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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Nov 2010 14:18

Hi there Ann.
You are right, no Jean or Sallie for a few days, I will have to p.m them to make sure they are both o.k. I don't like it when one or two of our friends don't post for a few days.

We are still snow free, but my goodness it's flipping freezing outside.
We popped up to town earlier, to get a few things for tommorrow, and the supermarket was absolutely heaving.
Are people afraid the shops are going to run out of food or something.
Surely they are not doing their christmas food shopping yet.

Right I am orft to send the p.m's. I will be back later. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2010 14:12

We had a sprinkle of snow last night but all gone now. Looks like we may get more overnight again I do hope not.

Is it my imagination or is Jean missing again. And has Sally been around? I don't remember seeing her lately either.


AnninGlos Report 25 Nov 2010 22:16

Mo, no snow here yet although a small amount is promised at the weekend, hope it wont be too much as we are due to go out to Ross on Wye on Sunday, meeting friends for lunch.

I hope Debbie is OK I think she has only posted twice at the most since August.

Marie, I posted a bunch of overseas cards yesterday, about 8 cards cost me nearly £9 in postage!!! Good job card making and sending is my hobby.


dutch Report 25 Nov 2010 20:26

Spoke to Sallie the other day she has her grandaughter staying with ,and helping her with the cards that will take her mind of things ,not heard from our Jean hope shes ok well goodnight ladys going to try and catch alittle sleep ,i do worry about our Caz we are very close
Love Dutchxx


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Nov 2010 20:05

Hi all

Marie .... congratulations to Michael's daughter.

Tess ....... we're enjoying being able to use the kitchen! Just have to remember to go in there to do the washing up instead of into the bathroom!

Huia ............... here we have to have a driving test at 80, with a doctor's letter, and then every 1 or 2 years after that. They can call you back for early driving tests from the age of 70 IF there appears to be a reason (ie getting into more accidents), or if someone (family member, doctor) suggests it.

Mo ..... it is currently warmer in Halifax than here. BUT they do get nor-easters, and are notorious for the snow they can get. It is one reason why we prefer to go by train ........ the airport is always being closed in winter for snow. There has been a blizzard each time we have spent Christmas over there in the past. J says we won't be allowed to go any more if there is another one this year!

Snow started falling at about 2 am this morning, it's still snowing at noon, and is supposed to continue until late afternoon / early evening ................... when it will turn to RAIN!

Maximum amount expected is about 10 cm ............... I think we have about 7 cm at the moment.

OH cleared the sidewalks at the front of the hoose and down the side (we're a corner house), and the path to the front door ................. and then left at about 8 am to drive out to the university.

It is Fall Graduation time .... 8 ceremonies spread over 3 days (today is the middle day). He is the Student Marshall, responsible for leading the students into the hall, and then making sure they get across the stage to get their degree.

Main streets here are ploughed and sanded, constantly, and seem to be in good form. But side streets are just left alone.

We are supposed to be attending a reception this evening out at the university, part of Fall Graduation .......... I have decided I am not going, OH said he might go even if I didn't. We get invited to it as a thank you to OH for what he does .................... the only "payment" that he and the other volunteers for Grad get!

So we can get out and about ............... although I tend not to go out, as I feel uncertain walking on snow and ice.

Have you noticed that GR has managed to correct some of the technical problems?? AND they have removed that Help Clinic, and turned it into a board to tell people how to get better use of the site. Including acknowledging that all the help is provided by volunteer members!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Nov 2010 18:18

Hi girls.
Marie, you saucy thing, I didn't flash at the grandchildren. We were play fighting,and as I sat down my dressing gown rode up slightly,and I innocently told them to be careful,as I was not decent underneath. My grandaughter asked me why ,and I asked her if she wore clothes under her nightwear, weeell Courtney soon twigged, hence the nick name. LOL
What briiliant news about your grandaughter winning " Country Show Girl of the Year ". What did she have to do to earn the title.
I am so dissapointed in you, fancy not having a male trainer at the gym this morning.
Roly has to have new reading glasses, but apart from that he was A o.k.
I forgot to tell you the news on my nephew. He went back to see the specialist earlier this week,and the tumour has not grown, but stayed the same,thank the lord for that. He has not had anymore seizures, so fingers crossed for him.
My grandaughter has been for her 12 week scan,and all seems to be well.
I heard from the physiotherapist,and she tells me that I do have a tear in my cartiledge. She will phone me later to see if I want to have the op to repair it, but to be honest, I would rather not have it. I am coping quite well without having to resort to that. But should it get to bad, then I would consider it.
No news from Debbie at all. I wonder if her membership lapsed,and she has not renewed. But we do miss hearing about her and the families news.

