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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 21 Oct 2010 20:13

Hi Girls,

Well I'm on my own for the evening as usual on a Thursday. Alun's gone off to his Model Railway Club.

Sylvia, Alun was interested to know that your OH was interested in trains, and especially steam trains. When Alun was a child, he also had a Hornby Duplo DoubleO gauge train set, I think he said that the track had three rails. Your OH will probably know what I mean.

Of course now, the tracks have two rails. He has a few makes of model trains, Hornby and Bachman are the two that I can remember. It's a shame that you can't get the engine fixed properly, so that MJ can play with it when he gets older, and especially with him being the third generation too.
The members at the club repair and some of them make their own engines.

All of them in the club are thinking about going to Hamburg next year, to a World Model Railway Exhibition, the exhibitors are from all over the world, losed to all but they're not going to take anything to exhibit . They would all love to see it, and they are talking about taking the wives too. Whether that will work out, I don't know.

Jean, I hope you had good results from the Glaucoma Clinic, today.

Tess, hope you enjoyed your lunch out with your school friends.

Mo, it's a 'big' day for you tomorrow. It's Alun's brother-in-law's birthday today, he's 65, he's the one with dementia.

Alun and I might go to Derby tomorrow, the only problem is, going on the bus this week, because it's the Ilkeston Charter Fair, started yesterday until Saturday night, and the bus stops have all been changed to what they
are normally when the fair is here.
All the town centre is closed to traffic, because all the rides and stalls are on the car parks and through the streets that are closed off.

So if you hear of a couple of people lost in and around Ilkeston and Derby, you'll know that its us. lolol!!!

Marie, hope you're sorted out after your holiday. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Hope that Ann and T and also Huia will enjoy their weekends away, and that they'll all get some good weather.

Well it's time for a cuppa now, so will speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes.


JustJean Report 21 Oct 2010 12:39

Thinking of our Joyce as she says her farewells to Julie, I have been remembering all the laughs we have shared and the heartaches too over the years, but love her and Jan and wish them well and certainly peace of mind...

Ann have a lovely weekend, I wait to hear what adventures you have do take more water with it this xx
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all our missing friends.
always in my thoughts...
Mo have you got the letter opener ready... lol... see you later

Sylvia, your kitchen will be worth all the upset, you seem to be managing very to you and your family...

think of me as I go to the glaucoma clinic later today,checkung if the cataracts have advanced any... but I do believe in miracles....

by for now. Love Jean xx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 21 Oct 2010 10:39

I am going out to lunch with some old school friends. Will be back later,



SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 00:51

Hi everyone

safe trip Huia ..... I'm afraid I've missed you! Do hope that there are no more earthquakes in the Rotorua area while you are there!!

safe trip Ann ... have a great time

Kitchen's on a bit of hold at the moment .... the cabinet maker said he thought he would be ready to deliver the cabinets either tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday, but it really depends on when OH can be home to help him.

We had a good time at the Celebration of Life yesterday ........... no religious aspect to it at all. They basically provided a place and nibblies so that friends, colleagues and family could gather to talk about G, exchange stories ..... and hug and cry if that's what was needed. Only the immediate members of the family spoke, telling stories about G ............... his 3 children, his wife, his grandson (age 12), his brother and sister.

B, the grandson, held it together enough to say what he wanted to say, then collapsed in tears, he was very close to his grandfather. I spoke to his mother (who I last saw as a teenager about 25 years ago!), and said how well B had done, and how impressed I had been with him as I watched him move around the room ............... she said she was really proud at how he had held it together.

I also managed to have quite a long talk to G's wife .... who said she had hardly eaten or slept since it happened ........ G died in his sleep, and, although he had several health problems, it really was completely unexpected.

We had several long chats with other ex-colleagues ................ we all come out for these events (and there have been about 6 over the last 4 years or so), but never seem to meet up at any other time.

I suggested to OH on the way home that we might try holding some sort of buffet do after Christmas, and see how many of them will come to it ...... so that we meet in happier circumstances.

We had fish pie from the freezer last night! Nice and easy for OH.

This is all part of that very expensive implant / bridge / etc work that he is having done!

Sallie ...... what kind of model trains does Alun have?

OH had Hornby DoubleO as a child, we had it shipped over here, attached it to a board, and J played with it for years. Now we are looking at shipping over to Nova Scotia for MJ ...... the 3 rd generation

Our problem is that one of the engines needs some repairs to make it work, and OH hasn't been able to find anyone to do it. He was recommended to someone in a neighbouring town ...... that guy only made it worse!

