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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Dec 2010 13:18

Ann, they originally were going to call her Pheobe,after me, but changed their minds. I was named after my wonderful nan.
I can well imagine that after a few sleepless nights, she may be called something worse. LOL


AnninGlos Report 2 Dec 2010 13:09

Bella is a pretty name for a little girl Mo I suspect it means Beautiful.

Joyce, sorry you have had disturbed nights. The only problem is, if you sleep in the day you won't be tired at night. But I don't know what the answer is. Do your feet hurt more if they get cold. Maybe if you wear socks in bed it will help.

Hope you have a better night tonight.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Dec 2010 12:59

Hi girls.
Well we have got about 10inches of snow,and it's still coming down.
Roly went to get the newspaper this morning,and it was nearly up to the top of his wellies.

Hi there Tess, hope to see you later.

Sorry to hear you are still having bad nights sleep Joyce. Lets hope they can give you something for the pain management in February.
My son's fiance had a 3D image done of her baby. It looks like it is going to have a large nose, and that runs in our family. But S. has got beautiful
auburn hair,and she does not want what she calls " a ginger baby ". It makes no difference to me,what colour hair the baby has got,as long as she is fit and well.
Did I tell you,they have decided to call her Bella. I am not over keen on the name, but it is their choice.

I hope Jean, Caz, Sallie, Ann, Huia, Marie,Sylvia and all our friends are well.
I will be back later. Love Mo xxx


dutch Report 2 Dec 2010 08:12

GoodMorning Ladys still snowing here in Holland but not going anywere ,had a bad two nights a wake every half hour with cramp in my feet bad enough with the back pain ,I said to Jan they have to do something i cant go like this not sleeping
Sallie Danni shes not botherd as long as the baby is ok she made me laugh she said the docter said babys got big feet,well Rachel her sister takes 10,her brother michael takes 11 and she is 8 half dont no were the big feet come from not on my side thats for sure LOL,anyway everyone stay warm and if you have to go out please all be careful dont want any mishaps before xmas,back later i think going to see if i can get some sleep
Love Dutchxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 2 Dec 2010 00:18

Hi Everyone. I am fine. Just been rather busy, so haven't been on the boards for a few days.

Have got snow here too, it is cold.

Will try to come back tomorrow (Thursday) for a proper chat.



JustJean Report 1 Dec 2010 20:44

Ha ha I knew but thought I would see if you believed me

bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2010 20:25

Oh Jean have you seen the length of my legs lately. The older I get, the shorter they become. I'm MommyChristmas. MWAH


JustJean Report 1 Dec 2010 20:21

Mo, was it MOmmy long legs? or something

Jean x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2010 20:20

I am just going to test my christmas name everyone.
If it works I will be MommyChristmas for the holiday period. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 1 Dec 2010 20:05

Just missed you Huia, it looks as though the party at the home went off okay. I'm sure it was lovely to be able to get Phil to dance with you, even if he just walked it.

It makes you wonder why they put out such a lot of food at the parties they have. Did the other relatives have some to take home too?

Well, it's a cuppa and then back to the card making. I wish I was as organised as Ann and Jean, and finished making them by now.



Sallie Report 1 Dec 2010 19:51

Oh Jean, I wondered who Mrs Jolly was, I thought that a new member had joined us.lolol!!

Hope D has arrived home safely, and that her journey didn't take too long.

Mo, I love fresh salmon, oh! I'll have to buy some when we go shopping. Of course, we couldn't go today as we usually on a Wednesday.

Well I hope your son and his fiancee won't have any problems getting home on public transport and get home okay. I find that these young women can get the men to do what they want to do, even if it's something that the men don't like!
I have a son with a girlfriend like your son's fiancee.

Caz, you're in the best place, all cosy and warm. I hope Phil has got home safe and sound.
I haven't been out since Monday and not like;y to until most of this snow goes. I'm not very good walking on snow and ice, so I'm better off staying at home.
Still, I've got plenty to do, to occupy me, so I don't really mind.

Joyce, I hope that all goes well with Danni's scan tomorrow. Is she bothered about what the sex of the baby is. When I was having my two, I wasn't bothered which sex they were, as long as they were alright.

