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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 4 Jan 2011 14:04

Oh Sallie, much as I love my OH, sometimes I get so irritated when I am in the middle of doing something and he bounds into my office talking about something he wants to do/discuss/show me, completely ignoring the fact I am already doing something as if only his stuff is important. We do have words over it sometimes!!!! Shame he is not going back to work. still there is always golf.


Sallie Report 4 Jan 2011 13:52

Hello Girls, how are you all today? Hope you are all alright.

Mo, I'm really sorry that your team lost last night. I know you said that they are a strong team, but it might have been that they had an off! Your team have been doing so well, too.

Like you, I'm really worried not hearing anything from Marie, the more I see on the news about the flooding the more concerned I am. I hope that her brother and his family in Rockhampton are all safe.

Huia, it's a shame that Phil didn't realise that it was a special day, but at least he had some of his birthday cake, so that was nice for him. At least he wasn't forgotten on his birthday, as I'm sure many people all over the world are.

It sounds as though you had a very good photography session on the way home. The photos will be interesting to look at, I'm sure.

I hope your daughter has been able to get in touch with somebody about the problems you are having with your " uninivited visitors ", they really are a big problem.

It's so quiet here today with Alun back at work, not that he's noisy, but he sometimes likes to organise things, when I'm trying to do something else at that time.lolol!!

I'll be back later on, I have a couple of things to do, before Alun gets home.

Love and best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Jan 2011 13:10

Hello girls.
Well Sallie, don't tell our Jean, but we lost last night, as I suspected we would, but it was not a complete white wash, we lost 4-2 and 2-1.
My partner in the pairs is a lovely lady called Eve, and we were the only ones to win our game.

It's a miserable drizzly horrid day here, and very cold. But I consider us lucky as we have not got any snow as of yet.

Ann, I think that when our children are young, we tend to go towards other young parents, but as you say, as we get older, those friendships fade.
I have four good friends I meet every morning for a coffee, two are widows,and two of us are married. And to be honest, over the Christmas and New Year period, I have missed meeting up with them.
We chat about anything and everything, all a load of rubbish at times, but it is so nice to have their friendship.

Huia, your daughter is so right about the rats chewing through the electric cables,and causing short circuits that could lead to fires. Have you tried
baiting the traps with either peanut butter or soft fruits such as peaches.
The peanut butter worked for our dratted rat, but the crafty blighter would come out at night and eat into our fruit from the fruit bowl. We gave up on buying fruit for while, or we kept it in the fridge.
Don't forget Huia, rats can chew through wood ,anything they choose, so be aware that even if you block the hole up where the blighter is getting in, it could still worm it's way back into the house.
I really do think you need an exterminator, and puss needs to go on holiday to a cattery for a couple of weeks, or even to another family member till the problem is solved.

What a shame that Phil didn't realise what the occasion was, when you did his birthday cake. But you tried my love,and it's not your fault he was a bit vague about it.

I hope Caz was able to get some sleep last night,and that the leg feels a little better today. Enjoy your day honey, doing your crafting.

Joyce I hope things are better at your house, and that your son and llonka
are on the mend.

I am getting a little worried now, as we have not heard from Marie. I hope to god things are o.k over there.

Jean, if you are looking in(((((((((((HUGS FOR JUST YOU))))))))))))) I hope you are feeling a bit better now.

I hope that Linda has got over her flu/virus, and is enjoying the New Year.

Bye for now my friends,I will be back later. Mo xxx


Huia Report 4 Jan 2011 08:25

I took a cake (bought) when I visited Phil today. The carers put a candle on it and we sang Happy Birthday to him, and then he was told to blow out the candle, but he wasnt interested so I blew it out. I then cut a piece for him and fed it to him and had a piece myself. He kept dozing off, or at least shutting his eyes.

On the way home I went to the Hunua Falls. As on Christmas day the carpark was very full, although I did find a parking spot. I took photos of people picnicing, and swimming in the large pool below the falls. There was one woman sitting on a submerged rock with her infant on her lap, keeping him cool. It was a lovely picture. I also took photos of a shag (cormorant) drying himself out on a rock.



AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2011 21:24

Caz, so sorry that you are having so much pain in your leg, hope it has eased by tomorrow.

Mo, hope you did better than you expected this evening.

Huia Hope somebody can come up with something to help get rid of your 'visitors'.

Sally, I had more friends when the children were young than I do now, we moved away when we were older and didn't have young children and it is so much harder to make friends without them.


Huia Report 3 Jan 2011 19:17

Good morning (from me). I cant spend too long on here if I am going to town to buy a cake and then going to visit Phil. I will tell him everybody is sending him birthday wishes, but I doubt if it will mean anything to him. His brain just doesnt seem to understand such things.

