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Copy and Paste - quick tip
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Andrea | Report | 28 Oct 2003 11:52 |
Message below. |
Andrea | Report | 28 Oct 2003 11:52 |
I have just been reading a message and someone had "cut and pasted" the info onto the message board rather than typing it all out again. I think this is a brilliant idea for when you see something that may come in useful later - websites etc, or when you post a message and want to keep a note of the replies. Here's how:- Open the message, using your mouse - place your cursor at the beginning of the message that you want to copy. Click your right mouse button and KEEPING it clicked, move your mouse over the whole text - it will all go black. Then let go and press your Control key and C together - this means copy. Then open up your normal word package, open a new document. Press Control Key and V together - this will paste it - which puts the text on your new document. Then just save as usual. Hope this helps and isn't too confusing. I am a typist and have known how to do this for years - but never thought of using it on here for some reason. I have always either copied everything down or used my dictaphone to record it all. Saves trawling back through messages later to find it again!! |
BrianW | Report | 28 Oct 2003 12:03 |
Andrea I think you may mean hold down left mouse button to highlight the text, rather than the right (unless, of course you have the functions reversed because you are left handed). Also, I find it easier to just hit the"copy" and "paste" icons on the menu bar rather than "Control" plus a function key. |
Researching: |
Anna | Report | 28 Oct 2003 12:06 |
I always get confused with the ctrl C and ctrl V so i left click it to highlight it,then right click and go down to where it says copy or paste.Took me ages to learn how to do it lol but it saves a lot of time when you are doing something like this and you have a lot of info to sort out.I cut and paste all the BDMs into notepad so i have reference to them when i need it |
Tracey | Report | 28 Oct 2003 12:07 |
I'm with you Brian and Anna, use your left button to highlight and the right button to copy and paste. Cool feature! Generations to come will probably have withered left hands because we can do most things with our right! |
Researching: |
Andrea | Report | 28 Oct 2003 13:24 |
Apologies to all - I do mean the left mouse button. Being thick, sorry. As for your comments about using the menu that comes up or going to the tool bar - good idea. As I said in the original message, I am a typist, so it is automatic for me to use the key strokes rather than the tool bar etc, which I guess would be easier for none typists. Either way works so whatever is easiest. |
Shirlock | Report | 28 Oct 2003 14:10 |
Thank you for that info Andrea. Shirley |
Georgina | Report | 28 Oct 2003 15:48 |
in case anyone is interested- you can also ctrl y to repeat an action! |
Marcie | Report | 28 Oct 2003 16:09 |
help please where do i copy it to, notepad sounds good ,where is it,i am left handed and i can really confuse myself. marcie |
BrianW | Report | 28 Oct 2003 16:12 |
Go: Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad. You can also, and maybe more usefully, copy into Word. |
Researching: |
Marcie | Report | 28 Oct 2003 16:15 |
thanks brian, marcie |
Meryl | Report | 28 Oct 2003 20:39 |
Hi Thanks for that tip, I usally write it out by hand or print. Meryl |
Bren from Oldham | Report | 29 Oct 2003 21:12 |
Hi Marcia I am left handed and I have managed to copy your message into word quite easily by Highlighting then going to edit clicking on copy and then opening word and pasting it there I taught myself to use the mouse Rt handed but then I had an op on my Rt hand so I am back to using my left hand but I haven't changed the Mouse to be left handed and I find it is easier to use Bren |
Helen | Report | 29 Oct 2003 22:08 |
Brenda Me, the hubby and both kids are lefties but we all use the mouse right handed. It's easier as you use the mouse in your right and type with your left (Can only do one finger typing!) |