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Mo in Kent
14 Jan 2011 21:37 |
Sorry to be so late tonight girls. We have spent most of the evening helping our grandaughter to move. Just a little left to move tomorrow now, thank goodness.
Huia, how nice for you to have the meet up with your Ozzie rellies. A long journey, but oh so worth the trouble no doubt.
It sounds like you have had such a busy day today. Did you manage to sort everything out.
Marie, it's so good to hear from you love. You can't be getting old, or you would fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I hope you had a better nights sleep last night. I can't imagine how it will effect the poor rescue services, who find the bodies of those lost in the floods. I hope and pray that the rain stays away,and allows people to get back to some form of normality. Take care Marie,stay safe.
Night Night god bless you all. Love Mo xxx
14 Jan 2011 10:02 |
Hello all, just a very short post., Dear dutch sorry to hear Ilona has hurt her leg I hope she will be ok. I am very tired I do think my body is getting old, it took me some time to get to sleep last night, so I must get to bed soon.
I planted some more carrotts to-day my pumpkins are doing well and I blanched some beans and put them in the freezer for winter. Our woes continue with the dreadful flooding. The water is still receding very slowly in Rockhampton, Brisbane waters have dropped considerably,unfortunately they are still finding bodies in the debrie out near Toowoomba, so sad.
Goodnight to you all Love Marie
14 Jan 2011 08:32 |
Good morning all A very damp grey day here this morning. OH has however toddled off to golf. This afternoon I have to remember to collect prescriptions, go to the optician for an eye check and we also have an appointment to update our wills, last done about 25 years ago. Other than that the morning is free. I am trying to sort my FH paperwork, managed to condense three medium 2 ring binders into one larger one so far. Only another 8 medium ring binders to sort. It is all the bits of paper that I kept 'in case' that were taking up space. That and copies of IGI marriages, births etc which I have now put onto a spread sheet. I do need to make space in this room of mine somehow. And it has become more urgent with the need soon to clear the room to lay a new carpet. This one having been worn out by my wheely desk chair rolling around on it. It was a cheap carpet, we need to get a hard wearing cord one in here now.
Hope you had a good sleep Huia. I am sure that it was lovely for you a;ll to meet up though, even if you did have a blister as a reward.
Mo, we have loads of charity shops to choose between here.but I don't think there is a local one. The charity for which I am a trustee used to have a shop but it was out of town. We had to close it because it was losing money.
14 Jan 2011 07:03 |
Today I went by bus to Auckland to meet a 3rd cousin from Australia, and her OH. One of my 2nd cousins also met us there. We had a very nice lunch in a cafe on the waterfront and talked lots of family history. The bus journey there was very long, and I had a bit of a walk to their hotel and a blister on my big toe started to play up again. When I got home I found that the plaster I had put on it to protect it had got one end wrinkled into a lump just where the blister was, so no wonder it was sore. The bus journey back to Papakura was extremely hot and tiring. If I dont sleep tonight I will want to know the reason why.
Mo in Kent
13 Jan 2011 21:23 |
Thanks for the explanation Ann. We as a family used to raise funds for leukaemia research locally. When our children were younger they went up to Geat Ormand street hospital, to visit a lot of children under going chemo. Many many times,a fun day was arranged and it would chuck it down with rain, but the whole family would go,and we had some wonderful times with families whose children were suffering. Such a good cause, but there are no charity shop here for them, and that is a pity. We do support the Deaf Blind charity, the Cerebal Palsy charity and also the Air Ambulance.
13 Jan 2011 21:12 |
Clic is lieukaemia in children and Cruk is Cancer Research UK. The latter we have raised mother for on Genes in the past. Clic is not a local charity I'm sure. It was I believe started by Sit Malcolm Sergeant.
