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How many names on a marriage reference?
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Barbara | Report | 26 Jan 2004 00:11 |
But do you know what the spookiest thing is? My maiden name is Priestman!!! Theres no connection as far as I know, as mine are from London, but of course I am now going to go off on a tangent and research a family that are barely connected to me at all. Isn't genealogy fun! |
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Emma | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:50 |
Barbara, Who'd have thought it....Josiah Priestman was obviously the name to have!...What's at the top of the name lists today, Jack and Emily is it? Not quite in the same league as Josiah Priestman!! :) Emma. |
Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:44 |
Emma different family. Elizabeth is from Birkenhead and John and Sarah live the other side of the Wirral. I tell you I feel I know all the branches intimately lol |
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toto | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:41 |
hi barbara i had just one name on the freebmd and it was the one i put in. allen |
toto | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:41 |
hi barbara i had just one name on the freebmd and it was the one i put in. allen |
Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:38 |
Can you hear the twilight zone music playing? I've just burned a bigger hole in the plastic and looked for Elizabeth Scarratt on the 1901 census. Sure enough there she is living with Josiah P Scarratt who is a journeyman baker aged 22. The one in Liverpool is 36! He was born in neston while the other was born in Bebington. I would never have thought that possible! At least the mystery is solved! Thanks for your help Barbara |
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Emma | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:35 |
Barbara, Have you found your Elizabeth Youlds on 1891 census? Is she the daughter of John Youlds and Sarah? Emma. |
Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:21 |
Maybe he was a bigamist? perhaps he did marry my Elizabeth Youds after all? As I said above he had a three year old and a 1 year old in 1901 which would tie in with a 1896 marriage. I suppose the other possibility would be that there were two Josiah? But we are talking a combination of three unusual names here. Very odd! |
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Emma | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:11 |
Barbara, Did Josiah marry twice? Found this on ancestry: Crowder, Walter 1896 September Marriages Lancashire 8b 887 Johnson, Georgina 1896 September Marriages Lancashire 8b 887 Midgley, Annie 1896 September Marriages Lancashire 8b 887 Scarratt, Josiah Priestman 1896 September Marriages Lancashire 8b 887 Emma. |
Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 23:06 |
lol thanks Emma. I've just had a look on 1837 and Josiah definitely got married when it says as the numbers are clear. I guess I will either have to send for the cert or hang out for freebmd to complete the records. I maybe here some time........ |
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Emma | Report | 25 Jan 2004 22:59 |
Barbara, Yes there can be more than 4 names is the short answer! Emma. |
Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 22:55 |
When you use freebdm, if you click on the marriage refernce it will throw up a list of names. I always assumed that this would be four names and that therefore you could assume that these were two couples. Trouble is after spending money on 1901 it seems this is not right. marriages Mar 1/4 1901 Birkenhead 8a 649 Newhouse, Thomas 1901 March Marriages Cheshire 8a 649 Scarratt, Josiah Priestman 1901 March Marriages Cheshire 8a 649 Youds, Elizabeth 1901 March Marriages Cheshire 8a 649 Newhouse, Hannah Eunice 1901 March Marriages Cheshire 8a 649 On the census, Thomas Newhouse is living with wife Hannah E, so you would then suppose that leaves Elizabeth Youds to marry Josiah Priestman Scarratt. Why then is he happily ensconced with wife Georgina and children Elsie 3 and Alice 1 on the census? Oh for a full database! So the question is, can there be more than four names? |
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Barbara | Report | 25 Jan 2004 22:51 |
See below |
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