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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Dec 2010 19:49

Oh for goodness sake Sallie, you don't really need that expense just before christmas, but a washing machine is a neccessity these days.
I do wonder how our grandparents managed years ago, and they had bigger families than we have these days.
I am watching Merlin, I love this series, but tonight is the last for the time being.
Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 4 Dec 2010 19:44

Hi Mo, just missed your post earlier on. It's still raining here, only a fine rain and it's also a bit foggy, the main thing it's starting to get rid of the snow. Yipeeee!

The drum on our washer is loose, Alun has tried to tighten it , but he can't get to one part of it, so Michael is going to help him tomorrow to see if he can get to the awkward part---I think it will mean new washer though.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Dec 2010 15:18

Just a quickie girls, it's chucking it down with rain here. This time I am awake to see it,as it supposedly rained during the night as well,and I missed it as I was fast asleep.


Sallie Report 4 Dec 2010 15:09

Hi Everyone.

Hooray! It''s just to rain here, so let's hope it will wash all the snow away.
We had another lot of snow last night, so couldn't go on our usual Saturday morning trip to Derby.

Joyce, I've just posted on your thread for Caz, thanks for letting us know.
At least you've done your shopping, so won't have to go out in the snow you're having for a while.
We went to A--a yesterday afternoon, there were casts of thousands there,
a lot of people were buying food as though it was going out of fashion.lolol!!

Caz, talking about icicles, when we went to get into the car to go shopping yesterday, I noticed that we had a few icicles hanging from the bottom of our car. I've never seen that before, unless I just haven't!

Thank you, I know you'll send me your address when you can, so don't worry. I know that you can't always do things because of your illness. I'll be thinking about you on Monday, and hoping that the results of the scan will be alright.

Marie, let's hope that you have seen the last of the rain for a while. It will be great to get out into your garden again.
I'm hoping that when this lot of snow has gone, we won't have anymore for a long time. I need to finish my Christmas shopping, but with the snow we've had, we just haven't been able to get about.

Sylvia, let's hope the snow will keep away from Vancouver, so that you can get out and about to get a few last minute things before you go to your daughter's for Christmas.

Mo, hope the snow is starting to go away from your area. I don't blame Roly for not going out in the car, it's much safer on your drive---only that Alun has to go to work, our car wouldn't be off our drive too.

Jean, hope your Vertigo is better than it's been. Also hope that D managed to get back and fore work safely this week. I know that she has to go on the road over the Pennines, so can understand you worrying about her, when she's travelling.

I'm like you, I worry about them travelling when the weather is okay, and imagine everthing that could happen when the weather is bad.

Tess, I'm sure you must be enjoying a quiet weekend. As much as we love our children, we get to appreciate our own space. After they have left home, we can do what we want to do when we want to. It's lovely to have them visit for a short time, but wouldn't want them to live with us again.

There again, I don't suppose they would want to live with us either, unless they really had to.

Could you pm your address please, if you don't mind. I would like to send you a Christmas card, but I understand if you would prefer not to give it.

Huia, hope you managed to get to the cemetery and that the gravestones of your ancestors were not too bad. What makes peoplewant to vandalise
gravestones, or for that matter vandalise anything. There must be something not quite right with them, to do all the damage they do to something that doesn't belong to them, for goodness sake.

Hope Phil was alright when last visited him, and that he was awake and alert for your visit.

Ann, sorry I missed you before went to Torquay. I hope you had a safe journey and that the weather isn't as bad as some parts of the country.
Take care and have a good and safe journey home.

Liz, if you're looking in, hope you are alright. Have you seen the baby yet?
It would be lovely to see her, especially now it's nearing Christmas.
Take care!

I might look in later on to see if anyone has posted.

Take care everyone, and for those of us living in cold places, keep warm and safe.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Dec 2010 14:09

Good afternoon girls.
Well we did our marathon expedition today. Roly cleared a way for us to get out of our road, then we had to tackle the supermarket. Oh my lord, what is up with people, do they think we are going to be snowed in for weeks or something.
Considering we had not been out of the house since last monday,and had lived from our food stock, and the freezer,we had done very well.
All is now replenished,and we should be o.k for at least another fortnight.