Mo in Kent
13 Jan 2011 18:51 |
Joyce, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. But such a peaceful way for him to go, but so sad for the family to find him gone. Poor llonka does not seem to be having much luck bless her. God willing she wont have broken a bone. It must be so hard to adjust to not having her leg there. Two people I know have had part amputations on their legs,and still get pains from the parts of the leg that are gone. I hope you are a bit better today love.
Tess, don't you just hate it, when a programme you are watching is interupted.(sp) My daughter decided to ring me while "Midsomer "was on last night, I had to try to make the conversation as short as possible, without being rude to her. I want to watch the new three parter that is coming on tonight, "Kidnap and Ransom"at 9.00 p.m, Trevor Eve is starring in it,and it looks quite interesting.
Ann, I have never heard of the charity shops you mentioned Clic and CRUK. Are they just a locally based charity,or nation wide. Forgive my ignorance.
Love to all. Mo xxx
13 Jan 2011 16:43 |
Just quick hello just had abit of bad news my old school friend of 56yrs text me her brother has died in his sleep but was prone to heart attacks,and als Jans niece ILonka has had quite afew falls and the leg she had the op on has started to bleed and they have take xrays to see if she has broken anything in the leg ,not sure if its the one she had the op on or the other one will let you all no when we hear,and got phone call yesterday morning 6.30 of Jans mum shes not well thought this year was going to be abit better,lets hope things change Wishing you all well and stay safe Love Dutchx
13 Jan 2011 10:04 |
No hurry Tess, when you can mange is fine.
Will be back later, off to have coffee with friends.
12 Jan 2011 23:06 |
Yes, have been watching (or trying towatch) Midsomer Murders. Son came home early, so a bit difficult trying to watch the end. Have also been trying to jot a few notes down for my (overdue) book report, nausea seems to take over as soon as I put pen to paper (Sorry Ann, I will ger round to it, promise).
One of my local charity books sells three paperbacks for £1 so I tend to get a lot of books from there (when I am fit enough to get to the shop).
I hope that your snow clears soon, Sylvia. It was interesting to read that some people you meet on the train were members of GR I hope that you encouraged them to join the Community Boards on GR.
Hope that you are all well, or at least feeling a little better,
12 Jan 2011 22:10 |
Mo, yes the charity shops were very pleased we left two bags in Save the Children, which is right on the bus stop, and two bags in the Clic shop. On Monday I also left two in the CRUK shop. I don't buy hard backs now.
Not been on here all evening, been down watching TV, lots of murders on Midsummer weren't there Mo?
12 Jan 2011 21:47 |
I never thought about the painting!!
BUT I have mentioned it 3 times in the last 4 days ......... and got told it'll get done when HE's ready
Mo in Kent
12 Jan 2011 21:15 |
Sylvia. whilst OH's in this good mood, you should have given him the paint brush, for the kitchen. lol
I wish it was a law here,that people had to clear the footpaths outside of their houses, it would make things so much easier for walking to the shops etc. But as you say, some folk can be very lazy,and not bother at all. I bet if they were fined for not doing the clearing, it would get done quicker.
It's amazing how much we hoard isn't it,and food items are one of the biggest things we forget we have bought,and consequently they go out of date.
Stay in the warm unless you REALLY have to go out. Take care Sylvia. Love Mo xxx
12 Jan 2011 21:02 |
Hi everyone
Jean ..... thank you for the hugs. I do wish that you could get rid of that rotten vertigo.
Yes, we did get the threatened snow this time!
It started to snow about 8:30 pm, and it was falling fast and furious when I last looked out just after midnight
However, it had turned to rain when I next looked out at about 5:30 am
I guesstimate that we got somewhere close to 10 cm, based on what is left on the grass.
OH was out shovelling our sidewalks (corner house, so he's got to do 33' x 120') by 7:30 am, then did the neighbour's across the street ..... Joe's in his late 80s. By the time he had finished, at least 3 other neighbours had been out and shovelled their 30' frontages!
The rain stopped by about 9 am, sun came out for a spell around 11 am
still lots of snow on the ground, but temp is about 6C, so it should be melting!
