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12 Jan 2011 01:11 |
I agree with everyone that you should go back to the UK if that is what you really want to do ....... but do try to get some medication from the Pain Clinic to make it a little easier on you.
Caz ................. I am so glad that I am getting to know you!
12 Jan 2011 01:09 |
Hi all
it was a physio day today
Matt physio has the same birth date as me ............ Jan 7
But his birthday lasted twice as long as mine!
He and his family went home to NZ for Christmas ........... birthday started in New Plymouth, then they got on the plane at 8:30 to return to Canada, landed in Vancouver at mid-day on Jan 7 .......... so he still had all afternoon and evening to continue celebrating!
he said he eventually called a halt because it had gone on for so long! :))))
It was a pretty nice day today ........... around 0C, some sun
now we're waiitng for the snow to start falling
snow warning out, around 15-20 cm expected overnight, turning to rain about rush hour Wednesday morning
We have close friends who live in a suburb of Brisbane, one of the suburbs under threat of flooding. I emailed them last night ..... and got a reply back this morning.
They are worried, of course, but think they will be OK. They live in one of the old Queensland houses, built up on stilts to allow air to circulate under the hosue (the original air conditioning!) ................ and were dry on the main floor in the last major floods in 1974. So they are hoping they will be dry this time as well.
BUT they had been exceptionally worried for a few hours earlier .... two of their grandchildren were staying with their other grandparents in Toowoomba when the surge of water went through there. Fortunately, they eventually made contact with the children, and they had not been in any danger.
sylvia xxx
11 Jan 2011 19:23 |
Caz, you can do the cards another day, at least you managed to have a good sleep, which I'm sure you feel better for.
Mo, well done to your team on your win last night. Just hope that tou'll beat the 'noisy team' next week.
Ann, I feel so sad that Daff has had another setback and is back in hospital. Let's hope that Mr Daff will have a bit of good news tonight.
Going to have a cup of tea now, so I might pop on again later.
Love and best wishes to you all.
11 Jan 2011 17:27 |
I never got the cards made as I went to bed and slept, didn't sleep much last night so must have needed it. Mo I don't mind the teasing I know you are joking, even my own family do it hubby is worst, mind you I get him back but he doesn't know when I'm serious or not and his face is a picture sometimes. Well done on your win last night.
Love Caz xx
Mo in Kent
11 Jan 2011 16:31 |
Ann, I am so saddened to hear of Daffs setback. She is such a fighter, and she will be in my prayers tonight, bless her. Life can be so unfair at times, to all the good people in this world. xxx Mo
11 Jan 2011 14:29 |
Marie, pleased to hear from you again and to know that you and your family are safe and well.
I feel so sorry for the people of Queensland losing so much.....and tthere doesn't seem to be any end to it either. Let's hope and pray that it won't last much longer.
Mo in Kent
11 Jan 2011 14:26 |
And I must not forget, (((((((((((OUR JEAN)))))))))))))) xxxx And Sylvia((((((((hugs)))))))))
Mo in Kent
11 Jan 2011 14:25 |
Ello Ello, what been going on here then. I am not here for a few hours,and you are all gassing away, ooooh thats so lovely.
Joyce honey, you have to do what you feel is right for you. As long as you don't over do things, you should be o.k. And you will be with family who can look after you.
Caz, you are such a strong person,and you don't allow things to get you down for to long. You are a fighter, and have learn't over the years to overcome your difficulties. I know I tease you at times, like suggesting the foam rubber, but with all honesty, I mean no offence in anything I may say. And admire you more than you know. I hope you got a little rest after your lunch.
Marie, I see on the news again today,that there has been more flooding over in OZ. When the heck is all this horror going to end. Stay safe honey, and keep us updated if you can.
Well girls, I had a brilliant night at darts last night. Jean will be proud of us we won 5-1 and 2-1 in the pairs. Now next week, I will be down in the dumps, as we have got the noisiest team in our league, and one of the strongest, so I am expecting us to lose big time. But if we even draw,it will be a bonus.
Roly had to go and have his tooth out today,and collect his dentures. His mouth is just coming to, and he's suffering a bit of pain, so guess who will be suffering later, yes me. Oooh arn't men babies,when they are unwell, or have an extraction. They want all the pampering they can get, but if you are unwell, you have to carry on as normal. LOL
I am going to make myself a well earned cup of tea now, I don't suppose the invalid will want one. I will be back later.
