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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 21 Dec 2010 16:24

Have a safe journey Ann, and take care.... Happy Christmas,

Love Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Dec 2010 16:23

Hi Joyce, you did have my e.mail addy, but it may have got mislaid, if so let me know and I will forward it on to you.
Good grief holding down 5 part time jobs at 77years old, she's a marvel isn't she. Where the heck does she got all her energy from, if you can bottle it, send me one will you please Joyce.
I hope your back is a little better after your lie down love.

Ann, if I don't speak to you before tomorrow.


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2010 14:54

Mo we hope to go about 1pm tomorrow all being well and providing no further big falls.

Grandson said he walked a couple round but his walking boots don't grip. One woman phoned and when she was asked what he road was like she said 'Well I wouldn't drive on it'. So they said 'in that case neither will we.'


dutch Report 21 Dec 2010 14:25

Hi Mo
yes it was for the chap but better for him but not his family special now,its all family that are coming we have had them all now for the past two years as we thought it was alot for his Mum as shes nearly 77yrs old and she still works 5 part time jobs ,but they all live within 10 mins of us the only one who has to travel is Jans nephew and his family about 20mins away ,but we dont have xmas dinner like they do in England Shame its gormet but realy nice will take photo of the table and email you it I do have your email addy dont i ,well back on later i hope got to go and lie down my back is paing me
Love Dutchxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Dec 2010 14:06

Hello folks,
I am back from town. I have got all my fruit and veg, a bit early I know, but we could be snowed in by tomorrow at this rate. lol
I wish parents would tell their children, just how dangerous it is, to make a slide, on a public footpath.
I managed to save an elderly gent from slipping over this morning. I dont know what I would have done, had he have landed on top of me, he was not exactly a small gentleman either.

Oh my lord Jean, I am getting my days confused. I thought J had the hospital tomorrow, but it's Caz not J that has the appointment tomorrow.
I hope it's not to sore for him. I will have my fingers crossed for a good outcome.
Oh and by the way, this little Kentish nut, is called a Cob Nut. They are grown locally to us, so I have to be careful at Nut picking time, as I am the biggest nut of all. LOL
It's such a shame you will be unable to get to Southport for Christmas.
But I will be thinking of you, when my lot have descended on us, and wishing I was at your house, in the peace and quiet.

Oh Ann, you must be petrified for your grandson, out delivering Pizza's in these conditions. People just would not understand a Pizza place saying, "sorry we can't get to you", but they never take into consideration the way the weather is, come rain or shine they still expect their food.
I don't envy the poor paper boys and girls, and the postmen either, these are things we take for granted.
When are you planning to get away for the holiday period.
I do feel for the poor people that have been stuck at airports for days now.

Bye for now girls.


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2010 11:05

Caz, sending lots of positive thoughts for a good report on Wednesday.

Mo, we are still hoping that the roads will be OK to go, our 21 year old grandson is also hoping he can get home to Hampshire from Plymouth. It is all very stressfull, worrying about us and worrying about him too. He works as a pizza deliverery driver and last night theyw ere refusing to go because the roads on the estates were so bad. Our cul de sac is bad but the main road seems OK, we might venture out in a minute to see what it is like. We have got sleet coming down at the moment.

Joyce how brave to decide he had had enough but ver sad fro jan and the fellow's family.

That is a serious number of people that you are entertaining, will they all be able to get there.

In case Marie is looking in, have a lovely christmas, at least snow wont prevent you getting away.

And it could be worse folks. We could be stuck at heathrow!!!


JustJean Report 21 Dec 2010 09:37

Happy Christmas Marie have wonderful time with your family....

Mo, Jeff had the little op yesterday Debra was home so he took him and brought him back, everything seems to have gone as planned it will be four weeks before he knows the results, we have decided not to go to Southport and hope we can defer the trip until next year... I havent been out for about two weeks... and wont be going fo another two if this snow and ice doesnt dissapear soon...I dont have a problem with staying in, I can always find something to do... so take care my little kentish love to Roly...

waves to everyone~~~~~~~~~ x ~~~~~~~~~ love Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Dec 2010 09:16

Good morning dear friends.
I hope you read this Marie, before setting of for your Xmas break.

Joyce, it's nearly the new year, god willing things will get better for you both
How brave the friend was to have chosen to die with dignity. A very hard choice to make.
Did you manage to get all the food in to cater for your 14 guests. I hope you will get some help from the others in the preparation love. 14 is a lot to feed at one go, I thought it was going to be bad enough for us, having 7 for christmas dinner,and 25 for the evening.
I just hope the family can get through to us with all this snow about.
If not, we will be eating turkey and the like, round to next christmas.

Jean, they opposition cancelled the darts last night, so make sure you get your wager back, with interest.
I hope you are not going to venture out today. I will be thinking of J tomorrow. Are you going to be going with him.?

Caz., I hope you are o.k love. Have you got family coming to you for the big day.

Ann are you and T still going to be going to family, or has this dreadful weather put your plans on hold.

Sallie, are you snowed in as well. We have got to go and clear the car and drive again in a minute.
I have got the hairdressers at 10.30, I just hope gary my hairdresser has managed to get through o.k.
And I am going to phone the dentist's in a minute, as I am supposed to be there at 3.00p.m but once again, I don't know if she has managed to get into work.

Huia, I hope you and your pets are o.k love.

