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Mo in Kent
18 Dec 2010 21:08 |
Just to let you know girls, my son has taken his fiance to the hospital, as baby had not moved for two hours. Her heart beat is good and strong, and the midwife is pleased with her. But S. has been losing water over the last few days,and I am just hoping she does not have a dry birth, or any other problems.
18 Dec 2010 20:16 |
I am sorry to read about Jans niece Joyce, how sad for her to lose her foot. Mo I hope your Son's fiancee is Ok after her fall, always a worry isn't it?
18 Dec 2010 19:45 |
So sorry to read of Jan's niece Joyce.
I hope she isn't in too much pain and will be able to cope with her little ones
Linda X
18 Dec 2010 18:17 |
We are just as shocked as we thought they were going to do skin grafted but it was,nt to be shes on morhine pump at the moment for the pain shes in ,such loverly young lady please excuse the spelling early on my post .it was 2.30 in the morning and thank you Mo Dutchxx
18 Dec 2010 18:05 |
Mo I am so sorry your son's fiance has had a fall in this awful weather. I think I would have gone to the hospital just to be sure. I do hope she will be OK. Good to hear the baby has been moving for them though, bet they and you are relieved. I wish her well and take care while the weather is so bad.
Linda :o) XxX
Mo in Kent
18 Dec 2010 18:04 |
Oh Joyce what terrible thing to have happened. I am so shocked to read this, I thought she had been spared this,and would have been on the mend after her skin grafting had been done. ((((((((((((((HUGS TO YOU AND JAN))))))))))))) Love Mo xxx
18 Dec 2010 17:59 |
Iput apiece on early about Jans cousi who had bad accident Jans mum has just told us ,she has lost her foot they could,nt save it have put thread up on general for this young mum,what terrable time for her and in so much pain she is also Jans God daughter Dutchxx
Mo in Kent
18 Dec 2010 17:48 |
Linda, I do hope the poor woman who had the fall is o.k. As you said, any knock to the head should be checked. The person she was with, did not sound very sympathetic, makes you wish you had pushed him over in the snow doesn't it.
I had an emergency phone call from my son this afternoon. His fiance had fallen over in the snow, on her way back from shopping, he was not quick enough to catch her. She was in considerable pain, at the bottom of her pelvis, and the inevitable question came, mum what should I do. Ring the hospital, speak to the midwife. The midwife said if the baby does not move within an hour, bring her in and we will check her over. I told him to give her some ice cold water, to stimulate the baby, and wake her up. Well she started to move thank the lord. So I am now waiting to hear wether they went to the hospital or not. Thank goodness she is due next month, as I feel like I am having this baby myself, with all the phone calls I have had about this that or the other. Linda, will you go and see my dentist for me on Tuesday please. I bet she will refer me to the hospital dentist to have this crown taken out, and the root canal treatment done again. What a pain in the BTM.
18 Dec 2010 16:20 |
Hi Sallie No luckily hubby didn't have to go to Heathrow yesterday, today or for the next two days. He is off for his long weekend before he starts late shift on Tuesday. If the weather is too bad he might stay off as he was off sick Tues, Weds and Thurs this week, due to arthritus in his knees !! Poor old boy. The dr said it was best to rest them while taking prescribed strong pain killers. So if the drive is not possible he will get a sick note. It is his birthday on Wednesday so we don't need any accidents due to bad weather. We were at the garden centre yesterday when a lady got out of her car and trod straight onto ice and fell on her BTM and banged her head on the car front. We helped her back into her car(she was a passenger) and advised her to sit for a while to settle any shock she might have. Her partner didn't seem at all sympathetic and she was saying sorry for falling!!! We saw her later and she was achy but OK. I said if she had a headache or felt unwell she should get herself checked.
I won't go out with little M if the weather is bad next week. She has been so poorly for about 6 weeks now, first several bouts of tonsillitus on antibiotics then chickenpox and last wednesday a hacking cough again and the usual NOSE.
The dentist has done a good job on my tooth just as well as I was in his chair for nearly an hour. Just a short appointment next time in the new Year.
