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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 27 Jan 2011 20:04

There was an article in the papaer recently in the finance section saying to be wary of will writers as the price often rocketed after you agreed to use them and they were often unqualified, self taught, not bonded etc.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jan 2011 19:22

Good grief Ann,£50.00 VAT, it's so unfair isn't it.
The cost of seeing a solicitor is going through he roof. There was an offer going on here, for a will writing service for the price of £50.00 per will inclusive of VAT.
But with the VAT going up as it has, I dare say those prices will now have to go up as well.
Poor T having to move the big furniture, he will have muscles like Popeye
when he's finished.
I,m glad you liked the golfing e.mail I sent you. My daughter in law is a golf widow as well. When they go away for holidays, my son and grandson insist that they book a place near a golf course.
I am now a darts widow, but it used to be cricket every weekend.


AnninGlos Report 27 Jan 2011 17:09

Sorry I am around but not on here too much. This morning was food shopping after collecting our wills from the solicitor. I reckon we have spent all of fifteen minutes with her at a cost of £300 for the two wills. Not a bad little earner that is it. (wills £125 each + 20% VAT.) Very very simple wills too, about half an A4 sheet.

We then went for lunch at the local Brewers Fayre where we enjoyed fish and chips. Then when we got home, after unpacking the shopping, I have been shifting all my books and craft stuff, scrap books etc that are not on wall shelves out of here into the spare bedroom so that T can lay a new carpet tomorrow. He has yet to move the desk, book shelves, TV, and 9 drawers out. The settee has to stay and be manoevred.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jan 2011 16:33

Where is everybody, this is a lonely little thread.

I hope you are all well. Love to you all. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jan 2011 19:27

Hello girls.
Oh boy, I am a right ignoramous where computers are concerned.
I took my laptop to the repair man, who took ages to sort it out. Apparantly
Yahoo tools was causing the problems, but fortunately it was not a virus.
I bought the lappy home, and thought I had better check my e.mails.
I switched on and,HUH whats going on here then, not my home page, but MSN. Right how do I get my mail from here, thicko me had no idea. Wheres my home page gone to, how do I get it back.
Well to cut a long story short, I managed, and got into my e.mail eventually.
Right next LOG INTO mail, hum whats my pass word.
Do you think I could remember it, NO. So I had to set it all up again.
I just hope and pray it does not go wrong again in a hurry.
We are both as thick as two short planks, where computers are concerned

Huia, just make sure you take the double barrel shot gun outside with you,
just in case there is a predator out in the garden.
Has your cat come back into the house yet?

Sylvia,surely as you didn't invite the burglars in, they broke into your home.
The law can be a complete ass at times.
Have you had any luck on the generator model number yet.
I do hope your OH's mouth is feeling a little better now. 4 hours sitting in one place is a very long time. Especially having to keep your mouth open for that long.

Ann we have not heard from Debbie in months. I am wondering if she let her membership lapse.
It was lovely to hear of her childrens escapades.

I hope everyone is o.k.and not feeling to cold.
We maybe having more snow flurries tomorrow, but I am hoping the forecasters are wrong.
Take care everyone. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 26 Jan 2011 06:11

My last mowing man (a friend of my son) has now got a full time job. The new one looked at my lawn on Monday and I got the impression he would be coming yesterday or today so I have kept off the internet in case he phoned, but not a peep from him. If he hasnt phoned by midday tomorrow I will go to town to visit Phil and do some shopping. At least my jungle is not too tall yet. I can still see through it and avoid any lions or tigers.



AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2011 20:42

Jean the back is easier thanks, it is always with me to a certain extant but occasionally it is worse. Not so bad now anyway. A week in Llandudno is just what you need isn't it? I do hope the vertigo stays away.


AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2011 20:22

Sylvia, that is the stuff of nightmares, 3-4 hours in the dentists chair. Not sure I could stand it for that long.

Wonder how Mo caught the virus on her laptop? Hope you get it fixed soon Mo.

I was wondering how Debbie is, has anyone heard anything from her lately?


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Jan 2011 19:13

Hi everyone

the heavy rain of yesterday has eased off ......... it's now classed as "drizzle"

still looks pretty wet out there though!

Mo ....... congratulations on the darts!

