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Bilbrough - Strange Middle Name

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Helen Report 13 Nov 2003 12:49

My great x 3 grandfather's name was William Bilbrough Bradley. Just out of curiosity I wonder if anyone would know where the middle name may have originated from. It is not his mother's maiden name. He was born in York if this helps. Also, any idea how to pronounce it? Presume either Bill-Brow or Bill-Brock..or maybe Bill-Broff! Many thanks Helen


Julie Report 13 Nov 2003 13:05

Hi Helen It's probably of no help but there's a place called Bilborough in Nottingham (slightly different spelling) but it's pronounced Bilbrer (sort of). Cheers Julie


Helen Report 13 Nov 2003 13:10

Thanks, perhaps his parents came from there or something as I haven't been able to find their marriage yet. And another possible pronunciation! Helen


Julie Report 13 Nov 2003 13:16

Well I have census discs for Nottingham for 1841, 1851 and 1861 so if these could be of any help please let me know. Cheers Julie


Helen Report 13 Nov 2003 13:35

Thank you. William was christened in St Cuthberts Church, York in December 1841 so his parents were probably living in York by then but if you could search for his parents David Bradley and Mary (don't know her maiden name) in the '41 census just in case I'd be grateful. Presume they would have been in their 20's. Many thanks Helen


Heather Report 13 Nov 2003 13:36

my 2x grandfathers middle name was Revealer\Reveler depending on which certificate you look at - havent found where this came from either Good luck hevi


Margaret Report 13 Nov 2003 14:37

Could it be his mother's or grandmother's maiden name? This was a very popular method of giving children names. Margaret


Janet Report 13 Nov 2003 14:41

Helen There's a Bilbrough Hepworth born in Pontefract in 1838 on the FreeBMD site, if that's any help! Janet

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 13 Nov 2003 14:56

my gg grandmother was lizzie BRIDGE kemp,she was named bridge after a capt bridges who her mother worked for. karen


Dave Report 13 Nov 2003 15:03

Hi Helen, From IGI:- DAVID BRADLEY married MARY PORTENS 14 JUN 1834 Saint Michael-Le-Belfry , York, Yorkshire, England Dave


Helen Report 13 Nov 2003 16:09

Thank you to all of you - think the name origins will remain a mystery, possibly just named after a friend of the family or something. William seemed to like the name though as he name at least two of his sons that as well (William Bilbrough), one died prior to the birth of the other, haven't been able to find a death for the second but no sign of him since so presume he died as well... David - Thank you for the marriage - very promising as St Michael's is the parish where William was living on the censuses so seems likely. I have searched the registers at FRO for David Bradley marriage after 1837 but none in York. The next step is for me to order William's birth cert and get his mother's maiden name. PS: Also - they appear to have married on my birthday - must be a sign! Helen


Pamela Report 13 Nov 2003 16:24

One of my Great Aunts had the middle name Thornton, this was the married name of her mothers well off and childless sister. She was well down the pecking order (8th of 10 children) so possibly there was a hope she might be in line for any handouts from her Aunt if there were any going. I think that may be the reason for another strange given name I have come across, of which there are two examples the sons of two brothers (presumably in competition for any loot). I also have lots of examples of boys named after their maternal grandfather, or with maiden name of father's mother addedas a middle name. On the other hand my mother in law was named after a neigbour to get out of a family impass where two other relatives thought she should be called after them. If the name was used in successive generations either the original bearer was fond of it, or there was a possibility of `expectations' So the possibility of childless aunts and batchelor uncles or cousins becames a possible option to try follwing up if you have the leads. Pam


Janet Report 13 Nov 2003 16:25

Helen I've discovered that my great grandfather had the same birthday as me - except that he was born in 1846 and I was born in 1946! Strange coincidence, eh? Janet