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Just Jean

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Huia Report 24 Jan 2011 19:35

Sallie, I was more surprised than scared when I saw 'the man' in the passage.

Mo, I would have had to pass him to get at the saucepans.

Caz, I dont so much forget the names of everybody but I forget who has said what.

I do not intend to start on the card-making that so many of you are doing. I have enough 'junk' without having a lot of craft stuff as well. I have been printing off transcripts of censuses, just saving the actual image to my computer. That is quite enough 'stuff' for me to try to sort. I have also been scanning all our old b & w negs onto my computer. I think I have done most of the ones that came from my parents and grandparents. When I have finished the b & w negs I will do all of our colour ones. I think I will need a bigger external hard drive soon.

Better go, the new man who is going to mow my lawns might be trying to phone to see if I will be home today, as it is not raining now.

Love, Huia.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jan 2011 19:07

Hello girls.
Oooh Sallie you are good, starting your Christmas shopping whilst the sales are on. Just dont foget where you put them will you.
We had to do the visiting ourselves Sallie. S.'s nan+gramps,came to our
sons house to meet us.
Baby slept all through our vist, just shows how exciting we are doesn't
But my word she has grown in the last few days, she seems to be getting longer by the minute. So all cuddles and kisses will have to wait till I see her again.

Good grief Caz, you certainly had a busy morning. But it's always the same, you will see everyone one day, and then go days without someone popping in to see you.
Well done on starting making a card today. I bet it would take me days on end to even think where to begin one.

Thank you for the good wishes for tonight. I would cross my fingers for myself, but if I did that I wouldn't be able to throw a dart.
I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.

I hope everyone is o.k, and coping with any problems they may have.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 24 Jan 2011 18:41

Hello girls, Sallie used what I was going to say, but I think of us all as girls. I have had a crazy day, well it was this morning, Joyce rang then my cleaners turned up as I was talking to her, then the nurse came to do my blood test while cleaners were vacuuming the room, I am used to doing things very slowly. Sallie my craft stuff is all over the place, I also got some more stuff at the weekend and it is still in the bag, the trouble is it is so easy to just put it in the nearest drawer when it's put away. I will have to have a good sort out but I have been doing a card since I got up this afternoon, well I have the topper done anyway. Jeans craft room is lovely isn't it, I only have the bedroom and the living room, I have no room in the bedroom to do anything so use my foldup table, but I manage.
Ann I keep sorting books out and sending them to the quiet room but my shelves never look any emptier and I haven't bought any books for ages.
Hubby's home now so better go, good luck tonight Mo.
Hello to everyone else, I just can't keep names in my head.

Love Caz xx


Julia Report 24 Jan 2011 18:29

Hello Sallie and all. Hope you are all keeping well
Sallie, have you tried the craft room, at the garden centre at Little Eaton.
Having been in there today, reminded me, though I don't know if it is any good to you.
Take Care All
Julia in Derbyshire


Sallie Report 24 Jan 2011 18:18

Hello Girls, it's been very quiet on here over the weekend, I hope everyone is ok.

Alun and I went up to Meadowhall, in Sheffield on Saturday, it was crowded there, although most people didn't seem to be buying much at all, I think it was a case of somewhere to go out of the house.

I bought myself a new dressing-gown and a small bag, and Alun had two new tops, I also bought a couple of Christmas pressies, while they were reduced. So that's my Christmas shopping started.lolol!!

Mo, good luck to your team for tonight, hope you win. Did you get the visitors today, that you were expecting yesterday? Hope the baby is alright.
Sending her hugs and kisses.xxxxxx

It was nice going to Richard's last week, but it was also nice to get back home to our own bed. As the saying goes, "there's no place like home", it's where we can do what we like, when we like.

Huia, you must have been sleeping very deeply when your son arrived, although at first he frightened you with his arrival, I'm sure you were pleased to see him and your daughter in law.

Ann, you were busy yesterday, at least you have a spare shelf for your craft stuff.

I badly need to re-organise my craft stuff, it's a mess at the moment, the trouble is I've bought more stash and don't know where to keep!!
Typical of me!

Jean, thanks for the pics of your craft room, it looks really lovely and very organised---I feel quite envious. Although I have a spare bedroom that I started to use as a craft room, but I didn't like being upstairs as I felt cut off from things.