Mo ............... it was not in a garage.

The study was part of an extension we did, and was built on "stilts", leaving an open area beneath it. The side next to the street has wood latticing over it, the side facing south has a flower bed, plants, a couple of small shrubs, then the lawn and veggie garden before the fence and back lane. The west facing side is open to the carport ...... which itself is open to the garden and then the back lane. They are both attached to the house on the north side.

So they didn't have to "break in" ...... which is a sticking point as far as the police are concerned, and why they wouldn't come round immediately yesterday.

The police also won't do anything until we can give them the model number, and any other identifying features.

OH is going to phone the company we bought it from, hopefully later today (he's in the dentist's chair again at the moment). That company is up near where we have the cabin ...... and we're hoping that they keep computer records!

He will also have another search through "cabin" boxes in the basement that we brought back last September ...... the problem there is that he has been beavering away for the last 5 or 6 months sorting out and clearing out ..........................................

We're waiting to see the insurance company adjustor ........ he and OH are playing phone tag at the moment!

Will be making shepherd's pie for dinner tonight ............ OH is having another 3-4 hours in "the" chair this morning! Soft food will be preferable to chewing meat!

Take care everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jan 2011 19:03

Hello girls,just a quickie.
I am on my sons lappy,as mine is poorly,and I have got to take it to the lappy hospital tomorrow. It looks like it's got a nasty virus of some sort.
So if you dont hear from me, you will know I am thinking of you all.
Love to you all Mo xxx


Zack Report 25 Jan 2011 13:40

Hello All, this has to be quick,as it is after midnight.
Yes. the rain has stopped and it is very hot . I have been doing my gardening in the early morning then I go inside and cool off ,then about 6 pm at night I am out weeding and then waterin.
I went to gym this morning we had a good work out. i am up late as I have been doing my fathers side of the familyI got a new family tree programme, it was free to download and hopefully it will hold the Zackeresen family tree.
SALLI & JEAN YOU CAN COME OVER ANYTIME AND ORGANIZE MY family papers I have a nice filing Cabinet butnot sure how to organize the papers, so it israther a mess.
I must go,

Love to you all.
Marie, from down under.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jan 2011 13:08

Hello my lovelies.
Before I go any further, I must tell Jean to get round to the bookies, to pick up her winnings, so that she can go out and buy more crafting bits.
We won Jean, 4-2 and 3-0, this will probably not last, but happiness reigns at the moment.
Poor Jeff, with his nasty old cough and cold. I hope you are dosing him up with cough linctus and paracetamol, to try to get rid of it. And NO snogging him while he's like it, you don't want to share it with him.

Sallie, doesn't it cheese you of ,when they say that you will have a delivery
slot between such and such a time, but to say it may be today or tomorrow,
beggars belief.
I am pleased that you have got your hearing test through so quickly. When you get your new aids, you will have to tell Alun to stop shouting, that you can hear him clearly without him having to do so. lol

Ann I hope they bring our Green Caddie bins soon. I didn't realise that they collect them every week. Lets just hope they will do the same in this area, as they do in yours.

Julia, you and Sallie are making me envious, talking about the lovely garden centers you have local to you.
The only decent one near to us, is about a thirty minute drive from us, so consequently we don't get there very often.

Oh my word Sylvia, nothing is sacred these days.
Was the generator very heavy.? They must have had transport to have carried it away with them.
Had they broken into the garage, or was it left unlocked.?
I bet your OH is kicking himself now, thinking to himself did I lock the door
or not.
I do hope the insurance company get their backsides into gear and get your claim sorted out as soon as possible.

Huia you would never have the time to do the crafting, you are such a little busy lizzie.
What happened to the other guy that used to do your grass cutting. Has he gone into retirement, or just given the jobs up.
I had to laugh at what you said ,about having to have to get past any intruder to get the saucepan to hit them over the head.
It might be an idea to keep a saucepan next to your bed, for emergencies
only I might add.

I hope Caz and Joyce,are having a pain free day for a change. Lord that is what we would like for them both. So that they can have time to do what they want, without suffering so much.

I hope our Marie, is having better times,and that the dreaded rain, has gone and given them all time to get their lives back to some sort of normality. Thinking of you and the family Marie.

