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Vital Records Index V2- Best Place to buy????
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CelticShiv | Report | 7 Nov 2003 16:19 |
Just wondered where the best place to buy this is. Also I have heard good and bad comments on it, what is your personal opinion, so far people who have done look ups for me have found quite a bit on my scottish ancestors, so i feel it may be beneficial to me. |
Researching: |
Carol | Report | 7 Nov 2003 16:32 |
Buy it from LDS £22.95 including postage 399 Garrets Green Lane Birmingham, B33 0UH, ENGLAND Tel: 0121 7852200 |
Jim | Report | 7 Nov 2003 19:36 |
I have the first and second editions and wouldn't be wthout them. One advantage of the 2nd is, that if you find a person you can also click to find other children by the same parents (names). This can be good but it can also give lots of other family names of the same. BUT you will soon learn how totrim out the dross. I would also say you can search neighbours in it as well which can be very handy. BUY it!! Jim |
susie manterfield(high wycombe) | Report | 7 Nov 2003 20:36 |
james i have just got the VRI2nd edition and i didnt realise still trying to find my way round it. have you got any more tips you could let me have..please susie |
Lilian | Report | 7 Nov 2003 22:28 |
Could someone please tell me which year this edition was produced. I have used the 1st edition and didn't have any success. Lilian |
Teresa In Canada | Report | 7 Nov 2003 22:57 |
Hi Lillian; The copywright date is 2001. Teresa |
Andy | Report | 7 Nov 2003 23:07 |
So if the VRI Second Edition is £22.95 from LDS then why are people bidding £40.00 + for it on ebay or am I looking at something else ? http://cgi(.)ebay(.)co(.)uk/ws/eBayISAPI(.)dll?ViewItem&item=3635639980&category=1252 remove the brackets |
CelticShiv | Report | 7 Nov 2003 23:13 |
cos some people on ebay are bleeding bonkers!!!! |
Researching: |
Kathleen | Report | 9 Nov 2003 19:42 |
So glad you asked this Siobhan. want to order one tomorrow Kathleen |
Crista | Report | 9 Nov 2003 23:23 |
Kathleen and Siobhan, I would not recommend the VRIs. I bought them and have had no luck with it at all. You should see the Teresa Boyce's message on the Records Office board. She is offering VRI lookups. If you look through the messages you will see other people aren't having that much success either. Crista |
Carol | Report | 10 Nov 2003 00:58 |
There are also on ebay, people selling this information for £2.50 I will give you it again for free Buy it from LDS £22.95 including postage 399 Garrets Green Lane Birmingham, B33 0UH, ENGLAND Tel: 0121 7852200 |
BobClayton | Report | 10 Nov 2003 10:14 |
Ive just ordered the parish records cd for West Yorks and Nottinghamshire. anyone tried these? Its supposed to have info from other sources as well. Bob |
Researching: |
Cathy | Report | 10 Nov 2003 10:26 |
I bought marriage records for a particular church hoping to find more info than on the IGI. Have found that a marriage that is on the IGI at the same church, isn't on the CD. I thought I was buying the complete record of marriages between 1558 and 1837. Do I believe the CD or the IGI? Cathy |
Kathleen | Report | 10 Nov 2003 13:27 |
Christa Thanks for your comments,Teresa has kindly done a few look ups for me,that was one reason for wanting to buy my own as dont want to keep bothering her.I didnt realise the coverage was patchy,and cant get to LDS.Would be a shame to spend that money if I couldnt find anything,will think again Thanks Again Kathleen |
Rosalind in Madeira | Report | 10 Nov 2003 13:32 |
Catherine, is the CD a transcript or a copy of the original? Most of the IGI is taken from BT's and there can be errors as you end up with something that is transcribed twice, always treat the IGI with caution, until you have checked out the original PR. Ros |