I've even suggested he send it to the UK!!!

What he does now is collect train books .... preferably of steam trains, but really anything on trains!!

take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 20 Oct 2010 22:10

thank you sally, we are all packed and the taxi is booked for 10am.

Mo, sorry to hear that you have toothache, it is a horrid pain, I hope they can solve the problem for you.

Probably wont have time to come on here tomorrow so I will speak to you all when we get back.


Sallie Report 20 Oct 2010 22:07

Hi Girls,

I'm late tonight, I've chatting to a few people on the phone. There always seems to a lot to say.lolol!!

Ann, hope that yoy and T have a wonderful weekend in London. I'll be thinking about you both. Also hope the weather will be good for you, so that it will be a lot nicer to get about. Take care the both of you.!

Huia, so pleased that you got the all clear at the Clinic. Enjoy your weekend at your son's. Take care!

Mo, sorry to hear that you have toothache. Hope the dentist will find the cause of it tomorrow.
I must say, I admire you going to the dentist. I'm terrified of dentists.

Joyce rang me this morning, it was great to hear from her. She sounded a lot calmer than I expected. Her daughter is being cremated tomorrow, and her ashes are being scattered on the River Mersey at a later date.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to everyone.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Oct 2010 21:33

Oh my goodness I am late, like the mad hatter at the tea party.

Good to hear you got the all clear Huia love. Now have a safe and pleasant journey to your sons house. Enjoy yourself,get plenty of rest and relaxation. Don't let the dogs run you ragged though.

Ann, I mean no offence when I keep reminding you of your little trip. I just want you to be safe.
Enjoy yourselves,and have a good journey tommorrow.
See you when you get back, and I look forward to hearing all about it.

See what I mean about my memory Jean, I thought it was this saturday the 23rd you were going away, stupid mare that I am.
I am pleased you are taking your netbook with you, you can give us daily updates then,coz you will be bored without us. LOL
It's time to get your glasses sorted, otherwise you wont be able to do all the close work you want to do love. Especially as you will be watching me closely, to make sure I behave myself. (as if I would be naughty )

I wonder if Marie has finished unpacking yet. I can't wait to hear of her trip.

I wonder where Sallie has got to tonight, it's unusual not to hear from her.

Tess where are you as well.

Sylvia is probably very busy with the tradespeople,sorting out her kitchen, so we will forgive her for not being here. But Sylvia we need a sick note, with an explanation. LOL

I have got an emergency appointment with the dentist,at lunchtime tommorrow. I have got a tooth ache,right at the back of my gum,and it's affecting my ear.
I was only at the dentist's last month, so I am hoping I don't incur more costs, but if I do I do. I don't like having painful teeth, but this one seemed to be o.k back then. I will wait and see.

Well girls I am going to take more paracetamol,and take myself of to bed.
Speak to you all tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Oct 2010 21:06

Enjoy your trip Huia.


Huia Report 20 Oct 2010 20:41

I got the all clear at the clinic yesterday. Now I just have to pack things to take to Rotorua. So many pills, potions, eyedrops. Not to mention clothes, and books to read. It is just as well we have a ute, plenty of room for luggage. I dont think I need to take the kitchen sink though. I hope to leave in 5 hours so will see you all again in 5 or 6 days.



JustJean Report 20 Oct 2010 07:59

Hello all, glad our Marie got back safely, cant wait to hear what she got up to.... Mo its next Sat we go away... and this time I am hoping to take the netbook so I can keep my beady eye on you .... I have a few bits of sewing to catch up on so crafting will be on hold for a bit ...and I need to get my glasses sorted when I fell they got twisted, J tried to straighten them but he was afrid of breaking them. so I will still be here until next week, love and hugs to those who need them,especially Joyce and Liz, see you lare be good... love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 19 Oct 2010 21:37

Mo, Thanks for letting us know that Marie is home.
And you are not going to let me forget our Bristol weekend are you?

Sallie, we go up to London on Thursday, 10.45 train from Gloucester to Paddington.


Sallie Report 19 Oct 2010 21:18

Mo, Richard seems to be getting on alright at work, he likes working there. I think he's just so glad to be working again, after being unemployed fo most of the year.

Oh yes, Alun certainly loves his trains, earlier this evening we sat and watched a DVD of steam trains that ran in the East Midlands. Must say, it was quite!

Thanks for letting us know that Marie is home safe and sound, I hope she had a good holiday. Shall look forward to hearing from her once she's sorted eveything out.