Got to go now, as Jennie and Michael have just arrived , so see you later.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jan 2011 17:34

Ann I bet you will soon fill that empty shelf
Is it this week they collect your recycling. They will love you,having to collect loads, but hey, it's there job to do it.
We always have at least three bags for them to take away.
We are to get new bins within a fortnight, for food scraps. At the moment we have to put any left over food, in our brown bins with the garden refuse.
I dread to think of what will happen, if we do get a hot summer, all the flies and maggots, yuk. They only collect the brown bins fortnightly, so by the time they do empty them, they begin to smell.
I am looking forward to getting into my own bed tonight Ann.


AnninGlos Report 23 Jan 2011 17:19

Hello all

Had quite a busy day today, decided to sort a couple of book shelves in the dining room, one has all our walking books on and we had got into the habit of collecting leaflets etc and just piling them on the top of the books. they were in a mess and I put a huge pile of leaflets that we really no longer need in the recycling. I then managed to clear a whole book shelf so took down some of my large hard backed books, mainly biographies of people like Ronnie Corbett, Terry Wogan etc and put them on the empty shelf. that left me with an empty shelf here so, by switching things around I have gained an extra shelf for my craft stuff. Still not finished reorganising but I will get there.

Hope you manage to catch up on your lost sleep tonight Mo.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jan 2011 16:43

My lord Huia, your son was lucky not to have had a saucepan smacked around his head,frightening you like that.
I truly think I would have hit first,and asked questions afterwards. Imagine how guilty I would have felt.
You must have gone onto a really deep sleep, not to have heard the campervan tooting,or even the garage doors opening.
Has the rain stopped now.

Well, we did our children sitting last night. The girls were great, but our daughters house in on a main road, and the traffic was constant up till about 2.00a.m.
At 1.30 a.m a crowd of people walked past, talking at the top of their voices. So now I am shattered from lack of sleep.
Our house in in a little cul-de-sac, with no through traffic, so any noise is tripled to us.

I expected our son to come over today, with his fiance and grandparents, plus baby. But they had a bad night with her, up and down all night, and they overslept, and didn't wake up till 11.45. So another day without seeing little minx.
But by hook or by crook, I WILL see her tomorrow.

I hope everyone has had a good peaceful day. And that those of us who are suffering in one way or another, had a better day.

I will look in later, to see if anyone is around. Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 23 Jan 2011 14:52

Sallie pm. sent xx


AnninGlos Report 22 Jan 2011 22:12


I wear two hearing aids as you know. I also wear glasses. When I first had these glasses a year ago I found it difficult to get used to wearing the aids with them as the side arms are a bit thicker, being plastic than the ones I have had for several years, so I kept reverting to my second pair which have thin wire arms. However, I have adjusted to them now. I find it easier if I put the glasses on first and then the aids.


Huia Report 22 Jan 2011 21:41

I had a rude awakening this morning. After having trouble getting to sleep last night I was finally sleeping and at 7 a.m. I was woken by a male voice calling out. I staggered out of bed saying I'm coming. Threw on my dressing gown and slippers and when I opened my bedroom door there was a man in the passage. As all the doors were locked I wondered how he got in, then realised it was my son. They had gone over to the valley last night in their campervan, but it rained all night and he was worried that slips might come down on the road and block them in, so they came over early. He had tooted his horn as he came up the drive but I didnt hear him and I didnt hear him opening the garage roller door. They stayed for 3 hours and have now gone home, to Rotorua. This rain has certainly cooled things down, I think I need to change my board name again.



Zack Report 22 Jan 2011 02:59

Hello to you all,
Such a lot of news Firstly Citalopram, I have been on this for a number of years.
I call it my happy pill it has made a large difference to my life I don't have any side effects .It has controlled my Irritability, negativity and my depression. I wouldn't be without it, I live a much happier life because of it.
I also wear a hearing aid, it has made some difference, I was born with some loss of hearing in my left ear and as I get older it will get worse and I may end up deaf in that ear, but for now the hearing aid does help.

It does get a bit sore when I have to wear my glasses for several hours like when I use the computer for a long time but once I take the glasses off it is OK after awhile.
Skin Tags, I also have them I have had some of them removed at different times I get them around my neck and when it is hot at night and I perspire they become itchy at the moment they are too small to have them removed.
My doctor injects a small amount of anesthesia under the skin of each one then cuts it off.
She then uses a laser to stop the bleeding,.it is a bit sore for about a week. Medicare cover the cost.

