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Just Jean

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YorkshireCaz Report 29 Nov 2010 18:49

Hello ladies, could I join you all, I haven't been on computer much for the last couple of weeks so been catching up on the threads. I read this one as all my friends are on here and noticed quite a few of you have sent good wishes for me. I have been through a horrible couple of weeks but it has eased off now so would like to thank you all for your kind words, it does help to know people think of me but it's down to Joyce putting things on. Thanks Joyce you're a love.

Caz xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Nov 2010 18:06

Good evening ladies.
Well we are still snow free, thank the lord. We did have a slight dusting in the early hours of this morning, but it soon disappeared.
I went Christmas shopping this morning with my daughter, but I might add,we were spending her money and not mine.
But by golly were we glad to get back home. It was so bitterly cold in town.

Thank you Marie for your address. I thought perhaps you had missed my post earlier.
The card will be sent off tommorrow, so that it arrives in time for Christmas

Well girls, I can't stay, as you all know it's darts tonight. Brrrr not looking forward to going out in the cold again though.
Speak to you all tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 29 Nov 2010 04:51

Of course you must realise that I only found him on the electoral roll because I was told his name and that he was thought to be in a certain area. Luckily there was only one person with that name on the roll for that area. Now if his name had been Bill Smith, or John Brown or something similar it might not have been such a good result. I have been really thrilled about it. I just wish that I had had a better result for the other person I helped. I did find some things, but not such a happy ending.



GRMarilyn Report 29 Nov 2010 01:02

Hi Everyone.

Creeps back in........Yes Mo its me without my little man face that gone walkies ..LOL
.....slowly of course.

How exciting for Maria to be meeting her Biological Dad after all these years he walked out of her life when she was a little girl .
Of course none of this would never have happened had I not seen her frantic plight on TTF she is from the same part of the DEVON as I am and we struck up a very good re pore but when we discovered her Dad was in New Zealand I suddenly realized that Huia was near her Dad so I messaged Huia and well what can I say she went to the library and found him on the Electrol Roll. Huge frantic cries of joy went via my computer from Maria when I told her we had found him . She's been crying with joy ever since .

Its been a slow progress and she not only has a Dad but 8 brothers & sisters !! all in New Zealand So Feb next year is the reunion and she wishes to meet Huia on her travels for a big huge HUG.
Sometime next year she is coming to meet me in Devon for a big Huge HUG .

Now did you all enjoy that story ....?

Lovely to speak to you all ....and yes I am in USA as Mo says getting a bit homesick now ...cant think why ....I don't want any snow when I get home to UK.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with all your families .

Marilyn xxxxxxx


Sallie Report 28 Nov 2010 20:12

Huia, that will be really nice for you, I'm pleased that she wants to meet you, so that she can give you a big hug to show much she appreciated all your help.It will be something for you to look forward to.

As Mo said earlier on, the lady in the choir must miss your help to want you to rejoin, and I think that she also enjoys your company, but you have to decide which is best for you. It would be lovely for you to have the company, but as you say you don't always have the time.

Hope Phil was awake when you and your son visited him, and that he's alright.
It was also nice for you to have his company, and of course the help ii the garden.

Ann, hope you and T had a good time with your friends, and that you had a lovely lunch.

Take care everyone!

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Nov 2010 20:06

She's a lucky girl Huia, they seem to go every year just before christmas.
But it doesn't alter the fact that you both did very well, congratulations.
It would be so nice for you to meet them. That is of course you want to.


Huia Report 28 Nov 2010 20:02

Yes, that is the one Mo. I did look at the friendly thread one time, but I dont look there very often. Marilyn said she was enjoying the sun in Florida.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Nov 2010 19:49

Huia, if I am thinking of the correct Marilyn, she still comes on the boards.
She is normally on the friendlies thread, but is in the U.S.A at the moment.
It's wonderful news though, well done to you both.


Huia Report 28 Nov 2010 19:32

I have just had a PM from Marilyn. I dont know if you remember her. She doesnt come on GR now, but she let me know that the woman that we helped a yr or 2 ago to find her father will be coming to NZ next Feb. to meet him, and she wants to come to give me a big hug. It was one of my most exciting moments when I heard that my help had been successful and did not cause anger from the father and his NZ family.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Nov 2010 17:18

Marie, I am shouting at you now. I asked for your address ages ago on here, but you must have missed my posting, tut tut, slapped legs.
Please can you let me have it as soon as possible as the last posting for OZ is the 7th december,and I so want to get a card of to you as soon as poss.
I sent three of to Oz last friday,and three to NZ,as I wanted to be early rather than late.

Huia, this pom has been up for hours. lol The dreaded housework got done,and then we went out for the lunchtime.
I believe that years ago, when we had an afternoon nap, we were more energetic,and had families to run around after.
Now we are retired,we seem laid back,and do less than we did years ago.
We used to burn up more energy than we do now, so that when we get to bed, we don't need as much sleep as we used to.
It was nice for you to have a visit from your son,and for you both to be able to visit Phil together.
It sounds like your soprano friend misses you at the choir. If you feel like attending sometimes, just go along. I am sure they would understand if there were times you could not make it.

