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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 31 Dec 2010 14:53

Have a good evening Mo and a Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope it will be a happy and healthy one for you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Dec 2010 14:42

Good afternoon ladies.
As we are of out tonight, I thought I would just pop in to say.
I will be thinking of you all, as we here in the U.K bring in the year 2011.
Take care my lovely friends, love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 30 Dec 2010 23:09

I visited Phil yesterday. He was the same as usual. Our son has arrived here and our daughter is coming up after lunch for our family get-together, but I dont think oldest granddaughter will be coming (has to work) or grandson. Perhaps the youngest will be here. This evening son will be going over to the valley with some of his tramping friends and they will camp over there so they can get an early start in the morning.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Dec 2010 19:08

Hi Huia my flower, hows you today.
I have not drunk in lord knows how many years, and it certainly doesn't bother me.
I suppose it was seeing my dad after drink when I was a child. Not a pretty sight to behold. But as he aged he gave up the drinking,and was a lovely man.
How is your Phil now. Have you managed to get to see him lately.
Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 30 Dec 2010 18:41

Mo, I agree with you that you dont need alcohol to enjoy yourself. I feel that those people who cant enjoy themselves without such a prop must be sad sacks. I can get high on enjoyment of an evening, or day.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Dec 2010 14:02

Sallie, I have sent you an e.mail love.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Dec 2010 13:26

Well girls, I knew our Jean would have something to say about my sanity, but as they say Jean, it takes one to know one. lol
What happened to my coffee and biscuits, I know it would be a bit cold by now, but I could always put it in the microwave to heat it up again.
Actually, I could do with a nice mince pie. We didn't have any this year, I left it up to my son to buy them. You know the one who didn't know what a chocolate Yule log looked like. Weeell he couldn't find any, so he bought what were called festive pies instead, not so nice I have to admit, and I did miss my mince pies.
Oh and by the way, the Yule log turned out to be a chocolate cake, nothing like a Yule log, but it went down well with the grandchildren.
I musn't grumble,at least he tried.

Ann I wouldn't mind if Roly did a fry up, believe me, it would be nice to be waited on once in a while.
I agree with what both you and Jean have said, about th winter months. It's so depressing when we look out of the window, and see nothing but doom and gloom.
The gardens are looking so sad with themselves. My bottle brush plant still seems to be o.k, and thats the one plant I have been really worried about.
Still wait till the weather changes, and we will be on here less than we are now, soaking up the sunshine. (thats if we get some) see I am being a pessamist

Oh Marie, I am being envious of you, and I shouldn't be, sunshine, ooh whats that we wonder.
Has your brother put as much furniture upstairs,as is possible, without causing himself a hernia. To protect it just in case of flooding.
How lucky his son lives higher up than him,and they have somewhere safe to retreat to.
Enjoy the party tomorrow night,even though you wont be able to drink.
But I don't think you need alcohol to enjoy yourself, at least I dont, I can get drunk on the atmosphere alone.

I think I will have to p.m Sallie, to check that she is o.k. I don't like it when we don't hear from one of our friends for a while.

I will speak to you later girls. Love to all. Mo xxx


Zack Report 30 Dec 2010 11:15

Hello Ann , I to dislike winter,however we cant do much about it.
We have had 4 days of sunshine and I have spent most of it in the garden.
It has been quite hot , I have had to come in for several hours until it has cooled down , then I am out again till almost 9 pm.I have had to remove several native plants that have drowned and I noticed even my Rhododendrom's are looking very sick , I will be upset if they die.

I am off to a party to-morrow night New Years Eve I will have to get my self home after the party, so I am off to the wine shop to buy some non alcoholic drink it looks like champagne and tastes very nice .
They say it will be 31 degrees to-morrow.

The Fitzroy river in Rockhampton is rising slowly it is expected to reach a record height, my brother and Glennes his Wife have removed as much as they can and are staying with his son in a higher area. I am praying that it doesn't go through their home.
Dear Caz, I am sorry to hear you received a not so good report we are thinking of you.
I hope that your son is much better Joyce.

It is good to hear that a lot of your snow has gone, I do hope that it stays away for you all.

A happy New year to you all
Love to Mo, Sallie,Joyce ,Caz,Jean, Huia, Liz, and to anyone else who happens to look in.
Love to you all


JustJean Report 30 Dec 2010 10:53

Sallie were are you? guess what I got this morning your christmas card only problem it wasnt sent to my address, luckily the postman calls every day and guessed it was for me... it was worth waiting for it is so beautiful, I am so proud of you what a star you are, I shall keep it with my "special " cards and put it up every year.... makes it look like I get loads of thanks again.

