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Ancestry dot co dot uk - info please

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Andrea Report 12 Nov 2003 12:33

Sorry to blag again about this, but I have yet another query. Please see below.


Andrea Report 12 Nov 2003 12:33

I have been told that it is worth subscribing to this site, so I just went to do that, but I am only given the option for the yearly subscription and I want to do the 3 month one - because of all the comments about the difference in the amount of tax we have to pay. Please can someone tell me how I go about getting the 3 month subscription.


Heather Report 12 Nov 2003 12:58

hi when i signed up for mine, i had the free trial first and then the three month offer automatically came up (did it by accident the first time) if you have anything you want looking up please email me hevi

susie manterfield(high wycombe)

susie manterfield(high wycombe) Report 12 Nov 2003 13:37

andrea i signed up for the yearly subscription.with tax it cost £82.00.but i have found it invaluable in my research and i enjoy doing look ups for others. i have helped so many GC members in tracing their ancestors that i am so glad that i signed up susie


Andrea Report 12 Nov 2003 14:31

I have now worked out how to do it and I have joined up for the 3 month subscription. But I can't find anyone!! I was looking for a family that I found on the 1881 and 1901 - but there is no sign of them in 1891 - did they disappear for 10 years?? So I tried another family who were there in 1881 and 1901 - but again, no sign of them. What am I doing wrong????? This hobby of mine is proving to me more of a bother than a pleasure just lately!! Arrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!! Please help if you can.


Karen Report 12 Nov 2003 18:44

I'm totally frustrated with this site - I'd love to subscribe, but they obviously think everybody has either a Mastercard or Visa (of course I have neither!) Does anybody know anywhere else I can access the 1891 census? thanks Karen


Vivienne Report 12 Nov 2003 19:10

Hi Andrea, Try http://freecen(.)rootsweb(.)com/ ecluding the brackets. There you can get 1841/51/61/71/91 census for free. At the moment Cornwall, and the northern area seem to be well covered, but Essex - they have hardly anything yet. Good luck (again;) ) Viv


Stan Report 12 Nov 2003 19:13

My advice is to use a little information as possible. For example, trace the person with the most unusual name, do not put in an age, try without a census place or birth place either to see if it is a number of entries you are prepared to scroll through. I looked for a William without success. I entered his surname only, andf found it was because he had appeared as Wm. Best wishes Stan


Annie Report 12 Nov 2003 19:14

Who were you looking for on 1891 Andrea> Maybe we can help .. There are some very - er - individual interpretations of handwriting done by the transcribers. I found one of my family as Francis San, when her name was Francoise Gau .. for example Ann


Andrea Report 13 Nov 2003 12:38

Hi all. Well, I have tried with as little info as possible - cos it only lets me enter the name anyway - and still nothing. One of the families that I can't find is George Casey, wife Frances (named Fanny on both 1881 and 1901 though), children Thomas, James, George, John, Frank, Joseph, William and Margaret. Another is Thomas Fury (spelt Furry on 1881), wife Ellen, kids Mary Jane, Margaret, Kate / Catherine, Elizabeth, Hannah, Ellen and Thomas. Or even Thomas Quinn (or with just one n!) wife Betsy, kids John Thomas, Sarah E, Mary Jane, Alice and Walter. If anyone can find these on the 1891 - please tell me how!! All help appreciated cos I am feeling like I have wasted my money!


jw100 Report 13 Nov 2003 12:58

Andrea Where were these people on the 1881 and 1901 census and how old were they? Jane


Andrea Report 14 Nov 2003 14:41

The Fury and Quinn Families were both in Darwen for both Census. Thomas Fury c1849/1851 (depending on the census!) Ellen Fury c1851 Mary Jane c 1872 (only on 1881, no sign on 1901) Margaret c 1873 Kate c1876 (married in 1899 - have the cert) Elizabeth c1880 Hannah c1885 Ellen c1888 Thomas 1891 (have cert) Thomas Quinn c1851 / 1849 (again depending on census!) Betsy c1855 Joh Thomas c1876 Sarah E c1879 Mary Jane c1880 Alice c1891 Walter c1894 George Casey c1856 Fanny c1859 Thomas c1878 (married and had his own family in 1901) James c1880 George 1886 John c1890 Frank c1891 (have marriage cert) Joseph c1894 William c1896 Margaret c1899 The Casey family were in Blackburn on both 1881 and 1901. If you find any of them, please let me know!


jw100 Report 14 Nov 2003 20:29

Andrea, I've found one family Thomas Quinn 44 Labourer at an iron foundry Betsy 36 cotton weaver John T 14 cotton weaver Sarah E 12 cotton weaver Mary J 10 cotton weaver Alice 6 months They were living at 7 Dover Street, Over Darwen Jane


jw100 Report 14 Nov 2003 20:44

Just found the Furys - they're on the census as Furay! I put in Fur* and census place as Darwen Thomas Furay 36 mason's labourer Ellen 37 Mary Jane 19 cotton creeler Margaret 16 ditto Kate 14 ditto Elizabeth 9 scholar Hannah 6 scholar Ellen 2 Thomas 2 months Jane


Martin Report 15 Nov 2003 09:10

I have been finding lots of people on the fringes of my tree using ancestry co uk. I have previously been through the whole of the 1891 Census for Bolton searching for Briscoe's and probably found the majority. When I got the index I found more married with other names. I am now able to find people outside that area and have picked up quite a lot of distant ancestors. I am also able to save the image of the page from CEB to add to my sources. I will go back over people I have found previously and save the image of the page. There are a few people resisting every search, I presume that they have been mis-transcribed. I will decide next year whether to renew my subscription, they say that they are going to go on to different census years so it might well be worth staying with them. I do have lots of censuses on CD-ROM and these still have the advantage that you can search through a whole "piece" much more quickly than is possible online. Martin