him walking. I didnt stay long though and arrived home at 5.15pm. I have now had a light tea. Tomorrow I am going to a High School class reunion in Pukekohe. Quite a busy social life this week.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Oct 2010 23:28

Just catching up on reading the thread before I go to my bed (and my book).
I put my central heating on this afternoon, and now it feels rather warm. Will have to adjust it again tomorrow.

Before I go, has anyone been watching The Commonwealth Games?
I managed to see some, and quite enjoyed it.

As we have a few people from Commonwealth Countries on here, I wondered if any of you were shounting words of encouragement to your countrymen?

I recokon that if there was a gold medal for dust etc under and behind the cooker I would be the winner.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Oct 2010 21:51

LOL Huia, that always happens doesn't it. I get annoyed when a pea rolls under the cooker,and I just can't reach it. It's sooo annoying.
Enjoy your lunch with your sister.

Sorry Sylvia, I must have misunderstood what you had written. Thank goodness you will get the money back.
I bet the flooring looks lovely though. You will have to have an open day,and charge people to come in and have a look. LOL

I had to put our gas fire on this tea time,as it was very chilly here. We still have not had to turn the central heating on, thank goodness.
There was me saying just a couple of days ago, how lucky we had been with our weather. Think I had better keep my trap shut from now on.

Well girls, I will say night night god bless. But have a good day to you both.
Love and best wishes, Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Oct 2010 21:37


enjoy your lunch, and the celebration

Mo ..... we have to take the estimate, the invoice, AND a note from the layer back to the store, and we'll get a refund of what OH had to spend.

We preferred to do it that way rather than have the guys go away, order the stuff and then come back in 5 days ............... which would have left us with a plywood floor!

OH said the floorer was not too happy, as it was not the first time that it had happened! I guess words might be said when he gets back to depot!!

They left just after noon, having finished everyhting ..... only took them 3 hours!

The vinyl looks great ....... and the kitchen seems much lighter!!



Huia Report 14 Oct 2010 20:09

The only time I remove dust from under the fridge or stove is when I drop something which then rolls under. I use either a long steel rule (nice and thin) or the fire poker which is thicker but has a hook at the end. Of course it is always the dust that comes out. The object I want is hiding and laughing its head off at me.

I cant spend long on here. I am going to my sisters 55th anniversary lunch today.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Oct 2010 19:56

Oh my lord Sylvia,why worry about dust under fridges,freezers,cookers etc,
My excuse is they are to heavy for me to lug about. BUT, when a big hairy spider comes a running across the kitchen floor, I hate to admit, they don't stand a chance, my size five shoe comes in very handy.

Sorry to hear about your OH's colleague, it sounds like he was a very clever man.

I wonder why we never notice imperfections,( like the eneven floor in your kitchen ) till the time when we want to either decorate,or change things.
How on earth could they forget to include the glue in your estimate. As it was their mistake, they should have given it to you free of charge,for your inconvenience,as if.

You will have to get yourself some earplugs, to shut out some of the noise,
from the fitters.
Oh no got to go the phones ringing.


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Oct 2010 19:33

Hi Mo and everyone

I didn't tell you that got home on Monday to news that one of OH's old colleagues had died on Sunday.

G was about 77, had diabetes (and lost a leg because of it about 5 years ago) ......... and not only was he a very good botanist, but he was also the world's expert on Rachmanninov discography (which I think means all the cds, records, etc ever put out of a composer's works). It seems that he died in his sleep.

On Tuesday OH got a phone call from G's son-in-law to ask if he could help arrange for the flag to be flown at half-mast on the university campus next Tuesday, the day they are having the memorial service. That has led to the university people asking OH to produce some information on G that can be provided on their daily information sheet.

He was busy working on that yesterday morning in his university office when his hard drive "blew up" ..... so they are buying him a new computer ........ but he has had to finish the stuff on G, and an obituary to go in the departmental newsletter, here at home today because it is wanted for Friday.

It was a beautiful sunny Fall day yesterday, today ............ rain and much colder!

Huge noises in the kitchen now as the men have started laying the floor .......

First problem .......... old tiles not completely level, but worked out it will be against the wall under one of the cabinets, so the cabinet maker will shim the new cabinet.

