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If You Need Help.... (Will do lookups)

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Danielle-Marie Report 10 Aug 2007 15:31

I am willing to do 1841 - 1901 England, Scotland and Wales Census lookups. Will also search BMD's 1837 - present day (not always possible in some cases), WW1 Pensions records and English and Scottish parish records (limited). Please supply as much info as you can especially dates and counties if known. Get in touch.... Regards Danielle-Marie xx


~*kazza*~ Report 10 Aug 2007 15:32

Hi Danielle, Could you look for a James Fossey in 1841. Born Bishopsgate Middlesex London c1827. Thanks


Danielle-Marie Report 10 Aug 2007 15:47

HI kazza, Afraid I couldn't find him. He only seems to appear on the 1851 census. Even tried searching for his parents names (which appear on the 1851 census) but no luck. Do you have the parent info or would you like me to send you it. Take Care Danielle-Marie


~*kazza*~ Report 10 Aug 2007 15:54

Thanks Danielle I couldnt find him either. I have him all the way to 1882 when he died but not before 1841. Please send me the parent info this would be great. Thanks for your time and effort. Kaz


Danielle-Marie Report 10 Aug 2007 16:01

Hi, Info as follows 1851: James Fossey c1811 Bishopgate, Middlesex is living with dad James Fossey c1803 a Saddler mum Ellen Fossey c1808 born in Ireland sister Sarah c1838 Bishopgate, Middlesex and sister Susanna c1828 Bishopgate, Middlesex. James c1811 is also listed as a saddler like his father. Regards Danielle-Marie


~*kazza*~ Report 10 Aug 2007 16:18

This seems to be right as saddle maker is right throught the line but the ages here do not fit. Son b1811 father b1803 mother b1808 Does it say son as this would be impossible. His father would be 8 when he was born. My James was born 1827 which would fit with the father and the mother. I know the records are sometimes incorrect or maybe another family living close. I wish they would stop calling everyone in the same family the same name i'm sure they did it on purpose. Could you see if there was another family there too. Thanks Danielle for you time. Kaz


Danielle-Marie Report 10 Aug 2007 16:40

Sorry don't know where the c1811 came from must have been thinking about something else. He was born c1827 like you said. Do you still wan tme to look for another family. By the way i completely agree on the name front. It can be really annoying. But also helpful as sometimes it can help you find missing relatives. All the best


~*kazza*~ Report 10 Aug 2007 16:45

Yes please Danielle I would be grateful. Everything fits now except I have a James Fossey in the 1851 census married and living with his wife Eliza. Sorry if i'm not understanding how this works as I am only used to using the census records and not sure what other records there is and what it is that you have. But I do think he wasnt a nice chappy as I find him in Parkhurst in 1881 and coincodently his wife died in 1877. Kaz


Nicola Report 10 Aug 2007 20:40

Probably the longest of superbly long shots- however- there is a James Foss ( not fossey) aged 15 ( 1826) on the 1841 census- at a pub is Islington called The Bluecoat Boy. The scan is pretty awfull-very hard to read. No place of birth- but there usually are not on the 1841 census anyway- Also- as the scans are sometimes so hard to read- have you tried Possey/Rossey etc to search with? Im glad i dont have to transcribe those records!! Even if its completely useless to you i enjoyed deciphering it! Nic x


Nicola Report 10 Aug 2007 20:51

P.S - i tried Forsyth too- as it sounds so similar.


Danielle-Marie Report 11 Aug 2007 12:48

*nudge* so you can find help if you need it. x x


Rhona Report 11 Aug 2007 13:01

Hi Danielle Im back as far as my g-g-g grandfather(lots missing in between lol) so looking for info on the following if you can spare the time? much appreciated Rhona JEMIMA MOGGIE DOB 1852 ish DOD 23/08/1907, looking for her parents JAMES MOGGIE and mother either MATILDA THOMSON or JEMIMA WALLACE, (discrepancy between mother's name on Jemima Moggie's marriage/death cert) plus any siblings. WIILIAM HUGHES married MARGARET WALKER 27/11/1846 any info there. JOHN MCMAHON married RACHEL FARREL/McLELLAN (again differs between marriage and birth cert this time. All relatives should be Glasgow or Fife area.


Danielle-Marie Report 11 Aug 2007 13:31

Hi Elaine, Can't seem to find John at all. Obviously he is not on the WW1 Pensions records on the census records available. However I can't seem to find his marriage certificate either and without a rough birth date or county the number of birth entry possibilities is extensive 500+. Sorry about that Danielle-Marie


Danielle-Marie Report 11 Aug 2007 13:47

Hi Rhona, Will do work on the other relatives you have mentioned but for now here is the information of the Moggie Family. In 1871 I managed to find a Jemima Moggy c1853 a weaver living with her sister Isabella Chrisholm c1842 and other siblings Elizabeth Moggy c1856 Sarah Moggy c1859 and James Moggy c1864. From this I went back in time to the 1861 census. his is where it gets a bit odd. I found a Matilda Moggie (one of the possibilities for her mother) born c1822 a railway Lab wife (husband away) living with her 3 children: Jemima Hogge c1853 Eliza Hogge c1856 Sarah S Hogge c1859 *not sure where the surname has appeared from but the childrens names and dob's all match those from the 1871 census* Then in 1851 I found a James Moggie c1822 a Stone Mason living with his wife Matilda Moggie c1821 and his two children. Isabella Moggie 1842 (matches that from 1871) Sarah Moggie c1850 (this child may possibly have died and teh Sarah born in 1859 named after her / I will try and check this out for you). To me all three seemingly different families in theory due to surname seem to be the same one in practice. Hopefully this is of some use to you. Will be in touch son with more info *hopefully* Take Care Danielle-Marie


GlitterBaby Report 10 Sep 2008 23:45


Not been used for over a year

You already have a thread asking for help on this


Valerie Report 11 Sep 2008 02:44

Please can you find 1851 family/sibblings of: George & Michael Brien (Bryan)b1829 &/31 Cork. (father John). (George 'Brien' joined HEIC 1853 'Westminster' London. ... Intended place of residence upon Army discharge: Woolwich. ....(have George Bryan since 1871 Woolwich -Chelsea pensioner b Cbrk) Michael Bryan only found once.. in1861 Gravesend b1830 Bandon. Hopefully you can see a large family with John Bryan as Head - with George (firstborn) c1829 and Michael (next)c1830. ......thankyou for any help....Valerie