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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 8 Jan 2011 21:28

Huia, sorry that Phil wasn't very responsive when you visited him. Hope you are coping with the heat alright. Although I don't like the very cold weather, I don't like it too hot either.....I'm very hard to please, at!

I hope you are right about Marie, and that she and her family are all ok.

Mo, I enjoyed the stew, just what I needed to warm me up. I hope you enjoyed your Chinese meal, too.

Caz and Joyce, if you're looking in, I hope that you are both feeling a bit better today. I'm thinking about you both, take care.

Jean, how are you today? I hope the vertigo isn't as bad as it's been. Take care.

Thinking about you all. Speak to you all soon.



Huia Report 8 Jan 2011 19:34

Sallie, Phil was not very responsive when I visited. He was just finishing his lunch and then his eyes kept closing. I stayed for almost an hour then I came home as it was so hot.

Have you girls considered that Marie might be helping her son to clean up his house? A lot of them have mud through them. Phil and I once went to Paeroa to help after a flood which broke the sewer line. We were putting discarded furniture and other stuff on our small truck and Phil would take it to the rubbish dump. Even stoves and fridges had to be discarded as the sewage would have contaminated the insulation. What really go to me though was the books of photos, and childrens soft toys.

We were also asked to take a lot of rubbish bags full of dirty clothes to a house outside the town for the woman to wash. There is just so much involved in a clean-up.

I am sure Marie will be ok.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Jan 2011 16:30

Mmmmm Chinese for dinner tonight.
Kung Po Chicken, Spare Ribs, Sweet and Sour Chicken and Rice of course.

Enjoy your Stew Sallie. I have not made a stew in ages, but I suppose thats because Roly is not keen on it, and I'm darned if I am going to make two different meals. Lazy ol me. lol

I will pop back after dinner. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 8 Jan 2011 15:27

Hi Girls,

Quite a nice day here, colder but the sun is shining, so that's a bonus.

Slipped out to get a few bits and bobs this morning, and then called back to Jennie's and had a cuppa and a nice chat with them.

I've got a nice stew on cooking ready for our dinner later on, thought it would be lovely and warming.

Mo, Marie usually answers quite quickly when you send her an e mai or a pm, so it's really worrying that you haven't heard from her. I was thinking the same as you and hoping that all the rain they've had, has done something to the internet so that thay can't get any signals. Let's all hope that that's the reason why she hasn't been in touch.

Sylvia, hope you enjoyed your birthday meal out. Keep warm and take care.

Huia, did you manage to go and see Phil? I hope he was okay and that he was awake while you were there.

Ann, I hope all is okay with both you and T today.

Tess, nice to hear from you, and that you are feeling better than you've been lately.

As you say, as much as we love our children and like and enjoy their visits, it's also nice to have our own space.

I'll probably be back later.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Jan 2011 14:26

Good afternoon ladies.
I hope you enjoyed the rest of your birthday yesterday Sylvia.
It sounds like our two Easter eggs,at the other side of the world, are both suffering from extreme weather differences.
Sylvia freezing, and Huia sweating buckets.

I have still not had any replies from Marie, and I have sent e.mails and a p.m on here, but nothing in response.The p.m has not been opened.
I am wondering if all the rain has wiped out the internet signals. I know I probably sound daft, but I am clutching at straws here, hoping and praying that she is o.k.

I have to go for now, but I will be back later. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 8 Jan 2011 09:39

Sorry I missed it yesteday Sylvia. Hope you had a lovely birthday. back later.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jan 2011 07:01

well I certainly wasn't prem!

who knows?!


Huia Report 8 Jan 2011 06:37

Well, Sylvia, you could have been a couple of months prem, or they might have taken an early holiday that year. Did he say?



SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jan 2011 04:51

I did understand!

Dad once told me that I was an "accident', due to being on holiday in Scarborough (Yorkshire) ............ but they went on holidays in June

doesn't add up does it?

another cracked Easter Egg!


Huia Report 8 Jan 2011 04:48

Do you know why I call us Easter Eggs? 9 months before January is April and Easter is usually in April, so.........

Huia, the slightly cracked Easter Egg.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jan 2011 04:36

and here I am sitting with a wool sweater on, the heating turned up to 20C (which means an effective temperature of about 22C), and a stole to hand in case I get chilly shoulders!!! :)))

Thank you everyone for the best wishes

January was obviously a good month Huia!


Huia Report 8 Jan 2011 02:27

Hello all.

A belated happy birthday to you Sylvia. I hadnt realised you were another 'Easter Egg' like me. I received a card today, although it is not my birthday until Tuesday. Our sons as well. And my niece. Phil's was last Tues.

Phil was just finishing his lunch when I visited him. He then kept dozing off. It was quite hot in there, in fact it is hot everywhere. Here I am sitting in the altogether (not a purty sight) with a fan going and windows open and still I am hot. I'll swap some of the hot for some of your cold.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 7 Jan 2011 23:28

Hi Everyone, hope that 2011 will be a better year for you all, especially all of you who have had health issues.