Bye for now girls, stay safe and warm. Love Mo xxx


dutch Report 21 Dec 2010 07:07

Morning All
Ann they said sooner or later the leg would have to come off so it was better to do it now,she will be getting false one the family can,t believe this has happen Peter her hubby took the little one in age 3and 1yr old and the 3year old ask Mummy when are you coming home ,that must have upset her as she is going to be in hospital for three weeks and Peter has told her she dose,nt work outside on the boat anymore,and two weeks ago Jan made acard for one of the chaps he works with who was ill with cancer,and found on yesterday the chap had died on friday which would have been his birthday.he just gave up could,nt take anymore so they ended it ,which allows one to die in diginty
We have more snow on top of what we have already got Caz did you get any of the photos i sent of the snow.anyway all keep safe know matter were you are .me im staying in going nowhere we have 14 coming to our house for xmas dinner come at 3 in the afternoon and leave at 12 at night,i will have to go to bed half way thru as cant sit for any lenght of time so take care my friends and hope 2011 is better year for all
Love Dutchxx


Zack Report 21 Dec 2010 03:19

Hello to you all, this is my last post until after Boxing Day,

Merry Xmas to everyone,

And A Happy New Year

Sallie, I got your Card yesterday (Monday)

~~~~~~~~ LOVELY~~~~~~~~`

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Dec 2010 19:04

Ooooh yes I have Caz. Thanks for the good luck wishes.
Love Mo xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 20 Dec 2010 18:59

Glad the baby is ok Mo but I was thinking of a dry birth, yes ooooooh is the word. I don't think you had better keep your eyes and legs crossed but I appreciate the thought thank you, I only hope he can at last tell me what's wrong with me and it's not bad.
Good luck for your darts tonight although you won't see this before you go.

Love Caz xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Dec 2010 18:02

Caz, they won't take S. in until they really have to. Baby is fine so they are not concerned. I just hope they remembered to tell them that she has been losing amniotic fluid, or she will have a dry birth. oooooh painful.

I will not only keep my fingers crossed, but my legs, arms, eyes and anything else I can cross, for a good result for you on Wednesday.
An extra prayer will be winging it's way to you tonight love.

Thank goodness hubby managed to get all the shopping for you.

I hope everyone is well, I have to go now, as it's darts tonight.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 20 Dec 2010 17:41

Oh dear Joyce I am so sorry to read that llonka has to lose her leg, how can one family have so much trouble, it seems it never rains but it pours, a saying round here. I am thinking positive thoughts and praying for her but it seems it didn't work.
I'm glad mum and baby are ok Mo do you think they will induce her if she keeps on losing fluid?
Well, the sun has been out for the last three days but we still have all the snow lying around it hasn't melted it but just made the road slippier for the cars, they still can't use our street. I hope the snow keeps away till after Wednesday as I have an appointment with my neurologist in the afternoon that I really want to keep. Will you all keep your fingers crossed for me that it is not bad news, I wouldn't normally ask for myself but I am worried about it.
Hubby did manage to get all his shopping done and he even bought me two new nighties bless him, I did ask him but he has to now I can't go out unless I use my wheelchair.

Love Caz xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Dec 2010 17:35

Joyce, I am so sorry to hear the update on llonka, this is devastating news for her and the family.
God bless her and her family.
Sending you and Jan love and best wishes. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Dec 2010 17:00

Oh Joyce, why the whole leg, do you know? How sad for them. Not a good christmas for them is it. And I assume that she works on the boat too. It must have been a very bad fall, unbelievable isn't it? OK one minute and just one slip. I do feel for her and send my thoughts to her and the family.


dutch Report 20 Dec 2010 16:41

Just quick message to let you all no that Ilonka is going to lose her leg as well,have updated it on GR thread,so upsetting for the family

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Dec 2010 14:39

Thank you honey.
They finally got home from the hospital at about 10.30 last night. J had to take his two children from his first marriage with them, and the little ones were shattered. It would have to happen on the weekend when they were with their daddy.

So you are now getting into the Christmas mood are you, with having put your tree up.
I really don't feel very Christmassy at all this year, but once my young ones turn up, I am sure it will change.
I think it's having all this snow hanging about thats making me feel like this, and not wanting to venture out in it. Old misery me.

I am not sure if our darts match will be cancelled tomorrow or not yet. It won't bother me if it is.

Roly has donned his wellie boots, and gone up the club for a pint. Good luck to him, I just hope and pray he doesn't fall over, I don't want an invalid with a broken limb to care for over the holiday period.

I hope you are all warm and snug in your homes.
Take care everyone. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 19 Dec 2010 14:32

whoops that was me deleting.....


JustJean Report 19 Dec 2010 14:29

Mo, I am sorry to hear this news I have been trying for ages to reply but the b****y thing wouldnt work yesterday it kept jumping around so much Iswitched off none of the other site were affected just G.R. any how back to what i was trying to say, the hospital is the best place too be for the baby, they will keep a close eye on the two of them , we will hold them close in our prayers....and you and daddy too....

Finally got to put my little tree up, and a few bits and pieces, doesnt take me long when I get going...loads of expected parcels and cards still not in view, but hey, never mind the ones I have recieved are a blessing....
think I will go and do a bit of scrapping, so take care everyone, love to the foreign people and
love Jean xx