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Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 16:23

Huia, Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday.

Hope you'll have a lovely day. I'll be thinking about you.

Also sending Happy Birthday Wishes to your son.

Love and Best Wishes.


Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 16:18

Good luck for tonight, Mo. I hope your team will win.

Ann, sounds like you had a bargain in M&S today, I'll have to see what they have at their Derby store.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2011 16:11

Good luck tonight Mo.

I gift aid one of them, the others haven't asked when I take in books, and it is usually one of the volunteers who takes them so not sure if they'd know about it. Never had a letter from the one I gift aid with though.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2011 16:09

Lucky you Ann, I hope our M&S have a sale like that. Has it only just started do you know.?
When you donate your books to the charity shop, do you gift aid them.
I do at my local SENSE shop, and they write to me twice a year to let me know how much profit they have made on my donations.
It gives me a lovely warm feeling when I get that letter.
It's such a shame that the charities don't get the whole monies given to them, but by gift aiding things they get a bigger chunk of it.

Sallie I can't tell you how relieved I was, to hear from Marie.
It's the same with all our cyber friends on here, if we don't hear from someone for a while, as has been said before, we do tend to worry.
With Jean,Caz and Joyce,we know that they all suffer with different ailments, and that they will pop in when they can.
Oooh ((((((((((HUGS FOR THEM ALL)))))))))))))

If you don't hear from me again tonight, you will know the reason why Sallie, it's darts tonight. It's team that I really like, they are such a friendly
I will let you know how we get on tomorrow.
Bye for now. Love to all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2011 14:48

Went into town this morning with yet more books for the charity shops. Still more to take in, we had 3 boxes full in the loft from when we used to do boot sales so thought we ought to get rid of them. Will take more on Wednesday. very cold wind here today so everyone looked pinched in town. Iw as pleased as our M&S had a good sale on and I got a pair of trousers and a tope for £8 the two.

Huia. Have a wonderful birthday, spoil yourself.


Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 14:29

Mo, thank goodness you've heard from Marie and that she is alright. It's also nice to know that both her sister, brother aand their families are safe.

Sylvia, thank you for the information on the distance we need to sit from or TV.....I knew it should be a certain distance away, but didn't know exactly how far away.

I can imagine how you felt when you were watching Calendar Girls on J and M's 60" TV, it's a wonder you didn't feel sick moving your head from left to right a lot of the time.lolol!!

Huia, lets hope that you and your sister can come to some kind of agreement so that you can both meet up with your relation while she's in NZ.

Like NZ, our part of the East Midlads doen't go digital until early next year, although I think there maybe a few towns around us that already have, but I know we have to wait. I also think that we will be one of the last ares to go digital in the UK.

Ann, I know what you mean when you said that you had been busy all day ... but with what?

I must go now, so I'll speak to you all later on.

Love to everyone.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2011 14:03

****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
I have written this up early for us U.K residents,as by the time Huia arrives back on here, it will be her birthday, because of the time difference.

Enjoy your birthday Huia. Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2011 13:37

Hello girls.
Good news, Marie has sent me a p.m. She is fine,and has been very busy doing her garden.
She was quite concerned,as she had not seen or heard from her sister, but then saw her on the ABC news, sat next to the Prime Minister in a location in Rockhampton.So she was at least safe.
Her brother has fortunately not been flooded, but many homes have been.
Wahoo what a relief. Many thanks Marie for letting us know.

Huia, it would be wonderful if you could meet up with your relation, when she comes over to NZ.

Sylvia, thanks for the info on the distances from the T.V screens.
It's surprising how close some people are to their sets.
I think we are far enough away, thank the lord. It's the volume that gets me. Roly will not go and get his hearing tested, and has the sound up so high, so I am glad that I am far enough away from the set for it not to bother me to much. But lor when I have to walk past the set, it blasts the eardrums out.

Ann, it's surprising sometimes, just how the days fly by, and yet another day will drag.
When you have loads to do, there are not enough hours in a day.

