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Dont know what to do about this

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Karen Report 27 Jan 2004 15:55

See below


Karen Report 27 Jan 2004 15:57

Hi I've been doing some census research today, and discovered on the 1871 census that my gg Grandad John Timms, might not of been a Timms, he could have been a Harrison, his mother, Sarah is showing on the 1871 as being housekeeper to Benjamin Timms (who I thought was Johns Dad) but John is showing as being a Harrison (Sarah is also showing as being a Harrison) not a Timms (hope this makes sense.) Benjamin and Sarah must have married at some point thou between 1871 and 1875, because when he died he left Sarah a family bible that said to his wife, so Sarahs children must have taken on his name. I have the marriage certificates for John, and Sarahs other children that were named on the census - Mary Jane and Benjamin and on all of them it shows their father as being Benjamin Timms, I am now wondering if the were born out of wedlock and Benjamin is their dad, or when they got married they took on Benjamins surname as well, and put him down as their Father even though he wasnt. Hope this all makes sense, at the mo, I'm thinking "oh my god, I'm not really a Timms, I'm a Harrison!, and how do I put this on my family tree without changing every Timms to a Harrison". Any suggestions would be appreciated. PS I tried ordering Johns birth certificate last month from GRO, but they couldnt find the entry, even though I had his date of birth, which makes me think that his birth wasnt registered as a Timms, but a Harrison


Karen Report 27 Jan 2004 21:48

Thanks Amanda, your an angel Apparently John was born 10/3/1864 and on the 1871 census it says he was born in Westminster. Thanks again for offering. Karen

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 28 Jan 2004 07:18

Uness John's birth certificate names a different father, I think Benjamin is still likely to be your man. I have come across a similar situation, where the 1851 housekeepers child was registered with the surname of the head of the household on her birth certificate, but then was buried under her mother's name. It's not easy tracking such folk.


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 09:00

Hi You could always ask if someone is willing to do a baptism look up for you in the area he was born, this may give you a little more information to go on. Karen


Michelle Report 28 Jan 2004 13:13

Hi Karen It could be that Sarah was married before and John was a result of this marriage. Later, when Sarah married Benjamin, John could have either been adopted by Benjamin or just taken the surname Timms. Hope this helps Michelle


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 13:20

Hi Michelle Thanks for your reply. Did adoptions exist in the 1870's?


Janet Report 28 Jan 2004 14:05

Where Sarah is shown as Housekeeper, is she Unmarried, Married or Widowed? Jan


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 14:11

Hi I'm not sure, both Benjamin and Sarahs status bit is really hard to read, Benjamins looks like Widow, and Sarahs looks like a scribble. I asked the librarian, but she was at a loss to what it said as well, and she had only just gone on a course about reading old writing. ARGHHHH!!!!!


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 14:13

The thing that confuses me is, if Sarah really was just a housekeeper and the three kids are really just hers, why did Benjamin have a housekeeper? his job was only a stone mason so it wasnt as if he was lord of the manor or on mega bucks and the house they lived in wasnt big either.


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 14:25

Perhaps the designation 'Housekeeper' simply means that she was 'keeping house' and not actually employed as a housekeeper? I've found ancestors in the census where the female states her maiden name & writes 'in the home' or 'housekeeper' under occupation meaning that she works in the home and not as a dairymaid or whatever. Maybe 'Domestic Engineer' will confuse future generations of researchers too..... K.


www.Siouxhealer Report 28 Jan 2004 14:38

LOL, You just reminded me Karen, thats what I put on my last census form! .....and my husband insisted on being one of those who put Jedi down as a religion ....goodness knows whos going to read that someday! Sioux


Karen Report 28 Jan 2004 14:42

Heh heh! I insisted on putting 'Pagan' on my form. My flatmate put 'Jedi'. I'm hoping it gives my descendents an insight into my life......... K.