Sorry that I haven't been on here for such a long time.
Unfortunately my nausea tends to get worse when trying to read the computer screen. Have also had a couple of bouts of sickness in December (lasting two days each time), so I have been a bit of a misery gut.

Very tired and disorganised too, have managed to run out of my happy pills, so could now win gold medal for being irritable, have snapped my sons head of + + = today.

He lives with me part time now, as he has a part-time job close to my home, as wel as helping a friend who is setting up a new buisness, also close to my home.

I have been used to living alone for many years, so this makes a big change for me. Much as I love him, I also love having my own space.

Like a lot of you in the UK we have had snow here. Had booked the Ring & Ride (Special Bus) to take me to the local shopping centre on the Wednesday before Christmas. Unfortunately, the weather was so bad here, that none of the Ring & Ride buses ran that day. As you have to book two days before travel, that was me stymied for my last minute Christmas shopping.

Son had gone back to his family home for a few days, so he couldn't take me shopping. However, he was working by me on Christmas Eve, so would be popping in here, luckily his partner had some spare S.R. Flour, which I needed to make the dumplings for my beef stew.

So the good news is that I had a lovely beef stew on Christmas Day, there was even enough left to have more on 26th December.

I have nowgot Skyp on my new computer, as has my son, on one of the computers at his family home.
After working ( a sleep over) near me, he popped in on Christmas morning, to say Hi and to collect the gifts from me for his family.

I was able to watch them all (via Skyp) opening their Christmas pressoes. It was wonderful, all the pleasure but none of the mess.

We had my family get together on the Thursday after Christmas, at my sisters house. Wonderful!!! Good company, good food and a present from secret santa.

We had snow here this morning, but it has gone now. I am keeping my figers crossed, as hope to get the Ring & Ride to the Birmingham Bull Ring, tomorrow morning ( early)

So it is off to bed now, hoping for a good nights sleep, as will have to be up by 7.30

I too hope that we hear from Marie soon, am hoping that she is just having on-line probs. rather than something more serious.



Huia Report 7 Jan 2011 20:20

Hi there girls. I am just going to send the info to Ann before I get myself ready to go to visit Phil. Be good, and dont do anything I wouldnt!



Sallie Report 7 Jan 2011 20:10


Hope you enjoy your meal out tonight, take care and have a good time.



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jan 2011 19:55

Hi Mo, and everyone

Thank you very much for the good wishes.

It was pouring with rain this morning, but now the sun is shining. We're going to go out for dinner tonight, to our local bistro that we often go to.

While we were having heavy rain here for the last 24-36 hours, inland areas were having heavy heavy snow! The ski hills are laughing all the way to the bank!!

I do hope that we hear from Marie soon ............. those floods in Australia are very worrying.

Take care everyone



Sallie Report 7 Jan 2011 19:38

Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday today, Sylvia.
I hope you'll have a great day.

Love and Best Wishes,

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2011 19:33

It's Sylvia's birthday today girls. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2011 19:03

Hi Sallie thanks for the update on Joyce and Caz.
Bless them both, they sure do go through hell dont they.
Sending them both (((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))

For goodness sake not more snow, haven't we had enough yet. I hope it doesn't lay, or you will be stuck indoors again,and you dont need that.
Going out and about, and seeing different people, does help to make the days pass better.
When I was stuck indoors during the last snowfall, I felt like I was going stir crazy.
I know i'm crazy at the best of times, but I was climbing the walls from boredom, and needed a different person to talk to.
I am just so grateful that we have out comradeship on here,it helps an awful lot when you are stuck in four walls for any length of time.

See you shortly. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 7 Jan 2011 18:46

Hello Girls,

Mo, I'm okay thank you, I've felt a little bit better over the last couple of days, just wish it would continue that way.
Your friend was very lucky. that she didn't have a fire, with the electrics being in the state they are. As Ann said, it's going to cost a lot of money to put it right.

My brother qualified as an electrician years ago before he joined the police force. Like both your OH's he now hasn't got the qualifications to be able to rewire a house.

I had a phone call off Joyce this morning, she sounded cheerful but I know that she's back and fore bed, because of her not being able to sleep at night because of cramp.

She also told me that Caz is in bed quite a bit during the day because of the pain she's suffering.
I hope that Jean is alright too, I was hoping that she would have been better and back on here by now.

Still no word from Marie, I really hope that things are all okay with her family.

Linda, nice to hear from you, I hope that you are feeling better. When we don't hear from someone that posts regularly we do worry about them, and especially when we know that some members of their family have problems.
Not sure if you know, but Marie's brother and his family live in Rockhampton, Queensland, and had to move out of his house because of the floods there.
Just hope that everything is okay with them.

Ann, it would be great if you can find the information that Huia needs about her gt gt grandfather. Good luck in your search!

We had some snow here today, although it did turn to rain, thank goodness, I was going to go up to town, but changed my mind when I seen the weather.

I might look in again later on.

Love and best wishes.