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writting up family history
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BarbaraFromYorkshire | Report | 18 Apr 2010 00:29 |
Nudge to put in "my threads" Very interesting thread thanks |
Researching: |
Pat | Report | 18 Apr 2010 00:04 |
Hi Chris, I have just had my book published, seach the newspapers is my tip. My husbands g grandfather was in politics for a number of years which gave a lot of info. Because the family came from England to NZ in 1842 and times were very bad back then that gave me a good starting point. Good luck if I could do it anyone can. Pat |
♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ | Report | 17 Apr 2010 22:07 |
For the newbies! |
Chica in the sun ☼ | Report | 10 Sep 2007 22:35 |
Dee, it is all these memories which bring our ancestors to life. and yes your descendants will be eternally grateful to you. It is really important to talk to the "older" members of the family where possible. , just today my daughter was telling me she has been talking to her husband´s grandma and she started telling her about how during the Spanish Civil War they had to gag the mouths of their children as they hid in a cellar from Franco´s militia. Priceless information to pass on to our descendants. I always feel filled with gratitude when I hear such stories, and it is not only the dramatic ones but the everyday things like collecting the eggs that stir our souls. Get writing everyone, or talking to a tape or whatever, but Do IT! |
♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ | Report | 10 Sep 2007 16:19 |
Absolutely fascinating ideas! will certainly take them on board when doing my own. |
Christine in Yorkshire | Report | 10 Sep 2007 16:09 |
How interesting and helpful |
Janet | Report | 10 Sep 2007 14:38 |
I find that by writing up your family history in projects means that you do not have to wait until your family history is "complete" because your family history will never be complete! You can often complete a small part of the Family History and then write this up. |
Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) | Report | 10 Sep 2007 12:52 |
Ooh Jane |
Researching: |
Jane | Report | 9 Sep 2007 09:26 |
Hi Chris |
Linda | Report | 9 Sep 2007 07:52 |
Hi Lesley, |
*****me***** | Report | 9 Sep 2007 01:26 |
lesley,daisychain & jill, |
Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) | Report | 8 Sep 2007 23:50 |
Hi Chris |
Researching: |
Chica in the sun ☼ | Report | 8 Sep 2007 23:43 |
Hi Chris, I have spent the last year researching and writing up one line of my Fam. His which dates back to 1200. I started with my grandmother and began to work backwards, including photos, census info etc. but I found it very difficult to write "backwards" in time. So finally I decided to start with the earliest one I had in 1200 and work forward from there. Obviously no photos or anything like that, but I have written this with the view of it being an interesting, informative read for my children and grandchildren, therefore I have tried to make it amusing by including clip art and adding some historical facts e.g. whilst my ancestor was pinching fish from the King´s fisheries Shakespeare was "knitting up the ravelled sleeve of care" etc. (smiley fish clip art). Two friars stole land belonging to my ancestor (insert dodgy fat and thin monk) etc. I found it impossible (well at least for me) to write a family history without including the political, religious and social aspects of the times as they affect why they threw the unmarried pregnant daughter out of the house, or why g.granda was a bigamist or why so and so was transported for stealing etc. So much can be added to the basics facts to make a really interesting and fascinating history. If your history just goes back to census coverage you can do the same, talk about a family of 10 living in 2 rooms, or what a "trimmer" did as an occupation etc. It will all just come pouring in once you get started Chris, just make your cover page "The Chris......Family History" and away you go. Good luck. |
*****me***** | Report | 8 Sep 2007 22:07 |
has anyone ever written up there family history? |