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No Church on marriage Certificate

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Donna Report 9 Nov 2003 17:54

Has anyone come acros this before? I really wanted that info in order to check the church records but lo and behold no church entered on the certificate - any ideas?


Margaret Report 9 Nov 2003 18:00

Donna Does it just say the Parish Church of ? If so, then maybe it was the only church in the area at that particular time. Check churches on genuki www(.)genuki(.)co(.)uk remove brackets Margaret


Donna Report 9 Nov 2003 18:25

No which is strange, ther si nothing written at the top where the church details usually are and ast the bottom it just says married in the church, no parish. I only know that they lived in Shenley and St Botolphs is one of the churchs there and that the marriage was registered in Barnet? How can I find out the church name?


Margaret Report 9 Nov 2003 18:30

Donna Did you get the cert fom the GRO or the local Register office? Why not ring them for an explanation. It could be a mistake on their part, they could have ommited to fill in the cert properly. If you don't ask you'll never know!! Margaret

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 9 Nov 2003 18:31

Hi Donna, I know Shenley and there is a parish church ( can't remember the name) and also what used to be a psychiatric hospital, originally the asylum, with a large church in the grounds. Could have been that one, do you want me to investigate further?


Donna Report 9 Nov 2003 19:11

I got the cert from the GRO so its a copy of the original, but I will call and ask. Helen - You are a star - I have been to St Botolphs in Shenley before but the church is now privately owned and as a result got told off for parking in the driveway!!! I didnt see the other one where abouts is it? I am planning a trip to Herts Record office when I get some time off work so anyhting you can find out woudl be fantastic. Thank you.


Valerie Report 9 Nov 2003 19:19

Hi Donna, This was the case with a copy I got from a local office and they explained that the church had not been transcribed. I later got the church from LancashireBMD site. Any local sites you could get your info. from?


Donna Report 9 Nov 2003 19:25

Not too much info on the village of Shenley its still quite small, and when I went there the locals I did speak to werent too helpful for some reason?

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 9 Nov 2003 19:53

Donna, to find out about Shenley Hospital, try www(.)knowhere(.)co(.)uk/board/kb3478/ Otherwise, look at www(.)hertfordshire-genealogy(.)co(.)uk/data/places/aa-vital-data-htm or, try http://enquire(.)hertscc(.)gov(.)uk/cms/explore/cycle/shenleyhtm#StMargarets Remove the brackets. Hope I got those right. If you type Shenley hospital, or churches into Google there are lots of things to look at.


Donna Report 9 Nov 2003 20:00

Hi Helen, UNfortunately I have tried all of these before, it was Chris from The Hertfordshire Genealogy site who managed to work out it was Shenley I wanted in the first place. I hadnt heard about the church that is now a hospital though - do you know whereabouts in Shenley it is?

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 10 Nov 2003 15:11

Hello Donna, It's not a church that became a hospital, but what used to be a psychiatric hospital that had a church of its own in the grounds for the patients and staff. You can see it as you fly by on the M25. I think there is also a Methodist church in Shenley and a Roman Catholic church nearbye - one of the websites I gave you has got details of these. Good Luck!


Michele Report 10 Nov 2003 15:43

Hi Donna If it's any help to you there is a church in Shenley called St Martins [my godson was christened there 2 years ago so it's still there]. The old Shenley Hospital as was is now a new housing estate although some parts of the original hospital are there still as some bits are listed buildings. Hope this is of some help.


Zoe Report 11 Nov 2003 10:31

Donna, don't know how useful it might be or how close it is to your area but Barnet has a very good museum who are very helpful with family history enquiries. You can get the phone number by putting "Barnet Museum into google If you're still stuck and can hang on I'll be up in barnet in the new year (end of January) once the local library and family history room is re-opened Zoe


Donna Report 11 Nov 2003 12:40

thank you all, time to get out there and do some digging around I think.