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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 25 Oct 2010 19:29

Hi Mo, sorry I forgot it was your darts night. Good luck, hope you and your team will win.

Love, Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Oct 2010 19:16

Good evening all.
Well I have had my MRI scan done. Thank goodness the scanner was only up to my neck,and I did not have to have my head inside it.
It was bitterly cold when we left her early this morning.
And inside the scanner, they blow cold air over you. My poor feet were absolutely freezing,sticking out the end of the scanner.
Then my left foot decided to go into spasm,and I thought to myself they would need to start again, but fortunately they didn't.
I have now got to wait for the results to be sent to the physio therapist,and she will then contact me, to let me know how we proceed from now on.
They think it may be that part of my cartilege has broken away,causing the Bakers Cysts in the first place.
Oh well I will wait and see.

I hope you get better news on your brother Sallie. And that you start to feel better tommorrow, if not get yourself of to the doctor for some anti-biotics.

The noise of that Scanner was as you said Tess, very very loud. But they give you headphones with music piped through them, lovely and soothing,
but just not to my taste really.

Hello Jean my darhlink, not long till your hols now babe.

I wonder how Ann enjoyed her time away, cooeee Ann come and let us know how you got on.

Well I must go and get ready for darts. Bye for now girls. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 25 Oct 2010 18:48

Hello Ladies,

Hope all is well with you and your families.

Mo, hope all went well with your MRI scan this morning, I hope it won't be too long before you have the results.

I'm going to ring my sister-in-law later on, to see how my brother is, and if
the doctors have told him what the problem is.

I've had a cold that has now gone to my chest, so If it doesn't clear within the next few days,I'll have to go to the doctors, which I hate doing.
We have Chloe coming tomorrow to finish make her Christmas cards, I hope that I'll feel better than I do today, so that I can help her with them and she's going to stay tomorrow night, too.

Ann, pleased that you and T had a lovely weekend in London. Did you manage to do any shopping for Christmas presents while you were there?
I know that you go to Cyprus at the end ot the week, but not sure how long you go for.

I wonder if Huia is back from her son's. I hope that she had a good weekend there, and that she's alright.

Marie, are you still trying to catch up with your washing and ironing, after your holiday? Hope everything is alright with you.

I hope that all our absent friends are okay. I might have a look in later on.

Love to everyone.


Sallie Report 24 Oct 2010 20:30

Mo, Good luck for tomorrow, we'll be thinking about you and hoping that all will go well.

My brother is still in hsopital and he's having a scan tomorrow, so we're all hoping that all will be okay. Thanks for asking Mo!

Tess, not sure where Hampton Loade is but I'm sure that Alun will look it up on the internet. He's just read your post, and he's now got the biggest smile on his face. Anything to do with trains and he's just like a child. lol!!
I'm sure that in the not to distant future we may pay a visit to the SVR line.

I'll speak to you all soon. Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx


JustJean Report 24 Oct 2010 19:48

Mo, darlink, J and I will be thinking and praying all goes well tomorrow... sleep well...
Love Jean xx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 24 Oct 2010 18:47

Mo, hope your MRI scan goes ok. I had one ages ago (on my head) it was very loud, the earplugs came in useful.

Treated myself to a choccy bar afterwards, fo being a good, brave girl!

Sallie, I am going to look up Butterley on the internet (before the Strictly results program). The Silver wedding celebration sounds first class.

The station on the SVR my family spend most time at is Hampton Loade.
As well as a passing place for all the trains on the SVR line, it also has a model train track.

I think that the other engines my niece and her husband own are Roundhouse (but I could be wrong)


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Oct 2010 16:39

Just a quick hello to you all, as I am expecting my brother in a little while.
Sallie I do hope your brother will be o.k, is there anymore news on his being hospitalised.
I must not be late to my bed tonight, I have got to be up very early tommorrow. It's my MRI scan day. I will let you know if I have any news.
It's a very cold day here in Kent, and also miserable. I don't so much mind the cold,but when it is dull like this, it makes me feel like going back to bed and staying there.
Bye for now, love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 23 Oct 2010 14:37

Tess, your niece's wedding reception sounds absolutely lovely. It's was a great idea to have it on the train, and I'm sure all the guests loved it .

Before retiring from teaching, Alun and I went to his Head of Department and her husband's silver wedding celebration on a steam train at the Midland Railway at Butterley, Derbyshire. Both her and her husband are members of the railway so had the celebration on the coach that they own---they bought one of the old coaches and had it renovated, so it was a double celebration, their anniversary and the first time the coach had been used since being renovated. It was great, we had a four course meal, while travelling on the train.