In Australia our hearing tests are covered by the Government and they also subsidise the cost of the Hearing Aid, I pay $35 a year to the company and they supply me with as many batteries as I need , they also Service the
aid and I have a hearing test every 2 nd year,,this is also covered by the Gov.This is one of the many services a pensioner's entitled to in our country.
Floods: My Brother Neville also Sister Carmel are back in their home and are very happy to be there .

Many people in Victoria are now in shelter as their homes are inundated. Once the waters get to the Great Murray river these smaller rivers should recede to there normal levels.and people will be able to pick up there lives once more, with a lot of help from neighbours friends & volunteer's & our armed forces, who will be working for many month's to come.

God Bless them all, the work they have done in the last 8 weeks has been amazing.

I will say goodbye to all of you, God Bless and those in pain, Love to you all may you have a peaceful night .

Marie from Down under.


Sallie Report 21 Jan 2011 23:41

Just want to let you all know that we can now recive e-mails again. Alun got in touch with Virgin, and whatever they did we started to receive them
almost straight away.

Sorry to those of you that sent me e-mails and not received a reply.

Caz, thank you for the joke that you sent me a couple of weeks ago, it's brilliant, we are going to keep it to show Jennie and Michael tomorrow. It certainly made Alun laugh quite a bit.

Joyce, thank you for the photos of you, Liz and Carole, it's nice to be able to picture who I'm talking to.

Mo, thank you so much for the photo of your new granddaughter, she's absolutely gorgeous. Oh! I'd love to give her a hug. I'm sure that you're all very proud of her.

Thank you all once again, and sorry that you had to wait until now to receive my thanks.

I'm off to bed now, so "see" you all tomorrow.

Love, Sallie.xxxx


Sallie Report 21 Jan 2011 22:30

My sister-in-law had a rodent ulcer taken off the side of her leg 18mths ago. She wasn't too bothered about it at first, as she had had shingles the year before so thought that it was something from that. Her daughter(my niece) who is a nurse looked at it and told her to go and see the doctor as she felt sure that it was a rodent ulcer. Of course she was right, but I don't think Sylvia would have bothered about it, until perhaps it would have been too late.

Caz, I think like Mo I might have said that I hoped your legs were better, but what I meant as I'm sure Mo did, that you were not having too much trouble has you had been having. I'm sorry if I was a bit insensitive asking you that, it wasn't meant to be.

Well, you managed to do a card and get half way through another one, as you say you might be able to do some more tomorrow.

Jean, lovely to see you on here again, I hope your vertigo will stay away for a very long time now.
Glad to hear that your family are all alright.

I've just realised something, most of my life I've always tended to pick the skin around my finger nails, except for the last 12years, the amount of time that I've suffered from depresssion. Over the last week I've come to realise that I've started doing it again, and during this time I've, I started to do something about trying to resolve the reason for my depression, not sure if it has some bearing on it, but it seems such a coincidence.

Huia, I'm looking forward to being able to hear people clearly again. The hearing aid that I paid so much money for hasn't helped me very much at all, as far as Alun and I are concerned it was a total waste of money. I certainly wouldn't recommend going private for a hearing test or hearing aid.
Maybe I was just unlucky, but I deffinitely wouldn't buy one again.

Like you, I wear glasses so hope that I'll be ok with the piece behind my ear.

Sylvia, sorry to hear about your friend, but she's at peace now and not suffering anymore.

It sounds as though you had a bad six weeks after you had the mole removed and the stitches out a couple of years ago. I'm sure it must have been very worrying for both you and OH.

Hope your family are all alright. Sending hugs and kisses to MJ.xxxxxxxx

Mo, hope your granddaughter has settled down in her new place now, and that she stays there for a long while. It's hard work moving, something you don't want to do too often.

I'll say goodnight to you all now. Speak to tomorrow.

Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes.


Huia Report 21 Jan 2011 22:14

Oh, Sylvia, it sounds as if I might have to find a toyboy to deal with my back if I need dressings on my back changed. Do you think I will be able to find one?



SylviaInCanada Report 21 Jan 2011 20:39

Hi all

Had some bad news last night ...... my friend who developed a glioma before Christmas, died peacefully earlier on Thursday evening.

Huia ... I have had skin tages for many many years. They used to call them stalked moles, and one doctor I had back around 1970 said some people had lots of them, others didn't, and that they often appear suddenly, several at a time.

