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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Nov 2010 21:08

Good evening all, and Mrs Teabag Sallie LOL

Well what a day I have had. I have been christmas shopping up at Bromley. And now I am shattered. I don't know how I managed to carry it all home on the train.
I have wrapped most of the things already, and will go into Chatham on Thursday, with any luck, and buy the rest of the presents that I need.
It's such a job to know what to buy the children, especially with their ages ranging from 7 to 23.
The two youngest went through the arg*s catalogue, and wrote down a few suggestions, so that was a big help.
But buying for the eleven of them is no mean fete.
Sallie we won last night 4-2 in the team games,and 3-0 in the pairs.
Oh and by the way, our new baby is due on the 20th of January.

Sylvia, this kitchen is becoming the bane of your life LOL.
It appears to me that the way the kitchens are made, and installed over there, is totally different to here.
When my son goes to visit a new customer, he arranges everything, from the cupboards, work tops and door+drawer fitments the whole kit and kaboodle. He then does all the fitting himself, including the gas and any
electrics that need to be done. He does of course have to be qualified and insured, to do all of this,and he has to be gas safe as well.
He has been doing this job since he left school at 16, and he is now 42, he has clients, that return to him every time they move.
I am so proud of him, considering he left school without taking any exams what so ever. He was one of those boys, that had no interest in schooling at all, and would play truant rather than attend school.
We used to take him to school, and they would take him into class, he would get his registration, and slope of out of school before they realised he had gone. Oh boy what a problem child he was, but he has made his father and I, really proud of him over the years. And his kitchen business is thriving. His wife looks after the showroom for him during the day, whilst
he is out on fits, and his eldest son, is now going into the business with him.

Oh my lord, I have been waffling on for ages, sorry about that girls.
I will speak to you all tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 2 Nov 2010 17:51

Where has everyone gone? Apart for Ann and Jean, who I know are both on holiday.

Ann and Jean, hope that you're enjoying your week away.

Ann, I expect the weather is a lot nicer in Cyprus than it is here, it's wet and miserable.

Jean, I hope the weather is better in Llandudno for you, than it is here.

Just been reading Liz's thread , telling everyone that she is now a step-grandma. I hope that both her and her OH will get to see the baby soon, so that they can give her a cuddle.

Mo, when is your next grandchild due? Sorry, I know you told us, but my memory isn't as good as it use to be.lolol!!

How did you get on at darts last night? I hope your team won.

Hope everyone is okay, I might look in again later on.

Alun has just made me a cuppa so I'd better go and have it.



Sallie Report 1 Nov 2010 23:10

Hi Sylvia, I love your account of buying the handles. You certainly cheered me up reading about it.

Do you know when they will finish it? I'm sure it will be worth the wait, it will be lovely to have a new kitchen.

Hope everything is okay with J, M and MJ. Did OH manage to pick up M's degree for him, after all the messing about he had to do?

I expect you and OH are looking forward to Christmas, especially since it's MJ's first one. I'm sure that it will be wonderful.

Marie, we are all alright here, thank you for asking. Although I've had a bit of a down week, with one thing and another, but things are mostly better now.
I hope all is well with you and your family, too.

Tess, it looks as though you all had a good time for your brother's birthday.

I certainly fellt hungry when you told us what both you and your brother had to eat, sounds yummy!

Huia, are you still working at the Hospice Shop?
Pleased that you had a good few days at your son's, well apart from locking yourself out. The main thing is you were able to get a locksmith so that you could get back in.

Hope that Phil was awake when you last visited him, and that you managed to have a bit of a walk around with him.

Mo, I hope that your team won tonight.

Well girls it's nearly time for bed, so I'll say goodnight to you all.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to everyone. Love, Sallie. xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 19:32

Hi Mo!

and at that ............... we only needed 22, according to OH's count

But we decided to buy 2 spare

This morning, I realised there is a long glass-fronted door to a triangular cabinet built into one corner

................. yep, neither of us remembered that one!

Latest "problem" ............... OH decided to begin installing the handles

all the drawer fronts are actually double thickness

the provided screws are too short!