Hi Huia.
Did you have to sit another test, to renew your driving licence. Or do you just have to have a certificate from your doctor,to say that you are fit and well,and are capable to drive.
You would not like having to move into the town,would you. It's so nice having your privacy where you are now.
And town living is so much more hectic.

Cooee Joyce.
You won't know yourself when you get your new scooter. Jan will have trouble trying to keep up with you in it.
It's such a shame poor Caz is in so much pain, I just wish I could wave a magic wand and heal both of you.
There is no justice in this world, when nice people have to suffer.
You are both in my prayers.
Have you heard from Jean or Sallie lately, they are both missing from parade this week. This is not on, I shall have to reprimand them both. SLAP SLAP you are both in trouble. Come back and see us soon,both of you. XXXXXX ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

Tess how did your family meal go last night. What did you have to eat.?

Sylvia, hows the snow situation over there. Are you still able to get out and about. I do hope you are both o.k.
If you are snowed in, we will have to get an air drop organised for you, to get food delivered that way. We can't have you both starving hungry.

Ann how are you and T today. I hope you are not snowed in yet.

Well girls I will say cheerio for now. Love and best wishes. Mo xxx


dutch Report 25 Nov 2010 12:09

Hello Ladys just quick message scooter is coming tomorrow and two days ago they brought abig wheel chair for me as well,just waiting for appointment from the pain clinc i only came on to put verse on GR for our Caz shes in alot of pain more than i am ,so thought i would like to put something on thread for her,Marie did you give me your address for xmas card as cant find it also Sylvia could you pm yours if you dont mind,wishing everyone well back soon
Love Dutchxx


Huia Report 25 Nov 2010 07:50

Hello all.

No, Marie, I didnt know any of the coal miners, but our TV has been covering it so thoroughly since it happened, that I feel almost as if they were my family.

I renewed my driving licence a couple of days ago. At present I have just a temp. paper licence, until the new plastic one with the photo comes. I wont have to renew it for another 5 yrs, then it will be every 2nd year, if I am still driving by then. I certainly hope I can, otherwise I will have to move to town. I would rather leave here in a box.



Zack Report 25 Nov 2010 05:07

Oh Mo, or should I say Nanny no Knickers LOL, how did they know, did you flash he he.
You poor things Snow already and Sylvia - 10 how awful .

I received Lovely news last night from my Son. Michael's daughter Won the Australian "Country Show Girl of the Year, she was on Television this morning but unfortunately I missed it.she is only 14 years but is Tall and willow and beautiful, she is very polite and speakes well.

I have decided not to send cards this year as the cost of postage has risen once more and then there is the cost of the cards, It is difficult enough for me to buy presents for my 12 Grand children, so my friends who have the internet will get a Xmasletter.

It is very hot here to-day and we may get a storm later perhaps to-night.
We had a good day in the pool ( water aerobics) at the Gym this morninga really good work out, I enjoyed it more than usual.we had a different trainer.

--------------NO he wasn't a male MO ------

Sylvia---------Good to hear that the kitchen is now workable I hope you have a wonderful Holiday with your daughter, son-in-law and the well loved grandson.
A very Happy Xmas to you All Sylvia.

Mo--- Did Roly get a good report from the Optomatrist, & how is your Nephew and also your Grandaughter?

Has anyone heard from Debbie Lately I have been away so much and I havent had time to go back over the post's.

Hi Sallie, Hi Jean plenty of card making going on.

How is your Daughter Sallie I hope the medication is working for her.

Hello to Liz, and also to Ann I guess you are also busy with the cards Ann.

Tess the last time I visited Ciara, my granddaughter it was for her birthday party and both the grand mothers were present Ciara wanted to talk to me and some one asked her which grandmother and she replyed """Not the old one "" Nancy's Mum has very grey Hair and in fact is younger than me, everyone thought it was hilarious, especially the grand father I am not sure if JOY the grandmother did.
OUT of the mouths of Babes.

