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How do you reconfigure Norton Internet Security 20

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Unknown Report 22 Jan 2004 22:19

Hi, I've had to turn Norton Internet security and/or firewall to off in order to access Freebmd and another website or two. I was advised to allow an "exception" in my Norton software options, by opening Norton and clicking on help, to avoid doing this. This I did and eventually found instructions to follow to achieve this. As instructed by Symantec, I opened NIS and double clicked on privacy control only to receive a message saying "You have insufficient privileges to complete the operation". So I then double clicked on Firewall and received a similar message saying "You do not have the necessary rights to configure the item you have double clicked". Does anybody have any idea what this all means, and how I can reconfigure Norton Internet Security 2004, to enable me to gain access to Freebmd etc without taking the unwise step of closing down Security and/or Firewall. I'd appreciate some help on this. Thanks in anticipation. Di. Preferably words of 4 syllables or less as I'm still relatively new to all this stuff.

Linda from Murton

Linda from Murton Report 22 Jan 2004 22:44

I dont use Norton, but feel sure that if you register and go into the Helproom of pc advisor someone in there will be able to help. Just go to www.pcadvisor(.)co(.)uk and follow the steps to register - then click on Helproom Good luck

Linda & Tim

Linda & Tim Report 22 Jan 2004 23:40

I used to use Norton - but found it a really pain in the neck, especially when trying to do look-ups on freeBMD. It blocked me from just about everything I wanted to access no matter how and what settings I changed. Lots of people on this site advised clicking on all sorts of things to solve the problem... In the end I removed Norton from my system, installed an alternative virus checker and firewall and have had no further problems. My laptop is happy and so am I. I get no more error messages, no more pop-ups, no more Messenger thingies and I can access whatver I need to without aggravation. I know some people are fans of Norton... but I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


Janet Report 23 Jan 2004 01:13

I've always used Norton, and recently updated it because I was so pleased with its performance. I must say I've never had any problems accessing any sites I wanted to. How odd that you should have experienced problems. It works for me. Janet


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2004 01:33

Thanks Linda & Linda, I've just registered and added my question to the helproom forum, so hopefully someone there will have the answer. Thanks for letting me know about PCadvisors because I often have computer queries and it's great to have somewhere instantly available to turn to. Regards, Di.


Judy Report 23 Jan 2004 01:50

Greetings all.... Just to clarify, Norton Anti-Virus (an excellent program!) and Norton Firewall are two completely different programs....although they can, and do, depending on what you purchase, come on the same disk. You can uninstall Norton Firewall and leave the Norton Anti Virus intact. The firewall program is the one that prevents you from viewing sites....not the anti virus. Norton Anti Virus is for, obviously, keeping your computer virus free. Norton Firewall prevents hackers from attacking your system. Di, your problem sounds like it a password protected problem.....a feature Norton Firewall has. Do you know who installed your firewall (friend or technician at the store)? If so, ask them if they password protected the program. Judy


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2004 02:11

Hi Judy, My grandson installed it, so I'll contact him and find out what he did. Thanks for the advise. Appreciate it. Di Mine is all on the one disc by the way..


Julie, Report 23 Jan 2004 10:29

I installed Norton, firewall and anti virus, about a year ago and I too was very pleased with the way it was working. I can only assume some recent live update is causing the problems others and I am now experiencing. I could no longer get a 'search' tab to work on an airline site because of a 'Java script' problem. I tried all sorts of ways of refiguring my privacy controls etc and eventually found I could only use the tab if I disabled the Norton Internet Security thing - you know - the blue and green ball thingy. And yes, as a the Supervisor you need to enter a password to disable it. I found I did not need to disable the virus protector, which I was very uneasy about doing anyway. Now, is the blue and green thingy the firewall bit? Has anyone found a way of telling Norton not to disable harmless stuff?


Julie, Report 23 Jan 2004 10:32

Oh, and by the way. Does my name appear in big black letters at the beginning of a message only to me (all yours are in small green letters) and why is my full name there? How can I become Julie of Timbuktoo or whatever?


BrianW Report 23 Jan 2004 11:08

Your name appears in black to you only so that you can easily pick out your own posts. To change the way you appear go to "Edit/View Details" top left, enter your password and amend the lower name field.


Julie, Report 23 Jan 2004 13:04

Got it! Many thanks.


Judy Report 23 Jan 2004 17:12

Julie....yes, the blue and green thingy is the Norton Firewall. Unfortunately I can't walk you through how to make exceptions for harmless sites as I've uninstalled that part of Norton on my machine long ago and I don't recall exactly how I allowed the exceptions....but, there are many knowledgeable people here at GC who will come across you request on this thread that will advise how....I've seen the "how to" on another I'm sure there is someone out there on GC that has the answer. Judy


Andy Report 23 Jan 2004 22:31

To create an exception in Norton Internet Security 2004 for Freebmd: Click on the World Icon on the task bar at the bottom of screen, this will bring up the Norton Internet Security application window. Look for the box that says "Settings for" then click on where it says "Privacy Control" then on the right hand side box will now display Privacy control and two yellow buttons click on "configure" button, which opens the Privacy Control window. Now click the "Advanced" button, which opens the advanced control window. Now click the "Add Site" button, then type in the web address (WITHOUT www infront of it.) Now you should find freebmd address in the list on the left hand side, next click on freebmd address in the list, then on the right hand side where it says "Global Settings" Uncheck the following: "Use default settings" then check permit "Information about visited sites" then check permit "Animated Images" then check permit "Scripts" then check permit "Flash animation" then check permit Finally Click "OK" button and close the remaining windows Now Nortons firewall should be configured for Freebmd. Now go and get yourself a well earned drink, lol.


Unknown Report 24 Jan 2004 03:44

Hi everybody, Thanks for all the replies. On the advice of Linda Hall I registered with pcadvisor, , clicked on "help forum" and entered my problem and received a reply back within a couple of hours leading me to full directions from Symantec for how to solve my problem. It appears my "Supervisor account" is corrupted and after confirming this I have to check for other firewall applications in program files list, disable any I find, then clean boot the computer, uninstall Norton, clean boot computer again, and then reinstall either with all options and default settings or by using the customized installation. After this I should be able to access options and privacy control and adjust so that I can access freebdm without temporarily losing the Norton protection. Thanks Andrew for your instructions which I've just copied. I'll get the sherry bottle out ready!!! I shan't be doing it for a day or two as my son is going to instal XP for me. Again thanks for the suggestions. I can highly recommend cpadvisor. There are many, many answered questions to browse through in the help forum and if you can't find the answer to your question, enter it and wait for a reply. Di.