Good luck at darts tonight!!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Nov 2010 19:05

Good evening ladies.
I can't stay long, as I have got darts tonight.
Sallie I am such a creature of habit, and you have got me of to a T, remembering where I will be tonight.

Sylvia, I had to chuckle at you and your OH's antics with the cupboard handles. It sounds very much the sort of error we would make. But it's so easily done love.
And surprising at how many we need to buy isn't it. We take it for granted, when we have them in situ,and forget how many we have,till it comes to changing them.

Well I have got to go now. I hope you are all well. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 18:13

Hi everyone

Fall is here ..... our clocks don't go back until next weekend, but it was awful dark this morning! Plus the rain pounding down.

haven't said much about the kitchen, 'cos not much has been happening since they were delivered here last week, and filled up rooms other than the kitchen!

Anyway, the cabinet maker is coming in a couple of hours ....... he and OH will then install them in the kitchen!

No sign yet of the countertops ....... but we will be able to get the electrician to come and install that new electricity line for the dishwasher.

Went to buy drawer and cupboard handles yesterday afternoon. I'd spotted one a couple of weeks ago, but we needed 24 and they didn't have enough in stock ....... but found another one we liked

OH picked out 24

Went to cash desk, service guy pulled out one and ran it through the scan, then clicked x24

OH used his M/c to pay the bill

Got out to the car

OH gave me the bill saying "spent a lot today"

I looked at the bill


24 x 128 mm handles @ $10.95 each

I thought we'd picked 96 mm handles @ something like $2.79 each

Back to the store

Sorted through the bag (with a store helper)

OH had picked up 23 x 96 mm PLUS 1 x 128 mm

Find 1 more 96 mm handle

Line up at Return Desk

All refunded and re-calculated

Bill drops from $280+ to around $70 something




Sallie Report 1 Nov 2010 16:53

Mo, I've just sent you a pm. I forgot that it was your darts night tonight, hope that you and your team will win---keeping my fingers crossed for you. GOOD LUCK!

Hope everyone else is okay, I haven't been on here for a week, what with one thing and another, still most is sorted now, thank goodness.

I might look in later.

Love to everyone. Sallie. xxx


Huia Report 1 Nov 2010 04:26

I googled my maiden name a couple of days ago and was shocked to find a lot of people had one of my dad's photos on their flikr pages. The photo had been used in a book (with my permission) a few years ago. I didnt expect it to be copied so freely by other people.

I also found a couple of pieces that I had written on these boards several years ago, so be careful what you put. I also googled my married name and found some things there that I have seen on google before, plus some that related to a different person with the same name. I googled Jeans name but what it came up with was somebody in America and when I tried Liz (our purple one) it came up with several, some of a person elsewhere, but the FB page might be hers.

Must start getting my dinner now.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 31 Oct 2010 22:33

Marie, ahve just gone on Yahoo to look for Hayward "Coat of Arms" and found one!
I am pretty sure that you could find one on Google too.

Well worth a look.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 31 Oct 2010 22:22

Sorry everyone, not to join in properly this week. I have been very busy (for me) and am still rather tired. Just seemed to have loads of distractions etc

Last Monday evening (25th Oct) we went out to a real ale pub for my brothers birthday.
Had a good time, as I haven't done a "Sunday Roast" lately, I had roast beef, yorkshire pudding and all tthe trimmings. While my "birthday brother" had a mixed grill.
We also joined in the quiz, came 6th out of eithteen, so not too bad.
All-in-all we all had a great evening.

try to be back tomorrow.



Zack Report 31 Oct 2010 21:15

Hello to you all, & thank you so much for the Ideas.
Ann the Photo Board sounds great,thank you.
Tess I like the idea of the local pub, almost all pubs in Aust. have a beer garden and also a Restaurant,some of them still have accommodation.
I dont think that the Hayward Family have a FamilyCrest.Thank for the Ideas I will get working on them.
It is a fine day to-day we had rain the night before and early yesterday Mo,we have been on Daylight saving time since the 2nd week in October it is about 7.30 am as I type.