They are not usually harmful, and can be frozen off, although now that is not covered by our medical service .... unless they are causing a problem, such as under a bra strap or where they might catch on clothes (eg, neck).

I've had several of them removed over the years ............... they're usually frozen with liquid nitrogen and then drop off after several days.

Dr Scholls has also put out a treatment for them .... it 's a little bottle that does about 8 applications, and costs around $35 Canadian ... google "Dr Scholl's Skin Tag Remover". it does come with a lot of warnings.

OR, you can tie a piece of cotton or dental floss around the stalk ....... only that is really finicky!

If the doctor removes anything from your back, do be aware that things heal more slowly on you back because there is relatively little flesh there.

I had a suspect mole removed a couple of years ago. The stitches were left in for 2 weeks, that's twice as long as for other areas. Then the wound split open as I got into bed the evening after the stitches were removed ... I didn't move quite as cautiously as I had been doing. I got to the doctor the next morning, but there was already an infection in there. I had 6 weeks of regular visits to the doctor, and OH dressing the wound every day before it healed.

Take care everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Jan 2011 20:19

Oh! Oh!, watch out girls Jeans about.
It's so good to hear from you lovey.
A Cuttle Bug, now is that anything like the Jitter Bug.
I don't want anything in my drawers thanks very much, especially if it chews at things...............most of my things are a bit worn out

I so hope that bloomin Vertigo, leaves you alone now,and lets you get back to normal.

If you've got itchy feet, scratch them. Failing that, take it slowly doing your crafting, just a little at a time,and hopefully it will keep the vertigo at bay.

My lot are o.k. Apart from my son, who has had to go to the dentist today.
He's had no sleep for two nights with a raging toothache. He's got an infection in his gum, but insisted that the dentist did some work on his tooth,as well.
Stupid idiot, she gave him the injection in his gum,and started to remove the nerve. The injection had not worked, he shot out of the chair screaming in pain.
She has managed to get half of the nerve out, but he has to go back on monday, to have the rest removed.
I dread to think how much pain he will be in, when his gum comes back to life.
If only he had gone to the dentist before Christmas, when the pain started.
But he wouldn't listen.

Hope to speak to you over the weekend. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 21 Jan 2011 20:02

Ha Ha Mo I bet you dont know what a Cuttlebug is, its a little scaly creature that gets in your drawers and chews anything there ,so be
I have a new one too as though I havent enough to contend with

Sallie I came off the anti depre tabs, and felt better for it more in control,
the vertigo is at lull at the moment hope it stays that way, been very nasty for a while. but I actually made some muffins, and didnt fall over....I also finished the album and hvent been in my craft room for three days, but I am getting itchy feet and fingers so maybe tomorrow....hope your lot are ok.

big waves and hugs to Huia, Marie, Sylvia, Julie,Tess Liz and not forgetting Ann and, Joyce (thanks for the pics ((((((((((((( ~~~~~~ ))))))))))))))

Oh nearly forgot Caz who leads me astray... but I love

love Jean xx


Huia Report 21 Jan 2011 19:53

Sallie, the hearing problem can be so 'isolating'. I have a slight hearing problem and have hearing aids, but like Mo's OH I dont wear them all the time. I know it is naughty of me, but they dont sit properly behind my ears with my glasses, even though I had been assured that they would. My ears are very close to my head, not red sails in the sunset, such as some people have. When Phil was still at home I would wear one to watch TV but left the 'behind the ear' part dangling out sideways. Now Phil isnt here I just turn the TV up.

They dont work on the phone either and I find with that some people seem very muffled, although not all. Perhaps it is their phones that muffle things. As for the answer phone, that is very difficult to hear, even with the hearing aid in. In fact my son could not understand one message I asked him to listen to. Another things is that the batteries seem to fail at crucial moments and I dont want to ask people to hold on while I change the battery. It is such a fiddly business.

I have been talking of applying for a special phone system where a third person listens in and types the replies to me so that I can read it. I think I need a docs cert to apply for it though.

Must go, have to take recycling stuff to Hunua before midday and I am not even dressed yet as I slept in this morning.

Huia xxxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Jan 2011 19:10

Caz, it may have been me that said I hoped your legs get better soon. But I know that what you are suffering is an ongoing thing,and won't get any better. Please forgive me.
Last weekend must have been so frightening for you love.
God willing the wheelchair days are a long way off.
I hope tomorrow is a less painful day for you, so that you can put that cuttle bug to good use.
Love Mo xxx