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needing advise can anyone help please.

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Unknown Report 27 Oct 2003 22:39

Hi Jackie, I think you will have to make that promised trip to Edinburgh and search all the records around that time. I think that it is the only way you will be able to do it. You can only check births up to 1902 on SP although you would be able to search the deaths but as you say there are too many. Regards Margaret


Helen Report 27 Oct 2003 19:50

It took me ages to find my G Grandparents marriage, I thought for ages they must have been living 'over the brush'. My Nan was the eldest child and was born in 1913 and she had a brother born about 4 years later. Finally found the marriage in 1893! They were childless on the 1901 but I still don't know if they had any other children who died. My Nan doesn't think so but then again I don't think her family talked about 'that sort of thing'. My Nan's knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of pregnancy and childbirth is made up of superstition and old wives tales but gives me a giggle. I couldn't believe it when she told me she had ALL her teeth taken out at age 20 because she had a miscarriage and her Mum told her it was caused by bad teeth! There's also the tale of her finding a tortoise in the garden whilst pregnant with my Auntie. It frightened her so much that my Auntie was born with a birthmark on her back the shape of the tortoise and was slow for the first five years!


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 19:33

amanda i have recieved your e-mail. i have sent you another one having problems with attachments, regards jackie .


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 15:46

hi janet i hope i get to find out to , this side of the family never stayed in one place long enough , thanks for your suggestions. cheers jackie x


Janet Report 27 Oct 2003 15:40

Hi Jackie Just had an after thought,an aunt of mine born 1900 had many pregnancies and many miscarrages she only had one child,soyour grt gran may have been unlucky in that way things like that were never spoken about in those days.Hope you get to find out ,it is so frustrating not knowing isnt it? Jan


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 15:20

thankyou so much amanda i will send you a e-mail , jackie x


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 15:13

hi janet , i had thought along those lines to . i had a look on the scotlands people site but henry is such a popular name would have cost me a fortune looking through them all, will maybe try what you have suggested thankyou for that , cheers jackie.


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 15:10

hi amanda, my rellies have really moved about . my greatgrandfather was born in ireland , dont have his birth cert . found on the lancashire 1881 census with his family then i cannot find hin again until 1899 where he marries my greatgran in glasgow , it can get very confusing , thanks for doing this for me , regards jackie .


Janet Report 27 Oct 2003 15:06

hi jackie My grt grandad had a gap of 7 years between his second child and the next one,I looked in the pro birth records to see if I could find any that could belong to him,I found 2 then looked at the death records and sure enough they had both died after birth,one was just registered male so I presumed it had been stillborn,Luckely the family name is unusuall so i could be sure they were mine.I know this is difficult if you cant get to London to look through the books but your local LDS family centre has all BMD from 1837 onwards.Dont know if this is any help to you ,somebody may come up with an easier way. Good hunting Jan


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 15:05

hi rosemary , i had thought of that but as far as i know he wasnt in the armed forces , thanks anyway, regards jackie


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 14:57

hi penny forgot to add they married in scotland she was born in glasgow , he was born in ireland, but i found them living with there familys on the 1881 census in lancashire , and only found the rest of her family and not her on the scottish 1891 . so i suppose she could have stayed and met him there , hope i am not confusing anyone else


Penny Report 27 Oct 2003 14:50

You may be lucky and find something on FREEBMD for the early part of the century. If you post the details that you know one of us may be able to shed some light. Penny


Jackie Report 27 Oct 2003 14:47

my greatgran and grandad were married in 1899 . they never had there first cild until 1910 then my granny in 1912, i am wodering why there was such a gap between marriage and there first child, they married at 26 and 31. my aunt has know mentioned my gran had mentioned something about a sister could anyone advise me on how i could go about finding if there was anymore children, hope this makes sense . jackie.