We have had a successful weekend in sport we won the match against New Zealandin Rugby Union, then yesterday we beat Ingland in the Rugby League.
When I went to bed we were playing cricket against Siri Lanka, I think we would have lost that Game.

I knew I had missed someone in my last post it was Sallie.
I do hope you are well Sallie also Your daughter & Alun.

My Son Michael came up for a visit a week ago he rode in on his Beautiful Harley Davidson, he looked well and is starting a new Job .I hope all goes well for him.
When they sell the house he is going to buy a house in Bendigo ,he will probably have to sell the Harley Davidson to help with Finances.
His children are now living in Bendigo with their mother .

I will leave you all now as I must have some Breakfast as I go to Gym at 10.45am.
Mo it was quite cool yesterday and I got my vegies in, I will put some Bok Choy in late to-day.
Love to you all

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Oct 2010 20:23

Good evening all.
Now how many of us in the U.K remembered to put our clocks back one hour last night.
We did remember, but once again, I hate it when we have to do it.
My stomach clock is still on the old time,and my body feels shattered. I keep looking at the clock,and thinking, well it would be such and such a time now, no wonder you are feeling weary, or hungry.

I am getting a bit concerned as Sallie has not been seen for ages now, so I will p.m her,to be sure she is o.k.

I hope Jean and Ann are enjoying their holidays.

Sylvia, hows the kitchen going, we have not had an update on it for a few days either.
I hope you are both o.k.

Tess, your family reunion sounded great. Are you all still in contact with each other.
So you have a family crest as well. How did that come about, it would be interesting to know about it.

Marie,are you still sweating and swearing over there.. I hope it's not to overly hot for you.

Huia love hows you keeping now. Have you seen Phil lately.

I am just going to p.m Sallie, so I will say goodnight to you all. Love Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 30 Oct 2010 20:59


We had a family get together a few years ago. Nearly one hundred members of my mums side of the family attended, some coming from the USA

We had a buffett meal in a pub rrestaurent function room.

Designed a commemerarive badge, so that everyone would have a special momento for ever.

Also arranged for a photographer to come and take a whole group photo - sent copies to each branch of the family.

Had name tags for everyone (done by my sis as my writing is terrible) She colour coded the names, so that each of branches of the family had a different colour i.e Ann's children, grandchildren etc in Blue. Richards children, grandchildren in Red. Henry's in Green, Mary's in Purple etc

My son drew a large picture of the Family Crest.

The venue we chose had a large room, for out sole use, there were also the bars etc in the pub and a nice outside area with a canal going past.

A good time was had by all,


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Oct 2010 18:02

Hello girls.
Well it's going to be very quiet for a while now, what with Jean and Ann being on holiday.
But we will soldier on regardless,and wait with baited breath to hear from them.

Huia, your cat sounds very much like ours used to be.
If she needed to go out in the garden, for toilet, she would sit by the back door, and meow at us, till we opened it. And when she had done what she needed to do, she would sit outside the door, waiting to be let back in.
And at feeding times,she would sit by Roly's feet, looking up at him, meowing till she got the message through. You could almost set your clock by her tummy clock. LOL

Marie, having the family reunion, will be fantastic. Even more so, if it brings the WHOLE family together. ( you will know what I mean by that )
And as Ann has said the photo's idea is brilliant.
When you know exactly who is coming, perhaps you could make up name tags, so that everyone will know how they are connected to each other.
The BBQ idea sounds good as well, as long as you chose one of your summer months to do it, you would only need a Gazebo, in case of sun stroke, or a shower of rain.
It would be no good me having a family reunion, I have only got one Aunt,and one cousin I am in contact with in this country. I seem to have lost at least four cousins, two of the four, I cant remember the names of.
I do have two cousins in Australia, who I am in contact with,on a regular basis. But they ,like me, do no like flying, so the chances of us ever meeting is zero.
I do have two cousins, who are a lot older than myself, and I have no idea if they are still alive. Not having years of birth, or areas of birth, plus not having any other means of tracing them other than here on GR, I am pretty limited.
I did at one time manage to contact a cousins child,and asked if they would pass on a message, but got a negative response, so I gave up.
It gets you like that at times on here doesn't it.
Well girls, I will away now. Take care everyone. Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Oct 2010 08:58

Marie, make a board up with photos of ancestors if you have them, as everyone to bring photos (copies of course) to put on the board.


