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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jan 2011 22:24

I know Ann, especially as mum had split during the birth, and would not have stitches silly girl. It seems now that she may have a small infection in the wound.
I thought they had to also check where the umbilical (sp) cord had been cut, to ensure there was no infection in that as well.
But things have changed so much, you wouldn't believe.
They are not allowed to make the bottles up in advance,and store in the fridge until needed, they have to be made fresh, and mostly drunk cold.

Thanks for explaining about the clocks Sylvia. Ours change in April I think,and then again in October, but then you would probably remember that, stupid me.


AnninGlos Report 18 Jan 2011 22:12

Mo I think it is bad that the midwife didn't call when baby is so young.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jan 2011 22:10

Hi everyone

the weather is cooling down again here ........ around 5C daytime instead of the 10 or 12C it has been!

Mo ........ we change our clocks twice a year just as you do, but we only have about 4 month "winter" and 8 months Daylight Savings

This year, our clocks will go forward on March 13, and then back on November 6

But we don't usually have to re-enter all the other information, like the date, pre-set radio stations, etc etc etc

on the TV, we even had to re-set the LANGUAGE!

Being officially a bilingual country (French and English), we had to choose which language option!

Then there was the answer machine, which needed a new message recording


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jan 2011 22:03

Ann, in desperation S put her to the breast this morning, but she still wouldn't suck.
I think she's going to be a stubborn little thing, just like her dad and


AnninGlos Report 18 Jan 2011 21:32

Little Lily is beautiful Mo, thank you for the photo. I always think i wouldn't like to have that horrible rubber teat stuck in my mouth. I think they take a while to get used to it.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jan 2011 20:31

Huia, please make sure you do go and see the doctor about your tags/moles or whatever, to make sure they are safe.
Poor Chloe, she's feeling left out,after the rats took over, bless her.
I have sent you the photo of my new grandaughter Huia.


Huia Report 18 Jan 2011 19:42

Hi there all.

Yesterday I went to town for a little bit of shopping. The weather was a bit doubtful, in fact a few spits of rain. Just after I arrived home the rain started in earnest. And the wind became extremely strong. Chloe the cat is still not coming inside. I did leave the front door open a bit, after removing the mat with the flea powder on and sweeping the foyer. I then shut the foyer door so she could at least come in there out of the cold and rain but she preferred to sleep on the porch just outside so I put an old woollen dress down for her.

The wind seems to have eased off. I might try to get a doctors appointment today or tomorrow to have my weird skintags/moles/whatever looked at.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jan 2011 19:28

Good evening ladies.

Back from my good deeds for the day, new mummy and baby minding, whilst Roly and son took son's car in for repair.
Little Lilly is not feeding very well. She's being fed every six hours, and then it's a job to get her to even drink that.
The midwife phoned today, not visited, as she's supposed to do. My son mentioned that baby was not taking her milk, and her attitude was, " Well she will take it when she's hungry," but that does not stop mummy and daddy from worrying.
She's a crafty little thing, when the bottle is put into her mouth, she just opens her mouth wider, so that she doesn't have to drink it.
They have given her a dummy today, something they didn't want to do, to try to teach her to suck. And surprise surprise, she started sucking well on it. Lets hope now she gets the message,and takes her milk.
She is such a lovely little mite, and very much like my sons eldest son.

Ahhhh Sylvia a lovely romantic evening, by candle light and torch lol.
We are lucky, in as much as if we have a power out, we do have gas for our hob,and can make hot drinks that way.
And as for having to re-set the clocks, just imagine how we feel,when our clocks go forwards and back, twice a year, it's a real pain in the bum.
Do your clocks change twice yearly as ours do, or is your time constant.

Ann whats your weather been like today.? Ours has been glorious. But this evening, as we were late getting back from our sons house, we decided to get a take-away, and whilst waiting for it, a gritting lorry went past, griiting the main road. Please don't tell me we are going to be getting more bad weather.

I wonder how our cyber friends are, only it's been a while since we have heard from them. Love to you all. and take care of yourselves.

Hopefully tomorrow, we will get time to do some of our own shopping, instead of having to run around like blue ar*ed flies.

Bye for now girls, love to all. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jan 2011 21:50

yes Ann

just long enough for all the appliances and everything to have to be re-set!


