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Can anyone help me with my Families Jewish connect

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Colin Report 2 Jul 2008 17:18

Ime with D there---
My grandfather was Thomas Parriche he was
Jewish and the only thing i found was a Parriche
in Spain in 1850
So if you come across Parriche, remember me
colin F
And good luck


Joan Report 28 Nov 2007 22:32

My Jewish lot were Jewish. Named Caro and the whole family were surgical truss makers !
Got two marriage certs and they married in the Great Synagogue, Duke Street, London. Would love to find out more about them but have so much to do. Ahh, another day.
Best wishes to all searching.


Heather Report 28 Nov 2007 22:28

LOL Concrete!

I had the same with my Cheals - "Oh definitely a Jewish name, come from the east end and look at the size of their noses" Turned out they were staunch C of E and previously catholics and had a pedigree going back to the domesday book as such in Sussex - LOL

Concrete Woman

Concrete Woman Report 28 Nov 2007 17:08

Dear Denise
Not that this is much help but it was a family story that my great grand father was Jewish and "married out".
I had some difficulty finding him as I had preconceived ideas, but when I did....he was a Pork Butcher and a staunch Methodist!
Good Luck!


Joan Report 28 Nov 2007 16:49

Thanks Chris :)

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 28 Nov 2007 16:40


We can type the address now :)



Joan Report 28 Nov 2007 14:34

Try the Jewishgen site.
I posted a message on there and had a reply and help within 6 hours.
I will look for the web address and post it as soon as poss.

3w's dot jewishgen dot org


Heather Report 28 Nov 2007 14:27

Theres quite a bunch of Jacobs' records on the IGI for Wiltshire.


Heather Report 27 Nov 2007 20:33

You should check out this info on the Jacobs family, salisbury on national archives:


Heather Report 27 Nov 2007 20:23

So you need to buy the certificate using the above ref on GRO online for £7. However, though there were a lot of Jewish immigrants in the east London area, did you not say this chap was from Wiltshire, born 1830? Certainly the bride does not have a Jewish name. The marriage cert will be the proof you need -

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 27 Nov 2007 18:14

If the marriage was conducted in a Synagogue then the certificate will state...

" Married in the xxx Synagogue according to the Rites and Ceromonies of the Jewish Religion by Certificate by me" and then it will name the Rabbi.


" Married in the xxx Synagogue according to the Usages of the Jews (or Jewish Religion) by Certificate" and will then name the Rabbi.



Potty Report 27 Nov 2007 17:58

Hi Denise

This looks like George and Mary Ann's marriage. The cert would tell you where they married. If it was in a synagogue you might be able to find some info there. At least it would give you George's father's name and you might be able to go back from that:

Marriages Mar 1860 (>99%)
Jacobs George Frederick Shoreditch 1c 362
Robertson Mary Ann Shoreditch 1c 362


Dianne Report 27 Nov 2007 17:11

Sorry I am unable to help, but I am adding as I would be interested in any answers too, for the same reasons as you.

Dianne xx


Glenda Report 27 Nov 2007 03:58

Hi Denise
I cannot help you but when you find out can you tell me. I have a bigger problem in that my Great Grand Father who was said to be Jewish is also said to have changed his name. I do not know where to start.


deespanner Report 26 Nov 2007 23:42

I am trying to find where the Jewish connection in our family comes from but the problem I have is that there are many Jacobs in my family and the thing is where or who was the Jacobs who came into the family that has the Jewish connections. I’m not sure but my way of thinking which is probably the wrong one is to go back as far as I can to when the Jacobs line started and go from there, maybe im wrong. But I can not seem to trace them back that far, the one that I have got back to is George Jacobs born around 1830 in Salisbury and he married Mary Ann Robertson in Shoreditch not sure of the date of marriage though. This probably sounds to you and lots of others a very strange thing i want to find out but it is something in the family that has been mentioned over the years and my second cousin confirmed that we are of Jewish decent but like me doesn’t know where we start to look to find out. I have also been told that there are and was thousands of Jewish families with the surname Jacobs in the Lambeth area where most of the Jacobs i have managed to find come from including myself and my immediate family. So i am totally lost and maybe i am being a bit too adventurous in my search. If anybody out there can tell me what to do or how i go about it i really would appreciate it and also want to prove to my Mum who was a Jacobs before she married my Dad that yes she is of Jewish decent, and boy you only have to look at family photos of the Jacobs family through the ages that you can see it is there.
If anyone out there has any ideas where I can start I would appreciate any help available, I have looked up all the sites to do with Jewish Connections but either I am having trouble navigating the sites or do not know where to or if I can post my request as I don’t have all the names in the family, so am I on a pointless journey?