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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 22:36

Sorry Ann, got a bit mixed up there. I will certainly ask our Dr about a hearing test.

Sylvia, the hearing test I had was free, but of course I had to pay for the hearing aid. It sounds as though it's the same kind of thing you have over there.


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2011 22:18

Sallie the bit about opticians was to Sylvia.

When i firstw ent for my tests the waiting list was supposed to be a long time. But I didn't wait that long. That was about 14 years ago now, for the old type aids. I am sure the waiting lists are shorter now. But if you don't get yourself on to the list it will be longer if you see what I mean. I have never heard (at least in this area) that doctors don't like referring people for tests.

Ask your Dr when you see him, your hearing wont get better.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2011 22:12


no, opticians don't do anything other than eye tests over here.

There are sometimes free Hearing Clinics offered .......... but always by one of the companys!


Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 22:07

Ann, yes we do have opticians that do hearing tests, but I don't know how much the test and the hearing aid would cost.

I'm reluctant to spend a lot of money again, especially if I have trouble with the hearing aid.

Sylvia, it's a shame you haven't got anywhere where you can have a free hearing test and aid.

I had my hearing aid about three years ago, and paid almost £2,000 for it, so I can imagine how much you would have to pay for one now.



Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 21:54

Ann, just showed Alun what you have written, and he agrees with you.

I have an appointment with the doctor a week on Thursday, so I'll ask him about it while I'm there.

I was told by several people that GP's don't like referring patients for hearing aids and that if I was referred it would take at least 18 months to get an appointment. So I didn't bother, and instead spent a lot of money on buying one, that isn't comfortable to wear. More fool me!

Thank you for enlightening me, Ann.



AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2011 21:47

Sylvia, in your case I guess the best thing would be by recommendation. Here we have opticians who also do hearing aids. Do you?


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2011 21:45

I also really should get my hearing testing .... but there are no free tests OR aids over here.

Nor do the doctors give you a reference to get your hearing checked

I have no idea how to choose a reputable company!

There are many that advertise all kinds of wonderful things, BUT ...............

and we are talking several thousand dollars for the aids.



AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2011 21:36

Sallie I will say just one thing to you. silly person, get a national health aid. My digital aids are great, OK they can be seen if my hair is short but I wouldn't be without them now. They are free and the batteries are free. Go on, get your hearing checked, ask your doctor to be referred, you wont regret it.

Caz, glad you have recovered or are recovering from the latest fall. Yep, think you need to lay foam on all your floors so you bounce!!


Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 21:35

Jean just seen your post, I hope that you are feeling better. It's nice to see you posting, we miss you on here when we don't hear from you.

It's been nice to hear from both you and Caz tonight, so we only need to hear from Joyce now.



Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 21:30

Huia, I have problems with my hearing, I have a hearing aid, but hardly ever wear it, because it sometimes falls out of my ear. Alun and Jennie are forever telling me to go back to the place where I had it from. I know I should, but I paid quite a lot for it a few years back and went back a couple of times so they could get it to fit properly, but it has never been comfortable to wear. So now I'm reluctant to go back there.

I must admit that it's miserable not being able to hear very well. I'm okay with one to one, but if there are a few of us togetether I just lose the conversation nearly all the time.

Well, enjoy your birthday, and take care.



JustJean Report 10 Jan 2011 21:22

Whoops meant to say hi to everyone,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xxxxx Jean xxxx


JustJean Report 10 Jan 2011 21:21

Have lovely Birthday Huia, sent you e-mail

love Jean xxx


Huia Report 10 Jan 2011 19:45

I have just measured our TV screen. It is about 20" diagonally. I sit 10 or 12 ft away from it. I used to be able to read the labels that appeared on the screen, but not now. Maybe I need new glasses.

Like Roly, I used to have the sound turned well up, to Phil's annoyance. He has supersensitive hearing, rather like Superman. When I got hearing aids I didnt need it turned up so loudly. Now that I am on my own I dont bother with the hearing aids as the batteries kept dying, but turn the sound up a lot. There are advantages to being a virtual widow.



Huia Report 10 Jan 2011 19:39

Thank you everybody for your birthday wishes. I really dont feel any older than I did yesterday.



Sallie Report 10 Jan 2011 19:29

Caz, pleased that you are feeling better, and of course we missed you, but we understand there are times you can't post. It's lovely to have you back!
As Mo suggested.I think that we'll have to send you that foam so that if you fall, at least you'll bounce back and won't hurt yourself.

Sylvia, we are having problems with our heating too.....the upstairs is lovely and warm as the radiators get nice and hot, but only some of them get hot downstairs, so it isn't always warm enough, so have to use an electric heater so that it's warm enough. We are going to have get someone to have a look at it, and hope that it won't cost us an arm and a leg.

Love and best wishes to you all.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2011 19:08

Good luck Mo!


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2011 19:07


I hope you have a lovely day



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2011 19:07

Hi everyone

It is interesting to see those distances from tvs, isn't it. Glad I could help you.

Lovely to hear that Marie is OK, just busy.

Caz ... so sorry to hear that you hurt your other hip, but pleased to ehar you are feeling better

It is cold here this morning ....... it's below 0C outside


the heating in the main part of the hosue seems to be on a go slow.

It's blown air from a gas furnace. OH turned the thermostat up to about 20C at about 7:30am this morning, and now it is 11 am but the room temperature is only just over 16C

It should be registering about 21 or 22C

The room where I have the computer is on a separate system ...... it has its own electric baseboard heater, plus I have a little box electric heater that blows out warm air. So I am nice and cozy in here.

OH said he'll have a look at the furnace and vents when he gets home mid-afternoon ... although I hope it will have wamred up by then!

Warm sweaters to the rescue!!!!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2011 19:01

Hi there Caz.
For goodness sake honey, will you take care of yourself.
Of course we missed you,and your happy smiley face. I think we will have to send you the foam rubber padding we threatened to send to Ann, when she had her falls.
You just have to wrap your whole body in it, and if you fall, you bounce back up again, see, no problems.
Now you take it easy, and if someone knocks on the door, ignore it, they can come back when your hubby is home.
Yes I shall enjoy myself tonight,(fingers crossed) great company,and a good laugh, wether we win or lose it doesn't bother me with this team.
Speak to you tomorrow. Love Mo xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 10 Jan 2011 18:53

Hello girls I'm back, did you miss me, lol. I had a bit of a stumble when knocking on the door woke me up, I fell into my folded up wheelchair in the passage and it wasn't very nice. I hurt my other hip so it was difficult to sit down for a while. I've been reading the past messages but forgotten what I've read there was so many. I'm so pleased Marie is alright, after reading you were all worried about her. I was interested in the TV and how far to sit away from it, we have just got a 32" as we have a small room and I was worried I sit too close, as it happens I'm ok, thanks Sylvia.
Sally I still haven't got round to doing any cards because of my stumble, I was only comfortable lying flat so I laid on the bed reading or laid nearly flat in my recliner, lovely.
I hope you win your darts match tonight Mo but whether or not you will enjoy it by the sound of it.

Love Caz xx