Going to try and make a few more cards now, so Ill look in later on.

Take care everyone. Love.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 23 Oct 2010 11:44

Sallie, soryy I didn't answer you last night. Bro-in-law and his daughter and son-in-law are all members of the Severn Valley Railway.

In fact daughter had an engine instead of an engagement ring (they then had my late mums name put on it!).

Their wedding feast was on one of the SVR trains, which was really wonderful, as we steamed to Bidgenorth, stayed there for a while (so the real ale fans could drink the ale at the pub on the station) and then returned to Kidderminster. Wonderful, I shall always remember it fondly.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Oct 2010 22:40

I had a lovely time with my friends yesterday. We went to a W-----spoons, for lunch and chatted ten to the dozen.

I thought that I was being good as I had salmon, jacket potato and salad, plus a little wine.

However, when I got home I felt that I had over indulged, so had to go for a lie down.

We will probably be rather busy on the run up to Christmas to meet again this year, but will see each other early next year.
We are planning to go to a performance of "We Will Rock You" next year, all being well, I am really looking forward to it.

Family members do have Hornby Double O Trains and track, but also have other engins too, there name escapes me at the moment.

They also go on full sized steam trains when possible, all over the country.

I shall have to ask if any of them (including the American Cousins) are going to Hamburg next year.

I am very proud of my (birthday) brother, he had several difficulties as a child. However, as an adult he has overcome them. He got a degree through the OU and has run over one hundred marathons. Nothing has come easy to him, he has had to put in a lot of hard work



Sallie Report 22 Oct 2010 22:32

Hi Everyone,

Sylvia, Alun is just the same as your OH, he loves his trains---when I told him about you and OH going on the train to visit J, he told me that he'd love to do that if he had a chance. Mind you, I wouldn't mind doing that myself, it sounds lovely.

Let's hope that they will finish your kitchen next week, it will be great when it's all finished.

Marie, lovely to see you back home. It sounds as though you you enjoyed yourself. As you say, it's always nice to get home.

Hope all your family are well, I expect they are pleased to see you home, especially your grandchildren.
I know from when I was a child, I always missed my nan a lot when she went on holiday.

Mo, it looks as though you've had a lovely birthday. You made me feel quite hungry when you told us what you had to eat. It's lovely having the family all around you on your birthday, and to be spoilt by them all.

My brother is in hospital, he hasn't been feeling very well throughout the week, he's had very bad stomach pains---they were so bad last night that my sister-in-law phoned the doctor first thing this morning, the doctor sent him into hospital.
They think it's something to do with his gall bladder---maybe an infection of some sort. He only had an operation on his foot a month ago.

Tess, Alun was wondering if your brother-in-law and nephew are members of the Severn Valley Railway. It's surprising how many men are interested in steam trains--- having said that, I know a few women that also like them, one of which is a member of the club that Alun belongs to.

Hope everyone else is alright.

Well I think I'm going to have an early night, so I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to you all.


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Oct 2010 20:54

Happy Birthday Mo

Lovely to hear that you had such a good meal, and so many nice presents.

Yep, Sallie .... OH loves his trains! He does have another Hornby engine (at least one more!!), so the set-up cna be used, but I thin the broken one was his "favourite" when he was a boy.

We don't have many steam trains left over here ........ but it's one reason why we take the train so often to get across the country

That, and the lovely food and accommodation, and the fun!!!

Not much happening over here at the moment. The cabinetmaker seems to be talking Tuesday for bringing and installing them, and OH is clearing his calendar so that he can be here to help.

Lovely to see you back Marie, and to hear about your trip.

Take care, everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Oct 2010 20:13

Hi girls, many thanks for your birthday wishes.
This is one fat dumpling talking. I have eaten a three course meal,and now I can hardly move
I started with home made vegetable soup.
Half a roast chicken and BBQ sauce,with a jacket potato and side salad.
Followed by caramel apple betty with ice cream.
I received lots of lovely things from my children. Cardigans, jumpers, flowers and chocolates.
And I have received some lovely birthday cards as well. Whose a lucky girl then, yes moi.

Hello Marie it's good to have you back. It sounds like you visited some really famous sights.
Florence and Capri,are two places I would love to see, but I know I never will.
I am lucky if I get anywhere near London these days. It seems to have lost it's attraction for me,the older I have become.

