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Carol Report 7 Nov 2003 18:35

Iam really struggling with my Fathers side of the family. All i have to go on is my Grandads birth certificate( i dont even know my grandmas name), from 1894, it is very small and doesnt tell me much more than his birthdate. Does any one know if they did bigger certs then with more info on? Also i have bought what I thought was my grandads wedding certificate( at last a lead i thought) but it isnt, is there any were (way) i can pass this on to some one. it feels a bit odd having the marriage certificate of someone who isnt related to me. Can anyone give me any ideas of what else i can do to find any more info with so little to go on ie. birth date , death date , childrens names? have tried the usual, census, bmd sites but drawn a blank, thanks for any help, this is taking over my life!.


Unknown Report 7 Nov 2003 18:47

Hi, you could put it on www(.)ukbmd(.)co(.)uk and see if there is someone looking for it? Good Idea to ask for some help on here lots of people are very kind.......Jo

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 7 Nov 2003 19:07

There are 2 types of certificate given when you register a birth. A short one shows only a few details, but a full cert shows Name, Parents names (incl Mother's maiden name) and occupations, place/date of birth. If you order the cert for your granddad at £7 now it will automatically be a full one. Maz. XX By the way, just a thought, to get your grandma's name you need the birth certificate of your mum or dad (her child). XX


Carol Report 7 Nov 2003 20:10

maz, thanks for the tip re dads birth cert. do you nkow if it gives the mothers maiden name as well as married name, the only b.c's ive got are short ones.

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 7 Nov 2003 20:13

Yes, it will give mother's maiden name. You can then hope to find their marriage, and the cert for this will give both father's names and occupations. I would recommend starting completely from the beginning (i.e. dad's cert first) as you can't go off on a wild goose chase that way. Only follow back what you are absolutely sure of - I have learnt to my cost!! And always ask for help or advice thru GC there will be no shortage of helpers!! Maz. XX


Carol Report 8 Nov 2003 09:28



Crista Report 8 Nov 2003 10:27

Carol, What's your granddad's name and where was he born? You should be able to find him on the 1901 census with his parents and siblings. Crista


Carol Report 8 Nov 2003 15:33

All I have is my grandads dob 28/09/1894 his dod 14/07/1938 and i know his name was John Henry Howard, his birth was reg in Litherland which is in Liverpool, he went on to have 4 children Arthur, Abraham, George and Hannah.


Crista Report 8 Nov 2003 22:25

Carol, Litherland comes under the West Derby registration district. Births Dec 1894 Howard John Henry W. Derby 8b 499 Crista


S Report 8 Nov 2003 22:46

1) Get hold of your mother/father's full birth certificate....this will give you your grandmother's maiden name. 2) Search for your grandparents' marriage certificate....start about a year or so before their first child's birth. Try www(.)1937online(.)com. When you find your grandfather's name, check for your grandmother's maiden name....they should have the same reference number. 3) Send off for the certificate....this should give you the names of both grandparents' fathers and you can work back from there. Fingers crossed....because unfortunately it doesn't always work out like that! Good luck! Sue

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 8 Nov 2003 22:55

Hi Carol, What you have sounds like "A certificate of Registry of Birth", these were given to the parents to prove that they had registered the birth, but they are not a birth certificate. They were cheaper which is why parents opted for them. You can use the details to get the full certificate from the registrar, just send them the details plus £7 (made payable to Superintendent Registrar) and a SAE. Ros


Paul Report 9 Nov 2003 00:27

This is spooky!!!!!!! I have the strangest feeling that I remember an Arthur Howard, who may have been employed by Litherland Council, and he was the chauffeur (excuse spelling if it is wrong), when my father was Chairman of that Council. That would have been in the late 1950's. I think they lived not far from Connors shop and Post office, at the crossroads of Church Road and Hawthorn(e) Road. They may have had a daughter, Christine(?) Forgive me if I am wrong, I don't want to mislead anyone, I have had enough false leads myself. Paul


Carol Report 9 Nov 2003 00:45

On the 1901 there are these aged 5 John Howard 5 Herts Hemel Hempstead Herts Watford John Howard 5 Lanc St Helens Lanc St Helens John Howard 5 Lancashire Bolton Lancaster Bolton John Howard 5 Lancashire St Helens Lancashire St Helens John Howard 5 Lancs Accrington Lancashire Accrington John Howard 5 Lancs Bury Lancashire Bury John Howard 5 Lancs Liverpool Everton I searched for age 5, as the census was before his 6th birthday. The last one born in Liverpool, the address is Haddon St. and there are 6 in the household. Let me know if you want them.


Stan Report 9 Nov 2003 10:09

Hi Carol Sorry to contradict someone as respected as Carol Bissett on this board, but with a birth date of September 1894, John Howard was 6 in 1900, so was definitely 6 at the date of the 1901 Census. Unfortunately there are 29 John Howards aged 6. The most likely is listed as born in Kirkby and living in Kirkby. That is a little further from Litherland than Everton. I hope you find out the correct entry. If you send for the West Derby entry found by Crista, it will give the father's name. The 1901 census could then be checked against his name. Stan