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♫ Penny €
22 Jun 2009 18:25 |
Hi Tinky
Good luck with your keep fit - My fitness coach is also good on wii - you can do keep fit classes from 15 minutes. were selling it for £9.99 so it's not too expensive to add on.
Margot glad you had a good time here & congrats on being made queen
22 Jun 2009 17:01 |
22 Jun 2009 14:24 |
hi all
just a quick message
though i have stuffed up on my diet as from today i have to have a very strict diet so need to b in control of what i eat and hubby naggin me when im hungrey lol
since i have stuffed up on my diet i have been going through a rough patch medicle wise and have found out i have arthritis in both my legs
i have seen my gp this morning and he is going to put me in touch with a consultant at the hospital and it may be possible to have a gastric bypass and i am scared to bits
though i dont get out of the house often because i am scared my legs gives way on me i went and bought a nintendo wii and wii fit so i will be able to use that to get the exercise
20 Jun 2009 12:05 |
hi all
i am sorry i havent been around on here much as i am having problems medically i have been undergoing some tests to find out whats wrong though i dont want to go into details but the consultant i saw did giv me some options to go through and i have to c my gp on monday to see whats what
margot im please u had a wonderful time in england
though i have kind of lost the plot wiv the diet i no i have to get back into things again and i have been doing a bit of exercise as i have a allotment plot that keeps me busy and not think about food lol
19 Jun 2009 14:13 |
Hello everyone,
I'm back from my beautiful trip to the UK,I had a wonderful time,and enjoyed every minute of it.When I got back,there was a message on the answering machine from my Slimming Club saying that I was their Queen of the year for losing 7.5 kgs.To say that I was surprised would be an understatement,I thought that someone was playing tricks on me.But it did turn out to be true,and I was the Queen at their Recognition night,which was lovely.Now I have to keep trying hard,and eat sensibly.So far it hasn't been too difficult,I think I'm still on a high!
Well done to Penny,Tina~j,Marilyn,Mo,Tinky,Broggy, and anyone who is battling to lose weight.Sorry if I've missed anyone out. Where are you all, and how have you been going? Have you been finding it hard,or easy??
Please share your stories with us,we would love to hear how you're going.
♫ Penny €
8 Jun 2009 20:20 |
Where has everyone gone !?!
Went to my RC class today - first time in a month & I'd lost a pound - no bad considering the month. Is anyone e else still plodding on?
27 Apr 2009 13:27 |
Tina~j-thank you for your good wishes for my holiday.Well done for losing 1.5 pounds-you're back on track now,keep it going!You're so right-it is worth it!
Margot xx
26 Apr 2009 15:04 |
Hi everyone - my turn to fess up! I haven't been on for ages as I have been too busy putting most of the weight I lost since Christmas back on (though not all of it fortunately.)
I got back to it last Monday - did my Coleen Nolan DVD on Mon, Wed and Fri for which I was pleased with myself. Getting back on track with the eating plan was much harder - especially the 4 o'clock munchies when the kids get back from school - I have got it together again now though. I lost 1.5 lb last week despite being slow to start, so am feeling optimistic now
Well done Margot, Mo and Marilyn for keeping at it, and I hope you have a lovely time here in the UK Margot.
To Maria, Tinky and anyone else (including me) who has had a little hiccup along the way - we'll have a fresh start and hopefully have better things to report in the next few weeks.
Good luck everyone - keep trying - it'll be worth it!
Tina x
26 Apr 2009 14:24 |
Hi everyone,sorry I haven't been on here for a while-we've been flat chat at work as our store is closing down,and everyone wants a share of the bargains.I worked 7 days straight,then 5 days.Very tiring!
I've been reasonably good,I've lost 6 kilos since starting this program. I was hoping to lose more,like another 2-3 kilos,but didn't quite get there. I'm off on my trip to the UK one week today,so I'm really looking forward to that.I will be gone for just over one month.When I come back,I'll continue with eating sensibly,and hopefully will lose some more weight gradually. And also more regular exercise- I started well with the Plank -then fell in a heap when the weather got really hot here-40degrees C + -and the fires,and the constant smell of smoke for about a week,and I didn't get back into it.The Plank is a great exercise,I want to do it again.
Marilyn,don't feel guilty about "giving in" to sweet things-you do need something to satisfy your sweet tooth,and to look forward to once a week. It might also help if we think of different kinds of food as "everyday" food- (the things that we need for healthy eating) and 'sometimes or occasional food"-the things that we eat a little of,like chocolate,or biscuits etc. If you don't do that,you'll probably end up bingeing on those things,and then feel really guilty.Maybe you could also give yourself a reward that's not food-a small item of clothing,a massage.etc.
Keep on trying everyone-most of you are doing really well!
Good luck,
Margot. xx
♫ Penny €
16 Apr 2009 20:28 |
I was just thinking the same about the wii fit as I have just cleared a load of toys off of it !!