All in all ..... the side roads are a mushy mess!
And many of the sidewalks are the same ................ although there is a new by-law in effect that says ALL sidewalks have to be cleared of snow by 10 am, even in residential areas. It looks as though a lot of people haven't bothered!
On the good side .................. I can see one of the major roads into Vancouver from my kitchen window, and it was completely clear of snow by 5:30 am ............ ploughs were out as soon as snow started at about 8:30 pm
OH has been messing about at home this morning . He decided not to drive out to the university, he has to be out there from 4 -10pm for opera rehearsal, so he decided to stay home.
So far he has fixed a wonky door knob on our bedroom door, put some hooks on insides of new kitchen cupboards to hang some items like the nutmeg grater, vacuumed 2 rooms, found some way out-of-date cans and jars (soup and pasta sauce) and ditched the contents. He's having a ball!!
and I am keeping out the way!
sylvia xxx
Mo in Kent
12 Jan 2011 20:27 |
Good evening all. I have found out today, that my first great grandchild, is a baby girl. The grandchild due on the 20th of January is also a girl. That will mean we will have 9 grandaughters, one great grandaughter, and three grandsons. Talk about girl power lol.
Caz, Roly is fine now. So much so, he has gone of out to darts tonight. Cor peace and quiet, and the T.V all to myself. I can watch "Midsomer Murders" without interuptions, and be on here as well, without any comments or moans. Good to hear the back is better today, but that flamin F.M is a nuisance. Keep your chin up love. Is Joyce bringing her wheel chair over with her? It's a shame she could not have bought her scooter with her as well,it would have given her more freedom to get about.
Sallie, did you get the shopping done. I will have to do mine Friday,as we have got to help move our grandaughter on Saturday. Oh I hope and pray she stays in this place, as it's getting a bit to much for us at our age, lugging furniture around. I wouldn't mind, but she never asks her father to help her, it's always us and her mum. As you can imagine, she has not got a lot of time for him, since he more or less threw her out at 17. She needs to be settled before the baby arrives. She has already asked Roly, if he knows how to remove a double glazed front door, as she doesn't think she will be able to get her three piece suite through the door. Oh boy what joy.
Well done Ann, on the purchase of your waterproof jacket, it was a bargain, and with all the rain we have been having, it will come in very handy. I bet the charity shop was grateful for the books though, even if they nearly broke your backs carrying them. Thats the thing with a hard backed book, the weight of them. I try to buy paper backs for that one reason. It's o.k if we have got the car with us,I can just load them into there. In one of our charity shops, I can buy 3 paperback books for £1.00. And I normally get myself at least six a week. I love to read, but not Mills and Boon
Well I must go girls, speak to you all tomorrow. Love Mo xxx
12 Jan 2011 19:01 |
Hi girls back is a bit better but FM is flaring up so I can't win but I'll fight on, lol. Sylvia it is lovely getting to know people on here and they get to be friends, thank you for saying that. How is Roly now Mo, I remember when I had one out during the year my cheekbone ached for ages after. I spoke to Joyce this morning and she is looking forward to coming over to tend the grave but doesn't know how she will be with walking, her feet must be awful for her to walk, but it is something she wants to do. She was still in bed when she rang me as she had been up most of the night with cramp, if your reading this Joyce I hope you sleep better tonight. Been called for my tea so will leave you.
Love Caz xx
12 Jan 2011 15:50 |
Hi Ladies,
Just a quick look in to see how you all are. It's shopping day, so shall be glad when that's over and done with.
Jean, lovely to see you on here, but take care and don't do too much.
I'm going to see if they can sort out my hearing aid when I go to Derby, after spending all that money on it I feel that they should do something to help me. Also going to ask the Dr. about an NHS one, when I see him a week tomorrow.
Mo. glad to hear that Roly is better today, I hope that he'll be able to wear his teeth, or otherwise they will be like my hearing aid....a waste of money!!