Tess you are going to be very busy, getting those certs through at last. At least it will give you something to do,if you do get another snowfall.
It doesn't seem to matter what age our children are, us good ol mums are still needed to do things for them.
We seem to think that when they leave home, that they will stand on their own two feet, but they don't do they.
I'm sure when I left home,I really did not call on my parents for anything.
As far as I was concerned, I intended to cope on my own. They had never given me much help when I was at home, so it didn't make much difference anyway. I was pig headed and stubborn I suppose.
But my own children, know they can rely on us to help them whenever they
need us to.

10 days to go Sylvia, and you will be on that train,travelling to see little MJ.
At least your trains manage to run during the snow, not like this country.
Our stop, even if they have leaves on the rails. It's stupid really, so many people have been unable to get to work, because there were no trains running at all.
So Viv is now in Spain then is she, lucky girl. I do read the thread and catch up on whats occuring. Poor Rene's don't know what she's in for does she.

Hi there little Snow Fairy, Marie.
Having that mini creek across your drive, could be made into a money spinner for you. You could hold the aqua aerobics out there. lol And then get the Gym instructor a nice cup of coffee,and a sanga, if he will hold the gym session in your living room,or on the veranda.
Hows the family love, and is your knee feeling any better.?

Huia, I don't know how people can desecrate cemetaries the way they do.
Shame on them all. I hope your grandparents graves will be o.k.
Only a couple of weeks ago, there was an outcry here. Someone had been and ruined headstones on quite a few graves. A young couple had lost a baby, and they had put lots of things on the baby's grave,only to find they had been stolen. They were heartbroken.

Caz, don't worry about not being able to post. Your well being is far more important to us all. We are here for you, and hope you can read our messages when you feel fit enough to do so.
Talking of icicles, roly had to lean out of the bedroom window this morning, to dislodge an enormous one, that was hanging from our guttering. Our neighbours must have thought he was mad, there he was,
broom in hand knocking it down.
I was woken during the night, to what I think was the snow falling of our roof. For one awful minute, I thought we had got the rats back in the attic, whew thank the lord it wasn't.

Joyce, thank you so much for the card, it arrived in the post this morning.
This is our first postal delivery, since last monday. There was only one good thing about that, no bills arrived.
I hope you and Jan are coping in this weather. It's a nuisance as you can't get out to use your mobility scooter.

Jean my lovely, thank you for your card as well. Both yours and Joyce's arrived in the same post. Now is that trying to tell me something or what, I know you are close, but blimey both cards at once is a miracle. I always said there was a little bit of witch in you Jean, the same as

I hope Sallie is o.k,as she has not been on for a couple of days again,or maybe I have missed her posting, I will have to check back in a minute.
Bye for now my friends, take good care of yourselves. Love Mo xxx


dutch Report 4 Dec 2010 13:50

Hi Ladys
have just put thread up for our Caz for postive thoughts she has another scan on monday so needs our surport ,which we give without question its been snowing all day and it dos,nt help with the pain but done shopping not going out any more,but must,nt complain could be worse take care everyone and keep safe might be back on in abit ,but its painful to sit for to long have anice weekend
Love Dutchxx
ps sorry Caz but you need us with you on monday so had to put thread up


YorkshireCaz Report 4 Dec 2010 10:22

Hello girls not been to good last couple of days so not been on, the pain in my back makes it hard to sit for long. Sallie I haven't forgotten to send my address, I'll send you an e-mail.
I hope you are all staying nice and warm and not going out unless you have to, it's been bad here and we still have a lot of snow on the ground. One thing I have noticed is how many icicles there are, I haven't seen any for years but they are hanging all along the roof opposite, they looked lovely when the sun shone on them yesterday.The sky looks full of snow today though.
I can't remember all the names so I'll just say be careful when you go out to you all, the oness here anyway.

Caz xx


Huia Report 4 Dec 2010 07:34

Hi there Marie, and anybody else who is already up.

If the rain comes here, it would need to be of biblical proportions to flood our house as we are up on a hillside. Of course it might make it difficult if I want to go to town, but the dams are not quite full at present so they will take some of the water. Northland could certainly use some rain though.