Take care everyone in the bad weather here in the UK and those travelling in warmer climes of Australia and New Zealand over the Christmas Holidays
Linda :o) XxX
18 Dec 2010 15:58 |
Hi Ladies,
Marie, hope you will have a safe journey to Brisbane and that you'll have a good Christmas staying with your cousin. Take care, speak to you after Christmas.
Jean, we are having problems with our email account and are trying to sort it out and I look forward to seeing the pics when all is sorted.
Caz, nice to see you online again, hope you are in less pain now. Did Phil manage to go and do the shopping, or was the snow too bad to get out? Sent your card, but you know what the post is like, as I might have said before.
Mo, Sorry to hear you're having snow but at least you've managed to get out and get the 2 presents you'd forgotten about.
Ann, Pleased to hear that you and T enjoyed your evening out. Hope the snow doesn't stop you going away for Christmas.
Joyce, Great to hear you on the phone last night, you sounded alot better than you've been.
Huia, Have you managed to get rid of your "unwelcome" visitors yet? Are you still working in the charity shop? Hope Phil was okay when you last visited him.
Linda, did your OH manage to get work today? I saw it on the news about Heathrow Airport.
Hope Tess is alright we haven't heard from her for a while.
If you don't hear from me for a couple of days it is because i am busy trying to get organised for Christmas, we still haven't put our tree up yet or wrapped some presents.
Love and best wishes to everyone,
Sallie xxx
18 Dec 2010 14:40 |
I am here sweetie, and yes we do have a lot of snow so we are all staying put...J and D usually go to the supermarket every Sat, but they are going Monday morning instead It will take Jeffs mind offf his 1.30 appointment same day... cant believe its Christmas next weekend, we are away on the 27th -30th hope its all gone by
Sallie is your mail box full I have tried to send some pics of the finished room bit postie wont send them to you, let me know when its a bit emptier and I will send them on... hope you are all o.k. take care if you have to go out....
hugs and loves for everyone else LOve Jean xxx
18 Dec 2010 14:03 |
We had about 1-2 inches overnight, it thawed a bit when the sun shone earlier but is snowing again now. Took son 4.5 hours instead of 2 to get home from Bournemouth to M Keynes this morning.
Mo in Kent
18 Dec 2010 13:16 |
Hello girls, from a very snowy Kent. It is absolutely throwing it down at the moment. We managed to get into town this morning, before it became this bad. I forgot to buy Christmas presents for two of my grandaughters boyfriends, and as they will be accompanying them on Christmas day, I thought I had better get something as a token gesture.
It's so good to hear from you Joyce, you take care when you go out shopping today, it is very slippery under foot, and we don't want you laid up again. Just take it easy, and only do what you have to, the rest can wait for another day. How sad about Jan's cousin,she was soo lucky not to lose her foot. But thank god it was no worse than it was. How on earth is she going to manage with the little ones. Does she have family close to help her out. Ahhh a new baby G Grandson, how lovely. I am still waiting to find out what the sex of our first great grandchild will be, our grandaughter is due in May.
Caz love, I hope your OH managed to get what you needed in town today. At least the buses are still running at the moment, but if your way is anything like around here, when we had the last lot of snow, the buses stopped running. Also we had no trains running either. The trains pass behind the houses opposite us, and at the moment it is very quiet, so I am wondering if they have stopped running as well.
We will all have to keep our sanity by staying in contact with each other, over this snowy period, as we are all likely to be housebound.
Ann thank goodness you made it home last night. How is the snow situation at your end of the country. At least if you had been snowed in where you were, you would have had plenty to eat, and good company. lol
I hope our Jean and J are o.k. Coooee lovely are you snowed in as well.
Sallie, I know you are on the borders of Wales, and that Wales has got bad weather at the moment, how is it with you and Alun.
Love and (((((((HUGS to Huia, and Marie))))))
See you later girls, love Mo xxx
18 Dec 2010 10:23 |
Hi Caz, Because of the birthday group and other friends i8nto craft I have about 30 hand made cards!! I have two from a Carole, both have in brackets (GR) after the name, neither has 'Caz' on it. Did yours have a father Christmas figure on it?
Anyway thanks for the card I am sure one of them must be yours.