Oh a big hi to Sallie,Ann, Tess and all our friends. Love Mo xxx
11 Jan 2011 14:20 |
Hi Ladies,
Joyce, lovely to see you posting again. If you really feel that you want to come over to the UK, so that you can put flowers on your relatives graves, then it would probably be better if you did. You will feel better when you've done it, I'm sure... as long as you don't overdo it. Maybe the pain clinic will be able to something for you, so that at least you will won't be in pain or suffer less pain.
Are you doing anything special for Jan's birthday? It would be nice if you could celebrate it in some way.
Caz, ever since I've known you, you've always been bright and cheerful.You are deffinitely set a wonderful example to us all.So pleased to hear that you are making a start on your cards again. As you say Caz. making them is a great way to pass the time, and of course then card making becomes an addiction.lolol!!
It's lovely to see you able to post again. Hope your back will be less painful after you've had a rest this afternoon.
I'll be back on later today, need to do a couple of small jobs now.
11 Jan 2011 13:36 |
My back is playing up today, first time for a long time. But it is nowhere near as bad as yours Caz, so I can imagine how painful yours must be.
11 Jan 2011 12:36 |
It does indeed Ann, I get lost in them and time flies, although this morning my back is so painful I can't sit for long, it's better standing but can't do cards that way, lol. I was tossing about last night trying to get comfy but couldn't, so might go to bed after something to eat.
Love Caz xx
11 Jan 2011 12:20 |
Caz you are an inspiration to us all. We only tease you because you can usually take it. What a horrible virus to have had. You are always cheerful and upbeat on here. I hope you lose yourself in your card making. It helps doesn't it?
Well that is the dental inspection/clean out of the way and we are £39 pounds lighter each. Just for me now this month, optician (ours have started doing annual instead of biennial check ups), hospital, hairdresser, chiropodist and solicitor to update out will. Worse than being at work, all these appointments.
11 Jan 2011 11:58 |
I can see I am going to have to come clean or you will all think I am just a gormless old woman. Ten years ago I had a virus in my spinal chord that damaged the nerves to my legs, sometimes they don't get the message that they have to stand or walk. I can be stood up and walking and suddenly the message gets interupted and I fall, so I am not a bull in a china shop although at times I feel like it, my warden has been in and she pleased me by saying I am one of her positive residents, I will try and do things even though I can't and am always cheerful, I thought it was a lovely compliment. I didn't have to write this but it's the reason I am always falling. Huia it was lovely to read that Phil gave a glimmer of recognition when he saw you, do you think the carers will take him out for more walks to keep his legs going and give him something different to look at. Joyce I knew you were coming over but I will talk to you tomorrow about it. Sallie and Jean I am starting to do some cards when I send this, how many I will do is anybodys guess but I will make a start.
Love Caz xx
11 Jan 2011 10:33 |
Hi Ann thank you for your comforting words wish i lived over your side could do with some books to read ,its so expensive to buy them here just got up tried to sleep but cramps to bad Dutchxx ps still getting xmas cards thru post some of which were posted on the 9 and 15 of Dec
11 Jan 2011 09:35 |
Joyce, you do what you feel you have to do. I hope you manage to stay pain free, or reduced to do it. I am sure it will be hard for you but if you don't go you will probably feel worse.
Marie, good to see you back on here and I am pleased that your family is OK despite the awful floods.
Huia, good that Phil was more alert. Does it make a difference what time of day you visit as to how alert he is? Tess thank you also for your card.
No I didn't dare even check what the books were, a lot of them were/are hard backs too but I have so many others here waiting to be read.
Sylvia, you have certainly got around a lot!
11 Jan 2011 08:17 |
I visited Phil today. I was just going to make it a short visit but he looked straight at me for a change and I thought I detected a sign of recognition (well I can hope I did). I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk and he gave some reply. Unfortunately his speech is very quiet and slurred so I have no idea what he said. The same happened a second time. But at least he was responding. A couple of physios (students I think) were walking the other residents around, one at a time so I finally asked them to walk Phil around. They thought he walked very well. I told them he used to do a lot of tramping. Some of the other residents had to be reminded to put one foot in front of the other and had to be held up by the arms and the waistband of their trousers. I suppose the time will come when Phil will forget how to walk, but hopefully he wont last that long. It would be so sad to see him in that stage.