Sylvia, I hope you didn't get the snow that was forecast....we can do without snow, especially as we get older .....I'm always afraid of falling when it turns to ice.
They've forecast a few milder days here, the only problem with that is that they've also forecast rain. Oh well, I suppose we can't have it all ways,lolol!!
Caz, hope your back is a little bit easier today, and that you are at least able to sit in your reclining chair. Take care!
Joyce, hope you are in less pain than you've been in, and have been able to get some cards done.
Thinking of, and sending love to Ann, Huia, Marie and Tess.
Love and best wishes to everyone.
12 Jan 2011 15:34 |
Hi All, good to see you on here today Jean. What a nuisance the vertigo is to you, I hope you can find a solution soon. at least you can enjoy your crafting.
Mo/Sallie Yes it is sad that Daff has had another setback, but hopefully with all our positive thoughts and the wonderful medical team she seems to have she will come through it.
(sorry Jean you have seen the next bit on the scrapbook thread). We have just come back from town, it is very wet here today, although it wasn't raining when we went out. Between us we took four more carrier bags of hard backed books to charity shops then went to the outlet shops at Glos docks where i manged to get a waterprook coat/jacket, the sort I use for shopping, in Klass for £36. I had a lot of trouble finding a coat with an inside pocket. I find it is much easier not to have the problem of a handbag, with the possibility of it being snatched and to have my large purse/cards etc in my inside pocket of my coat. But very few ladies coats are made with inside pockets these days. Usually only walking coats. anyway I got a nice red one. Then we had lunch in Wetherspoons. (I think we have shares in that place.)
Sylvia, I hope you didn't/don't get the forecast snow.
Mo in Kent
12 Jan 2011 11:14 |
Jean, yes love we did win, you would have been proud of us.
Roly was in a lot of pain last night from the extraction, but he doesn't seem to be having to much trouble today.
He has not yet worn his teeth, so I can see them being a waste of money. They are sitting in a glass of water on the window sill.
He has got to go back next week, for the denist to see if they are fitting o.k, and not causing him any problems.
It's good to hear from you honey, but don't overdo it. Have the tablets helped with the problem. If not you may need to go back,and get your B.P checked again.
Sylvia did you get the threatened snow fall after all. I hope your friends in Brisbane,are still safe and dry. It's such a tragedy what has been occuring over there.
Well ladies, I am going to make myself a coffee now, so I will see you later. Love Mo xxx
12 Jan 2011 10:00 |
Good morning all you lovely people, sorry I havent been on for some time but as Caz told you I am still struggling with the severe vertigo, still not too good so if I go missing you will know why, I try and read the thread most days, the biggest problem is typing for any lenght of time, early morning is my best time, as the day goes on I seem to go down hill... funny though, I can do my scrapping and cards, for quite a while.... Caz was saying it is probably because I am quiet and on my own. no one interrupting me....she is one astute lady .....
Sylvia, I was sorry to miss your birthday, so heres some hugs(((((((( x))))))))) it is dreadful watching the news about the terrible floods in Australia, my friend s have just retuned back home after living in the worst hit area, never really settled... the weather all over the world seems to be going haywire...
Sallie I have aids from the nhs. wish they were less bulky at the back but perfectley managable, and all free.... I was reffered by my doctor and went the week go for it girl.... hows the crafting doing ? with your new photo thingy does this mean you will recieve my pics? Jenny is o.k. and of course yourself and Alun.....
Mo, how did Roly get on with the teeth? I hope you are looking after him, poor thing, so hard for men when they are not too well, btw did I see you actually won at the darts, and me being poorly couldnt get to place my bet ....tsk.....
Huia, you seem to have got a better reception from Phil, which must be heartwarming for you...
well If I have missed nameing all the rest of you lovely oeople do for give me I must go off here now words are getting blurred and I will love you and leave you , hope to be back on soon....dont forget me.....
love Jean xxxx