Ann and Mo I am so fortunate with J and D they do most of the cooking so I just sit and wait for it to appear in front of D is the best cook, she is very good at new dishes, I would only do the old fashioned cooking pies etc; in fact when I think about it I dont do much of anything....rofl.....I will make the odd cup of coffee in fact I will make one now anyone else that would like one? lots of biccies too chocolate and plain....but you have to be quick I have a low concentration span..... whoops too late I am off....

love jean xx


AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2010 10:22

Meant to say Mo, OH doesn't cook, he fries, and he only does that about once a fortnight.


AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2010 09:51

Good morning all. Mo Lol!!! crocodile!!! Hmm no comment!

Caz we are always here for you, sorry the news was a bit iffy, lots of positive thoughts and ((((hugs)))) for you today. Just have a good rest now and see if you can ease off the aches and pains from the fall.

Jean I hate winter too, I find myself leaving the PC to stand and look out of the window to absorb what light I can. Crafting helps me. A light box might work, I think my sister might have one I will have to ask her.

Hope that Huia, Marie, Tess and Sallie are all OK. We will probably get going again properly once the new year is over, another depressing time for some.


JustJean Report 30 Dec 2010 08:43

Morning all, Mo you took the words right out of my
dark miserable day so far, how I hate winter, I cant cope with dark nights and days , drags me down, I dont want to go out or do much of anything, perhaps one of those S.A.D. lights may give me a boost has anyone got one?

Just watched the news and the floods are awful in Australia,I hope all is well with Marie and her family

How is Sallie anyone know? we seem to be some friends missing at the moment so heres hoping we will get some info on various people in the new year always a bit flat after christmas.... so lots of love an hugs for those who are not on top form, and hope to have some laughs in the coming days..

I am off to have some brekkie and then do some more craft work on the album, so take care out there and be good.....

love Jean xxx.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Dec 2010 18:23

Caz lovie, thank you for letting us know how you got on today.
Get yourself some rest now,and take one day at a time, knowing that we are all praying for you. And we will be with you in spirit next month, holding you close to our hearts.

Ann you are so lucky with T doing some of the cooking for you. Roly thinks that the cooker is just an ornament that sits in the kitchen,and that the meals do themselves, and I just dish them up on a plate. lol
Our Roast was delicious, and I have to admit, I could eat a roast dinner every day, it wouldn't bother me.
I mis-read your cropodile, for the word crocodile,and thought to myself why would you be trying out a crocodile, see senility is definately setting in.

You watch our Jean, when she reads what I have written about senility,she thought I was there ages ago. lol

I do hope we hear from Joyce soon to find out how her son is.

And I hope that Sallie is feeling a little better today.

Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 29 Dec 2010 18:17

Thank you Caz for the update, just going to hospital is tiring but for you it must be harder than ever, so do rest lovey and we will still be here when you are up to talking again, but will hold you close and leave you in peace ....

love Jean xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 29 Dec 2010 18:00

Hello girls, well I managed to get to the hospital, the snow all went yesterday apart from what's lying in the gutters and the fields. It seems that I am stable at the moment but more cancer cells are in my blood and I have little spots of it in a lot of my bones, I have to go back in a month instead of three. I have not been walking well since my fall so it was an effort today and I was exhausted when I got home so spent afternoon in bed, no change there then. Thank you all for your good wishes for my visit and for being there for me in a worrying time.
I'd like to wish you all a very Happy New Year in case I don't get on here again for a few days.
Sallie I will get round to replying to you when I can sit more comfortably.

Love Caz xxx


AnninGlos Report 29 Dec 2010 16:29

Hello friends. Not done a lot today although I seem to have been busy. Have made a couple of cards trying out my cropadile that OH got me for christmas and also my embossing markers. wrote a letter and a couple of letter cards and walked round the shops for the papers but that is about all.

Hope Caz got on OK and that Joyce's son is better.

Your dinner sounds lovely Mo, It is OH's turn tonight, he who only cooks with the frying pan. So it is fry up tonight preceded by pate and toast. As I have already put on two pounds and wont try to lose it until the New Year fry up will be good!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Dec 2010 16:20

Hello my little loves.
Just a quickie for now.
I hope that Caz got on o.k at the hospital today. and that Joyce has had some better news on her sons condition.

Well it's nearly the New Year, has anyone made a resolution, that they know they probably wont be able to keep.
I wont make any as I know I will break them. How many times have I said to myself, I am going to go on a diet, and then see a box of chocolates and dive straight in without thinking.