18 Dec 2010 09:03 |
Ann I sent you a hand made card and put Caz under the Carole bit so you will know when it comes. It's nice to see Joyce posting, she's been off the boards for ages it seems, I hope she manages to get to the shops ok, my hubby is going into town on the bus for a few things. We have had a lot of snow during the night and the sky is full so we will get lots more by the looks of it.
Love Caz xx
18 Dec 2010 04:23 |
Well Ladys im back but only popping on and off,but as Caz said im feeling abit better have my off days but dont we all. and would like to thank you all for your surport not only for me but for my pal Caz,and thank you all for the loverly xmas cards i have got ,Jans cousin had bad fall on there boat yesterday its masstive working boat ,anyway they thought she might lose her foot they operated right away which took four and half hours and now have tranfererd her to another hospital for skin kraft has she has hole in her leg,but they did save her foot it will be 6mths before she can walk again and they have two very young children Sally enjoyed our chat last night not looking forward to going out in the snow this morning but shopping has to be done,its not far to walk otherwise i would,nt go ,well i wish you all stay safe were ever you are will be back on later,been up since 2 oclock with cramp in my feet not very nice take care all Love Dutchxx nearly forgot my g,daughter Danni is going to have baby boy in April 22nd he will be my 5th g,grandchild
17 Dec 2010 21:24 |
Hello Caz, nice to see you back on here. Hope the snow is not bad enough to prevent you getting what you need (or rather your OH).
I had a card today from Carole (GR) was that you, if so many thanks. You should have had mine by now.
17 Dec 2010 17:22 |
Hello ladies, I am back now, I have been er, lets say incapacitated and finding it very difficult to get around. I spoke to Joyce this morning and she is ok sounds a lot better, she was worried about Jan as the snow was coming down thick and fast and they already have two-three foot of it already, and it was a blizzard. We have been promised it but it has not arrived yet, hope hubby gets home safe before it arrives because if we get what Joyce has got we will be snowed in. Huia I hope you can get rid of your house guests in time for Christmas, we had mice in the flats a while back and we all had to have poison down in little boxes, we only have a bird but he runs all over the floor playing so we had to watch he didn't investigate the box. Mo we haven't even started our shopping yet, as you know I am disabled so can't go out and hubby works during the week, then comes home to cook my tea so he hasn't had the time, we will be ok if he can get out this weekend. We have the main things for Christmas, it's just the normal shopping for next week and fresh fruit and veg for next weekend as he works up till Christmas eve so I am a bit worried about that. Whatever will be will be, that's how I look at it. I haven't got your card yet Sallie but there's quite a few to come off people I know have sent them. Going for another cuppa now.
Love Caz xx
Mo in Kent
17 Dec 2010 14:11 |
It's nice to hear that you enjoyed your evening out Ann. I always found that the events I was not looking forward to, I enjoyed the most. It looks like T can't count anymore, theres a big difference between 12 and 26. Still perhaps when he agreed to your going initially, there was only 12 that were going to go.
Linda, I hope everything went o.k at the dentist's. Come on now, who would not remember Genesis, oooh goose bumps down my spine now. I hope you didn't end up with a headache after the concert. Two weeks break from the little one will be nice for you. Lets just hope she settles down again when she comes back.
Huia, how is the puss now. Did you take her to the vet after all. I hope the little varmints have left home now.
We have had a snow blizzard this morning, and it's started to lay. The only real problem with that is, the rain from yesterday froze last night, and now we have got the flipping snow on top of it, it's going to be very dangerous.
I will be back later girls. Love Mo xxx
17 Dec 2010 12:40 |
Well we got out (and back) safely. When we came out of the pub the car park was a sheet of black ice but once off the country lane that the pub was in the roads had been gritted and were fine. We seemed to only go down to about -2 instead of the -4 we had been promised.
the meal was excellent and the 12 or so that OH had told me were going were actually 26+ so there were a lot of us. It was a good evening with a lot of laughs and plenty of food.
This morning we have been out to do the shop for the things that we forgot when we did a last shop in case the weather was bad over the weekend. Still not bad here, icy first thing but roads Ok and the sun is out at the moment.