I went for a walk this morning, drove over the hill to the valley and walked up and across one of the dams and back down again (naturally). Tomorrow morning I am thinking of going to the Waikumete cemetery to see how my gt grandparents headstones are doing. A month or so ago some vandals wrecked a lot of old headstones. At least I have photos if my lot were among the wrecked ones.

Take care in the snow and ice all my friends in England and Wales and Scotland and wherever.



Zack Report 4 Dec 2010 06:49

from*** The Snow Fairy****Dear friends I almost made a mistake and posted on the last Page. That was close,Phew says she wipeing the sweat off her brow.
How are you all the rain has stopped in the last hour and the clouds are breaking up. I hope it stays away for awhile,I have a mini creek accross my drive way from all the water pouring accross it.

Hi Huia, according to the weather forcast the rain is heading your way.
I hope you dont get the deluge that we have experienced.
Hi Tess your son is keeping you on the Hop, you will miss him when he goes but you wont miss the mess or the cooking or the washing,, no no

Hello to Ann, Sylvia, Jean ,Mo, Liz and Sallie.
Love to you all


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Dec 2010 01:29

Hi all

we are having some pleasant weather at the moment ...... but it has gone from almost record rain on Tuesday to dry today!

Don't think it knows what it is supposed to be doing!!

we seem to be moving slowly towards being ready to leave on Dec 14th

Take care everyone ...... keep warm and keep your footing when you go out!



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 4 Dec 2010 00:23

My second lot of certs. arrived today! So have been updating my tree. Of course I've been "looking after" my son too (He is thirty-six!). He had already left for work before I got up. Then he did some shopping (at Ike-) we had been there on Monday, spent absolute HOURS there, did manage to get a few things.
Son went back today to get himself a flatpack wardrobe (Which is now in my hall, waiting to be unpacked). Got him a big bowl of soup to keep him going, as he was leaving again at 2.30
He has now gone to see his partner and children for a couple of days or so. But still phoned with a "where's my?" question. Luckily I was able to find the item in question (Tickets to see TRON in 3D). Had to phone him back to tell him ... so even when he isn't here he is causing extra work (Bless him)

I hope that Ann enjoys her time in Torquay.
That everone in pain gets some relief. That the rain in Marie's neck of the woods eases off and the floods go away, and of course, that the fish are ok.
Joyce, I hope that you don't have any cramp tonight, and that the dog is better.

Back tomorrow,


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2010 22:41

Did you hear on the news, about the stupid woman from this way. She phoned the police, because someone had stolen her snowman from her front garden. She said it was there a half hour ,before she went to have a ciggy,and when she got back it had been taken.
She had put pound coins in for it's eyes, now how stupid is she.
By the time I got it home it had melted, but I am two quid better of. pmsl
And what I think was worse,was she wasted the police operators time.
A more important call could have been waiting.
I wont mention the town concerned, but they did have a dockyard there, till it closed in 1983/1984.

Night Night god bless you all. Love Mo xxx

I do hope Ann has had a safe journey today,and got to her destination in good time. Enjoy your weekend Ann.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2010 20:30

I say maam, wheres my piece of apple pie and cream. But as it's cold could I please have custard instead.
And whats with taking my name in vain, you naughty thing. I hated being called it as a child,because there was a ship called "HMS PHEOBE ", now I know I am putting on weight, but I am never the size of a ship, a double decker bus maybe, but a ship, no..
I will check with you next time I use one of my quaint adages, and I promise not to be uncouth in the future >>>>>>>>>>.na na (pokes tongue out at Jean) exit stage right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.......


JustJean Report 3 Dec 2010 20:06

Phoebe, whats with the" love puffs"and where did you get that one, I cant believe you told these lovely Ladies such uncouth madam we dont want to hear any more of your quaint saying you better pm them to me first so I can look them over and veto then if

Hope you are all well and managing with this lousy weather, you do need to be very careful it is so slippy ,and its started snowing again...roll on summer....
I am going to have a cuppa and an apple pie with cream.mmm see you soon.

love Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2010 13:22

Hello everyone.
Huia, you are right, a lady does not spit, the same as a lady does not pass wind, she does love puffs. (sorry for lowering the tone girls )

Joyce, I hope the dog has finished throwing up. Was it something it has eaten,that caused it.
I hope you don't end up having to take it to the vet.
Like you, we have still got a foot of snow outside the house. I thought it might have started to melt by now, but no it's not.
The road is like a sheet of ice, so we won't be using the car.