Ok I hope I havent missed anyone----- yes I have. HUIA the news is dreadful for the citizens of Greymouth and our sympathy and thoughts are with the families and friends of all concerned.----- May they rest in peace Amen.
Huia I hope none of your family or friends were involved
Love to you all

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Nov 2010 19:33

Oh Sylvia brrrrr you have made me feel really cold now -10,oh my lord. Thank goodness we don't normally get that low here.
What are the temperatures like in Halifax at the moment. If it's a bit warmer there it will be a bonus for you both.

We are supposed to be having snow sweeping the country,overnight and into the weekend.
I think I will have to go and stock up on vegetables tommorrow, because as sure as eggs is eggs, the prices will rise, if we have a lot of snow.
When I did field work, years ago, we got a better price for picking during bad weather,than we did during good days.
Brussels sprouts were the worst to pick,as they liked them picked with the frost on them. Now that was a cold job believe me.

Tess I hope you have a lovely family meal tonight.
I loved the childrens comments. They can be so blunt can't they. When my youngest two turned up one day, I was still in my night dress and dressing gown. From then on I earned myself the nickname of "Nanny no knickers ". Thats o.k, till you are in the middle of Tes*o's,and one of them shouts to you, calling you by your new nom de plume. LOL
One red faced Nanny,rushed through the check out.

I hope you are all well. Love Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 24 Nov 2010 16:06

Went to see the grandchildren Sunday-Tuesday. Had a good but tiring time.
The little ones (aged 5 and 6) were talking about exercise, that they liked it, and it was good to do ." Of course", they added, " YOU can't do exercise, Nan, because you are too big"

So now I know ...
Have been to do my "big shop" this morning. Now having (or about to have), a little lie-down, as out for a meal this evening with family.

So oleased Sylvia, that you can now use your kitchen (if you want to).

Joyce, do take care of yourself. I hope that you get your scooter soon, at least it will help to keep you mobile.
Perhaps you could do with a recliner chair for indoors.

Well done all you card makers. You must be a talented lot.
'fraid that I still buy mine ready made.



SylviaInCanada Report 24 Nov 2010 03:38

Hi all

one functional kitchen!!!

It won't get painted until after Christmas ............... it is only 3 weeks from today (Tuesday) until we get on the train to go over to Halifax!

And we have so much to try to do ........... including sending out Christmas cards and our annual letter.

It is very cold here .......... -10C overnight, high today of about -5 or -6C, -10 over night tonight, etc etc

We do get some cold temperatures in winter ....... but not usually in November, and there has been a lot of damage to plants in gardens and parks, as well as our beautiful street trees

....... many of them still had their leaves on when the blast came through on Friday. Now all those leaves, and many branches are on the ground!

take care eveyrone



Zack Report 24 Nov 2010 03:03

Hi Mo, I too tried to get into the friendly thread it took awhile but I finally managed to get the pageI, I didn't leave a message.

You cheeky thing of course there are some lovely bodies at the gym and young too ,and yes we do have a good look especially as the walk out the door.
The primary reason for going to the GYM is to stay fit and healthy and I need all the help I can get believe me.
I hope Roly gets a good report for his eyes.I have made a very large casserole for dinner to-night and the smell is wafting into my room and as I havent eaten lunch I think I will go and eat.
((((((( Love & Hugs to Liz ,Huia, Jean, Sallie, Debbie Sylvia Tess and especially Dutch, )))))))))) and of course MO, Love Marie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Nov 2010 13:20

Marie, whats this gym look like, you seem to spending a lot of time together. LOL Is it big and strong, if so can I join you. Is there enough of gym to round all of us.
And as for me blocking the drains up, weeell I should have had a bath on my birthday in October, but I missed it, so have now had to use a hammer and chisel to chip away all the dirt.

Jean will be very chuffed of me, coz we won at darts last night, 4-2 and 2-1.
Last week I was top average, last night I was third. Not as good as last week but better than being bottom.

It's very quiet here today. Roly had the opticians this morning,and is now at the hospital having his neck xray done. Ooooh peaceful.
I have not ventured out of the front door today,as it's once again very cold and dismal outside.

I hope you are all well.
Sending extra ((((((((((((( BIG HUGS FOR JEAN AND JOYCE))))))))))))
Thinking off Ann,Sallie, Huia, Liz,Tess and all our friends.
Bye for now girls. Love Mo xxx


Zack Report 23 Nov 2010 00:11

Hi All, Mo why do you have to block the drains up???. I am off to gym very shortly and it is another lovely day to-day strong wind blowing bit irritating

Sylvia , you must be happy to have your kitchen almost finished and yes it is a big job sorting the bits and pieces and then when you do, you have to remember which drawer you put the stuff in, I have drawers for my saucepans for the cooking cutlery,crockery like mugs and dinner set then the glasse's, jugs and everyday crockery goes into cupboards.All the plastics have 2 drawers.I only have to take a step to be in range of all the cooking gear and the sink, which is great..It is wonderful that you are going to be with your family for Xmas.
You are right about the exercise, it defiinetly works also a good diet.