I hope I haven't forgotten any of our friends. If I have please forgive me.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 25 Jan 2011 12:30

LOL.... Sallie the pics were just as the craft room was finished so it was clutter free, I hasten to add its not always like that....but have to say it is a lot easier to tidy away...I love it....

Sylvia, I was sorry to read about your burglary. someone must have had their eye on it for some time I think... hope your insurance pays up...

Marie thank you so much for the lovely e-mail I have it saved and will pass it on, it is a very good...

Mo, did you win.... I need the money, overspent as usual.well never mind how are both, ? poor Jeff has had a very bad cold and cough, cant remember last time he had such a horrible cough....

Ann, how is your back, I hope it is easier, its one of the worse things to have.
at the moment the vertigo is being good, wish I could say the same about the have just booked a week in Llandudno, 19th of Feb, nice change of scenery its a bit early but its a place for all seasons, so we never worry about when we go, usually quite mild and we have places were we can sit in the car if needs be and watch the sea and read ....perfick....and it also means we can get a few more later hols too....

I hope everyone else is o,k, love to you all...

Jean xxxx


Sallie Report 25 Jan 2011 11:34

Julia, thanks for letting me know about the garden centre, it sounds just the kind of place I like to visit, especially with it having a coffee shop, too.
It's a shame they don't sell knitting wool too.
My friend and her husband sometimes go to that garden centre, although I don't think they've had a meal there, just a snack.

Did you manage to start knitting your cardigan last night? The colour wool sounds nice, it's a good idea to buy a neutral colour so that it will go with other colours.

Ann, it is good when the garden centres sell craft stuff, although unfortunately, not all of them do. It would be lovely if they did.

I know what you mean about the craft stuff never being where you want it, when you want it. Jean's craft room looks so tidy, with everything to hand....I can't imagine my craft stuff ever being like that.LOL!!

Mo, how did you get on last night? I hope your team won.

I need to go up to town, but I have to wait for a parcel to be delivered (more craft stuff) either today or tomorrow, so far it hasn't arrived, so it looks as though I'm stuck here at the moment.

Sylvia, have you heard anymore from the police about your stolen generator? It makes me so mad when these people think they have the right to go on to other peoples property and can take whatever they want, never even thinking about the fact that others have worked and saved to buy the things that they steal.

I'll "see" you all later on today. Take care everyone!



Julia Report 25 Jan 2011 10:17

Morning AnninGlos, are we ever satisfied.?? I would love to visit a H*****craft, but my nearest is the other side of Nottingham, as opposed to in the city shopping centre. H,ha,ha,, and about 15 miles or so from here.
But the garden centre where the craft room is, sells many and diverse things, so if the craft section is not as good as liked, at least there are other things to catch the eye, and the purse.
Take Care
Julia in Derbyshire


AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2011 09:53

Julia, that craft place sounds intriguing, I wish our garden centres had the same thing, none of our here do craft. The enarest to that is when we visit our daughter and H******aft is next door to one of the large garden centres there.

Sallie it does sound like a place you should visit.


Julia Report 25 Jan 2011 09:47

Morning Sallie and all
I'd always thought you had been to Little Eaton. Ooops my mistake. You know how to get to it, don't you.
I'm afraid that, not being into the same hobby of you good ladies, I can't advise if the craft room is good or otherwise, but it always appears to be well stocked, and busy.
If you follow the aisles through the garden centre, you come to the outside area. The craft room is beyond this area, at the back, next to where they are selling the large terracotta pots. Alas they do not sell knitting wool, so nothing for me, but i do like to have a look.
But they do have nice coffee, and the dinners look as if they are to die for. Unfortunately, we go at the wrong time to have a large dinner, but it does make a nice drive out to visit.
I decided in the end to go for a very pale cafe au lait colour. Very neutral, so that I can wear other colours to it, instead of the same old thing. And, I do not know about my hobby being tidy. I have always got bags of wool everywhere.
Take Care
Julia in Derbyshire


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2011 21:18

Mo hope the darts went well tonight. All our recycling is put into our large blue recycling wheelie bin, Our garden waste in the brown wheelie bin and the food waste into a small green caddy bin. All other waste whuich amouts to about 4 small carrier bags a fortnight goe into the large green wheelie bin. All the bins are collected fortnightly except the food caddies which are collected weekly. We have a very small caddy to keep in the kitchen and a larger one to put the food in for collection. We have had this system for a year and had no problems last summer at all.

