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1837online help please!
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Unknown | Report | 18 Jan 2004 23:45 |
Hi, Yesterday I offered to do a search on the 1837 site for someone who had asked for help on the board. We were trying to trace his mothers maiden name so I'd offered to look up his birth details and see what name was listed for his mother. However, he gave me his name and d.o.b (1937) and I ran the usual search but he isn't listed. I have never come across this before, and he assures me he definitely was born!!! Any suggestions??!! Thanks in anticipation Eleanorxx |
Deborah | Report | 19 Jan 2004 00:05 |
Hi Eleanor, Can't think of much! Could the surname have been spelt differently? Debbie |
Unknown | Report | 19 Jan 2004 00:19 |
Thanks Debbie and Karen, I have to assume he spells his name correctly but you never know! I've heard about the baptism date thing before too Karen, but I have a feeling that was more often the case longer ago then the 1930's but could be! It's just got me stumped! Thanks for the help though lol Eleanorxx |
Paul | Report | 19 Jan 2004 00:25 |
Hello Eleanor, Was this person born in the UK? They may be a British citizen born of Service parents, so could be on the index which is being scanned by 1837 at the moment Paul |
Unknown | Report | 19 Jan 2004 00:39 |
Hi Paul, hope you're well! Yes, as far as I know he is UK born and bred! I've sent the chap another email and I've included the relevant pages from 1837 for him to look at (I hope he has DjVu!) I remain puzzled! lol Eleanorxx |
Unknown | Report | 19 Jan 2004 23:15 |
Hi Amanda, Thanks for that, you learn something new every day don't you! I know that your situation is not always the case as several of my husbands 1/2 sisters were adopted and they're listed so that rule doesn't always apply. Do you mean you are not listed at all, not even under your birth name? Surely there has to be an original record of your birth prior to adoption which should be viewable if you know your birth name? I know that the adopted name is not entered as that would make our lives (and families!) far too easy to sort out!! If anyone knows the definitive answer to this problem could they please let me know! Thanks Lol Eleanorxx |
George | Report | 19 Jan 2004 23:27 |
Eleanor I have two birth certificates from the early 1940's in the birth names where the word adopted is written in the right hand border.One supplied in 1962 from London and one locally in 1993. I thought it was the standard system. George |
Unknown | Report | 19 Jan 2004 23:41 |
Hello George, That's what I thought was the norm too! I hope Amanda can help us out here! It would be good to know for sure. Eleanorx |
Gordon | Report | 20 Jan 2004 08:45 |
Hi, Was he born in Scotland. These births are not listed on the 1837 site. I know this for sure as I was born in Scotland 1938. Good Luck Gordon |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 10:55 |
Have you thought whether he was actually registered, maybe he wasn't some do slip through the net. Can he remember ever seeing his birth certificate? I have two members of my tree who were never registered even though they should have been, caused enormous problems when they had to confirm who they were for pensions and claiming benefits. KIM |
shropgirl | Report | 20 Jan 2004 11:02 |
I couldnt find my father I knew his exact birth I contacted them, they didnt reply, but when looking again,it was added,in writing, at the bottom of the page, so dont know if it was there in the first place, or added after I contacted them. So its worth looking to see if its added at the bottom... Joan |
zoe | Report | 20 Jan 2004 12:43 |
I have a very similar problem, my great great nanny is not listed on the 1837website I have her dob and searched 2 years either side of the year to be sure but to no avail I have a very battered small birth certificate for her but cannot order full one from this as only lists very scant details. There was an exact entry under different month so I ordered that certificate thinking I had possibly unearthed a family secret that she was from somewhere else with different parents i.e. possibly adopted but then ordered her marriage cert which gives the addresses and names of parents we already knew and completely different to the ones on the other birth cert i ordered. This is just a beware to all that just because details seem to fit this may not always be the case and you should always get other evidence to corrobrate the information you obtain otherwise you could spend a long time investigating a family which is not actually linked to you. Zoë |
Margaret | Report | 20 Jan 2004 13:35 |
Zoe If you have a birth cert of your great gran, battered or not, then you have the registration district on it. Apply to the local office for a full one. Margaret |
Unknown | Report | 20 Jan 2004 18:30 |
Hello! Thanks to everyone who has made suggestions on this one! I have good news from the gentleman in question! He was born in England, has managed to locate his birth certificate and now knows his mothers maiden name! All's well that ends well. However, I still cannot find him on the 1837 so that is still a mystery. I'd still like to know the definitive answer to the question though! Any more help still appreciated. lol Eleanorxx |
Unknown | Report | 20 Jan 2004 23:07 |
Amanda, Thanks for clearing that up! You had me worried for a minute there! Happy hunting to you too! Lol Eleanorxx |