My friend Barbara has ostioperosis and suffers a good deal of pain but she does more exercise than I do, her hip on her left side is much higher and her spine is bad also, she has to take al ot of medication and as well she never misses her fish oil and multivitiams, however like you she is a happy person and loves her walking and exercise as well as her good food habits.

I am sure that Dutch will also bounce back when she gets her scooter, special thoughts for Dutch another blow with the death of her sister -in-law.Life can be so cruel at time((((((( Hugs & kisses Dutch)))))))))

Hi Liz you sound down , I too, am not keen on winter it is depressing , I couldn't live in England in winter it is cold enough here but at least we mostly have sunshine for some of our days, when it is not raining.
I must away time for Gym.
Love and Hugs to you all ,


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Nov 2010 18:03

Hello girls.
Tut Tut Sylvia talking about sorting your drawers on here, purleeez keep it clean. LOL
Not long now till you see young MJ. It sounds like J was surprised to hear of the amount of snow you have had. I don't suppose they have had any have they.
Well now the hard work starts, putting the kitchen utensils back in place.
But it's good news that the kitchen is now finally coming together.

Oh Marie, I am so envious of your warm weather. It would be so nice to be able to get into the garden,just to tidy it up a bit would be lovely. But it's either to wet or to cold outside.
It's priceless when the little ones come to visit,and the first thing they want is a kiss and cuddle from nanny, like they have not seen you in years, bless them.

Got to go girls, it's darts tonight,and I need to go and block the drains up,and have my bath.
So I will say good bye for now. Love Mo xxx


dutch Report 22 Nov 2010 11:30

Cant get use to this site thought i had added message on here,thank you for your best wishes still not well ,but had to put message on GR as friday Jans cousis wife died age 61 of cancer and is getting burird tomorrow ,i need my friends as its sad time for me with not long ago losing my daughter,but have to be there for Jan,thank you Caz for asking Jean to put thread up and also thank Jean for doing it
Love Dutchx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Nov 2010 06:03

Just a quick hello before I go to bed, have been thinking about you all but feeling very low at the moment. I spoke with Dutch the other day and she is down and in pain so much but hopefully when she gets her scooter she will get out a bit and maybe it will take her mind off things if she can go and see someone to talk to even if it's in pidgin English and lots of arm waving.
Am off to see my counsellor again today, it's slow going but lots of stuff being looked at and lots of tears.

Haven't seen baby E. yet but the parents are bringing her to see folk on Dec 12 so I will have to get up and get round o.h.'s father's house with o.h. I can't stand the old man, he is a hypocrite and a sneaky selfish old man but the stepmum is lovely. She is a bit peeved as we all got notes from the baby thanking us for the clothes and money etc people sent/took over. I am called Nanie Liz and o.h.'s stepmum is presumably Great Nanie ( not sure why the odd spelling as baby's Mum is quite an intelligent girl, wouldn't have expected her to get the spelling so wrong) but Great Nanie hates being called Nanny/Nanie and would prefer Great Nanna! O.h. didn't say anything when he spoke to his son yesterday. Seems the new Mum is struggling with the lack of sleep as baby isn't sleeping through the night, but Dad is back to work on a four day week so last week was the first she had to cope on her own during the day. Her family all live close and popped in most days when she was alone so hope they took baby while she rested for a bit or they helped with housework etc Baby is on bottled milk now as her Mummy got stressed with feeding her herself. She is also suffering with colic a lot. Both parents seem to be surprised that it's a 24 hr job looking after a new baby, wonder how they would have coped as I had to, on my own, 35 yrs old and no help from anyone at all, and my son didn't sleep through the night till he was 2 and a half!

Not looking forward to next few weeks, I don't enjoy Christmas with o.h, the only good bit is spending time with my son, as he will probably come here on Christmas day and Boxing day. Trouble is after cooking the meal I then end up having to drive him home as he has no transport so won't be able to relax and have a drink or several. Also means o.h will be off work more, and he has some holiday still to use so I have to put up with him around.
Roll on Spring, I hate the winter and would happily hibernate.