Caz, well done on gettin a card under way, I know how much effort it takes for you.

Huia well done on all that scanning, it is time consuming isn't it?
Good job I looked at the census images as wella s the transcriptions. I was sorting one of my lines today and checked a census transcription, in the file from before I had access to Ancestry and the censuses. The youngest sister of my Grandfather was transcribed as Albe I couldn't have looked closely at that before as I immediately knew it wasn't right. When I looked at the image it is a badly written 'Alice'.

Sallie it seems that no matter how much space I have, no matter how much I reorganise my craft stuff, it is never where I want it when I want it. I suppose that comes of having the three hobbies, craft, Family history and photography, all with lots of bits and pieces connected to them.

Have you tried sharpening the blade of you trimmer by cutting foil? I haven't actually tried it but it is what the craft magazines always suggest.


Sallie Report 24 Jan 2011 20:57

Hi again,

Sylvia, I'm so sorry to hear that your portable generator has been stolen, I wonder how someone knew it was there as it was well hidden. Goodness knows how much a new is going to cost you, with prices the way they are now.

Apart from that, I hope that everything is alright with you and OH.

Caz, good to know that you have started making card s this afternoon, I really need to get on with some myself now.

I've had to buy a new cutter/trimmer, as my old was no good, I think I made so many cards up to Christmas that the blades became blunt. We've tried getting new blades, but can't get them, so we made sure when we bought the new one that we could also buy spare blades.

Also had to buy a couple of new punches, as the Martha Stewart one I had would no longer work. I buy a lot of my craft stuff in the craft shops in Derby....Kate the owner of one of them told me that I should have taken it back to where I bought it ( Hobbycraft ) as it should not have broken because of the long guarantee they have, and I should have been given a new one.
She then went on to say that some of them she had bought were faulty, and so had customers bringing them back...apparently there was a batch of them that were faulty, so I'm wondering if maybe the one I had was one from that batch. I know that they were the same design as I had.

Huia, hope the new man got in touch with you about cutting your lawns and that he is able to do them for you.

Good luck with sorting and scanning all your B&W photos and neg. It's good that you are able to do it, I wouldn't have a clue where to start, I'm afraid that Alun has to do all that in this house.

Joyce, hope that things are a bit better with you, and that the cramp is not so bad that you can get some sleep.
Also hope that all is well with Jan and his family.

Julia, nice to hear from you. I've never been to the garden centre at Little Eaton, but it would be worth going there one day. Did you notice if they had a good choice of craft stuff there?
I read on your thread that you are starting to knit a chunky long cardigan for yourself. What colour wool did you decide on in the end? Enjoy making and wearing it. At least with your hobby, the place stays tidy, not like us card makers and scrapbookers. lolol!! Still, we all love making them.

Marie and Tess hope that all is well with you and your families.

Oh! nearly forgot, I go for my hearing test on the 9th February, at the clinic at our surgery, so that makes it easier.

Well, I'm going to have a cuppa, so I'll say bye for now.

Love and best wishes. Sallie.xxxx


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Jan 2011 19:45

Hi everyone

well, we've ahd a good start to the week ..... NOT

OH went to open the back door this morning, and the snow shovel fell in!

The door opens into the carport, and next to it is a space under the study

The recycle box was also moved from its place under the study.

AND that the portable generator we store under the study had gone walkabout.

It's quite a large generator, on wheels, that we use up at the cabin but bring down here for the winter. It had been covered with cardboard, and was tucked away ................. so someone had to have come into the carport to really see it.

It cost us about $1500 (ca £700 or so) 5 years ago.

It has been reported it to the police, and we have a case number, but they can't do anymore until we have the details ........ and we can't find the manual with model number, etc.

Because we have a case number, he has been able to report it to the insurance, and we're now waiting for an adjustor to phone.

The snow shovel being leaned against the back door means that the theft happened after about 6:30pm Sunday evening, because that is when OH came home from rehearsal, and came in through that door.