Hi Sallie, it's soooo good to hear from you again.
What a shame that Richard will be unable o come to you for christmas.
Our J has got to work boxing day, but as thats when the sales start,he needs to go,so that he does not miss out on his commission.
They need the extra money what with the baby coming,and his fiance giving up work at christmas time.

Ann have a lovely time when you go out. Just take care out there in the snow, dont slip over in it,we don't want you laid up for christmas love.
You will have to tell us all about it,and what bargains you get.
I love christmas markets, they are more exciting than the normal ones.

Well girls I be of now,speak to you soon. love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 28 Nov 2010 15:05

Hi Girls,

Huia and Marie, I've sent you both a pm, hope you get them okay.

We've still got the snow that fell yesterday, it's only a couple of inches, but as my mother used to say, " it's hanging around for more", which wouldn't surprise me at all. It's bitterly cold here too---I just want to stay in. in the warm.

Jennie and Michael came as usual for Sunday lunch, and while they were here Michael's mum rang him on his mobile telling him that their gas boiler had packed up----typical, these things always happen when we need them the most.
Anyway, we have two electric heaters here, so both Michael and Alun took them to his mum and dad's so that at least they have something to keep them warm.

I'm going to make some more cards now, but I'll be back later.

Take care everyone!



Huia Report 28 Nov 2010 04:14

Hello all (when the poms get out of bed!).

I went to the doc on Friday as I wanted to review my medication. I am still having trouble getting to sleep most nights. If I take half a sleeping tab I might fall asleep for an hour or maybe 2 then wake up and cant get back so have to take another half tab. She told me I was naughty because I often have a snooze of 1 hour on the settee after lunch. Orders were to go for a walk instead. I tried that the other day but still had trouble getting to sleep, but I am keeping a diary of what I do during the day and what tabs I take at night and how I sleep, trying to educate my body to a routine of sleeping at night. The silly thing is that 20 years ago I used to have that after-lunch snooze and had no trouble sleeping at night. Except when it was a full moon, and then the werewolf in me came out to play! I just hope I can get back to some sort of 'normality'.

Son came up from Rotorua yesterday morning, did some tidying in the garden after we had visited Phil after he arrived. Son left here just after 12 today to go home.

I went to another concert this afternoon, the choir with which I used to sing. One of the sops. was trying hard to persuade me to rejoin, mainly because she liked to sit near me so she would know that she had the right notes. I told her I would think about it if my body got a better routine.

Time to think about getting dinner now.



Zack Report 28 Nov 2010 00:38

Hello to you all,Sallie, I am pleased to hear your daughter is doing well, and I will send you my addres later, thank you for thinking of me.
Sylvia, I dont think I would be game to go out all in all that snow, we have had a full week of lovely sunshine, and to-day it is raining which is nice as our tanks (which we use on our gardens ) need a top up.
Ann , My daughter Barbara does craft and Quilting and is also a gardener and a first rate cook, but not a very good house keeper except when she feels like it and of course she is a wonderful mother and being a nurse can cope with most things
My skills are in the musical side and when the children were young I did all the sewing and knitting for them. and I am a very good Gardner and now that I dont sing that is my passion, I cook only because I need to eat and I also cook at least once a week for the Family I am also an expert cleaner HE HE my daughters always said I was a clean freak ,I guess that comes from working in hospitals.

Mo I would seek the advice of your Gp. re when you should have the operation.
If you should aggravate the tear it may get worse ., it is possible that she will advise you to have it sooner than later, When I needed the prolapses done on my Pelvic floor she told me I would need to have it done before I turned 70. I guessed that was because healing process is quicker the earlier it is done.

Hi Dutch, Lovely to hear from you and that you now have your scooter .Love to you , I hope the medication is taking the edge off your pain.I am sorry to hear that Caz is also in pain, please give her my best wishes.

Liz I hope you are feeling much better and that the visit from the Son and Daughter-in -law went well. Did you get to cuddle the baby , dont they have such a lovely smell.

Hi Huia , I wonder how long it will be, befor the explosions stop, there must be an enormous amount of gas down below, it is such a shame as the mine must have been a boost to the town,.no doubt the tradgedy will unite all the families in their sorrow.
Stay healthy and watch your steps in all that snow.
Love & Hugs


Sallie Report 27 Nov 2010 22:13

Hi Ann,

Yes I know I make up for lost time---once I start there's no stopping
me Lolol!!

Hope both you and T have a lovely lunch out tomorrow with your friends.

Take care and hope you have a safe journey.

Love, Sallie. xxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2010 21:59

Well! That Sallie certainly makes up for lost time once she gets going Lol!!!

It is a busy time of year for we card makers isn't it? And, of course birthdays don't stop just because it is christmas. I had my Grandson's 21st card to make so I know how you feel. Sallie.
the hotel that we go for lunch is on the edge of the town (Castle Hotel) so we reach it via the ring road. It is a long time since we actually went into the town too although I don't think it can have changed a lot.
Anyway, glad youa re OK.