Second problem ......... fridge and stove wouldn't go out through either of the door arches (no doors on either). Can't understand that as both of them came in through one of the arches only a couple of years ago! Anyway, the men are moving the appliances from one end of the kitchen to the other as needed.

Third problem .............. they discovered that the estimator forgot to order the glue for sticking down the vinyl. Solution .......... wait for them to order it, and 5 days before they could come back. OR for OH to drive down to a store and buy it, then get refunded by the company.

So ....... OH drove down to find this store and buy the glue!

Ah well!

Hangs head in shame .... OH just came into tell me that when the men rolled the fridge back across the kitchen, it left a large rol of dust bhind it! One of the largest dust bunnies OH said he had ever seen.

Oh well ...... I don't claim to be a good hosuekeeper!!

off for a mooch around



AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2010 17:01

Sylvia your weeknd sounds lovely, good food with good friends.

Linda, thanks for that.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 13 Oct 2010 16:12

Ann just seen this on one of my friends on Facebook

Please be careful everyone

VIRUS on FB usingyour pictures. It says you have been tagged in a picture & wantsyou click on a link to see it, then hacks into your computer & all your accounts, including banking & other secure accounts. Itdestroys your computer. Once hacked into your computer it sends your friends telling them they have been tagged in pictures &starts the process again~PLEASE RE-POST

Linda :o) XxX


Sallie Report 13 Oct 2010 16:03

Hi Girls,

Just a quick look in before I go and do the weekly shop. A job I hate doing!

Huia, lovely to hear from you, you have been busy soting out all the negatives. I wouldn't know where to!!

I'm sure in time you'll get use to doing all the things that you have to do, in the Hospice Shop. I agree that it would be better to work there a bit more, as you would remember how to do things a lot quicker. Good luck and take care.

Sylvia, so pleased that both you and OH enjoyed your weekend. At least the weather was good, so it made things a lot more enjoyable.

Like you I've been watching the rescue of the miners in Chile, it's amazing how they worked out the best way to rescue them.

I have to go now, so I'll speak to you all later on.

Love and best wishes to everyone.


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Oct 2010 06:56

Hi all

I got back yesterday, and am still running around trying to catch my tail!!

Have been side tracked from concentrating on here tonight by watching the rescue of the Chilean miners ........ live, on BBC World News

absolutely incredible!

I've seen the first 3 rescued ...... now OH has gone to bed, and I've turned the tv off, because he seems to be able to hear it no matter how low I turn the sound!!

We had a really enjoyable weekend ....... it was teeming down with rain on Saturday when we travelled over to the Island, although the threatened high winds did not appear.

Then on Sunday, it was clear as bell, sunny and warm! So we were able to spend all the time out in the garden, as our friend had intended!

She had the food catered (just snacky type things) ..... but the caterer also prepared a beef tenderloin for her, and left it behind to be eaten after the party. About 8 of us stayed on, along with party girl's brother (age 82) and his wife ............ and had slices of the tenderloin, salad and rolls for dinner. The brother and his wife will celebrate their 60th anniversary next year!

It's funny ....... I've heard about her brother and his wife since we met our friend back in 1968 ...... but I've never met them before this weekend! They lived in Denver Colorado, and now in Arizona, and our visits have never coincided!

We didn't get any turkey, nor did we cook one ourselves ................ we didn't get home until about 6:30pm Monday evening, so we just had a couple of boiled eggs and toast

.......... but the weekend was far more enjoyable than any turkey :)))

Take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 12 Oct 2010 22:02

Hi Huia, sorry you are feeling chilly, we have had some lovely sunny autumn days but I am sure it will soon change. Not too cold here today Mo but anyway I was out all morning and until 2pm at a meeting and lunch so OH was here on his own. Out man is very good, he has his own business and is very particular and very tidy and clean. tomorrow his son will come with him. He even decided he didn't like the way a couple of bricks were set in and found some bricks in our garden (goodness knows where they came from) and cut them to size and fitted them in. The estimate for all four windows including the bay is just under £2000.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Oct 2010 21:10

Sorry Huia I missed you love.
It seems that we are quite lucky over here at the moment,with our weather,and yet you are all freezing. Wrap up well,and stay warm.
Don't worry yourself to much about making mistakes at work,everyone has to learn at the start of a new career,and you have not been there that long. Plus like the rest of us,as we get older,it takes longer for us to absorb what we are taught.
I am still trying to learn how to manage this laptop, but there are days when my brain just not seem to grasp what I am meant to be doing. Never mind I get by in my own way.
Take care my friend,stay safe. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 12 Oct 2010 21:02

Hi there.

