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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 16 Nov 2010 19:56

Hi All,

I'd almost finished writing a message to you all, and lost the lot. I haven't got time now to writeit all again, so I'm just saying a quick hello to everyone.
Mo, I hope your team won last night. Also hope that your family problems are getting sorted.

Thinking of Sylvia, Jean, Tess, Ann, Huia, Joyce and Marie, and hoping you are all well.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Nov 2010 22:39

Hi all

grey and raining here ...... which matched my mood!!

Kitchen is not finished .......... the cabinet maker is finishing installing the countertops at the moment. We had another problem arise on Friday, re the countertops meeting in a corner ............... I got vey upset about it. Anyway, told daughter on Sunday, snet her some pics, she got on the problem, even consulting with her boss and a couple of other people over on her side of the country. Phoned us at 7am this morning with a possible solution ................. which worked like a charm. So problem solved!

The sink will be installed next Monday, then that is it until OH does the painting, which is after I've chosen the final colours!!

We went to Ikea on Saturday to get some things .......... managed to find 2 bar stools, and some drawer inserts to try, and a couple of other things. Waiting in line, I saw the UNICEF booth had been set up ........ we always try to buy Unicef cards, so I went over there while OH stayed in the line up

I bought 110 cards, it cost $170, most of them (about 60) will go overseas, about 30 or so into the US ................. so postage will add up to about another $150.

Add that to the $350+ Ikea bill, the $700 for new winter tires, and the $700 I spent on Friday on my new glasses, and ..................

I think I'm going to have to send OH back out to work!!!

Mind you, we also reinforced ourselves of the fact the we NEVER go shopping at Ikea on Saturdays, especially around noon!! We like to go early in the week, mid-morning ........... but we couldn't see any free time coming up this week!

Take care everyone

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Nov 2010 17:41

Good evening ladies, it's me, the nuisance.
Family problems are still ongoing, but I can only be there for back up,should my help be needed.

Huia, maybe Phil was using the Magazine as a fan,if he was feeling warm. Perhaps Phil was in on one of his vague days,and maybe he thought to himself, " Cor she's a bit of all right ".
I hope you got your plant put into the garden,especially if you are due a heat wave.

My goodness Ann, you will need to take out a second mortgage to post all those christmas cards.
Have you tried any cough mixtures for the coughs you are both suffering with. Perhaps Glycerine,Honey and Lemon may help.
Roly had his jabs done a couple of weeks ago,and has not suffered any side affects.
Now me, I am not entitled to have the flu jabs,so perhaps I am the lucky one after all. lol

Oh Tess, you know what they say, " Out of the mouths of babes and children". Youngsters could get you hung couldn't they. Trust them to notice the lack of stinging nettles.
When my youngest grandson come to visit, he love to kick his ball round the garden. The only problem is the neigbours are getting fed up of giving it back. No matter how many times you say to him, dont kick it so high, it still ends up going over the fence.

Sylvia, is your kitchen finished now. I have forgotten what was written over the page.

I am sorry, I have not got any exciting news to tell you, boring boring old me.
I will be back tommorrow, to let you know how we got on at darts tonight.
Jean, hold up on placing your bets, you could be onto a loser at the moment love.

Bye for now girls. Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 15 Nov 2010 16:51

Pleased to hear at least some of you have had flu shots with no problems. Our coughs may or may not be due to the flu jab who knows?

Mo, Hope you can sort out your family problems, we miss your ramblings on here!


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Nov 2010 23:23

Two of my grandsons (aged 5 and 6) were here yesterday. They stayed overnight, with their Dad (my son) who went to work today.
I have been getting my garden "sorted" since they were here last.
They were surprised that Nan hasn't got any nettles any more. Instead I have got a lawn and a garden shed.

Unfortunately, I havn't got a football for them to play with anymore (they took the last one to their own home).
As they had come without coats (what was my son thinking?). We couldn't go out to the shops for another one.
I reckon that I will have to put one on my shopping list. Perhaps in the summer I'll get cricket bats and stumps etc.

They also spent some time on the computer,so I wasn't able to get a look in. Still it helped to keep them quiet.

I hope all you ladies with coughs are ok now.
I had my flu jab a week or so ago, with no ill effects.

Huia, you must be getting fit with all this walking that you are doing, keep it up.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Nov 2010 22:58

Sorry I have not been on much girls, I have a few family problems at the moment. Buy I will pop in when I can.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Nov 2010 22:09

Hi all

I had my flu shot last Tuesday, it also has the H1N1 added to it this year .................... but I haven't had any problems, at least not so far! OH had his shot on Nov 1, and no problems.

It's getting chillier here, and there is snow on the mountains

Take care everyone


AnninGlos Report 14 Nov 2010 21:45

Sorry missed this Jean, yes I would like to see the cards please Jean. I have made about 150 cards and have finally stopped. I think I have enough now. Just have to afford the stamps!!!

I am convinced that flu jab has caused the coughs, several people have had the same. And they all have the swine flu added. swine flu gave people a cough. T is still coughing badly, that is 3 weeks now. We are still sleeping in separate rooms!!


Huia Report 14 Nov 2010 20:37

Morning/evening all. We are a lazy bunch, no postings for the last 26 hours, if I have calculated it correctly.