We have a beautiful sunny, but chilly day here. It's so nice to see a little bit of sunshine.

Love to all Mo xxx


Huia Report 9 Jan 2011 23:33

When New Zealand finally goes to the digital TV next year, I think, I wont bother to get a new TV. I dont watch much anyway, so I will just watch old video recordings I have made or bought in the past, if they are still any good, otherwise I will have more time to play on here or go walking.



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jan 2011 23:30


That would be fun.

I do hope that you can arrange to meet up.



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jan 2011 23:25


sorry, our screen is officially 32" ...... just checked the Manual!

M bought a 60" flat screen tv about 5 years ago ......... it's bloomin' HUGE!

They only use it to watch movies on dvd, don't have it hooked up to any tv at all.

In fact, neither of the houses that they've had, have had rooms big enough for that size of tv

There is a formula to follow for the distance that the viewer must be from the screen ................................. and M&J end up sitting about half the distance away that they should.

I've only watched a movie on there once ................ J put on Calendar Girls for me. I felt as if I was watching a tennis match at Wimbledon

...... head to the right, to the left, right, left, middle, left!

PLUS, it left me with a migraine!

M suffers quite badly from migraines ............... but the tv doesn't seem to bother him!

I googled "distance from tv screen", and got the following:-

The general rule for high definition viewing is that you should not sit closer than 1.5 times the diagonal measurement of the screen. The maximum distance for best viewing quality is about 3 times the diagonal measurement. Once you get beyond the maximum limit, the visual benefits of high definition start to drop off. This means that if your HDTV has a 60 inch screen, your best viewing distance should be in the range of 7.5 feet (90 inches) to 15 feet (180 inches).

Screen Diagonal Minimum Distance Maximum Distance
30" 3' 9" 7' 6"
42" 5' 3" 10' 6"
47" 5' 10" 11' 9"
50" 6' 3" 12' 6"
55" 6' 9" 13' 8"
60" 7' 6" 15' 0"
65" 8' 2" 16'3"

The room we have our tv in could actually take a larger size, but we don't watch that much, usually just the news and some sport, so we got only the 32".

I do still notice the distortion of flat screen, even after a year ....... all the announcers have very broad shoulders!!!



Huia Report 9 Jan 2011 23:13

I went walking, for over an hour, so I expect the scales to give me a lower figure tomorrow. Unless I pig out this afternoon and evening! But tomorrow is the day for doing that.

I received a letter from an Australian relative. She is arriving in NZ on the 12th for a few weeks and wondering if we can meet up somewhere. My sister would also like to meet her and suggested her place as she doesnt like coming out here with our winding roads, but then I dont like going to her place as the parking there is atrocious. I will have to wait and see if the relative will have a hire car, and what her plans are for their few weeks.



Sallie Report 9 Jan 2011 22:59

Mo, I noticed that Liz had put a thread up saying it was Huia's birthday. Don't worry we'll remember it. It's also her son's birthday that day too.

Even though we have a good size living room, if we had a bigger TV than Richard's, it would be overpowering. So, we'll wait and see what he decides to do. These young people think differently to us, personally, I think the 37" is big enough in Richard's living room, but of course it's better to say!!

Tess, I don't get Vertigo, thank goodness, and hope I never will. I knew a few people in the past that did, so know that it's a nasty thing to suffer from.

Jean, Ann, Caz, Joyce, Huia,and Linda, thinking about you all.

Marie, hoping that you and your family are all okay and safe.

I'll say goodnight to you all now. Speak tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2011 22:42

Hi I am here, just been a bit busy today. although if youa sked me I couldn't tell you what with. Spent a while looking for one of Huia's ancestors with no luck, he is very elusive isn't he Huia. then I had the greaders books to organise, then I have been downstairs all evening watching TV, dancing on ice and Countryfile.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2011 21:48

Hello girls.
Our flat screen t.v is 30''digital as well Sylvia. Theres no point in our having a larger one, as our living room is not exactly huge,and a bigger one would have made us feel like we were in a cinema. lol
Even the two portables in the bedrooms are flat screens as well.
The good thing about the new t.v's these days is you get Free View with them as well. So we get about 44 channels plus the childrens programmes,and all the news channels. We had Sky t.v before, but cancelled it as we no longer needed it.
Oh my word, little MJ will be experiencing his first sight of snow bless him.