Tess all us Librans,are the best people to know. You are so lucky to have a Libran brother, I hope he enjoyed his birthday as well.
Don't have to much of that real ale on Monday, it's falling down juice don't ya know, really strong stuff. My friends husband is a great real ale drinker,and he tends to get tipsy much quicker than the rest of the gang. LOL

Jean thank you so much for the lovely card. I hope you are all well at your house.

I hope everyone is well,and hope to hear from you all soon. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 22 Oct 2010 16:16

Hi Mo,

Many Happy Returns of the day. Hope you enjoy your evening out and that you'll have a lovely meal.

Speak to you all later on.

Love, Sallie. xxx


Zack Report 22 Oct 2010 12:59

Hello, My dear cyber friends.
I have missed our chats, its nice to be home again.

I had a wonderful time in Italy,saw some wonderful Roman ruins including Pompeii which I was very impressed with, the Romans sure knew how to build.
We spent a day in Capri which was very nice. I think I liked the north of the country best especially the lakes area. We stayed the night at Lake Maggiore.

Everyone talks about the Leaning tower of Pisa,but the Church and the Bapistery are Magnificent.
My favourite cities were Milan , Forence.& Assisi

Mo let me know about the loss of Dutch & Jan's Daughter it is so sad, my Prayers are with then both, this is a heavy sorrow
for them to bear.
Happy birthday dear Mo I hope your day is filled with Love & Joy.
I must close love & hugs to you all. Marie


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Oct 2010 10:47

Happy birthday Mo, I hope it is as sunny where you live as it is here, in Birmingham.

It is also my brothers birthday today, so you could almost be twins!
He is out with his partner tonight, so we (as a family) will be celebrating on Monday - at a real ale pub.



JustJean Report 22 Oct 2010 07:49

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Mo, have the best day ever, and get R to get you a BIGGGG pressie you deserve it.... Enjoy your day....

much love Jean and Jeff xxxx


Sallie Report 21 Oct 2010 20:39

Mo, I've just made my cuppa, so thought I'd have another look on here.

Sylvia, sorry forgot to mention about the Celbration of Life that you went to.
The grandson did well, to do what he did, and him only being age 12.

Well girls, I shouldn't have anymore probs with the internet, as we received a new modem from Virgin today. All that trouble we've had for so long, apparently it was the modem that was causing the problems. Alun sorted the modem out before going to the club, so, so far so good.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Oct 2010 20:30

Ooops sorry Sallie you posted while I was writing.
Have a nice trip out tommorrow,and don't get to lost.
Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Oct 2010 20:26

Good evening girls.
Sylvia, it's nice to hear that you enjoyed the Celebration of Life ceremony for your OH's friend.
It's very true that with a lot of long term friends, the only occasions we seem to meet,is either at weddings or funerals.
Thats why when we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversery six years ago, we had a big celebration,and invited people we had not seen in donkey's years.
How is your OH's mouth feeling now? has it settled down a bit.
I can't believe how much the cost of dental treatment has gone up over the years.
I went to the dentist today,about the toothache I have been suffering for the past few days.
When I told her where the pain was, she knocked on the four back teeth, with her instrument,and because I didn't feel any pain,she took an xray,and came to the conclusion that I have some inflamation in my gum.
She charged meĀ£16.00, gave me a prescription for some anti-biotics,and said good bye.
Believe me, if it doesn't do the trick, I will be going back.
I wouldn't have minded, if I hadn't been for my check up, just a few weeks prior,and had one filling done,but had no other problems at the time.
Still thats life I suppose.

Jean I have got my letter opener warming up in my hand as I speak. LOL
I may be a little later posting tommorrow,as we are going out for a meal in the evening, but I will let you know how it goes.
How did you get on at the glaucoma clinic today Jean.? Did you speak to them about straightening your glasses out for you. Or do you have to go back to the opticians for that.

I wonder how Tess got on at the lunch with her old friends today.

Joyce was in my thoughts today,as she has been since the loss of her daughter.
I hope she gains strength day by day. Thinking of you both Joyce,sending you love and best wishes.

Now where has Sallie got to tonight,not making more cards surely. Sallie come back and talk to us,and leave them there cards alone for five minutes.

It's time I did a Sallie and made myself a cup of tea.
Anyone want to join me. I've got cake and biscuits as well, no holds barred here you know.
(^^)? (^^)? (^^)? (^^)?teas {**}/ {**}/ {**}/ {**}/ coffees @@@@cakes
# # # #biscuits
Bye for now girls, love Mo xxx