Zack Report 30 Oct 2010 07:00

Hi Jean ,Huia, Ann and Mo, Sylvia, Liz,.Deborah,and our missing Marilyn, I know I have missed someone sorry I will try to remember and give you a big hug next time.

It has been quite hot to-day, I have had to come inside and have a rest.
I am planting my vegies and shifting a few Plants that need a drier spot to live in.
Yes Mo I went to Italy with my friend Barbara Johnson,we always celebrate our birthdays by going out to lunch with our other friend Chris Haddon , we all exercise to-gether.,and no we dont need an excuse to have lunch to-gether.

Ann (aburgein) I couldn't say I only know it as Eggplant.Jean & Ann have a lovely holiday.

Dear Joyce, My thoughts and Prayers are with you and Jan.
I hope life inproves for you both in the coming months.

Did I mention that I am organising a Family reunion for the Hayward Family. I have never done this before or even been to one, so I am looking for some help with suggestions on what we should do on the day. I intend making a tree for all too add their names to, also a visit to the graves of our ancestors , to lay some flowers.Hopefully the weather will be fine and we can have a Barbeque.
I guess it may be necessary to hire a hall in case of Rain!!!

I am at the bottom of the page and it is dancing around as it usually does. I will say goodbye and Love to you all Marie


Huia Report 29 Oct 2010 19:54

Mo, I didnt realise you were on the next page. When Chloe (the cat) realised I was home she immediately demanded I feed her. She had plenty of the biscuits in dishes but that was not good enough. She goes into the kitchen and sits by the fridge looking up at me. If I ask her what she wants she will put a paw up.

Must get on and do the dishes then decide what I am going to do with my day.



Huia Report 29 Oct 2010 19:46

Hi Jean. I love the changing views due to time of day or weather. I have taken a few from our place with fog down in the valley.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Oct 2010 13:39

Hello dear friends.
Before I go any further, I would like to wish Jean and Ann lovely holidays.
Enjoy yourselves,and tell us all about it on your return.

Hi Marie, good to hear from you. Lucky you ,having some sunshine, could you send just a couple of days worth over to us here. It's not been very nice weather here for a couple of weeks now.
You and your friend Barbara, don't really need an excuse to go for a meal, do you. Was it Barbara you went to Italy with.
How are the rest of the family.

Huia, I really had a good chuckle at your excapade,getting locked out like that. But it's such an easy thing to do. I have often gone out the front door, with the back door open,and the wind has caught the front door,and slammed it, leaving me trapped outside. Fortunately Roly has been in the house,and been able to open the door for me.
I have left a spare key with my neighbour, just in case.
I can visualise you with the terracotta pot, trying to break the window LOL.
Oh poor old puss, going and leaving her on her ownsome. Was she pleased to see you. Or does she do as ours used to do, ignore us and turn her back us,as if to say, huh you went and left me, so now I am going to make you suffer.
Our cat Misty, would only eat the meat with gravy,and very rarely biscuits.
It's good to hear your news on Phil. And even though I should not chuckle,
about his excapade with the pole in the garden, I could not help myself doing so. I wondered if he is going to take up pole dancing. LOL
He has still got a lot of go in him, even if he seems to sleep a lot. Bless him.

Well Jean and Ann, I hope we hear from you both soon, take care of yourselves,and enjoy yourselves.

Hi Sylvia,Tess,Liz and not forgetting our Joyce MWAH.

Love to all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 29 Oct 2010 11:32

Huia, many thanks for your photos, I love them very atmospheric,( sp)

Ann have a great time weather is good there at the moment, not so sure about take care...
loveJean xx