Oh Marie what a shame about your garden. You have spent so many hours getting it the way you wanted it to be.
Lets hope that the fish have survived,and not been washed away.
All the wet weather is not doing your joints any good. Both of us suffer badly with our rheumatism, when it's wet over here. Poor old things aint we, but it comes with age.
What about giving gift vouchers for the christening. It's a job knowing what to buy isn't it.

Tess it's lovely to have company when the weather is like it is at the moment, but I do understand about you wanting your own space.
I am finding I am biting my tongue,with having Roly home 24/7, especially as neither of us have been out of the house since Monday.
If I go upstairs, he is asking me what I am doing up there. I find I am having more baths than I really need, just for five minutes peace and quiet.

Bye for now folks, stay warm and safe. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 3 Dec 2010 06:25

Hi Marie.

I read about the floods in our daily paper online. I have been expecting a good shower all afternoon as a black cloud was hanging over our hills. We did have a few drops, with great emphasis on 'few'. I could spit more than that, except that I dont spit, oim a loidy.



Zack Report 3 Dec 2010 05:27

Hello All , I see from the posts you are all having snow, it isn't any better here ,
We have just had a big storm it poured down if it had gone on for another 10 Min's, the water would have come into my patio which would have been awful.
I had to go out after it had eased off to clear out some of the drains so that the water could get away it was flowing into our little creek and that was pouring into the Fish Pond it is now a murky brown, poor fish I hope they haven't been washed away down the hill.
Many of our communities( small villages ) around us are cut off with flooding as all our rivers are in flood, they were sandbagging some of the homes near the river yesterday, the rain is forecast to continue until Sunday , but more rain is forecast for next week.

I hope the snow you are having eases off soon.All my veggies are sitting in about 6 ins of water I don't think I will get the crop that I had last year.
I am feeling a bit depressed, as you know I need to be in my garden not stuck inside .
My new Bed arrived yesterday and I slept in last night , it is firm but still soft on top I had a good sleep so I hope it will do me for some time now.They were having a sale on some of the top brands, as the new model's were coming in. I got a good buy but it still cost me $1124-00

Tess I hope your pain is easing off and also that you are getting some sleep.
Dutch I hope the same goes for you as well , i am having trouble with my right knee I guess I will have to go and have it looked at, I am hoping it will only be muscular.
I cant remember what name I used for Xmas last year so far I havent come up with a name,Maybe(((((( drowned rat )))))? (((Rain Queen )))))?
Narr---- maybe ======The Xmas Snow Fairy======.

Hi to Sallie, Huia ,Jean ,Mo also Sparkling Ann and not forgetting Liz .I hope you are all wellI I am well but sick of this rain and my leg is constantly aching.
I have to go to the christening of Ciara &Nea on Sunday at 12 noon.I dont know what to buy them for a christening present as I have only be to Baptism in the Catholic church this is being done in the Anglican church.
Any Ideas please--------
Must go love to you all Marie *** The Xmas Snow Fairy***


dutch Report 3 Dec 2010 04:23

What a night it has been me up every hour with cramp ,and Jan with the dog throwing up all over the place ,snow is still here wish it would hurry up and go its general gone after two days but not now,will be back later mybe ,if anyone is going out wrap up warm and stay safe
Love Dutchxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 2 Dec 2010 23:57

Sorry ladies, another quick visit before I do my hot water bottles, make my horlicks and go to bed.
My son is staying with me (most of the time ) lately. Although I love having him here, it is rather draining. I seem to have less time to spend on-line.

Di however order some BMD certs on 19th November, first one arrived on 24th and the rest on the 25th. So I was really pleased. Meant though that I spent some extra time working on my tree, instead coming on the boards to chat.

Ordered three more BMD Certs last Friday, they should be coming out to me tomorrow. So will soon be having another spurt on my tree.

Will try to be back tomorrow.

Hope that everyone gets a good nights sleep and that the pain goes away for a while.



AnninGlos Report 2 Dec 2010 17:56

Jean, Thank you for your lovely card, it arrived today, that is 4 we have now. Posted some of mine today but the rest will go on Tuesday as I am away for the weekend.