Take care all

love and hugs


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Nov 2010 03:58

Hi all

temperatures are plummeting ..... will probably get down to about -4C here, but there is also a wind that makes it feel about 4-10 degrees colder than that.

We still have snow on the ground, mainly on the grass areas. I talked to J today ..... she said all she had seen on the news was "light dusting of snow in Vancouver". When I said 7 cm at the house, and 10 cm not far away ...... she started shouting to her husband!!

Marie ............... we're spending Christmas with them. We leave Vancouver on Dec 14 by train. Get over there on Dec 19. Have about 10 days with them, then leave on the train on Dec 29. We will spend new Year on the train soemwhere in northern Ontario. We thought we'd do something we'd never done before for NY! So about 4-5 weeks before we see him again

We have talked about getting Skype soon ...... but J&M are a bit short of money. I also heard from a friend that you needed a large amount of space on your hard drive. This computer would be fine, I have a huge amount of space on it ......... but J&M would probably have to get an upgrade on theirs.

Heard a lovely story about our grand-nephew D ............. his parents always talked to her mother (my sis-i-l) through Skype. Sis-i-l, like my OH, is half-Welsh (their mother) and Nain is the Welsh term for grandmother, so she opted to be called that. They always said to D "Let's talk to Nain" or "There's Nain" ................... so he began to call every computer, phone, cd player Nain!

Makes sense, eh?!!

OH decided he didn't want to be called Teid or Taid, which is Welsh for grandfather ..... he's grandpa.

My spine is deteriorating in 2 places, and is the reason why I get so much pain, especially round my sacro-iliac and hip into the legs area. As you say, there isn't much that can be done unfortunately.

I have been having physiotherapy since about 1997, and I swear that that plus the exercises I've been given by the physio to help strengthen whatever muscles there are, are the only reason I am still walking, and not in anywhere near as much pain as I could be.

Re the kitchen.

The plumbers come tomorrow about noon to install the sink and hook up the dishwasher. Then I think it is practically finished ...... excpt for having new doors made for the upper cabinets, and eventually getting OH to paint the ceiling, walls and cabinets.

At least, we will be able to fully use the kitchen after tomorrow .................. we'll be able to move everything back in there ............. after I've decided which drawer is going to hold what!



Zack Report 22 Nov 2010 02:06

Hi There , Sallie & Ann you are so IndusteriousI with your cards and albums I do wish I was but unfortunately for me its the Garden I spent all day yesterday up grading my pots, I have a Wollemi Pine,my son and daughter -in -law Gave to to me as a Xmas present in 2006, it needed to be repotted,after I finished that I decided to do all my Azaila's, it took me most of the day, some of the azaila's will eventually go into the garden but before they can I have to remove dozens of Irise's they have thrived & I now have far too many.

Hi Mo , yes I am always tired after the girls leave I have several lage tubs that their toys go in and as soon as they get here they trash the verandah were they live,
also the bookcase books everywhere , however I love them but not the mess they leave, after they have given me a kiss and a cuddle the first words are (grandma I'm hungry).
Huia I to like to stay in my night dress and gown for awhile in the morning but like Mo that is the day you get caught, when I had children and worked as well, I always made my bed as soon as I got out of it then Showered and dressed but since I retired I like to eat in my night cloths, then put the washing on and wash the dishes, then shower--- that is usually the order of the day.
Its been a long time since I have been to a concert I must try to get out at night a little bit more.
Sylvia I do feel sorrry for you all that snow , we are just in the last week experiencing summer and it is lovely, our nights are still a little chilly.
How is your kitchen going you will have to take a photo so that we can all see it when it is done.How is your lovely grandson ? will you get to see him soon I have a friend who has Skype , she uses to keep in touch with her daughter and grand children in England I also have skype on my computer but I have yet to buy a speaker and camera, I hope to Purchase then soon .
Well ladies it is lunch time for me, then I have to tackle the Ironing I have a very large basket that I have been avoiding for a couple of weeks but it is now crunch time,but before I go Thanks for the update on Dutch it is sad news as I dont think there is anything they can do for what she has only give her pain killers,I dont think science has found a way to replace our spines.
I am sorry to end on a sad note. Please eat healthy and do exercise my dear friends, Love and Hugs to you all.
I hope you are well Purple sparkley Diamond have you seen the baby?