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Transcribing for FreeBMD??

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Alison Report 15 Aug 2003 14:12

Hi there. Is anyone out there a transcriber for FreeBMD? I would like to become one but I don't know whether I have to commit to so many hours a week. If so, I'm not sure I could commit. I'd be grateful to hear from someone who is transcribing. Thanks Ali


Jonathan Report 15 Aug 2003 14:25

Hi, there's no pressure to do any set amount of time or number of pages - once you are signed up, you will be sent an allocation, and you just send them back in whenever you are ready. Jon


Tracy Report 15 Aug 2003 14:34

Hi, I'm a transcriber too for FreeBMD and find I go through stages of being able to do loads and then, not having any time to do any! They never put any pressure on you, the only nag I get, is from myself!! As Genealogy is such a popular and costly hobby, the more volunteers FreeBMD get, the sooner the data will be online for everyone to access free of charge. Isn't this what we all want in the end?

Catherine from Manchester

Catherine from Manchester Report 15 Aug 2003 14:38

How do you go about this, is it done from home or something.Sorry if it's a thick question but I don't know much about it. I would be interested too. Catherine


Alison Report 15 Aug 2003 14:40

Thanks for your replies. I shall definately sign up now then. I agree with you Tracey...the more people transcribing the quicker we'll get there! Thanks ever so much. Rgds Ali


Alison Report 15 Aug 2003 14:43

Catherine, I have been reading the info at the freebmd site http://freebmd(.)rootsweb(.)com. There is a lot to get your head round though. Apparently you can sign up online with one of the syndicates. Not sure how I'll get on! I'll let you know how I get on. Ali


Tracy Report 15 Aug 2003 14:49

I joined the Scan2 syndicate through FreeBMD and within a couple of days, they had emailed me with a test page for entering data and all the instructions necessary. You need to download a small program from the Internet, and then you can start. If you have any problems you can e-mail the syndicate leaders and they normally respond within a day or so, or I may be able to help! It's really good when you see your data added to the website, and it's quite interesting seeing all the names, ages etc. when you are transcribing too! I have actually installed the program at home and work as I sometimes get time to do some data entry in the working day. You normally get allocated a couple of sheets at a time, so it's easy to keep one for home and one for work.


47551 Report 15 Aug 2003 14:54

Hi Alison, I've been a member of the Scan2 syndicate since last October and have found it a great way to fill spare time. This sydndicate gives you training and there is always someone on hand to help if you get stuck. You down load scans and type them as and when you can. If I can help drop me an email. Regards, Nesta


Jonathan Report 15 Aug 2003 14:57

Just to back up what Tracy and Nesta said - I agree completely - doing the transcring can be an interesting occupation in itself. If you follow the links from the FreeBMD main page to "Join BMD", then to the syndicates where you don't need a microfiche reader, (Scan 2), you will come to an email address. After a day or two, you will be sent detailed instructions of what to do next, and you're away! You will need to download WinBMD or one of the other programs from the Website to use when you are transcribing.


Alison Report 15 Aug 2003 15:07

Thanks to everyone for all the help. I really appreciate the encouragement. Rgds Ali


Anna Report 16 Aug 2003 22:58

What is the web address for free BMD? i am interesting in helping but cant find the page !


47551 Report 16 Aug 2003 23:05

Hi all, The FreeBMD web site is freebmd(.)rootsweb(.)com. Remove the brackets and the world of BMD is at your finger tips. Regards, Nesta


*****me***** Report 16 Aug 2003 23:23

hi everyone, i've just read all your messages about transcribing for freebmd,i've been to the page and have signed up!it will be very interesting to do,can't wait to get started. thanks everyone, i've been wanting to do something like this for ages.


Borobabs Report 9 Sep 2008 00:25

I am nudging this thread as I have just signed up for this and I know they are needing more volunteers, plus its also good for any other to post if there is problems and you want advice instead waiting for e-mail ;;;
