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Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 08:28 |
I have just received 2 marriage certificates each has a line through fathers details for the person I want to trace . One of the certifcates came with a Note saying that the wife was illegitimate and this was pencilled in on the margin of the original certificate . How do I go about tracing relatives when her name was Mary Clark and I don't have any idea where she was born. I have an age - providing she was telling the truth! but no other details- not even an address just an villiage name where she was living without house name or street. I'm a bit stuck . KIM |
Sharon | Report | 20 Jan 2004 09:12 |
Hi What year was the marriage in? You could try and find out where the parish registers are located for the village named on the marriage certificate. If she was baptised there it will give her mothers name and will probably have some reference to her being illegitamate. You could also check the census's for that area and see if you can find her. I know the name Clark is difficult to trace i am at the moment trying to trace my gt granmothers family who were Clark's living in the east end of london and is proving to be virtually impossible, but am making progress very slowly. Hope this helps Sharon |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 09:59 |
The marriage was in 1903 in Ashton keynes she married a Jonah Weaver. I know Ashton keynes was a very small place then .But it was his second marriage and I cannot find any other Clark's there. She was born about 1875 but being illegitimate I'm not sure what the situation would be with her mother, or If indeed her surname was Clark after her parents married or before and she just took the name of her step dad if she had one? KIM |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 10:21 |
No, I hadn't thought of that , Ashton keynes is in Wilts. The family are JONAH WEAVER AND ANNIE M WEAVER. he is 36 and born Ashton keynes , Wife must then have died as he is a widower by 1903 . Mary Clark would be 25/6 but don't know where born. She is 27on Marriage cert in January 1903 . Thankyou KIM |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 13:39 |
thankyou Linda,been to work for a while will look at them and check to see what matches ,thankyou KIM |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 14:43 |
I've now traced that one born Ashton Keynes on1901 census,but can't seem t ofindher on the 1881 when she would be 5 or six.. I wonder whether she was born in Ashton Keynes or just thought she was KIM |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 17:30 |
I think I've narrowed it down with help from Emma on the 1891 records office boards. The children that fit are down to 2 , I think she was either born Stratton or Malmesbury , but probably beleived she was from Ashton keynes, there are some Clarks in Ashton keynes but too old , maybe these were her grandparents. The other possiblity is that she took the name Clark from her step father. I don't know whether you had to give proof of name or birth cert to get married in 1903, if not she could be one of two either the (STEP)daur of William Clark or Francis Clark, but then surely this could have been put on the marriage certificate. Or she may not have come from Witshire at all , in which case she could be anywhere? Not sure of all the legal bit on the marriage ,or even if her birth would be registered as it falls outside the legal date. KIM |
Irene | Report | 20 Jan 2004 20:54 |
Can I say that if no fathers name then she probably did not know him. I have one on my hubbies side, Eliza Blake on children's brith cert. Only problem was I could not find a marriage for her. But I have now and her name was Churcher father was Blake. But then her mothers married name was Smith maiden! name was Churcher though. Have I confused you yet. It did me. Irene |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 23:16 |
Having been all Clarked out I looked on freebmd and put in the registration district for Cricklade which Ashton Keynes came under and lo and behold one entry came up for the right year and it was for MARY WEAVER CLARK. Now this is even more confusing, this means either the Weaver was added incase the parents got married, or what? Could she have known with a crystal ball that she would marry a Weaver or was she some sort of relative the mind boggles . and I thought lewis Judd was confusing enough.... And I shall have to order the certificate now because it intrigues me... even if its not mine..... it ismine, just looked on census she is down as Mary Weaver she was born in June and they Married in September 1875, they must have been cousins. Wow Wow been all round gloucestershire and wiltshire and she was in next street . Going to give myself a pat on the back. not bad days work for littlle old me KIM |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2004 23:46 |
I'm so pleased. At last but are cousins allowed to marry? |
Irene | Report | 21 Jan 2004 00:28 |
Yes they did but they did not like it. Irene |
Kim | Report | 21 Jan 2004 08:27 |
2 things are interesting here. 1. She does not mention she is a Weaver on the marriage certificate and the father's name is absent. So is the case that illegitimate children weren't allowed to enter father's details unless they were on the birth certificate? They must of known he was the father to have is name as her middle name. Also when seeking work, getting married she dropped the Weaver name, for Clark. 2.I'm sure Jonah needed a wife with all those young children and she may have been staying with him anyway to help , being a relative. O if only for a time machine to see what happened......must have been gossip in that village?! THis will confuse my tree...... Jonah was 38 in 1901 census and still 38 when he married....... Thankyou all for your help KIM |
BobClayton | Report | 21 Jan 2004 08:44 |
Cousins have been allowed to marry since the 16 century. Bob |
Researching: |
Kim | Report | 21 Jan 2004 14:18 |
Thankyou Bob, for that info , I didn't know that, would it be 'frowned upon'' though or just normally accepted? I also don't get why her father'sdetails aren't on the marriage cert.KIM |