We had a nice fine day yesterday (Sunday). I visited Phil. He had a magazine in his hand but wasnt turning any pages. One of the carers started doing a dance in front of one of the other residents, so I danced over to her and joined in. When I looked at Phil he was staring at me, or should that be glaring? He was probably thinking 'why is she making such a spectacle of herself'. When the carers started taking people to the dining room for lunch I left and went back to Papakura to do a little shopping. On the way home I went up to Cosseys Dam for a little walk.

This morning there is light misty rain. I bought a plant yesterday and today I had intended to dig up the small garden where I want to put it, add some compost, then put the plant in but I will have to see what the weather does. It might clear. Apparently we are supposed to have scorching weather this week.



JustJean Report 13 Nov 2010 18:30

Yes we had them last monday, this time we had a trace of swine flu in it ,it seems there is an outbreak in its probably that thanks Ann never thought of that, Have you finished all your cards, I am that intrigued with the cuttlebug I have been emmbossing for just got some dies too so more to try...I must say they do add a touch of class to the cards stock.
has T got over is man flu and are you better too? I have a couple of cards and a baby card , if you would like to see them.... we are having chicken stir fry for tea, courtesy of D, it smells wonderful ...bye for now.

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2010 17:25

You too with a cough, you haven't by chance just had your flu jab have you? Our coughs seem to have started just after the jab.


JustJean Report 13 Nov 2010 06:40

Morning all , I have been up most of the night coughing, so thought I would come down and chat... I have just made a baby girl card for our neighbours the nice ones, although ever since I had a talk with the noisy one things have been great, we dont know if she has done a moonlight or gone on holiday, she has been very quiet for over a week...bliss... she was kicking the traces over when she moved in, new house plenty of chanches to party, but she said it was over that way of life... one thing happened a while ago that showed she is still a bimbo, her little boy has started to walk, J had gone out in the car and just has he came round the parking plot who should be trotting along to wards the busy road but the little one, it was very lucky J was there goodness knows what would have happened if he hadnt.....Jade came flying out and grabbed him , J had got out of the car to get him,no words of thanks...still all was well....Mo, sorry to hear about the tooth problem, we dread anything going wrong too, the cost is so high these days...
Sallie it will be sometime next week when I send the mags... I havent
love to everyone , see you soon....

love Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Nov 2010 18:38

Good evening everybody.
Joyce, I read on Caz's thread about the undertakers having got back to you.
Thank goodness for that. It's nice to know that they are upholding your grandaughters wishes. They will be able to fulfil their wishes, to put their mum where they want her to be.
I am so sorry to hear of your other bad news. God willing the new year will bring better news all round for you.

Caz is in my thoughts and prayers,for a speedy recovery from her falls.

Sylvia we are both very envious of you seeing all the planes going overhead. As you know, we both enjoy airshows,and love to see the really old planes, down to the more modern. But it is silly really, because neither of us like flying in them.
How's the kitchen coming along now, or dare I not ask. lol

I have had to go to the dentists yet again today. My tooth broke away from it's filling at the back. I thought at first it was my crown, but no.
She tells me I need a new crown made, but, I said no, not this side of christmas. So she has put a temporary filling in there, but can't guarantee
it lasting,as the original filling is made from a different material, to what they use these days. So I will hope and pray it doesn't fall out.
I wouldn't of minded, but when we were out shopping this morning, Roly suggested we buy a pack of puff pastry mince pies, oooh they were lovely,
but thats what I broke my tooth. I thought at first I had bitten into a crispy piece of mincemeat, but no, it was my blessed tooth. Oh well never mind.

I hope you are all well. Take care one and all. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2010 12:57

Glad you liked them Jean.
Thanks for the message re Caz. Poor girl she does go through it.


JustJean Report 12 Nov 2010 12:52

Ann, many thanks for the photos , it was lovely to see them again and that you had good weather, I would love to go to Pathos again,your holiday village sounds good we saw it when we had a walk...the harbour is another favourite place to be....

love Jean xx


JustJean Report 12 Nov 2010 12:36

Hi, everyone, Caz has asked me to let you know why she wont be on the computer for a few days, she had two falls and needs to rest up , so could you keep her in your thoughts and prayers please....Thank you.

love Jean xxx


dutch Report 12 Nov 2010 10:39

Good Morning All,just to let you no i have rung the undertaker and the lady who answer i told her what it was about .and she said if my g,son could,nt pick th ashes up they should have been return to them the undertaker was just going out but shes took my number and is going to ring me back later today to find out why they were given to my son ,and yet were told only my G.son could pick them up i rang my g,daughters and told them i will let them no what is happening Rachel was on her way to the hospital to get xray on my g,grandaughter Olivia Mai,s kidneys fingers crossed everything is ok,but had abit of bad news Jans mum rang last night his cousins wife is dying og cancer she has just given up ,cant eat drink or go the toilet just hope shes not in alot of pain ,thoughts and prayers for Mick ,Sian his wife and there family i wonder were it will all end so much sorrow in both our familys


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2010 09:26

Your wish my command.... Done!!!


JustJean Report 12 Nov 2010 08:33

ME ME Ann please you know I love seeing all your photos,

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2010 08:07

Sylvia I got the impression that they were moving on immediately as they queued for their next flight, only to be told there was a delay when they broke ranks and went out to the area they could smoke or to the cafe.

there is of course a military presence in Cyprus.

I have downloaded my Cyprus photos, if anyone wants to see what the mosaics looked like let me know.