Hope everyone else is okay.

Thinking about all our absent friends.

Love and best wishes to you all.


Sallie Report 19 Oct 2010 17:16

Mo, just missed you by three minutes. Going to do the tea now, so I'll speak to you later.

Love, Sallie. xxx


Sallie Report 19 Oct 2010 17:11

Hi Girls,

Sylvia, your poor OH, I feel sorry for him having all this trouble after going to the dentist.

I can't suggest any other kind of food, than already has been suggested by the others. Hope that it will get better a lot quicker than it did last time.

I didn't realise that they would be so long doing your kitchen for you. Never mind, I'm sure that it will all be worth it when it's completely finished.

Tess, Alun didn't get home until after twelve last night. The chaps house was in the middle of the country, Alun said it was a big house, and that both he and his wife were very welcoming. The one layout was in a 'shed' 35ft.x17ft. and Alun said the layout was marvellous, never seen anything like it before. I think they all left there looking a slight shade of green.lolol!!

Huia, hope all will go well with your check up at the Super Clinic. Enjoy your few days away and take care of yourself. Hope that all will be well with Phil when you visit him.

Mo, how are you and yours today? I hope that all is well.

It was quite nice here first thing, but started to rain mid morning. problem is, once it starts to rain it doesn'tknow when to stop.

Alun has got a days holiday tomorrow, we have some business to sort out, so if the weather is okay, we might go somewhere nice, after it's been sorted. I love Bakewell, so we might end up there.

Ann, do you go to London on Thursday or Friday? I know you've already told us, but my memory is not as good as it was.lolol!!

Well, I'm going to make our tea now, but might look in again later on.

Love, Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Oct 2010 17:08

Hi ladies, how are we all today.
I have had an e.mail from Marie, she is home from her holiday,and will be back with us as soon as she gets herself sorted out. We all know what it's like, getting back from a holiday,getting the washing and house sorted.
Plus catching up on all the things we put on the back burner whilst we are away.

Hi Sallie, it's good to hear that Alun and the others got the painting finished. Alun certainly enjoy his trains hobby doesn't he. Well it keeps him amused,and allows you to get on with your card making. Have you nearly finished the lot you had to do for your brother yet. Are you making christmas cards,for him to sell for his church funds.
How's Richard settling in, in his job now. His training period must now be long gone.

Phew, I bet you breathed a sigh of relief when your friends decided not to visit Sylvia.
Your OH is a very brave man taking over the overseeing of the job himself.
It takes a lot of organising to get the different trades in at the correct time.
My goodness another two weeks, before the kitchen is completed. You are one patient lady, I would be pulling my hair out by now.
My sons customers think they are hard done by,when he tells then it will be a three day fit to do everything.
You know what it's like, " oh how I am going to manage " but they do.
It will be lovely when it's completed though love.
Lets hope your OH has taken into account that he will have to do the painting, as you don't really want to have to wait till 2011 when J comes to see you,do you.
Poor OH having to put up with mush for food, for the next three days. But as Ann and Huia have said, there is always a soft diet he could eat.

Ann, in case I don't get a chance to speak to you before you go to London, have a lovely time. But take it easy on the wine,and look out for any hidden steps. LOL We don't want you having any mishaps when you are away.

Huia thank goodness you have got your own vehicle back. But sorry to hear it was a bigger job than suspected.
Our car is an automatic,and is easy to drive when you get the hang of it.
But as you have a problem with your right hip, it would have been awkward
for you to drive.
I hope you get on alright at the super clinic,and that you find Phil awake and alert.

Hi Tess, I hope you are o.k. Have you been up to anything exciting. Have you been out to the caribbean restuarant lately.
We are going out for a meal on friday, I will let you know where we go, as it is a surprise for me.

Now where has our Jean got to. Coooeee Jean, what are you up to. I bet you are packing your suitcase ready for your holiday.
I do hope the weather cheers up for you soon. It's been an awful day here today, it's been chucking it down with rain,and is very very chilly.
I will miss you when you are away,so have a lovely lovely time MWAH.

Right girls I am off to do the dinner. Take care. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 19 Oct 2010 09:25

My mum used to always cook mince when I had been to the dentist. I still love mince and have it often.

I got the phone call to say my vehicle was ready, so after lunch I drove into town. The automatic wasnt quite so bad as I checked out the controls before I started and had a better idea of how to drive it, but my right hip was getting sore. I probably should have adjusted the seat. I did some shopping and came home in our lovely old manual drive vehicle.

