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Australian help/advice needed......
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Yvette | Report | 9 Feb 2004 07:26 |
Marion Still can't get it to work :~( I tried using an m just in case, but no joy! Thanks for trying to help, i guess i will have to try 'snail mail' with the papers in Victoria, and hope someone will be recognise the names i am after. To think i have often thought my family of today can be hard to work out at times, lol !! Thanks again. Regards Yvette |
Marion | Report | 8 Feb 2004 13:38 |
Hi Yvette. No i found i couldnt get it ,dont know why but try entering this (that is an r and an n in the word rncutter---looks abit like an m] Then click on aust family research look up service Marion West Aust |
Yvette | Report | 8 Feb 2004 10:56 |
Judith and Marion Thanks for the help, i am going to try everything suggested, so lets hope i have some luck! Regards Yvette Marion I have tried to access the site you mentioned, but i am having no luck, could you please check it for me? Thanks Yvette |
Marion | Report | 8 Feb 2004 05:23 |
Hi Yvette. This is a site to request B D M look ups in Victoria. It might help you Best of luck marion in west aust |
Judith | Report | 8 Feb 2004 03:44 |
I am still trying to give you the address -1st is rsvp,then at, then smh,then a full stop,then com, then the abbreviation for Australia. |
Judith | Report | 8 Feb 2004 03:41 |
Yvette,This is another try at putting in the smh email address. It is rsvp (@)smh(.)com(.)au |
Judith | Report | 8 Feb 2004 03:38 |
Yvette, The Sydney Morning Herald has a section called "Community RSVP" for reunions,requests and infirmation. Many people use it for family history research. The address is GPO box 3771, Sydney, NSW, 2001 or [email protected] - it is free. Your last known address is actually in Victoria,The SMH's sister paper in Melbourne is The Age, I do not know if they have a similar column but you could try writing to them as well. Judith in Australia |
Yvette | Report | 7 Feb 2004 23:05 |
Hi Dierdre Many thanks for those links, I will have a look at them. Hi Marion and Pat My English geography is bad enough so heaven help me with anything else, lol! I don’t know where my Pomeroy family were living, but their daughter settled in Warrnambool, Victoria, however she married and is a grandmother, so I am not sure where she may be now. My best hope is to try and trace death records of Alfred and Edith Pomeroy, or the birth records for their daughter. I have been told by a fellow genealogist that Alfred died in 1961, but my parents are adamant that cant be right, so I am even more confused than normal, lol !! I know for a fact Edith died in either 1983 or 1984 as I remember seeing her obituary in a local free paper whilst visiting my ( now deceased ) grandparents. Is there a site I can go to that covers death records or obituaries in Australia? I am really grateful for the help and advice from you all. Regards Yvette |
Marion | Report | 7 Feb 2004 12:04 |
Hi Yvette Is she from western australia ? . I have just looked in our phone directory and found a V & A Pomeroy.Let me know if you need more details Marion-- Western Australia |
*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* | Report | 7 Feb 2004 11:52 |
Hello Yvette, Just been reading today's Daily Mail (Weekend Magazine), where they are running an series of researching family history articles. Noticed they have mentioned a couple of sites for researching Australian rellies. No idea if they will be of any use to you, but here they are: The Australian Family History Compendium (www(.)cohsoft(.) - apparently this is a site devoted to the exploration of Australian records. Also, which has sub-categories for Australia, plus Ships' Passenger Lists. Don't forget to remove all brackets from the web addresses! Hope this is of help. Dierdre X |
Pat | Report | 7 Feb 2004 11:47 |
Hi, Do you know which State of Australia your relative lived. That may help any Australian Members to try to help. Regards Pat in Australia |
Yvette | Report | 7 Feb 2004 11:43 |
Thanks for that Philip, its handy to know for future Uk names i am after, however it wont deal with Australian ones, which is what i am stuck on at present. Yvette |
Yvette | Report | 7 Feb 2004 09:44 |
Hi Can anyone help me with a name query? I know that i have a family on my tree that went to Australia after 1921, surname of Pomeroy, and that they had a daughter who is still alive and living out there. My problem is that i don't know if her Christian name is Eileen or Elaine or Aileen, i met her briefly in the early 1980's when she came over to visit, but no-one in the family can agree to her name so i am finding it hard to trace her. I have an old address for her, but would really like to have the correct name when i write to her. I have tried Cyndi's List for help until i have developed a monster headache, with no luck so far!! Any ideas would be VERY gratefully received. Yvette |