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All threads on "Genealogy Chat" board
Icon | Topic | Posted by | Last Post | Views | Replies |
Are you an Irwin or a Diston | Gillian Jennifer XX | 16 Jan 2006 10:51 am by Merry Monty Merry Monty |
8 | 25 | |
Just had a thought, surely there are other people ... | |||||
Where do i go now? born 1920 but given up. | The Mushroom Gatherer | 18 Jan 2006 09:37 am by Merry Monty Montgomery (41¾) |
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Hi I was wondering if i could ask for some advi ... | |||||
Can someone help to decipher names please? UPDATE | Joan Williams | 25 Jan 2006 08:03 pm by JoanC |
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On the 1901 census reference RG/2545, Oswestry Shr ... | |||||
Name on Birth Cert | Janet Mills | 7 Feb 2006 01:51 pm by Merry Monty Merry Monty |
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My Gt Grandmother is Elizabeth Cranmer Wright (mai ... | |||||
DON'T FORGET! Who Do You Think You Are Is On Tonig | Horatia Sharpe | 8 Feb 2006 08:43 pm by Daniel Daniel |
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Thought you might want a reminder!!!! There may b ... | |||||
GRO | Truly Scrumptious♥♥ | 12 Feb 2006 05:43 pm by G_dmother Lunar G_dmother Lunar |
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Can someone please help and save me spending more ... | |||||
Can someone's birth be registered as something oth | Diana Hennis | 12 Feb 2006 07:42 pm by PinkDiana |
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Daft one but just been talking to daddy and he tel ... | |||||
wallace | Pauline Hill | 26 Feb 2006 09:38 pm by Pauline Pauline |
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Could anyone help with info on JOHN WALLACE born 1 ... | |||||
Certificates are not helping me!!!! | Susan Harding | 28 Feb 2006 02:55 pm by Susan Susan |
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I have my grandfathers birth cert George Henry Lay ... | |||||
Help apparently I'm a 'Guest' ? | Louise Stott | 7 Mar 2006 10:54 pm by Louise Louise |
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Just had a email from someone new who I gave my em ... | |||||
Opinion please about 1837 online | Unavailable Unavailable | 11 Mar 2006 04:57 pm by John John |
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I am upset that I Ancestry is witholding access to ... | |||||
Warning!!!!!! Ordering Certificates UPDATED!! | Custard _pot | 14 Mar 2006 06:07 pm by xHeyJudex |
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I would like to warn anyone ordering Certificates ... | |||||
Have just phoned GRO -envelope size aaggggggghhhhh | Tom Tom | 15 Mar 2006 08:38 pm by Merry Monty Merry Monty |
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They have said that all certs will be posted in sm ... | |||||
Now I'm Confused!!! | Clare Massey | 23 Mar 2006 10:26 pm by Clare Clare |
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Ok I'm trying to find information on my ggggg gran ... | |||||
Off loading my mystery | §till Stevens | 5 Apr 2006 10:22 am by Heather Heather |
11 | 25 | |
Please see below.... ... | |||||
Mariners & the census | Jen ~ Ealogy Addict | 8 Apr 2006 10:02 pm by Jen ~ Ealogy Addict |
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If a relative was a mariner/seaman, Naval or merch ... | |||||
Anyone getting pop ups on their computer when usin | Beverly Michelle | 13 Apr 2006 07:14 pm by Beverly Beverly |
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Just wondered or is it me. x Ironically, as I was ... | |||||
Have Marriage cert...Need help now please.. | * Loopy Lesley In Lancs * | 18 Apr 2006 11:43 am by * Loopy Lesley * Loopy Lesley |
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Hi please see first message Thanxs Lesley :~) ... | |||||
GR are charging for BMD index records. The cheek!! | Margaret in Burton on Trent, Staffordshire | 26 Apr 2006 09:57 am by Kate Kate |
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Have you noticed that if you click on 'Search Reco ... | |||||
What information can I expect to find. | Tracy from Yorkshire | 29 Apr 2006 08:54 pm by Tracy Tracy |
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I have the census information for My Great Grandfa ... |