I hope you are all well. And that those of us in the U.K are now rid of the snow, and our OZ friend Marie has had a cessation of all the rain they have been getting.
And that our Huia, has got rid of all her little lodgers.

Well girls, I had better go and start the dinner, we have got Lamb, roast pots, sprouts, carrots, peas and mint sauce today, yummy.
Bye for now my friends, Love and best wishes Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Dec 2010 19:08

Hello girls,
Well what a lot of posts I have had to read, it's absolutely lovely to hear from you all.

Sallie love, I am sorry to hear you were not to good over the Christmas period.
I do hope John is now on the mend. I bet you were worried silly about him weren't you.
How's Alun and the family. If you are anyhting like us ,we are only now just readjusting ourselves back to normality. It was so hectic here, especially as the grandchildren are now all becoming adults.
But it is just as I remember things when I was a child, all the family congregating at my grandmothers house.
Poor Nan, I sometimes wonder how she managed,as she had so many children herself, and then all of us grandchildren to cater for.

Cooeee Marie, nice to hear from you again love.
Thanks for letting us know about the rain in Queensland, I must ring my cousin to see if they are o.k. I did speak to her on Christmas day,but it would seem this new down pour has started to cause havoc.
I do hope your brothers home is safe. There is nothing worse than floods and fire, they cause so many problems with homes.
How are the family now. I hope your daughter is coping with her new meds.

Oh my word Ann, how on earth did people cope with having the power cut all over the holiday period.
I bet you were glad you were away, or you and T would have been feasting
on Salad, and not Turkey.
What on earth will T do,not being able to get out for his game of golf. I know he is a keen golfer. I suppose he could always take up water polo, if the golf course doesn't drain away soon.

Jean my lovely, I am always nice to Roly,I never nag him( and I don't tell fibs lol)
I took him out today, to buy him his birthday present, two yes two shirts from M+S. Being a tight wad I waited till the sales, can't go splashing all my cash can I now.
Seriously though, I normally wait and see what he gets for Christmas, before I go and buy his gifts. He normally gets enough shirts to supply a gents outfitters, but this year he only got one, bless him.
He will be 67 on Saturday the 1st January. And like most Christmas babies, he only ever got one lot of presents, so I like to treat him to make up for what he missed out on as a child.
And as for the Sparkly Purple top, well it was taken back to M+S today, as it was to big.
No-one had beeen able to try any clothes on, because they are refurbishing the changing rooms.
I was surprised that both the top and trousers were to big,as I have been really pigging out over the holiday period.
I like to think I have lost weight, but it's probably because they are putting more material into their clothes, and are coming up bigger.

I have bought myself smaller trousers,and another top, as they didnt have a smaller size in the original one I had bought.
If my daughter takes a photo, and it's fairly decent, I will send it on to you.
If it's orrible, you wont get it.LOL

I hope that Huia, Joyce and our Caz are all o.k.
Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 28 Dec 2010 17:12

A full report of our Christmas is on the 'has the heart gone out of the boards' thread.

Mo some poor people in the Stroud area of Gloucester had a power cut that lasted over all of Christmas until yesterday.

Jean, sorry the vertigo is still playing up.

Sallie if you have been unwell I hope that you are better now. Hope your brother is getting over the op OK.

Marie, so pleased that you enjoyed your Christmas. Sorry to hear about all the rain and I do hope your brother's home is safe.

Shall be thinking of Caz tomorrow and hoping she can go to get her results and is not still confined to bed.

Thinking of Joyce's son Michael.

Wet and dreary here today but at least it has washed away the snow thank goodness. Now the golf course is water logged!!!


JustJean Report 28 Dec 2010 16:11

Sallie Carole tells me you havent been to well, hope you are feeling better, and that
it didnt spoil your christmas.... my problem vertigo has been playing up and stopped us doing some of the things we had planned, but never mind soon be spring , have you done any more crafting, I have started doing the second album for my friend, was hard to settled downt to doing it my mind went blank, but managed to finally get going and did the first page.

How is the lady darts player doing , Mo, are you up and about. not sleeping it off how is the lovely Roly , I hope you havent nagged him too much.... it could be your new years resolution," be nice to Roly." what do you think???? Purple sparkle ... hmmm now that I would love to see any chance of a photo?

Marie glad you enjoyed your trip and the company too,sorry to hear about the fllooding hope it doesnt do to much damage to your brothers home....

Tess was the beef stew good, it smelt good from here...

Ann glad you got home safe and sound and had a lovely holiday with your family....

Love to everyone else Happy New Year.....

please remeber Caz as she hopes to go for her results tomorrow...

Love Jean xxx