I have been busy looking for my new cheque book and scanning negs. A couple of people want discs of some of the negs. I am putting the results into appropriate folders then I can just drag the folders across to burn onto the disc. I havent finished scanning all the ones Phil had taken of the dams being built, which is what bro in law wants but will give him what I have scanned to date.

I am not sure I am cut out for this charity shop work. I am a bit clumsy at times, and I have to stop to remember how to work the till and eftpos machine. Perhaps if I was in there more often I would remember. There are one or two other little things that I have not done correctly. I hope I can improve, otherwise I will have to resign before I am kicked out!

I am sitting here wearing 3 sweat shirts and a jersey and had to put the fan heater on as I am still cold. The sky is rather grey. I wonder if it might snow? This is supposed to be spring. Yesterday we had sun but a freezing wind.

Time I did the dishes and got on with some h****w**k.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Oct 2010 21:02

We have a bay window as well Ann. I don't know about where you are, but they charged us for three windows,as it had to have three glazed units put in. Mind you they do look nice,and so much warmer than the old ones that were in before.
I hope it was not to cold where you are today, only when we had ours done it was snowing outside,and freezing cold indoors.
I had spotted your thread about FB. I am not on there myself. I don't think I could manage it,it's bad enough me coping with GR.


AnninGlos Report 12 Oct 2010 20:31

We are in the process of having four windows replaced at the front of the house. Had the back done in the spring. It took him all day today to do the kitchen window but he has made a lovely job of it. It is a slight bay, three lots of panes the middle one flat the two outer at an angle. Tomorrow he will do two bedrooms and the bathroom all being well, quite straightforward windows.

At the moment I am suffering frustration with the stupidity of facebook. (see my thread on chat). It does seem strange that they can lock a 70 year old out but they can't stop bullying!


Sallie Report 12 Oct 2010 20:26

Mo, so pleased that your nephew is doing okay, let's hope that it will continue that way for him.

My brother is also doing alright, but won't be able to start work for a while yet. He's having his second plaster off on Thursday, so will have to take care for a while yet, and of course he has to have physio too.
Thanks for asking about him.

Ann, that's good to know about about flashing lights in the eyes. Thank you for that.
I'm wondering how Daff is, after being re-admitted to hospital yesterday.
Let's hope that they can get the infection sorted, so that she can have the bone marrow transplant quite soon.

Sylvia, hope that they are getting on okay with your kitchen. It will be lovely when it's finished I'm sure.

Did you and OH enjoy your weekend? I bet you enjoyed the company of your friends that you haven't seen for a long while.

Hope J and family are alright. You'll certainly see a big difference in MJ at Christmas. Sending him hugs and kisses. xxxx

Well that' all for now girls, speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes to everyone. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Oct 2010 19:16

Hi Sallie and Ann.
Just thought I would pop in to say hello.
I have to admit I am relieved about my sons eyes Ann.
My nephew seems to be going along fine,at the moment,fingers crossed,
thanks for asking Sallie.
How is your brothers feet now Sallie. Is he back at work yet.?
I wonder if they have started Sylvia's kitchen yet. I believe they had their thanks giving yesterday. I just hope that the kitchen was in a usable state
for them to cook the turkey.
How are things going at your house Ann. I hope you and T are o.k.
Well girls I am going to do a Sallie,and put the kettle on for a cuppa.
I hope Huia is o.k,as we have not heard from her in a while.
Also Liz,she has been very quiet. I hope things are sorted out at her house as well.
Hi Tess, I have not forgotten you love. I hope you are feeling better now.
Marie should be home from her holiday soon. Lets hope she has had a brilliant time.
Bye for now. Love Mo xxx