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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 11 Dec 2010 19:30

Hello Girls,

Not been on for a few days, I think I must have had what Mo had at the beginning of he week---I've just been feeling terrible,
I thought I felt better yesterday, but it started again and it's only in the last hour that I feel a bit better.

We also had a burst pipe where Alun has his train layout, it's also where we keep the washing machine.
So yesterday Alun couldn't go to work, so Jennie and Michael came over to help Alun mop it out. We also had problems with the central heating, but Michael soon sorted it out, with him having had his trade as a plumber.

Caz and Joyce, hope that the pain is a bit easier for you both today.
Caz did you manage to get in touch with Joyce today, as you said you were?

Marie, I haven't checked our e-mails, I'll let you know when I do, thank you for letting us know, that you had sent your Christmas letter.

Mo, thank you for your lovely card, it arrived today, along with others.

Huia, also thank you for your lovely card, which arrived yesterday, I've sent you a pm, hope you've received it. It was lovely having a photo of you and Phil on your 50th Wedding Anniversary , thank you for sending it.

Jean, I've not heard of "up a nick in Ashton" before, so when do they use that saying. I can't think of any old sayings at the moment, but if I think of any, I'll put them on here.

Just had a phone call from Joyce, it was lovely hearing from her. Although she's still in a lot of pain, and spends a lot of time in bed--she sounds cheerful enough, but I can tell that she's in pain when she's talking.

Sylvia, just in case I don't speak to you before you go away, hope you and OH have a lovely Christmas at your daughter's. I'm sure that J and M are getting excited now, with it being MJ's first. I bet his little face will be a joy to watch-- so pleased that you will be there too.

Have a safe and lovely journey on the train there and back. Wishing you and your family A very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

Lots and lots of hugs and kisses for MJ on his First Christmas. xxxxxxx

Caz, Tess ,Ann, Liz and Joyce thinking about you all, Take care!

I'll speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx


JustJean Report 11 Dec 2010 08:58

Hello, Marie, many thanks for you Christmas letter I got two !!! it was lovely and your family are lovely, and so clever I can understand how proud you must be, I was looking at the photos you sent me when we first started to communicate on here and the children were tiny babies annd the girls were small, so now I can see them growing up. still cant understand why I can get your mail and cant send mine to you.... I get and send mail to Huia with no problems at all...I sent you another card via e-mail some time ago but it wasnt delivered so sorry love, but always think of you and those you love....

Mo, here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed, now were did that saying come from, I was browsing the web and came across a site that tells the origins of many quaint and old sayings, we have some strange ones, heres a couple " all mill to the grist" and a local one "up a nick in Ashton " so ladies give us some more and we can find out were they came from....hope you are all tickity boo and rarin to go....

love to you all especially Joyce and Caz... Joyce just recieved your card many thanks....hope you get some relief from your pain both of you...

love and prayers to absent friends, and all on here Jean xxx


Zack Report 11 Dec 2010 03:46

Here I am again folks, I have sent my Xmas letter to all those I have an email address for, do let me know if you have received it if not I will try again as we had a lot of trouble sending the file. My grand son said that you may have to file the attachment so that you can see it.
Huia I have to send your copy shortly. Regards Marie

***** The xmas Snow Fairy******


Zack Report 11 Dec 2010 00:58

Marie again,
I forgot to say thank you to**** Joyce ****for the lovely hand made Xmas card. Thank you, It is lovely, you are all so clever with your cards .
God Bless you all.

(*(**((* Hugs *(*((**((*

*****The Xmas Snow Fairy*******


Zack Report 11 Dec 2010 00:53

Hello to you all, This is a short letter as I have a lot to do.
I am thinking of Caz and Joyce in all that Pain ,my knee Pain seems so insinificant to the pain you are both having,so I am not going to mention it again except to say the Pills the doc gave me seem to be working.
Our weather is inproving some sun yesterday and also to-day.

Rivers still rising in Qld my brother Nev and his wife and family live in Rockhampton and their river should have peaked last night but it is still raining up north so may get higher.
I am going to try and send you all my Xmas Letter, it is 3 pages long as I have added Photos to it ,it may take some time to come through

Caz I will send you my email.
Ann I received your Photo Thank you , I am off down the street later to get the Cork Board or I may buy a large Photo Frame that would probably be better.
Love and best wishes,
Marie *******The Xmas Snow Fairy*******

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Dec 2010 18:23

Hello girls.
Ann,I received the photo thank you. You are both now in my rogues gallery,along with all our other friends on here.

Caz, I wonder if Joyce would be better on Oramorph. My son had that after his operation on his spine. They first tried him on the patches,and they didn't work, so swapped him over to the liquid oral morphine, he had an allergy to the tablets,seemed strange when they all more or less did the same thing.
You poor thing having Sciatica and Arthritus at the same time, oh so painful,bad enough when you have either, but to have them both at the same time must be agony.

Oh no Huia not again. That flipping rat's not back again is it. You will have to set the rat traps up again, to catch it.
Are you sure that you didn't get the flea's from the grass that you had cut that day.
Quite a few years ago, when my children were young, I used to get the washing in from the line,and place the dried clothes in the washing basket on the grass.
We got badly infested with fleas, and when the man came out to fumigate the house, he told us that they were grass fleas,carried in on my washing basket in amongst the clothes. Oh my word did I feel dirty, having to ask for the house to be fumigated. I scrubbed the house out,and scrubbed the children, the poor things were afraid to sit down for long, in case I shoved them back in the bath again. LOL

Love and best wishes to our Joyce, get well soon honey, still thinking and praying for you and Caz.