My daughter phoned last night, concerned that the rats might start a fire if they start chewing the insulation on wires. She asked if I had batteries in my smoke detectors (yes I have). She is going to talk to a pest-control man who is a friend of her daughter, to see if he has any suggestions. I think I know where the rats are getting in so I will be phoning a carpenter tonight to see if he can come and block off the entry. If it wasnt for our cat I would put poison out for the blighters. Daughter suggested putting cat into a cattery for a week. The rats dont seem to come in every night, or at least there were no signs this morning. I have 2 traps set in the bathroom, with a bit of soap for bait since they like it so much.

My best wishes to all who are unwell. I can never remember all the names.



Sallie Report 3 Jan 2011 18:55

Hi Caz, yes we have been busy on the thread today, there's no stopping us.lolol!!

Sorry your right leg isn't very good today, maybe when you have a good nights sleep tonight, it will be a lot better tomorrow. Crossing my fingers and hoping that it will be better when you get up in the morning.

Alun starts work again tomorrow, so maybe I'll be able to get back into card making a bit more when I'm on my own again.

Let's hope we don't get any snow for a while again. I'm not very good walking on it when it freezes.

Caz, have a good night's sleep and hope your leg will feel better tomorrow.

Ann, yes it's nice to catch up with friends, when the children were small we met up quite regularly, but of course with all of them grown up and gone their own way in life, we don't see each other as often as we did years back.

I'll speak to you all tomorrow, take care everyone.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Jan 2011 18:51

Just popped in quickly.
Sallie, yes we do have darts tonight, but I am not very hopeful about it. They are an extremely strong team, and we have yet to beat them.
But I will let you know tomorrow how we get on.

Oh Caz, I am sorry to hear that,that bloomin leg is playing you up again.
I just hope and pray you do manage to get a decent nights sleep.
I bet it was a shock to see Phil walk back into the house. I know we moan about them, but we would not want be without them would we.
If the gritters are out, there's one thing for sure, it's either going to snow or be icy.

I know that our Jean has been suffering pretty badly with her Vertigo again girls. So sending you all our love Jean, get better soon honey, we all miss you.

Best wishes for Marie and her family in OZ. I hope you are all safe Marie,
please let us know if and when you can love.

Well girls I must go now, I must get myself organised for tonight.
Best wishes to all. Mo xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 3 Jan 2011 18:28

Well girls you have been busy on here haven't you. All this talk of garden centers makes me wish I still had mine, although what I would be able to do I don't know, it was me that did all the gardening, hubby cut the grass, did take him nearly all day though.
I thought I was getting better Mo but I can hardly move my right leg today, it was so painful this morning and when I had my afternoon rest, that I am a bit worried about going to bed tonight.
My Phil went to work this morning and they sent them all home, there was no work so I have had to put up with him another day, he's not bad really, he is just making his tea which is a change as he has to do mine normally but I don't want any.
The gritter has just gone up the road so we might be having some snow, it has turned really cold today, wish they would grit our little street but they don't.
Sally I am starting to do my cards again tomorrow, was supposed to today but not with hubby home, he talks too much, lol.
Joyce how are Michael and Llonka going on, hope they feel better by the day, talk to you Wednesday if you are looking at this.

Caz xxx


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2011 17:42

It didn't lay and has stopped now.

Nice to catch up with old friends isn't it Sallie?

Yes, i hope that Jean is OK, she is probably busy doing her scrap book, she has a lot of pages to do I believe.

Marie, i do hope that your brother is safe. We have been seeing horrific photos of that area on our news.


Sallie Report 3 Jan 2011 17:04

Ann, lets all hope that it will stop snowing and it will turn to rain, Not a good alternative, but better than a lot of snow.

Yes it's a shame we never got to the Garden Centre, but as you say, it will be something to look forward to, another day.

Mo, it was nice having company too, and especially since we hadn't seen them for a while.

Do you have a darts match tonight? If you have, I'll be crossing my fingers that your team will win.

I wonder where Jean is today----I hope she isn't suffering from vertigo.

I'm also wondering how things are with Marie's brother in Rockhampton---seeing all the floods on the news, I'm hoping he and his family are safe.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Jan 2011 16:20

For goodness sake Ann, not more snow. I just hope we don't get it again, sorry I don't mean to sound rude in saying that, but it seems like we have only just got rid of the darned stuff.

Sallie what a shame about not getting to the garden centre, but having company is nice isn't it.
Mmmm Mushroom soup is also my favourite of all soups.


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2011 16:07

Mo, looking out of the window it is snowing here so thoughts of Tenerife and warmer weather are cheering. Dorset is even more laid back than Devon.

Know what you mean about overspill from London, we used to live in Essex and it was lovely when we moved to Gloucestershire, then we moved again to the Herts/beds border and it was frantic again. Glos is not quiet any more but a little more laid back than where we were.