Sallie is your area now digital as well. We had a digital aerial put on our roof, as our reception was so bad before that, hence the reason for getting a digital HD T.V
Marie has still not opened her e.mail or p.m.

It's Huia's birthday on the 11th, so please don't let me forget Sallie. You know what I am like, a proper scatter brain thats me.

No news from Ann, I hope that they are both o.k.

Hi Tess.
Yes a few of us on here do suffer fron the dreaded Vertigo. Fortunately for me, I don't get it that often, but our Jean suffers terribly with it.

I hope that Caz and Joyce are getting on the road to recovery.

Well I will say good night god bless you all.
Love and best wishes Mo xxx


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2011 21:37

Sylvia, it's been a nice bright day here today too and not so cold as it's been. It certainly made us feel better.

Richard, has a 37" flat screen TV, but he now wishes that he had bought a bigger one. So Alun and I have offered to buy a bigger one and we'll swap it for his. Both of us really like Richard's TV, and we can buy a 42" for less than a 37", it seems silly to pay out for another smaller TV when we can have his and he'll get a brand new 42" in place of it. He's still trying to make up his!

We had pork and sage and onion stuffing for our Sunday lunch today.

Sylvia, I'm sure that the salmon steaks you had last were good, oh I love fresh salmon. Trouble is, Alun doesn't like it, so I don't have it very often as it means cooking two different things.....although there are times when I do, otherwise I would never have fresh salmon, except when we go out for a meal.



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jan 2011 21:06

Hi all

It is lovely and sunny here ........ but it was down to 0C overnight, so pretty chilly!

The high temperature on Tuesday might be around -2C ........ not bad compared with some parts of Canada, but chilly for here!

Had a phone chat with J about 30 minutes ago....... it's snowing hard in Halifax

Sallie ... we bought a new TV aout a year ago. We're very happy with it. It's a Panasonic 30" flat screen .................. it takes up a lot less space than the old one used to do.

We had salmon steaks for dinner last night ....... from that salmon we bough back in September from the First Nations catch when we were on our way home from the cabin. We cut off several steaks and froze them. Boy, it was good!!

Tonight, it is roast lamb.



Sallie Report 9 Jan 2011 20:47

Hi Everyone,

Mo, you made me laugh telling us about trying to turn the TV channel over.

It reminded me of how my mum used to try and turn the channel over when my dad had dozed off, but like Roly, he always woke up as she was doing it. lolol!!

I was hoping that we might have heard something from Marie by now.

We've had a quiet day here, with Jennie and Michael coming for Sunday lunch as usual. After they went home Alun and I went to look at televisions, as I don't think ours is going to last much longer. Seen a couple that we liked, so now we have to decide on which one to buy.

I'll speak to you all soon. Take care everyone.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2011 19:15

Hello everyone.
Just popped in to say hello, and to see if there was any news from Marie.

I hope you are all well.

I am cheesed off, I wanted to watch the Dancing on Ice, but im indoors is watching the Darts final, and if I go upstairs to watch it, it's cold up there, so I will have to suffer in silence.
Every time Roly drops of to sleep, I think to myself I will turn it over, and he flaming well wakes up just as I am about to do it. LOL

I hope you have all had an enjoyable day, and that you are all feeling better today.

Bye for now gilrs. Love Mo xxx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 9 Jan 2011 10:04

Another quick visit - I see that quite a few of you (including Jean) have vertigo.

I had severe vertigo a few years ago. A physio friend of mine gave me some info about Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises

I found this really helpful especiall the IN Bed movements.

None of the professionals I saw about the vertigo mentioned this (or any other) set of exercises.

have any of you heard of them?

PM me if you want details.