Have you got the wii trainer heard thats good !
16 Apr 2009 20:12 |
mo that is good 10lbs is the right direction
maralin i have got into the routine opf only eating when i m hungry
i guess i will have to dig the wii fit out again lol but feelin poorly the past few days i have eaten very little
16 Apr 2009 18:23 |
Slowed down a bit now But have now lost 10lbs
16 Apr 2009 17:54 |
I am totally ashamed to say I gave in to the sweet stuff,, decided to give myself a treat once a week, something to look forward to. Couldnt face the thought of no treats for a good few months. I also have the same problem as Maria, nothing then pig out when I get really hungry, not the way to go I know!!
Saying that I thought my jeans were a bit slack on me the other day and when I jumped on the scales was pleased, and surprised to find that I had lost half a stone, not much I know in the time I have been doing it but that is in the last couple of months, and at least it is in the right direction.
Hope everyone else is doing okay, dont get disheartened, good luck to you all. Marilyn
16 Apr 2009 17:47 |
hi all how r we doing
i have stuffed up wiv my diet, due to health reasons i desparetly need to lose the weight helllllllllppppppppppppp lol
7 Apr 2009 17:04 |
Hello all,
I haven't called in on this thread for ages due to my total and utter shame at not losing anything, in fact I think I've put about 5lbs on since Christmas. (Hangs head, lol)
My problem is that I under-eat all day, (when I say under-eat, very often it gets to 4pm and I'll realise I've eaten nothing all day) and then come 6 or 7ish I fill up on crisps and a few glasses of wine, and then don't have my tea til stupid o'clock - 10pm sometimes or even later. OH usually does the cooking and he's always been a really late eater. I've tried in the past to get him to eat earlier cos I know it's really bad for both of us, and sometimes I've tried to cook a separate meal for me so I can have it earlier but then he thinks I'm being unsociable! When I do the cooking it is earlier and then he warms his up later on.
Anyway, with the 2 week school hols I'm trying to be very good. I'm making sure I have a bit of breakfast (Sultana Bran today!) and then I'm having fruit and a yoghurt for lunch and pleanty of fruit snacks whenever I need it. (I think I sometimes eat too much bread so I thought I'd leave it out for 2 weeks) and then my tea at an earlier hour, which means I'm not bothered about the crisps & wine.
I hope it might give me a bit of a kick-start - the stupid thing is that when I'm not eating, I don't feel hungry at all, whereas when (like this week) I'm behaving & eating much more I enjoy the fact that I have much more of an appetite, so I know it's doing me some good, my poor metabolism must usually be stuck in reverse I think.
Sorry to have waffled on so long, but I feel good for getting that all off my chest, and good luck to everyone else who's trying - good to read success stories and others who are also trying really hard.
Maria xxx
5 Apr 2009 20:23 |
Thanks for your encouragement Penny, Luckily when I went to have my fortnightly weigh in I had lost 4 lbs so that means at least I am now 2 lbs lighter than what I was at christmas. It is hard when you get a bit stuck to keep yourself motivated but will keep going safe in the knowledge that I'm not the only one in the world struggling!!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!!!! Tina
31 Mar 2009 12:29 |
Fantastic effort,Penny-going from a size 20 to a size 14-Well done! You obviously know how to lose the weight and keep it off!
In answer to your question-Duromine is a weight loss tablet which I take every 2nd day as I don't want to become addicted to it.I took it as a last resort,because I just couldn't seem to stop the emotional eating,usually at night.It is definitely working,as it takes the edge off your appetite,and gives you more energy to exercise.Strangely enough,I find it easier to eat more healthily when I'm on it,it cuts out any cravings for emotional eating for things you don't need.It 's easier to stick to the things that I should be eating.
At Slimming Club tonight I lost 1.6 kilos-I have no idea how.I have done more hours of work,but apart from that haven't really done anything special. I am walking half an hour every day again,but haven't started the Plank again.That is a brilliant exercise! Must start it again! My trip to the UK is only 4 weeks away now,I'd like to lose more yet.
Good luck to everyone,stay motivated.
XX Margot.
♫ Penny €
29 Mar 2009 07:50 |
Hi Margot
How's it going?
Not heard of Duromine? Is it working?
I lost a pound last week - not sure how as I went out for 4 or 5 meals Oh well
Tina - you seem to be the same as me - same since Christmas. At least you are managing to maintain the weight. Four stone loss is great / fab . I'd like to lose another stone - statistically I could lose 2 - 3 stone but I do enjoy my food & I don't want to have an unrealistic "diet". I have got down to size 14 from 20 & am happy to go in shops & buy a 14 ( although having a 31" leg is more of a problem now !)
My thoughts are just maintain my weight for now & then in a few months - maybe summer time refocus & evaluate my eating agin.
Good luck
29 Mar 2009 07:23 |
24 Mar 2009 22:36 |
MO-well done on losing half a stone,keep it up!!
xxx Margot.