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Finding great grandparents' children
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Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 09:43 |
I am VERY new to geneaology so your help would be appreciated please. How can I find my great grandparents' children apart from looking at the online census? Are there any other records available? Many thanks in anticipation!! |
Janet | Report | 22 Oct 2003 09:54 |
Aileen Can you give some idea of the period we are talking about? For example, your grandparents' approximate dates of birth? Janet |
Margaret | Report | 22 Oct 2003 09:55 |
Aileen Are they likely to be on the IGI site? www(.)familysearch(.)org If they are, you can do a parent search. Where is says father's name put the man's first and last name. For the mother just put the first name, as maiden names are very rarely in the register. Put in the country and county etc, or the batch number is even better http://freepages(.)genealogy(.)rootsweb(.)com/~hughwallis/IGIBatchNumbers(.)htm#Menu That will tell you all of the children who had parents of that name in that area. Of course if they are common names you will have to put a bit of logic to it, dates etc. Margaret |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:11 |
Thank you Margaret and Janet! My gt .grandfather was born approx. 1858 and I believe he had 3 children at the 1891 Census. I think he died before the 1901 census took place and his wife re-married. |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:11 |
Thank you Margaret and Janet! My gt .grandfather was born approx. 1858 and I believe he had 3 children at the 1891 Census. I think he died before the 1901 census took place and his wife re-married. |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:12 |
Thank you Margaret and Janet! My gt .grandfather was born approx. 1858 and I believe he had 3 children at the 1891 Census. I think he died before the 1901 census took place and his wife re-married. |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:12 |
Thank you Margaret and Janet! My gt .grandfather was born approx. 1858 and I believe he had 3 children at the 1891 Census. I think he died before the 1901 census took place and his wife re-married. |
Janet | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:17 |
Aileen Say that again!!? Janet |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:21 |
So sorry!!! Can't think what I did to cause that outburst |
}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:23 |
Janet LOL Aileen Bless you! Just click on 'send message' once and it will go eventually. Could we please have some names for your grandparents and areas in which to look. Cheers! Jeanette |
Ann L from Darlo | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:48 |
Aileen Are you near the area your great,grandparents lived? It can give a buzz looking through the parish records at the local records office,althought it does take longer but you are looking at the original entry's. Regards Ann,Darlington |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:51 |
ThanK you Jeanette They are: Robert (? A.) Bone b. approx 1858 Sarah (?. A) Bone b. approx 1860 I am almost certain these are my gt grandparents - I recognised my grandmother's name in the 1891 census which indicated that these two were her parents. I've not actually obtained any birth certificates yet. |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:52 |
ThanK you Jeanette They are: Robert (? A.) Bone b. approx 1858 Sarah (?. A) Bone b. approx 1860 I am almost certain these are my gt grandparents - I recognised my grandmother's name in the 1891 census which indicated that these two were her parents. I've not actually obtained any birth certificates yet. |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:55 |
Ann, I probably could do that as I don't think I'm too far away. Where would I find the parish registers?.... Sorry but I did warn you I was just a baby in this game |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 10:58 |
Ann, Doh! You already told me!!! New question: Would I have to make an appointment at the local office or do you just turn up? Aileen |
Margaret | Report | 22 Oct 2003 11:01 |
Ring to find out, all offices have different rules. Address and phone numbers on www(.)genuki(.)co(.)uk Margaret |
Aileen | Report | 22 Oct 2003 11:18 |
Thanks Margaret, I'll look at that site |
Ann L from Darlo | Report | 22 Oct 2003 11:23 |
Aileen Yes you have to make an appiontment,if you look in you local phone book for County records offices or Local Studies, also your local Library should be able to help. After all we all have to strt some where and it's not everyone who has a computer so a lot of people are doing their research without a PC. Don't worry about asking for help. Ann,Darlington |