Sallie Report 27 Nov 2010 20:25

Hi Girls,

Mo, thank you for your pm, it's nice to know that you are concerned enough
to pm me. It really is lovely to have friends on here that care. Thank you to both you and Ann.

I just don't know where the time has gone to this last week. To start with, last weekend we had Chloe stay for most of the weekend, she wanted to finish make her Christmas cards, so we spent most of the time doing that.
I must say I did enjoy having her stay, and she loves to sleep here and of course she loves making cards, too. Alun and I have bought her the Sizzix Sidekick for Christmas, because she loves using my Cuttlebug, so after talking to Laura(her mum) we both thought that she would use it, as she's always doing some kind of craft things at home.

I've also been out a few days doing some Christmas shopping, and we've also had visitors popping in over a few days.Of course, I've also been doing Birthday and Christmas cards, so there have been days where I didn't know whether I've been coming or going.lolol!!

Mo, so pleased to know that your team won at darts last Monday, keep it up all of you. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you all on Monday.

Good news about your nephew, I hope and pray that things will continue that way for him, bless him.

Also pleased to hear that your granddaughter's 12 week scan looks as though all is okay.

I don't blame you for not having an operation on your leg if you are coping alright with it at the moment, leave well alone if it isn't causing you any problems. As you said, if it does start to bother you, then will be the time to get it done.

Glad to know that Roly is okay, apart from having to have new glasses.

Sylvia, so pleased to hear that your kitchen is finished ( apart from the decorating ) and that you can now fully use it again.

Have you had any more snow there since? We had a couple of inches overnight, but it didn't stop us going to Derby on the bus, early this morning. I think we're pretty lucky here as we don't seem to have a lot of snow. Thank goodness!

It won't be too long now before you leave to go to your daughter's for Christmas. Alun and I would love to travel on a train for a few days, it would be wonderful.
It's also lovely that you'll spend New Years Eve on there too.
I'm not very keen on the New Year, I never really like going out to celebrate it, so to spend it travelling on a train would be great.

Joyce, I hope you are feeling better than you've been lately. Hope you coped alright in Jan's cousin's funeral and that it wasn't too stressful for you.
Also hope that you've had your scooter, and have been able to go out on it and that you're managing it alright.
Hope Jan is okay, too.

Ann, well you were partly right about me being bogged down with Christmas cards. There are also a few family birthdays in December, so I've had to make a few special ones, and as you know the special ones take that bit longer.

I hope the snow will keep away so that you can meet your friends in Ross on Wye tomorrow. It's many years since we've been to Ross, we used to go fairly often when we were living in Wales, but it's a bit too far to go for a day out now. Of course, we by-pass it on the way to my brother's near Abergavenny, but we never seem to have the time to go and spend a few hours there. it's a shame because I would love to do that. Still it might have changed a lot since we went there last.

Huia, so glad that you were able to renew your driving licence, so that you can continue to get about.
I hope that Phil was okay when you last visited him.

Marie, thank you for asking, yes Jennie is going along okay on just her medication, keeping our fingers crossed that she'll continue that way for a long while.

I had to smile when you told us about what your granddaughter said about you and her other grandmother, when you were both together at her house. It's good how children see things and don't hesitate to say so, either.lolol!!

Jean, I really hope that your vertigo will get a lot better very soon, it must be a horrible feeling. Just rest and take care until you feel better.

Tess, I hope you enjoyed your meal out, it's lovely to have a bit of a family get together sometimes.

I feel a little bit upset because Richard and his girlfriend might not be able to come up for Christmas, although Richard doesn't have to work on the Sunday, Boxing Day he has to work on the Monday, and he thinks that he also will have to work on Christmas Eve. That's life I suppose, as Richard said, he's " glad to have a job".

Liz, how are things with you? I hope you are feeling better than you've been feeling lately.Have you been able to do any Christmas shopping yet?

Huia, Sylvia, Marie and Tess if it's alright with you all, would you please p.m. me your adresses, so that I can send you all a Christmas card, if you would prefer not to, I'll understand.

Well, I'm going to do some more cards now, so will speak to you all tomorrow.

Love andbest wishes to everyone. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Nov 2010 19:55

Hi again girls.
I have heard from Sallie. She is fine, just extremely busy with her cards etc.
She will pop in and see us when she can.

Well thank goodness they are both o.k, I can at least sleep tonight knowing that our friends are well.

I hope that Joyce and Caz are on the upwards path now as well. MWAH to you both.XXX


AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2010 18:00

thank you Mo. Poor Jean it must be nasty for her. Hope it is better soon.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Nov 2010 17:34

Hi girls.
I have heard from our Jean. Our dear friend is still suffering recurring bouts of vertigo. So consequently cannot post as often as she would like.
She sends you all her very best wishes,and will be back with us soon as she is able.

Still no response from Sallie,and the p.m is unopened. So fingers crossed that all is well.
Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2010 17:22

Well I do hope they are both OK. I expect they are bogged down under a pile of Christmas cards though.