11 Jan 2011 06:59 |
Goodmorning Ladys Nice to hear from Maria that shes ok and nice to see Jean back on and of course our Caz,as for me i have done something i shouldnt have but i wonder if you think im right ,as you know im not to well dont sleep for the pain in my feet because of bad cramps .but on the 22nd janu my daughters little girl has been gone 25yrs and on the 6th feb my Mum has been gone 37yrs so ive booked flight to England so i can go and do there grave and put flowers on ,one of my sons and his girl friend is going to help me its what i wanted to do. Jan wasnt very happy but said if you want to go then you can,Im only going to Liverpool for few days and wont be walking anywere far as i cant ,my cousin said last night are you sure your well enough i said not realy but i have to do it been thinking about it for weeks, anyway at the pain clinc on the 1st feb so might get something to help with the pain,and next tuesday we have got Jans birthday he is off that day well will try and pop back on later ,but now going to try and get some sleep take care all and stay safe Love Dutchxx
11 Jan 2011 00:44 |
Back in March 2000, I got off the coach from Brisbane in Dubbo ............... my school friend met me there, and I stayed 9 days with her and her husband on their hobby farm (8 hectares) at Cook's Gap near Mudgee
Her daughter had died about 4 months previously, and her husband died about 6 months after I stayed with them
OH and I stayed with her again in 2006, when we discovered that she had been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and was living alone on the "farm", with some help from friends living nearby.
I next heard from her about 6 months later when she phoned to say that her son had died suddenly .......... and the Parkinson's had progressed to the point where I could barely understand her.
She now had no family left .............. and the sister of a close friend had moved in to be her "carer".
We finally heard from her last week after 4 years of silence
.......... she is now going to move to Northern Ireland to live with her sister. She says she has carefully weighed all the pros and cons, and has decided it is best. At least she will be with family, and not trying to manage on the farm with the help of friends.
We started grammar school together in 1951 in the UK .... so a long friendship, and we always pick up where we left off, even if we haven't seen each other for years and years! I was her mother's "extra" child!
But she has had quite an unhappy life
Her eldest child died at the age of 4 months, she had 2 more children then divorced her husband, and later married a much older man who was very kind to her.
so your mention of Dubbo brought back some happy memories!
we also camped in Rockhampton back in 1976 on our way up to Cairns. We heard on our news this morning that St Charles was also flooded ....... another place we went through on that trip!
10 Jan 2011 23:44 |
Hello to you all, ****** Happy Birthday to Huia****** I hope it is a good one for you.
Sorry I have not had time to post ,but with all that is going on over here with the floods I have spent a good deal of time watching the updates on the floods,as I was worried about my sister as my brother had no idea where she was I finally saw her on the news when our Prime Minister was visiting the evacuation centre in Rockhampton,and she looked fine. my brother's house escaped the water entering by about 5 cm's. The floods have gotten worse in the last 24hours with flash flooding in Toowoomba with 8 people drowned & 72 people missing,and now the flood is on its way to Brisbane ,at least they have been warned and have time to prepare., and the rain is still pouring down.
Now for some explaination, Mybrother Neville and sister Carmel both live in Queensland, Rockhampton in the suburbe of Depot Hill. I live in New South Wales, in Bathurst , west of Sydney . , I am about 16 hour's drive from Rockhampton. Bathurst does sometimes gets flooded but the local council has done a lot of flood mitagation along the Macquarie River. This river flows West and ends up in what is called the Macquarie marshes which is a (large bird habitate)it is a very important area out near Dubbo further west. Our Area is called the Central Tablelands and we are above Sea level and quite high and very cold in Winter. We like most places on the Eastern side of OZ have had extremely high rain fall.where as in Western Aust. they are having bushfires in the very South of the State, In Carnarvon which is in the North of WA they have had floods, because it is a vast continent we can have all the extremes happening at the same time. I do hope you are all well. I hope to get time to-night to read all the posts I have missed. Thank you all for your concern and God bless you all ,
Marie xxxxxxxxx00000000x
10 Jan 2011 22:52 |
Sylvia, those distances from different size t.v.'s will come in useful. I am thinking of getting a new tv Probably something betwee 37 - 42 inches.
I know that i have left it very late - but Thank you to Sallie & Alun, Ann in Glos), Joyce & Jan and anyone else from Gr who sent me a Christmas card this year. I now also get cards from cousins I've found since doing the family tree.
One of my cards stands out though, not a "new" relation, but from my aunt (by marriage). Aunty has written the card on behalf of herself and her son. She is 100 years old!! A lovely lady, I am very lucky to know her.
Mo, I hadn't heard about gidt aiding things that you give to Charity shops.
If I get sorted, I have quite a few books totake.
Ann, did you look through the books again before taking them to the Charity Shops?
Were you tempted to read some "just one more time?"
I bet that you will find some of them coming up as suggestions in your readers group in the coming months.