Well ladies, I'll speak to you all tomorrow, going to have a cuppa now--yes I know Mo, I'm addicted to my cup of tea.lolol!!!

Love and best wishes to you all.


Huia Report 1 Dec 2010 19:49

Hi everybody. Mo, I dont think you will be allowed to have the name you had last year as it is 'already taken'. That is what I was told when I tried several of my names. I am not happy with the one I finished up with, will have to think of another.

Jean, thanks I received the e-card this morning.

I went to the Christmas party at Phils residence yesterday. He had his chin down and eyes closed when I arrived but we managed to get him awake. There was a musician playing - too loud for my liking, I was getting a headache. It was also very hot in the room. There must have been 50 or more people in it. People were dancing to the music and one of the carers got Phil up 'dancing'. He was actually just walking around. I have never danced with him, so I gave somebody my camera and got Phil up to 'dance' with me, and the man took some photos. There was too much food afterwards, as there always is. I took only a small plate, and before I left one of the carers insisted on filling it with a mixture from the stuff left over. I dont know if I will eat it or put it in the compost. Either way it will go to waste/waist.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2010 18:56

Jean I cant remember what my name was last year can you.
It's nice to see your christmas name again.


JustJean Report 1 Dec 2010 18:19



JustJean Report 1 Dec 2010 18:14

Just checking that my christmas name has arrived....

Jean x thought I had a Jingle on.....tsk....


AnninGlos Report 1 Dec 2010 17:20

Mo, the young are very resilient aren't they? He was probably fine after a sleep in the warm

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2010 16:34

Hello Hello Hello, it's moi again.
Joyce I hope Danni's scan goes well tommorrow. It will be so nice for you to know the sex of the baby. I know we were never told what we were having years ago, but nowadays the parents can be so much more organised than we were,in the clothing way.

Hi ya Linda, fancy seeing you here,it's nice to see ya, to see ya nice.
Has little one been given Phenergan by the doctor to stop the itching,also
calomine lotion by the bucket full.

Sallie, I have not ventured out of the house since this lot came down.
What a shame you wont be able to do your christmas shopping tommorrow.

Ann, I could not believe it, I had a txt from my sons fiance, she has actually got him on public transport, a bus, to go christmas shopping.
He never ever uses public transport, he would rather walk. So much for his horrid day yesterday,and getting some rest today.

Caz, I am pleased to hear you are snug and warm. It's nice to look at the snow from inside the house, but it's horrid out there.
I hope your OH gets home safetly,and doesn't get held up anywhere.

When Roly came back from town today, he had a heck of a job to get the car onto our drive. It was slipping and sliding all over the place. He swears he is NOT using the car again in a hurry.

Well I must go and start to do the dinner, Salmon tonight.
Bye for now everyone. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 1 Dec 2010 15:56

Hi Linda,

Pleased that your hubby got home safely. As you say, it's good that he's at Heathrow and not Gatwick, after seeing Gatwick on the news. Hope the little one will soon get over chickenpox.

Hope the snow keeps away from Berkshire, you don't or need the snow we have!

Take care! Sallie.xx


YorkshireCaz Report 1 Dec 2010 15:55

I'm snug and warm Mo, being disabled I am housebound so am lucky in not having to go out. The snow here is awful, the buses are not running on the main road into the village and our little street down to main road is impassable, one or two cars have tried going down but are sliding all over the place, none can get up at all. Hubby rang at three to ask what it is like back home and when told he said he was setting off home, he has to come on the M62 so I've no idea when I will see him.
I hope they came for your furniture Jean then you can fill your craftroom with some more stash, or should that be more storage for the stuff you have.
I agree with Joyce this cold weather is no good for arthritic joints and backs, and it's supposed to get down to -20 here on Friday according to paper.
Think it's time for a nice cuppa.

Caz xx


AnninGlos Report 1 Dec 2010 15:53

Joyce thank you for your card it arrived today. A few flakes of snow falling but hopefully it wont be too much.
Mo glad your son got home safely, hope he has stayed in the warm today.

Sallie, another nice long post from you. Pity about your shopping trip but plenty of time to go yet, wait until the snow clears a bit.