AnninGlos Report 17 Jan 2011 21:06

Isn't that just the worst part of clock changes power cuts etc Sylvia, re-setting all the clocks? Glad it didn't last too long anyway.


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jan 2011 20:13

Hi all

well, we had an interesting evening yesterday!

all set for a peaceful time on the computer, and OH on his computer downstairs, when the power suddenly went out at about 7:45 pm and we were in almost pitch blackness ........... which meant the street lights had also gone out.

Found the torch (I have one in almost every room), then found the candles, and lit a few, while OH phoned the electricity hot line


"we know there is an outage in your area. Power should be resumed by 11 pm Monday January 17"


OH went for a walk to see how many people were affected ......... a rectangular block of something like 50 houses.

I lit more candles

found my book headlight (great for travelling!), and we settled down to reading by candlelight

also made some plans for how to get hot water for tea ........ camp stove or visiting the local Starbucks

power came back on about 8:50 pm

.............. and we then had to spend nearly an hour setting all the clocks, microwaves, answer machines, tv, etc etc etc

at least the computer didn't need re-setting!

Take care everyone



SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jan 2011 23:35

Have a lovely break, Sallie. Hope the weather is good for you


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jan 2011 23:35


Congratulations on the new baby .... and to the parents of course, who did all the work!



AnninGlos Report 16 Jan 2011 22:29

Have a lovely break Sallie, 'see' you when you get back.


Sallie Report 16 Jan 2011 21:15

Mo and Roly, congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter Lily.
Good to know that mum and baby are both well.

I hope that you're all okay. Caz and Joyce I hope that both of you are in less pain.

I won't be on here until Wednesday, Alun is on holiday for three days so we are going down to Richard's for a couple of days. Speak to you all on Wednesday.

Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 16 Jan 2011 17:25

Congratulations Mo on the arrival of your grandaughter, a good weight, welcome little Lily.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Jan 2011 16:14

Hello girls.
Good news for a change,thank the lord. My new baby grandaughter Lily,
was born at 2.45 this afternoon. She weighs in at 7lb 6 oz, mum and baby are both well.
One very proud father, my son, was keeping me updated all the way through. Anyone would think that this was his first child. lol

Ann, I don't know about the disco being loud last night, we could hardly hear it at all from where we were sitting. In fact you could only just about hear it on the dance floor.
We were not late in coming home,we got home here by 11.00p.m.
I don't know about throwing my inhibitions to the wind Ann, most people were sat all night, and just a few mad so and so's got up to dance.
I thought at one point that they had put glue onto the seats,and that was why no one got

Well girls, that my bit of good news, so I will mow love you and leave you.
Love to all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 15 Jan 2011 21:26

that is a shame about your bottle brush Marie. But vegetable will probably be more use if not so pretty.

Mo, I hope you enjoyed your evening out. Bet you threw inhibitions to the winds and were soon dancing the night away. Trouble with discos is that theya re sooo loud, it is impossible to have a reasonable conversation.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Jan 2011 17:46

Oh what a shame about the Bottle Brush Plant Marie. Mine seems to still be thriving, despite all the snow we had.
That rain must have been very heavy, to have split it like that.
You are being so good, planting all your veggies like you have.
It's a good job you got your beans in before you had the deluge.

We are both exhausted now, we have finished moving our grandaughter.
It's up to her to unpack it all now.

Guess who's going out tonight, yes me. We have been invited to a friends 50th birthday celebrations.
Oh to be 50 again. They are having a disco, just shows I am getting old I don't know if I will be dancing though, or even staying to the end.
I much prefer live music, rather than disco's.
See I am an old fashioned girl at heart,and would rather be waltzing round the floor.
I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

It has been blowing a gale here again today, but at least it has been dry, and thats a bonus.

Well girls, I hope you are all o.k, I must go and get my bath soon, as we are being picked up at 7.45.
Bye for now, Love Mo xxx


Zack Report 15 Jan 2011 10:35

Hello all ,
A very short post as I am still very tired we had rain last night and one of my BottleBrushes outside my back door split with the weight of the rain, so later in the afternoon I cut it down ,to-morrow I will start the job of trying to get it out. I wont replace it , I will use the spot for more veggies.

I hope you are all well, Love to you all