Sallie, pity you didn't get out to the garden centre, never mind you have it to look forward to now. Looks like we will be lucky to get in to town tomorrow it is snowing quite a lot here at the moment. ugh!!!!


Sallie Report 3 Jan 2011 15:13

Well girls, I never got to go to the Garden Centre after all---we had unexpected company arrive, so we didn't like to say that we were going to go out. Never mind we can always go another day.

Julia, the last time that we had a roast dinner at Toton GC it cost £4.95 , so goodness knows how long ago that!! I must say that £7.25 seems a bit steep though, but if it's as good as when we last had it, then it is worth the money.
Alun would love the homemade mushroom soup---mushroom is his favourite, especially if it's homemade. I can see us having a trip to Toton one lunchtime when he's on holidays, for him to have a bowl of!

I'll look in again later on.

Love, Sallie.xx


Julia Report 3 Jan 2011 13:42

Hi Sallie, glad all this gardening and garden centre talk has inspired you to go out and pay a visit. Can't say the same for the pockets of your OH LOL
Yesterday when we were in the one at Toton, they had all the carvery laid out. It looked so good that, had I not had a Pork joint and vegetables prepared at home, we would have partaken of the fare. I had Home Made Mushroom soup, and OH had a meat salad roll, sufficient really when going home to a dinner. By the way. The Sunday Roast was not cheap at £7.25, but it was proper ingredients, and not catering pack.
Hope you enjoy yourself today.
Julia in Derbyshire

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Jan 2011 13:08

Ann, I don't blame you for wanting to get away from this country so often. At least you are guaranteed nicer weather than here.
The Lake District is such a pretty and peaceful place to be isn't it. We have never actually been to Dorset, been to Devon and Corwall, and we found it such a laid back way of life. Where as here in Kent life seems to go at a fast pace, never time to lay back and relax. I suppose it's being so close to London that does it, and it spills over to here and also Essex.


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2011 12:56

Joyce, it does sound as if somebody should be helping your friend, she does sound to be confused.

Mo, yes the April holiday is Tenerife. We may yet get a week or two in lanzarote in early March if we can find a cheap one. Then we have a week in Dorset in May and a week in the Lake District in June.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Jan 2011 12:45

Oh what a lovely surprise, so many friends chatting away.

Huia, will you stop making that darned rat so comfortable. It must be enjoying your company, and seems to be snug and warm where it is,and doesn't want to be evicted.
Are you going to take a birthday cake in for Phil's birthday. I hope you both have an enjoyable day,and that Phil realises what a special occasion it is.

Joyce, my son had pneumonia when he was a baby, and still suffers with bronchitas every year.
I do hope that your son improves very quickly, just know that we are all praying for you both.
I hope Jan finds the photo soon love, I can't wait to see it.

Caz thank goodness things are getting back to normal, and you will be able to get back to your crafting.
It's nice to have the hubbies home for a while, but by golly they upset our routines don't they. lol

Ann, a shower in peace and quiet is heaven. I hope Tony enjoyed his round of golf.
I bet you are looking forward to your April break. Are you of abroad again this time.
I have finished taking all the decs down, and the house looks like a shiny new pin. I just wonder how long it will take Roly to make a mess again. he's worse than a child at times. I could have four of the grandchildren here at one time,and when they go home it's still quite tidy, but leave Roly with them for a while,and it's chaos afterwards.

Sallie I hope that Alun is enjoying his birthday. I bet if you go to the garden centre, you will end up buying loads of things,and end up spending Aluns money..............thats the way it should be LOL
Just go out there love and enjoy yourself. I am sure you and Julia will have a wonderful meeting. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

I also know nothing about the extra heating allowance. Lets put it this way, we certainly didn't get it.

I wonder where our Jean is today. She will be quite shocked at how much news there is to catch up on.
Jeanieeeeeeeeeeee where are you flower.

I will say bye for now girls, love to you all. Take care and stay safe all of you. Mo xxx


dutch Report 3 Jan 2011 12:37

Sallie had alook on the cold weather payment site it dose,nt say anything about extra money,and you olny get 400 pound if your over 80 which she is,nt bet shes got muddle up again as she is forgetting alot of things laterly also money wise .when she is paying for things she keeps on counting 20 pound notes as 10 pound notes ive told her family they will have to keep eye on her not everyone will give it her back if she makes mistakes xx


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2011 12:25

Hi again, no Sallie not done any crafting while T at golf. Been looking at photos daughter sent me of grandsons flat he's bought. They were down in Plymouth decorating with him last week. Then i did a load of washing and sorted it round the radiators to dry ( roll on summer), emptied 2 days worth out of the dishwasher and put it away, put out yet more recycling to be collected today and took down the Christmas cards as I like to look through them again before deciding what to do with them, some to keep, some to recycle. T should be in soon, didn't see him this morning, he was out of the house about 7.30 and I had gone back to sleep!!