Now where is my little friend Jean tonight, cooeeee, come out ,come out where ever you are. Thinking of you honey, love to you and J+D.

Bye for now, be back later. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Dec 2010 17:57

ooh I can feel that Caz, I'm not laughing. Hope it eases soon.


YorkshireCaz Report 10 Dec 2010 17:55

Ann I will be ringing her tomorrow so will see how she is. This heat pad they have given her seems to work while it's on but she can't walk about with it, she spends most of her time in bed just lately, the pain makes her feel sickly.
I vary from day to day but my sciatica is playing up and going through my arthritic hip it's not funny.

Caz xx


AnninGlos Report 10 Dec 2010 17:11

Hope you feel better tomorrow Caz and also hope that Joyce can get some relief somehow from her pain.


YorkshireCaz Report 10 Dec 2010 17:10

Just a quickie tonight, Mo Joyce has morphine pads she sticks on her arm but they are not strong enough now, I take morphine tablets, a lot easier, I'm allergic to plasters.
Marie I haven't been too good today so I will get the photos and e-mail address off tomorrow.
Hope everyone is keeping warm and well, at least our snow has gone and we can see green again but they say it's due back after the weekend.

Caz xx


AnninGlos Report 10 Dec 2010 17:05

Ooh Huia, had my toenails done this morning. Thank goodness not got any fleas though. Ugh!!!!


Huia Report 10 Dec 2010 06:45

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh. This hot weather is hatching out the fleas. I caught 4 on my legs over a period of about 15 mins tonight. Luckily I bought some flea powder a couple of weeks ago so I have sprinkled it on the rugs (no wall to wall carpet) and swept it into the cracks between the floorboards. This is the first summer in a long time that we have had fleas. I dont think Chloe the cat has had them in the past. They might have come from the rat. I had my suspicions one was visiting again, and this morning I found a couple of calling cards in the kitchen. Ugh. I have been shutting the door to the basement the last few nights as Chloe does not seem to want to come in at night, but last night I left it open, so presumably the rat regards that as an invitation.


I had my lawn cut this morning and my toenails this afternoon.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Dec 2010 04:24

Hi all

another wet day ...... although it did ease off this afternoon, so I managed to get to the hairdressers, then to the coffee shop without getting wet ......... and OH was at the coffee shop so he brought me home

Now I'm light-headed :)))

Things are coming together re packing for our trip

........... 4 boxes for J and 2 suitcases for ourselves to be checked.
........... 2 small (18" and 20") roller cases and 2 canvas bags to take on the train with us.

Good job we can check upto 3 bags free on the train!

The boxes still have to be sealed with tape, and roped, with a handle provided ........ but OH bought 2 clothes lines today to do the roping! He said the other ropes at the store, the kind you buy by the yard, were all stretchy.

Mo ................. send me your email address and I'll send you a picutre, but probably not until after the New Year now as time is running short for me

Take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 9 Dec 2010 22:11

Mo, I'll send you a photo if you send me your e mail address.

Yes we are going to daughter's for Christmas as long as there isn't too much snow on the roads. None here now I am pleased to say still very cold though.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Dec 2010 19:42

You sound much like me Jean, a right chilly willy. Now that is not being rude, honest injun.
If I could get in the fire, without burning myself, I would at times brrrr.


JustJean Report 9 Dec 2010 19:39

I am not too bad lovey, except for the cold , I am not good in the cold weather, so ro;; on spring /summer /heatwaves and wall to wall sunshine.....xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Dec 2010 19:33

Will you put that tongue away woman, you don't know where it's been,and if it was hot weather, a fly could use it as a landing strip.
Hows tricks with you honey.


JustJean Report 9 Dec 2010 19:28

Na na na na I have photos of many of the folks on here and other sites, liverpool meet welsh meet, and I have a lovely one of a rose that Liz took, makes a lovely picture for the wall. and a lovely peony that caz sent me, again lovely as a wall piciture....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Dec 2010 19:07

Thanks for the update on Joyce,Caz. Poor thing doesn't seem to get much help from her doctor,does she. This has been going on for such a long time,and yet she seems to be no further on.
Lets hope and pray that the painkillers work for her. I thought they gave her some other painkillers before this, that didn't seem to work.
Give her my love next time you speak to her.
And you take care of you as well,stay warm and cosy.

Marie,I have just seen on our news about the floods over in OZ. Are you still safe and dry love.
I have not got a photo of Sallie,Sylvia,Ann or Caz either. Joyce sent me one of herself,and I have pics of all our other cyber friends on this thread.
I am pleased you received the card, it's always a worry that they might not arrive on time.

Ann,are you going to the family for christmas. I hope you and T are o.k and are coping in this orrid white stuff.

Be back later girls. Love Mo xxx
and her son


YorkshireCaz Report 9 Dec 2010 18:29

Marie I will send you them tomorrow, I asked Joyce if I could send one of her I have and she is ok with it, She is not on the computer just now as it is too much for her. She went to see doctor tonight but he has only given her some strong pain killers, she has an awful pain in her side running through to bottom of stomach, she is worried but he says it is coming from her back and sending her to see a physio. She also says thank you to you all who have sent messages of support for her.
Going back to potographs when you see me you will send it back, lol, I need your address to be able to send them though.
Your weather sounds horrendous, we still have all the snow on the ground from last week and the fields across the valley are all white still so much came down. Cars have only just this morning started getting up our street, up till then they kept sliding down and a few have slid across it into the house wall opposite,it was solid ice, now they say we are in for a lot more. At times I am glad I can't go out on my own.
Hello to everyone else,hope you are all ok and keeping warm.

Love Caz xx