Tomorrow I will be going to visit Phil, then going to the Super Clinic to have an annual check of the lichen schlerosis. The next day I will pack and head off to Rotorua for the dog-sitting. Busy, busy, busy.

Off to bed soon. I hope I sleep better than last night.



AnninGlos Report 19 Oct 2010 09:20

You can do an awful lot with mince ( chilli, curry, bolognese, shepherds pie etc etc.) Then there is salmon if you like fish, that doesn't need chewing. Cheese and potato pie, tinned tuna in mushroom sauce on pasta.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 19 Oct 2010 08:45

Poor Mr. Hamster, eating a pureed Christmas Dinner!

I imagine daughter feeding MJ first (with a flying spoon) and then turning to Dad "open wide, yummy dinner!" etc

I hope that the next 7-9 days wizz by and that he is soon able to eat normally again.
Meanwhile he may need to eat a lot of eggs, mashed potato, minced meat, rice etc.

Any suggestions Ladies?



SylviaInCanada Report 19 Oct 2010 01:22

Hi Mo

and everyone

The friends are not coming to stay, or even visit. Phew!!

When she phoned on Friday, they were considering not bringing their car over, so I think the question was "Would OH meet them from the ferry?". However, by last night, they had decided to bring their car, drive up to the Celebration of Life, then back to the ferry for the 5:45 pm ferry.

It's going to be at least 2 weeks before we're back using the kitchen ........ the cabinet maker told OH yesterday that he should be ready to bring the cabinets over on Thursday this week .... but OH is not sure if he will be in that day. The counter tops hopefully will be delivered early next week. The cabinet maker will come back to install them and cut the hole for the sink. Then we have to arrange for the electrician and the plumber to come back.

We're using local tradespeople, not one compnay, OH is doing a wodnerful job of the contracting of jobs. BUT it is harder to coordinate the work into one short spurt.

It isn't too bad though ....... we decided not to change the fridge and stove. The stove is only 3 years old and the fridge 2 years old, and I felt no need to change them. It would ahve been different if I had wanted a cook top and separate oven, but I'm quite happy and comfortable with a regular stove. So we can cook and keep food just as we normally do.

The place is just in a bit of a mess!!

and we keep forgetting where we have moved this or that!

Unspoken is the problem of painting ................ OH has a great tendency to get things to usable state, and then put off doing the finishing touches. J said yesterday that if "Dad" hadn't done the painting by the time they came out here next, she and M would do it for us.

They don't plan on coming out here until summer 2012!

OH went to the dentist again this morning, and had surgery again

The one-sided hamster is back

Only this time it is the other cheek

The dentist told him to eat soft food for about 3 days, and not to chew on this side until the stitches come out in 7-9 days

Major problem

he can't chew on the other side either 'cos there are not enough "meeting" teeth!

We're having an omelette for dinner tonight

Daughter phoned just before we went out for coffee this afternoon .........

She offered to send OH some of the food she's preparing for MJ who is now just beginning "proper" food, and said they would have a plentiful supply of such food at Christmas if necessary

She was laughing away as she planned all this

OH did not think it was sooooooooo funny when I told him :)))



Sallie Report 18 Oct 2010 21:59

Hi Girls,

Mo, I don't watch Strictly at all, but I wanted to watch Ann Widecombe. I have to agree with you that she shouldn't win, but she was a good sport . I wouldn't dare do what she did.lolol!!

Sorry to hear that your darts match was cancelled for tonight, at least it gives you another week to get a bit more practise in.

Sylvia, our weather over the weekend has been quite nice for this time of the year too.

Did your OH any of the Terducken? It sounds lovely, but might be a bit too much for me.

I hope MJ has cut his first tooth by now, bless him! Sending him hugs and kisses. xxxxx

Tess, it sounds as though your brother-in-law and Alun should get together some time, lol!!

Alun is a keen fan of GWR, so of course, both his layouts are GWR. As you say it's a very expensive hobby. He and a few club members have gone to see some layouts tonight, not sure where, I only know that he lives about an hour and a half away and that whoever he is, writes in some of the Model Railway Magazines.

Huia, I hope you've had your car back by now. I can't drive, so wouldn't know one car from another, but I do know there are some very impatient drivers on the roads these days.
Your son and daughter-in-law sound like very kind people. I know you say that you're not a pauper yet, but it's nice that they think about you, and like to help.
Hope Phil will be up and about when you next visit him.

I'm off to have a shower now, before Alun gets home.

Thinking of all our absent friends.

Love and best wishes.